This is the ideal female body. you might not like it, but this is what the peak performance looks like

this is the ideal female body. you might not like it, but this is what the peak performance looks like.

pregnant woman

Troons, how the fuck you even cope?

account literally called 'trad.west'

muh rome

stale meme

these people are bots

Gross. Artifical wombs can't come soon enough.
t. cisf

You're self-hating, most likely FtM.

No, I love myself and that's why I ain't doing this barbaric thing to my body. Imagine willingly making yourself physically vulnerable. Cuck mentality.

Poonbrained, or, more widely, feminism-spoiled

Oh no, not the vulnerability. You want to be strong and manly, right?

doesn't want to undergo a painful, inconvenient, potentially deadly process


*hysterectomy blocks ur path*

All the hardcore feminists turned into ftms

im glad i cant get pregnant, the idea of having a parasite grow inside of me and latch onto my body stealing my nutrients gives me visceral disgust

those aren't feminists, they're just sexual assault victims

The vast majority of feminists are sexual assault victims that's why they think like they do

First of all, modern feminism is pathetic for treating women like oversized children, being anti-gun, pro-immigrant, etc. The real key to breaking the cycle of oppression is changing reproductive dynamics, this is why mentioned artifical wombs.
Secondly, there is some big coping going on, so let me reiterate that I'm not a pooner. If you think it's normal for a woman to revel in being vulnerable, you're projecting your own fanfiction-tier understanding of the female experience.

You don't have to revel in it, but you also don't have to hate it.

Yeah, we get it, you're vulnerable.
That's why there's a male that sticks around. He protects the uterus.

That's literally our male job.

nta but wanting to be vulnerable is objectively a weakness and bad thing for you, it makes you exploitable. there is no upside to it



Lmfao cisf my ass if you're afab you're repressing ftm and if you're amab which is most likely you're coping mtf.

im glad i cant get pregnant, the idea of having a parasite grow inside of me and latch onto my body stealing my nutrients gives me visceral disgust

How come mtfs are always just gay men?

not necessary a gay man thing, all my cis f friends hate having vaginas, the monthly cramps and pain and bleeding and most dislike children too.

>expecting males to stick around

You're not actually that naive are you?

all my cis f friends hate having vaginas, the monthly cramps and pain and bleeding and most dislike children too.

And you don't experience that yet you hate it? Lmfao.

Protect her from everything that can go wrong during and after birth and pregnancy and ruining her career by having to do 80% of parenting?

you dont need to have a bad experience to understand how bad it is

Those are always repressing ftms, I've seen it in my own friend groups

Being biological female is bad existence

More proof mtfs transition because of AGP and AGAMP lol

Literally this
In other words all of these people are men

holy based

women no longer have to marry for survival (prostitution) and have a choice whether or not to get pregnant (birth control)

immediately opt out of being a nanny house slave popping out 8 kids

males keep insisting "trad" life is natural and women secretly like menstruation and pregnancy

trannies even go as far as calling childfree women FTMs in denial


The people who say these things either 1) have abnormally bad period pains that should be checked out by a doctor (and not a shitty doctor who doesn't care) 2) are repper ftms or 3) some sort of genderqueer lesbians debauchery is going on

Your typical cishet/cisbi women don't like periods obviously, and might be apprehensive about pregnancy, but generally aren't going around saying they hate having a vagina and being female. That's what I've seen from my sisters, cis women friends, nb friends, etc

Like yeah. Everyone can agree that periods suck and pregnancy is very difficult. But many women still want biological kids with straight men lol. Denying that is braindead behaviour and you clearly don't talk to many women irl

me and my husband are pregnant through surrogacy. if there is a will there is a way

Her dumbass fake career that she can easily jump back into at any time since almost all white collar jobs involve doing nothing and getting paid to exist? Yeah it's a lot more important to set up a family of close loved ones who will tie into the rest of her life even as she grows old, she can still go back to getting paid $150,000 to sit and chat with Becky at Scholomo's Globohomo Corp office if she even still feels like it, only now she'll also have children who will be better friends and she can watch them grow for rest of her life too.

Which country? How much did it cost?

based as fuck

implying women don't work at work

Okay buddy. I'd be fucking stupid to continue a conversation with someone like you.

Ukraine, total cost is going to be about 65k euro

Like 60-70% of white collar work is spent doing nothing regardless of gender.

t. Engineer girl

yeah literally my point. these people are on some weird hollywood trad larp shit or whatever where they think women love to be barefoot kitchen slaves who have to shit out children for survival

No questions asked? I thought you pnly qualified if you were a straight couple and the wife could provide documents confirming her infertility. Drop the name of the clinic, pretty please?

why the fuck would u not have fled that place yet and even go as far as having kids there bro if you can afford 65k euro u can afford a ticket to west europe

Learn to read.

i had my transgender care write my letter, they never mentioned me being trans and since we're a hetero married couple is was fine. Biotexcom.

i don't live there, I'm from western europe

They want to feel like they are good people doing the right thing. If you convince yourself she wanted it deep down, you're more likely to bravely pursue your own gain.

as calling childfree women FTMs in denial

I'm child free woman also a ftm repressor so this is true.

Thank you. Good luck with parenthood <3

thank you so much! <3

Troon is such a 2018 word

I just cry a lot and curl up under my blankets. It kills me so badly knowing I can't be a mother

how do you cope

by picturing the 20 year old incel who posted this and feeling happy for the pregnant lady who appears to be well-taken care of

That's why there's a male that sticks around

Ideally lol but not always

Anybody who's ever lived with women in the throes of pregnancy can tell you for sure that this this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is miserable and debilitating. During one of her pregnancies, my mother threw up every morning without fail for 9 months straight, and I ended up eating ice cream for breakfast multiple times because she would get a craving for it immediately after vomiting for some reason and then wouldn't actually eat it and give it to me instead of cooking because it hurt for her to stand in the third trimester. Also, she would pee every time she sneezed in the third trimester and it ended up being a permanent issue because she wouldn't do kegels. Only retards with no experience with this stuff think pregnancy is peak performance lmao. Anything for their trad breeding aesthetics though i guess.