Just a PSA for all the wormbrained trannies

If you are clean, thin-ish, smell nice, and not a feminist, men will be tripping over each other trying to date you. There's is so little holding you back from finding a boyfriend that finding one is the least of your worries given you must not even take basic care of your physical and mental health if you're having trouble with it.

Those men are losers though, you can't leave that part out. Ugly, unclean, bad smelling, uneducated, very loud losers that expect you to pay for their life while they scream about woke in games.

Not at all. All of them shower and most are in the gym regularly. Not being a feminist is a prerequisite for dating any decent guy like not being a transphobe is for dating you, nobody loves a hater.

I'm not a feminist at all, I keep myself and my clothes clean, but I just smell bad for whatever reason

actually a lot of chasers for me seem to be gym bros. Still boring personality wise mostly but they look good and have big dicks usually. Funny cus I prefer women.

you can’t date men if you support women's rights

Misogynistic homosexuals are so stupid and funny

can confirm, basic hygiene, decent diet routine, redpilled, and I found one after like 1 month of socializing after refusing to do so for the past 5 years.
He loves me very much and is surprisingly not a chaser.
Believe what you want but high value men willing to date a trannie for more than just fetishistic reason do exist, just gotta find your diamond in the rough, and 4b will only make it even easier.

t. mtf youngshit canuck who loves her bf very much

I want to get SRS so no man will love me

Try resetting your diet. Certain foods can make certain people stink. Or try changing up your showering products. If all else fails wear perfume religiously.

Feminism hasn't been about women since the turn of the millenium. It's a man hating cult and you can't expect to date men believing in it anymore than a man can hope to date you while believing in some JK Rowling bullshit.

Still boring personality wise

Most people on earth do not live lavish influencer lives and neither do you. Having a shared hobby or two is the standard and then you just enjoy each others company the rest of the time.

Well for non lunatic people feminism is just advocating for women’s rights. Like pro abortion and lowering the cost on tampons, pads etc., making the punishment for rape worse etc pp

So killing the children they hope to raise someday and total non issues in the face of so many other pressing concerns? Yeah, you enjoy your cake miss Antoinette.

Her body her choice. Most unwanted children are treated like shit, live unhappy lives and become horrible people. You’re doing the child a favor too. Let women decide if they are ready to have children and let actual good mothers foster children.

not a feminist

i wonder if you people even know what feminism is. it’s not just le ebin moid hate, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to end the oppression of women in our society and treat them as equals. you might as well just said “let him patronize you and make vaguely sexist comments at your expense”.

I sure hope you're bi.

I'm bi but in a relationship w a man

Okay cool, praying for him.

we are both happy. You aren’t in a relationship yourself right?

name 3 things feminism is campaigning for that doesn't hurt men

if feminism hurts you, it’s a you problem i can’t lie.

i am all these things but iwn find a boyfriend because cant have sex issue
no man wants a life of only blowjobs forever

it’s not just le ebin moid hate

yeah it's also le ebin tranny hate

so 0?

Why can't you have sex? You'd also be surprised how long oral can hold a guy over until you get SRS, IBS under control, etc.

abortion rights

closing the pay gap

women having the right to vote

there, 3.


the guys i like never want to treat me nicely. its not the issue of if someone will like me its the issue of if i even like them enough to go on a date. lot of dudes ether dont let me talk at all, dont let me do what i want, or choose to fuck around behind my back. yall want to be a dude who fits someone like me? just be kind to the person you like, dosent have to be in public with that crap but as long as your nice in private and they listen to you and yall keep eachothers company. thats a keeper ngl.

anti-family +/-

already outearning men and making it worse -

goal has been reached for the last century +/-

so a -1, a 0 that hurts men who want families but not ones who don't, and a nothingburger that doesn't even help women

"it's not le ebin moid hating"

proceeds to openly hate men 2 posts later

smell nice

Too bad hormones make tranners smell terrible

i am a man i’m just being silly because i really don’t give a shit about something being “anti family” or not

abortion isn't anti family n families shouldn't be the end goal anyway when humanity is overpopulated. you're probably gonna say "muh we aren't overpopulated" but we are and science backs it up
women are outlearning men bc men are failing to pull their own weight and nurture the next generation. the pay gap still isn't closed.
wot? r u gay or sum?

men never approach me and I'm all those things. is it because they see my wedding ring?

Why can't you have sex?

anal is gross and painful
colorectal issues make me a likely non-candidate for SRS, i would be at high risk of horrible gross complications like rectovaginal fistula. suporn clinic would still operate i think but i am on the fence about SRS because of that. i need it to have sex, but i don't know if sex is worth the risk of a broken vagina that fills up with shit. not like i can get pregnant anyway so what's the point

overpopulated because uhm science

funny because the science actually says we're heading towards a population collapse everywhere but in the poorest countries

women are outlearning men bc men are

*systemically oppressed at all levels of education and hiring

the pay gap still isn't closed.

finally something true, men are definitely still earning less and getting less opportunity and this gap should be closed

Yes anon. Men don't homewreck the way women do.

colorectal issues

Just don't get the self lubing kind. Plenty of cis women need lube too ya know, men are fine with that.

Meant the second line for

no response

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there is no need to respond to bait