Seeing this kind of image just proves how some are misusing trans identities to cater to their fetishes. If you're turned on by the idea of being or behaving like a woman, that's not the same as being trans. Being transgender is about identity, not arousal. Let's not confuse genuine gender dysphoria with fetishizing women's experiences or bodies.
Seeing this kind of image just proves how some are misusing trans identities to cater to their fetishes...
You are right anon, but you're speaking to deaf ears.
Oh gee uh, do women not enjoy having women's bodies? Is that your experience?
teeheehee back bendy go arch arch very curvy women are hyperfem bimbos with arched backs, fat butts and thighs and always wear heels teeheehee
Being aroused by your societal preconceptions of how women are treated as lesser in society in order to fuel your twisted humiliation kink is NOT the same and NEVER will be.
Oh huh, isnt that funny? Well i mean, women have lived patriarchal conditions for some time now and gee well, they seem able to achieve sexual arousal. At least around me haha. Do you suppose its impossible for social pressures to kind of influence your sexuality? See ive got a hunch, now its just a hunch and im a nobody, but ive got a hunch theres even some women who get off on being humiliated. Isnt that weird? How two people can have the same kink but you see it differently? Boy people are funny i tell ya.
yes YES
yeah obviously anon, but I don't think most transwomen save this crap. I would only have this image ironically to mock sissy fetishists.
Gee i mean, i see women like that and trying to be like that a lot. You think that maybe theyre all trans women too? Or just AGP?
Only a man would think of bottoming as something that makes you lesser in value.
You're so stupid it hurts. You're mixing up fetishes with genuine trans experiences, and it's muddying the waters. Being trans isn't about getting off on "feeling like a woman." It’s about identity aligning with personal truth, not some fleeting sexual thrill.
People can be into whatever kinks they want, including humiliation or whatever else floats their boat, but that’s separate from being transgender. Trans folks change their lives, face societal backlash, and take significant personal risks to live as their true selves, because it’s who they are.
no point if it doesn't get your dick hard
Lol what about Dworkin. In fact women have been coping with the reality that bottoming makes them lesser for the better part of the last 100 years. Literally the entire premise of modern feminism is women freaking out because they view themselves as lesser.
Don't bother replying to me I will not read it as I do not care for the words of a bottom.
90% of western trans women are AGPTS
"Being transgender is about identity, not arousal"
That's because you only look at women in porn online
lots of assumptions here, anon. pretty sure a lot of AGPs just like how feeling pretty makes them feel…
Thats a good point, thats a very good point. Its about living your truth, not fetishes. But uh, gee, what if your truth is kind of steamy? Yknow i dont mean to be crass but most people yknow we like a bit of that; a finger here, a stroke there, a little pinch of slap. And so eh, well it seems to me that maybe someone's truth could include their gender identity and also their preference for kinky sex? Or even for a lot of sex or a sexy look? Yknow i dress kinda sexy myself but im not terribly interested in sex in public or with strangers, im an old fashioned gal, so all this to say it just seems mighty odd this is a point of contention now, doesnt it?
Yes, it makes them feel a boner. And then they feel that boner with their hand. It's very well documented.
Oh uh, no sir thats where youre wrong. Ive worked a couple pink collar jobs in fact and currently i deal with the public. That is to say sir that i see literally 1000s of women in any given work day. For several years sir.
True. MEFs are a subtype of AGP, not AGP as a whole
What if I wanna have that body but be fully dressed? I just have severe gender dysphoria and need my body to be feminine
Now I have to ask you:
What does it matter if you are trans or not? If a person with the profile you described is not valid, make the transition and be happy. Why does this validation matter?
nta, but are you aware of how fucking common misogyny kink is in cis women?
In addition, even without considering that, "enjoy having women's bodies" likely wasn't even meant about sexual context or about humiliation. Being a woman/having a woman's body is more than just sexism + being a sex object, ya know.
AGP can be trans. Gender dysphoria is what defines transsexualism. Both may occur comorbidly.
I have never met a cis woman who doesn’t get some sexual gratification from feeling desirable, straight or otherwise. It’s a fundamental facet of sexuality. Unless you think people are supposed to just fuck and completely ignore themselves.
Ha. I'm not even a bottom or anything, i just reject any feminist ideas that are still based on a funadmentally masculine value system. When two things exist in opposition to one another, they are of equal value.
Oh i see now, so the cis women who are into things like the OP are just AGP. Gee so i guess its actually pretty normal to be "AGP" as a woman isnt it?
That is not the same at all as what i am describing in the OP. Not even slightly the same.
Bro you are malding so hard right now
Trans type A have a shared delusion that they are special, are different from other trannies, are inherently a woman, AND that the world agrees with them.
When it suits them they invoke ideas of perception and acceptance as evidence that they're "valid" and reject them just as easily when they disagree with them.
For example, a type A hate what they are and therefore despise any sort of fetishization of transness. They'll refer to the moral panic surrounding trans sexuality as proof of their validity. However when it comes to SRS, an absolute must for type As, suddenly the perception of the majority that SRS is at best not a vagina and at worst butchery is inconsequential.
Type As are obsessed with making of their mental illness a virtue.
Except that’s what the opicrel is? You’re just projecting your weird obsession with gatekeeping performed sexuality onto an image that says being pretty/attractive is fun, which isn’t an idea that’s unique to trans women lmao get a grip.
based based based fuck the agp rapehons saying otherwise
I’m so excited to see what trans type Z looks like, as well as all the future panic threads on the board asking if their trans type passes.
What is it with you auts and your need to categorize every facet of the human experience like it’s pokemon
Being transgender is about identity, not arousal.
half of this board disagrees with you
Being AGP is not normal for cis women. AGP is produced by an erotic target identity inversion (ETII). The erotic target is female, and while typically directed outwardly, it can reverse and be directed at the self—an erotic target location error (ETLE).
I do find it funny how many here will use Blanchardian terminology without understanding the typology.
If the world is against truth, that does not make the truth wrong, it makes the world wrong.
OK I'm a sissy who loves pics like that and I'm not trans. What's the problem?
they will never pick you. stop gatekeeping. hons with the jeep are not the ones trying to take your rights away, fucking retard
i am a meta attracted (not entirely sure) agp twinkhon and i'm proud :3
good. normally i think the pride shit is dumb, but given the way this one particular sexuality is treated i think we do need a lot more AGP pride parades. if only to fuck with these stupid hypocrites
This sounds like a bunch of bs. Does a 5 year ond who wants to dress up as a girl and identifies with girl characters in film/media even have an "erotic target"? It only becomes erotic as a result of puberty and influence of testosterone. It doesn't make much sense for the erotic component to be considered the "initiator" in all this.
Woo woo das so cool :D
AGP needs more acceptance. Posts like OP does NOT help
posts like op are true, it's the proper way to game
AGP typically starts presenting itself at the start of puberty. The example of a 5 year old is a case of HSTS.
AGP must be sacrificed so true transsexuals can live in peace. They are male fetishists
then you would have to accept the case of the once-HSTS AGP who was "turned AGP" by being forced to go through male puberty, wouldn't you? and at that point, what use is the typology? clearly there are other conditioning factors that make more of a difference than blanchard's fanciful "erotic target location error"
The example of a 5 year old is a case of HSTS
Dworkin is insane and probably asexual.
There are some exceptions with hypersexual individuals, so sometimes AGP may display earlier, but that is not typical.
There is also rarer cases where AGPs will show patterns similar to HSTS. For instance I expressed gender nonconformity and some cross-sex behavior at an early age, but feelings of trans really only started showing up at the start of puberty.
You cannot be "once-HSTS" or "turned AGP"
it doesn't matter, even if there are no agp hons, the transphobe would invent them, politics is vibes, passing or negotiation is what matters, i wouldn't bet on much else being able to reach the normie
hey, the call just came in: blair talked to don, and he says you're one of the good ones! so you'll be receiving your "docile tranny" certification in the mail shortly. don't worry that it looks like a pink triangle, that's just for now, pretty soon everyone will get the stars
true transsexuals
AGP transsexuals are just as real. Another case of not understanding the typology.
If there are no AGP hons, then there is no reason to care about trans. I can see that much, being AGP myself.
right, so "if someone had been hsts they would have transitioned before puberty," etc. you do understand what a circular argument that is, right? like, it's palpably circular to anyone whose attention span is longer than a flea's
Ha. I was describing myself actually. Never been interested in men. I had "crushes" on girls which were more cerebral/romantic, the sexual aspect was more directed to girls i wouldn't really date.
I had way more "I want to be her" crushes than "I want to fuck her".
There are three types of trannies in my typography (the true and factual one)
Type A - Transsexual
Very classic tranny. Dypshoria present from early childhood. Great need for SRS. Ultimately a fixation on the idea of being a cis woman rather than just a woman. Worst outcomes.
Core root of their identity; a specific OCD type mental illness.
Type B - Transgender
In the past generally presented as effeminate guys and crossdressers/GNC. May want SRS but does not need it (in a majority of cases). Dypshoria presented itself closer to puberty when masculinization started. Type becomes more prevalent as trans people become more accepted and trans care becomes more accessible. Mostly concerned with being socially perceived as women as opposed to biologically. Would rather be a smoking hot tranny than an ugly cis woman.
In general transition is just a reflection of their feminine nature.
Core root of their identity; underlying intersex condition whether that be a chromsomal disorder, womb estrogenization or possibly environmental estrogenization.
Type C - Transvestite
Not a transvestite in the classic sense this type literally "wears" womanhood. Late teens dysphoria onset as a response to exterior influence. Ironically more likely than type B to get SRS despite not requiring it. Very likely to mimic type A while presenting as type B, their goal is a conscious effort to appear acceptable. Transbians and fetishists go here. Almost always defined by a pre-transition failure to launch.
Core root of their identity; one or a mix of the following; self-loathing male, female idolization, female infantalization, autistic fixation, disassociation.
So she's a woman. (Read: not a man.)
the trans people who discovered and brought back polycules had the right idea, i feel like now is the time to normalize having 7 men to love and protect about 1 to 3 trans women from things like this
no, now is the time to normalize US NOT FUCKING CANNIBALIZING EACH OTHER. if we actually stood together they wouldn't be able to touch us
Exactly. We need to stand up against the AGP who give us all a bad name
you sure are obsessed with trannies for someone who hates them
kys grifting traitor
someone who hates them
self-loathing male, female idolization, female infantalization, autistic fixation, disassociation
I feel called out.
You can be a trans woman and AGP. In fact there's a very compelling argument to make that only AGP are trutrans.
There isn't. We AGPs are straight men with broken sexuality.
Well, in my case the "want to be her" component really wasn't something i was aware of. More of an attraction and desire for intimacy. Those girls howerer were somewhat similar to my own appearance. Also i've always been interested in what they were wearing, and dressing up myself, which i later brushed off as being purely sexual. The male sexual impulse sort of "hijacks" the whole thing, perverts it and directs towards a sexual release. I think of this as something like an overlap of subconscious self identification and romantic/sexual desire. The latter being towards women might also be (at least in part) the result of male socialising.
whether or not ya are in the chair blanche, you're really obsessed in a negative way. if someone forced me to place a bet, i'd say you hate yourself, for some reason, and that's motivating to create the "true and factual" trans typology. will to truth is always a cope
OK, so what am I?
tranny who’s felt consistent dysphoria (first, light discontent in maleness and a desire to be a girl, next in distress brought about by puberty) since the age of six
view transitioning as a solution to a neurological problem more than a socialization one
once on hormones and making a smooth attempt to not appear uncanny for the sake of preserving my social life and career, I feel at ease and my dysfunction has largely cleared
pass without difficulty being myself. attractive because I have good genes (older sister and mom were models)
sex life not sacrificed or helped — I like girls, girls like me, and I have had a steady roster of long-term girlfriends since high school
would take a lab-grown uterus in a second as I really have no use for my penis and would love to be a mother (adoption/fostering is a crapshoot, unfortunately)
would not get contemporary SRS for the above reason; if above reason were infeasible, then I would
present myself in mainly scandinavian minimalist style. decidedly feminine, but not overly so. I’d wear skirts more often but I work in a lab so it’s impractical. Dresses are for special occasions.
Your typography doesn’t really account for well-adjusted people with dysphoria, anon.
"if someone had been hsts they would have transitioned before puberty"
Autogynephilia: "A man's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as female"
Now there tends to be an issue with sexologists reducing sexual orientation down to sexual arousal, but that is what autogynephilia is: a sexual orientation.
Early transition does not define the type of transsexuality. What defines the type of transsexuality is how it manifests. Two types: The homosexual type and the nonhomosexual type. Of the nonhomosexual type, there are 3 subtypes: The heterosexual, the pseudobisexual, and the anallosexual. The first explains lesbian trans women. The second explains bisexual trans women (meta-attraction). The very latter explains why some transsexuals are "asexual." They are satisfied with their feminine image and will only be sexually and romantically fulfilled with their feminine self. Thus they are not really asexual, but anallosexual, i.e., carry no outward attraction, only inward, which some my interpret as asexuality, although this is nothing more than a mere misnomer.
For me, it never wasn't sexual.
You're too late. Nobody wanted to be mean and tell them to not do this, and everybody was against gatekeeping. Now the majority of people taking hrt are like this, and it's not even close. They have taken over many trans spaces, including this board and all the relevant threads. They push genuine trans people out and then circle jerk together about their failed female cossplay.
There is no way to salvage it, and all genuine trans people are now islands, and have to live their best life without any friendship or support from other trans people.
The male sexual impulse sort of "hijacks" the whole thing, perverts it and directs towards a sexual release.
This is just how AGP presents for me on testosterone. HRT fixed that, and it made the intimacy and romantic aspects of AGP much more possible and enjoyable.
but your argument entails that all hsts would have transitioned young as a "manifestation" of the typology. it such a revoltingly neo-Aristotlean and essentialist method, as if these categories were teloi that could actually reach down from pure theory and influence behavior. and equally you are defining AGP to exclude women, when there is plenty of evidence that plenty of straight cis women experience phenomena that are extremely similar to if not identical with AGP and meta-attraction
HRT fixed that
I don't understand how it can be fixed. Just by having no arousal?
you're a cunt and you deserve to be an fucking "island." shrimple as
I'm not a tranny.
you typography doesn't really acc-
Type B
The typology was constructed based on young transitioners in their 20s and 30s. You're arguing with a nincompoop.
Nobody wants you guys around. You're horrible, boring, miserable bullies. You can't blame everything on your fake dysphoria.
Bring back gatekeeping.
when there is plenty of evidence that plenty of straight cis women experience phenomena that are extremely similar to if not identical with AGP and meta-attraction
What evidence?
supporting gatekeeping
enjoy being a hon lol
Women sometimes feel sexy. That's supposed to be totally the same as straight man imagining himself as woman and cumming to it.
Well "no arousal," is not true, but sexuality on testosterone is just so aggressive, annoying, dysphoria inducing, and forced. Now on HRT it's just so gentle, and it makes it possible for me to be intimate with myself in ways that are healthy.
You're being vague.
In which ways?
then why so obsessed?
you're pissed people won't be bigots with you. so fucking cry about it. have fun being an island. people like you don't deserve community
i'll show you mine if you show me the studies and evidence that back up the typology you invented. otherwise, i would advise you to talk to literally any straight cis woman
What are the healthy intimate ways, what's the actual difference?
they are identical. one is T-driven, one is E-driven. but they are the same psychological phenomenon, whether you like it or not. sorry if that concept infringe-rapes on the unconscious collective yonis
man moders calling anyone a hon
Yeah, bring back gatekeeping. I said it. Pull that ladder up behind me.
But I'm not a bigot. I'm a very nice person and supportive of all sorts of people. Fetishist isn't a minority group, and angry, violent, seething, and bullying fetishists need to be called out. That's not bigotry by a long shot. You're not trans, you're just weaponizing an inappropriate claim to being trans so people don't criticize you. Enough is enough.
I'm not a manmoder. Enjoy your 2mg estrogen and 50mg of spiro after your 2 years of RLE though.
Women don't dress up and masturbate to themselves.
"i'm not a bigot, it's just that i hate this one group that everyone else hates"
you are a bigot. why can't you at least admit that?
tell that to the straight cis women who do that. just because you don't like that other women do that, doesn't mean they don't
boymode = rape hon
How am I obsessed? I simply notice things.
will to truth is a cope. not gonna let you slip past me that "i can't help it if i see the truth" bullshit. why are you so keenly fixated on perceiving this particular truth, do you think?
damn based
I have a full head of very thick hair
Oh uh, huh but sounds like they disagree no? Say can you define AGP for me?
one on the left could just be a tomboy :p
On HRT, it is much more sensual, much less forced. Early transition, for instance, when I was not on HRT yet, dressing feminine gave me an erection even during moments where I wasn't in mood for it and where it really was an inappropriate response. Now after starting HRT—dressing feminine—I feel content? When I feel particularly feminine and floral, I feel this deep romantic fulfillment. And I know this to be autogynephilia, because I am very aware of how oxytocin-release feels. Sometimes I will coddle up to myself, sometimes I will choose to touch myself or get horny; but it is all because I choose to. And that's a large part of why I appreciate HRT: it gives me the choice of how much I wish to engage
I felt the content feeling you describe even without HRT. It's what made me quit crossdressing. It was way more addicting than just an orgasm.
you can think shes based all you want, you probably should not base your view on sexuality and gender relations based on someone who sounds like they've never been in love or even aroused once in their entire life
I felt the content feeling you describe even without HRT. It's what made me quit crossdressing. It was way more addicting than just an orgasm.
Well I did feel better when I was dressing differently. It eased dysphoria, but there were often moments of involuntary sexual arousal, which then in turn worsened dysphoria
80% of this board is retarded
and fetishists are more likely to hang out on places like Anon Babble
I would dress up, fap to get it over with and keep the clothes on. It just felt right, in not even sexual way to stay dressed. And depressing when it had to end.
thinking for you must be like cutting trees with a spoon
This makes a lot of sense. I'm at this weird point where i spend a lot of time dressed up and nofap at the same time. I actually get annoyed by boners, especially the morning ones. Those kind of persist, the others have gone away gradually. When i see a naked/hot woman i don't get excited anymore the way i used to. It's more like "i want that butt", or general curiousity. The ones i'm attracted to aren't conventionally attractive from an average male standpoint, which i would find boring and unappealing. It's mostly personality, although i'm still fatfobic.
not on hormones btw
Nowhere in this image is "trans" mentioned
U been watching silence of lambs or something?
Let me guess, stomach butterflies. I think you're supposed to stay relaxed. T gives you an urge to perform, which results in a lousy orgasm.