What happened to our men? :(

What happened to our men? :(

smhmyhead.jpg - 1001x900, 695.56K

i dont think trans masc means the same thing as trans man

wtf he looks a lot younger now, he like aged in reverse

It doesn't but for the sake of the meme I kept it the same.

There needs to be a trans man seperatist movement from the transmascs. Hons are bad but I feel like being a trans man is worse because "ftm" women are so fucking annoying.

smartest Anon Babble user

This is just men in general. People want to remain youthful. Alas, gen z is aging terribly for whatever reason.

t.norwood 3v at 24

This isn't about age. I'm wondering why trans men went from being predominantly normal/trutrans to predominantly trenders.

nobody cares stop seething about masc faggots


"Transmasc" and "trans man" are two different things. A transmasc is just an enby who is "masculine", the opposite of a transfem. They're not actually trans or men.

i want to have sex with both idc

Transmascs are enbies so they're already not a part of the trans "movement" even though they love to pretend they are.


In the early 90s radfem academics were publishing articles, discussing the transgender problem. Specifically how they saw mtf as men invading their spaces, and how they saw ftm as women that they were losing. To counter this, one of the solutions was to promote and support non-binary, queer, and gender non-conforming movements. By the late 00s this was already being popularized among young women and communities that were popular with young women.

is it possible that attractive female-looking things get more clicks on modern social media regardless of whether they think you're gay for liking someone who looks, dresses, acts, and talks exactly like a heterosexual cis female? or is the alternative (that you were born in le wrong decade) more likely

So non binary shit is a terf conspiracy?

Trenders and theyfabs.

the passing ftms i kmow irl aren't posting selfies or fembrained tiktoks. i think some of it is confirmation bias

Unironically, yes.

your numbers are already low, if you split you will have even less strength.

what all oppressed peoples need is solidarity, but unfortunately the progressive left is obsessed with moral superiority and confuses complicity via collaboration with the sort of compromise and gradual change that is necessary in a democracy. So they get perfectionist paralysis and while they bicker and fight the folks on the right all get in formation and are reading from the same page of the sheet music, too.

It's all so tiresome.

That makes sense. Sharing pictures of yourself online is mostly a woman thing, men don't benefit from it like women do. Personally I'm ftm and I don't even have social media.

We don't need enbies.

Holy hell. Never thought of it that way. I assume it's a part of their "gender should be abolished because it's oppressive'' thing? Or is it a separate issue?

And they're also not masculine

if it helps any st4t gals my boyfriend looks like the one on the left. there's still hope

What's the name on the left?

Sounds schizo but I believe it.

If you pay attention you'll notice that terfs and enbies all believe in the same thing; the abolition of gender. Both believe that sex and gender are two separate things and that trans men are just females who pretend to be men and that trans women are just males pretending to be women. They don't believe you need dysphoria to be trans and they don't believe being trans is a medical issue. Both are against HRT and surgeries and think being trans is all about playing dress up.
Both terfs and enbies want to render gender and sex meaningless. Both terfs and enbies put the needs of women (AFABS) above the needs of everyone else. Both terfs and enbies see men (AMABS) as predators.
The enbies of today are the terfs of tomorrow.

afabs will be the death of trans optics, you're gonna have a wave of these people saying they were groomed on every talk show in the next 15 years.

Too funny
Women want to be GNC
...but women can already be GNC
We empowered to be whatever, so now "woman" is basically a huge swath of behavioral territory, overlapping with all the nasty parts of "man" behavioral territory.

The only parts of this metaphorical space that are "man"-exclusive are the parts that feature self-hatred of being the "rape" gender and overaccountability.

How smelly is his dick

Women have literally taken everything that used to belong just to men and made it their own. See: men's fashion.

the one good thing about Trump winning. all the trenders and fake trans will say sike and go back to avoid persecution. the attention they get isnt worth the backlash. it'll be awesome

the problem is these are cissexual people who 99% of the time have some insane hidden transphobia, have little motivation to help actual trans people, and barely understand the issues. being spineless has literally never worked out for us, centrism is the dumbest fucking shit you can pull when the enemy is calling you clinically insane pedos & rapists

the progressive left

that wording makes me want to spoon your eyes out but do you actually fucking think trannies have a large amount of control in mainstream progressive ideas? how retarded are you? this is just respectability politics pretending not to be respectability politics

i hate enbies too but me when i lie on the internet


Literally me

Well, "we" sort of unilaterally did that, as a society.

Feminism was very careful not to enthuse about sharing the rotten parts of being the disposable sex with the not-disposable sex.

People/women adopt the label of transmasc or transman because they view women as gross/oversexualized/cant justify sexualizing themselves as a women. So, to cope and escape the weight of society they wrongly or rightly feel, they use a different word for themselves. This only happens ot afabs due to the unique way in which society hates women, society also hates men but it is different so amabs are generally not like this. Hope this helps.

Hatred against AFaBs comes from the feminist age failing.
They have more power without more sweat. We still baby them. We still find them biofunctionally dozens of times more valuable.
This spice blend doesn't exactly beget a perfectly likeable person.

Then why are so many transmascs and fake "trans men" only fans whores? IndigoWhite for example.

This only happens ot afabs due to the unique way in which society hates women, society also hates men but it is different so amabs are generally not like this

Mtfs transition due to misandry all the time.

what made you come to this conclusion?

One on the right is cute as fuck
Our trans men got more attractive over time I don't see the problem

okay anon

well there is multi-thousand year war brewing constantly and the last time men existed was in europe in the 1940's.

Genuinely shit taste. You might as well have sex with a crackhead.

You just hating anon he's real cute
Look at his hair, and the tats, and the very kissable lips
Idk what to tell you man but crack doesn't make you look attractive

Dyed hair, piercings and tattoos can make anyone look hideous, but even underneath all that she still looks sickening.

he could pass well, if he put some effort into it

Left picrel was born without a uterus (müllerian agenesis)

I don't care nothing about that anon I like what I see and he's fine