Why do cis women complain about catcalling so much? When I go outside I -want- all the guys to look at me and say I'm hot, it feels great
Why do cis women complain about catcalling so much...
the fact that most cis women would truly act like this irl if they physically could should give us all a great deal of pause
maybe to a shut in loser and social outcast it seems fun for the first or second, or 10th time. but after the 100th time it gets old
The short answer is that there can often be implied violence behind the catcall and the compliment is only valuable if you're insecure
The long answer is that liberal pop feminism is far more interested in drawing attention to individual and random acts of aggression as opposed to systemic patriarchal issues. Notive how many tv shows by weak idealless conglomerates like Disney have the "complain about catcalling" scene. It allows the most priveleged women alive (suburban white women) to feel like a victim and distract from more serious implications of misogyny
Because cat callers are likely to follow you.
t. actual cisf
well, i'm extremely insecure. bring it the fuck on
Because it's never chads who do it, that's literally it
because your malebrain is telling you "being hot" is some great compliment or cause for validation vs a man basically verbally exclaiming "im horny and you have no other worth to me than satisfying that"
i think that's kind of what she wants
Ok, now imagine a 5'2 balding indian janitor catcalling you
Well, then she's a fucking moron.
yeah, those are the only guys who ever catcall. like i said, bring it the fuck on. it's like you all pretend to be desperately lonely for the brooding mystique or whatever the fuck but when it comes to actually behaving like a desperate lonely person y'all are nothing but judgement
Because feminism can't accept it won.
well, not really, because it won't happen. if she wants the guy to back off she can just use her hon voice and be like "sup bro" and that's that
You'll grow out of it
nta but you're too picky, I love it when uggos send me creepy messages and I'd love it if they catcalled me too
Feels great until it gets pushed too far and you realize that the rules of society can be bent and broken very easily. Your trust in strangers is robbed from you. It's freaky as fuck when it starts when you're prepubescent.
I'm not telling you to get molested or assaulted or sexualized from a young age. But maybe have some empathy for this common female experience.
>yeah, those are the only guys who ever catcall
That description is an Anon Babble meme but it's just true that 99% of cat callers are ethnic, ugly and low status men. The only reason these feminist comics make them white is they'd be canceled if they didn't.
Imagine if, when you were born your parents gave you a stack of gold bars worth $20 million. And all your life people were constantly calling you and showing up at your house and bothering you asking if they could have some gold bars because they're poor. There's a reason that most wealthy people live in gated off communities or big isolated mansions hidden in the hills and wear frumpy loose clothes with oversized sunglasses when they have to descend down into the mudblood villages for some errands.
positive sexual attention from men validates me, positive sexual attention from women disgusts me. has never changed, will never change
Guys use their body size to project a shitty sense of control on others. They at "I'm just joking" when they act like clear assholes and get offended when you call them out on it. When you're a woman around men like this, they'll dismiss you and use their size to invade your personal space as a little power trip. It gets so annoying. It's animal instinct level behavior.
You'll hear women who work blue collar talk about this a lot. Just mindless social dominance acts. A lot of guys do it without any thought.
yeah and imagine not having gold bars and being the poor person showing up at the door? rather be the one with the bars, anyone would, you're just not smart or empathetic enough to imagine an alternative state of affairs where you weren't born as you
i agree. but in the comic, he never invaded her space. he said something unpleasant, she beat the shit out of him for it. and a lot of women would do the same, if they could
Hold up, are you saying sex is currency?
Oh that'd just be awful
Sure but not to white men unlike what this comic says
Sex? Maybe. A guy could have sex with his hand, or a dog. Passing on his genetics? Now that might be rare enough to be valuable.
oh my god who fucking cares. the only people who have catcalled me irl: one gross old white guy, one gross old black dude, one indian man in an indian restaurant. so as far as my data is concerned, at least 1/3 of all catcallers are white
It's venting built up frustration with comical violence. Don't read too deep. You'll find things that are more telling about the way you feel than what the author intended.
imagine having a thing that most people don't have that makes your life exponentially easier and because of this horrible burden sometimes you have to wear unfashionable clothes or exercise basic common sense. my heart goes out to such people.
passing on genes
uh huh, tell me more about how you live in a first world country
right, but if we were to allow men this same standard...
maybe because it’s actually a bad experience? in the best case it’s annoying, in the worst case it’s absolutely terrifying. it doesn’t feel like a compliment, it feels like someone enjoying your helplessness.
i kinda agree with that anon tho that it became a symbol for signaling feminism without having to engage in the ‘why’.
This is why I need to get on roids
We all should, so we can mog the roid-women and literally rip them in half by their short, poony arms
arms race
right, but if we were to allow men this same standard...
alreday do faggot
the standard of not taking their threats of violence seriously? it seems to me we hold men to an opposite standard
also, incidentally, interpretation of a work has nothing to do with what the author intended. otherwise we would just interview authors inside of reading. the work speaks for itself, i frankly don't give a shit what the author says once they designate a work as "completed." if you meant something else you should've written something else
Sure, it was fun at the beginning but after some time you just see how creepy those men are and it actually can be dangerous for you. Like, no decent man would do that, only creeps.
Yes, but how you interpret something, choosing to share the view that is personal to you, tells others a good deal more about you than it does the piece.
Damn. God really fucked us over huh. Not even chemical biohacking can save us from the fact that he doomed us to be rape slaves completely at the mercy of men. He is no loving god. When I blow my brains out I'm going to make sure to do it in a church. Curse God and die.
If it actually happened I’d feel nothing but the utmost respect for her. The whole “anyone can say anything to my face and I can’t use violence because that’s WRONG” shit is so cucked (gross term but gets the point across).
same reason why you laugh at a joke the first time, then your friend tells it to you every day and you wanna punch them
get to live in a castle and you can invite guests you pick from a roster
Truly, a New American Nightmare.
HONestly, just... the worst possible thing.
Soooo annoying have to choooose.
stop. you're supposed to be deceived by my charade, not see through it
it has nothing to do with moral wrongness. violence is simply not an argument. if she wants to resort to violence she should be ready to deal with the consequences of lashing out at such a huge man, and i would respect her for that. but she is not prepared for such consequences, so she sublimates the violent desire into fantasy
Women who go into male spaces in the name of equality complain about getting equal treatment.
The point is making is that if YOU had that size and power, you would abuse it without any restraint at all.
Lmao women are actually so pathetic. NOT ONE of them would ever dare to do this in real life. They're no different than those twitter users that make up an imaginary argument and fantasize about themself epically owning their opponent.
They do like it. They're whingebragging and frankly now I understand it I loathe them all the more.
What men hear:
You're the problem you're the problem you're the problem
What women hear:
Being hotter and more popular than you is so opressive
What's it really means:
I am not nearly as intelligent as I pretend to be and am incapable of making any constructive contributions to the world, nobody really likes me, but at least I have my looks.
and they do abuse it, without restraint. i can tell you, as an amab who was raped by women growing up, that women can and will abuse the size and power they have at every available opportunity
Because women's egos are huge and they think no one can measure up to them. Basically, the amount of romance these girls consumed made them think about looking for the man in every 10 men, that man who would never pay attention to her. Furthermore, feminine nature is added. AMAB's Passoids have an even bigger ego, because they are fooled by the better quality fetishists, who are even rarer, just because they have dicks.
B-but it's scary
If it were scary, the reaction in her eyes wouldn't be contempt, but terror. My handosme friends get praised every day and they don't think it's gotten boring and old like most are reporting here. They even receive compliments from other men and it makes them happy.
I forgot to mention: when a compliment comes from someone you don’t like, it feels more like an insult. She dresses to catch the attention of the best men, completely ignoring the average or unattractive ones—they don’t even exist in her mind. But when one of them notices her, it shatters her illusion. Being reminded that this type of man exists makes her feel small, as if the harasser believes he actually stands a chance with her. It makes her feel less beautiful.
damn i love this board. half of it is “i’m scared my favourite ice cream makes me malebrained” but as soon as topics like these come up, everyone starts talking like a mra lol
warp speed, don't rainbow read me nigga
Once they get catcalled and then molested by 2 drunk guys in a kebab place they will change their mind. Because that's what catcalling leads to
because feminism can't accept it lost
that's a fantasy for a lot of us who don't pass
Right but you were acting like fantasizing about violence is somehow unreasonable, as opposed to a pretty normal reaction to being harassed.
Captcha: gay8a
It was fucking terryfing. Nothing to fantasize about. And no I don't pass, they were drunk
once you girlmode and go stealth you get very tired of guys doing this after like the first 3 times, I speak from experience
Are you deliberately ignoring half the replies i this thread?
Yes, the treatment of the average man is kinda dogshit, isn't it? Guys complain about women joining and they can't get away with bullshit safety things any more. Women joining the workforce could be used to raise up everyones condition. But noooo girls are icky and boys stinky.
fantasizing about violence isn't "unreasonable." it's very reasonable and understandable. but it's also dangerous, if left unchecked for too long. mainly dangerous to one's own self and spirit. yes i have personal trauma and i'm sure that's coloring the way i see this. i have plenty of moments where i give in to violent, vengeful fantasies. but i do genuinely hate to see people turn out like me, vipers whose violence is sublimated into words and fantasy. it's a deplorable fate for any person. and to anyone who says "oh you're too serious bro it's just a comic" -- no. you are not serious enough. life is the sum of all your choices
boohoo i need someone to save me because i'm too retarded to seize it for myself
how come every ftm is just a retarded fucking woman?