Why do troon tits look so fucking disgusting

mogs me

Why don't you take a picture at a normal, front on angle? Why are you contorting your body like that?

because some tits really just look fucking gross, especially at that weight. but ribcage size and old male fat distribution is probably what pushes this over the edge for you. still, no need to make generalizations. tsk tsk.

because lack of progesterone. doctors don't often give it because they don't believe it does anything.

shut up

Not OP, but there aren't real mtf trans here anymore, just boymoders.

I noticed this too. I guess it's because AMABs don't have ribcage designed for tits. Thus they look fucking weird most of time and can't grow good ones unless they're intersexual or something.

i think so too. its all boymoder this boymoder that. puppygirl reddittwitter trans teehee malefail boyremoval.
no shame. it's just peter pan syndrome autists rly methinks.

not tru i have a tranny friend she started hrt at 14 she's pretty and has nice boobs (she sent me a picture of them once without me asking)

a boymoder is just a tranny with social anxiety or bad parents, shut up already. literally years have proven they're more trutrans than hsts. kill yourself.

Trans delusion is always chasing after the magic solution, the drug or hormone that will fix the problems. Instead of realizing that it has a lot to do with the ribcage and lacking years of slow development. Good luck though.

if ur disfigured like me u cant even pray for nice boobs ofc u mentioned a 14 year old trooner

damn if only the guy who said YOU NEED PROGESTERONE also said you should start on low dose and then gradually increase oh wait he did now go take your pills alice

You're right. Never used to be like this, but now it is.
Only trans in the technical sense that anyone can claim to be trans. Your nature reveals itself every day, and in this post too. You can't escape your nature, nor can you hide the fact you're not actually trans.

no theyre trans in the "has gender dysphoria and is alleviating it by transitioning sense" retard

its cope troons and their bodys look fucking disgusting if u get trought puberty

me when im trying to convince myself to stop jerking off to trannies

AMAB ribcage give you disgusting tits.

Anon didn't say that though, you delusional hallucinating hon. Nor is that specific enough, it's about low doing E, then increasing it in steps. Adding progesterone isn't always necessary YMMV, and isn't going to magically fix the issue in OP. Keep the faith though.

i like real women actually

im talking about dr will powers he said both of these things

they're trans in the technical sense. Also confusing whining and being angry about life with dysphoria and over-acting it is never a good look. Boymoders as people have pointed out, never existed in clinical reports. It's a fabrication for Anon Babble and internet places affected by Anon Babble.

the cock is just a bonus!

what the fuck you mean back when the requirement to get HRT was wearing drag for a year... nobody did anything besides that???? you're blowing my mind anon.

alleviating it by transitioning

boymoders take hrt

refuse to actually transition

keep taking pills and waiting for life to get fixed

life never gets fixed

Really makes one ponder the mysteries of the universe.

There is no life behind those eyes

half of them just need a push, half of them are in a situation where they can't socially transition without getting kicked out of the house, obviously boymoders are stunted, but that is literally baked into their mythos. hence the boyremoval meme. Wishing someone would give them the confidence to shed their shackles.

Even after that. It's no excuse that you guys are years on hrt and never progress. You're angry, ugly, and nasty men that push out all the real trans people so you can have a dead or dying board to yourselfs, and just post pics of strangers, and greentext rape fantasies. Don't deny what everybody can see on a daily basis.

Sounds like a whole lot of autistic delusion.

wow you did not read the study guide chuddy. boymoders are meek and helpless individuals who get pushed over by the slightest bit of wind. there is also a massive cohort of boymoders who literally pass 24/7 in public, as opposed to your boymoderhon fantasy i guess.

just post pics of strangers, and greentext rape fantasies

that's bad how? seethe

Made me hard/10. I wanna stick my dick in her back fold

Boymoders never want to be women, they just don't want to be modern men. That's a big difference, you absolute creepy and disgusting weirdo.

boymoders desperately want to be women but can't take that last step because of massive social anxiety and or terrible life situations.

u can just learn makeup and be a girl tho. why go on estrogen then if u dont do the girl part. what

i just told you why it happens you retarded foid.

holy misogyny fuck you that's why you're a man i don't feel bad anymore

i get ur point bro

yes, im a chaser. did you think you were talking to a boymoder? that's was my girlfriend. she got out of it thanks to me.

can we pls not do this

im going to find and impregnate you

mtf isn't as easy as playing tomboy dress up like ftm is, people will spit on you in the street for not passing

this thread is for hating on mtf troons not mysoginy

and this board isn't for porn enjoy your vacation.

nop[ no ur not im a boy so. unless u rape me in my butt which is gross bc poop coimnes from there. so tldr ur still gay bc im a boy

Because men aren't meant to have actual breasts lmao. Estrogen may cause you to develop more Adipose tissue on your chest but you're still just growing moobs, not actual breasts. It's functionally no difference from the breasts you see on extremely fat guys.

i don't care what i am you are female


cope chud

this is so lame
true male essence strikes again

WRONG *buzzer sound*

rape sound

Except they will literally produce milk

im immune to bullets they bounce off my man abs and make more holes in you for me to rape like the female you are

*hits u with my car like the faggot u are*

women can't drive

how to be a man

be an edgelord who claims to love famous murderers who killed women

download pictures of cars and upload them to Anon Babble dot org

name drop gun brands

>be an edgelord who claims to love famous murderers who killed women

anyway the rest is me (im based)