i feel like chasers lied to me when they told me my early hrt body was cute
I feel like chasers lied to me when they told me my early hrt body was cute
because they said they were "totally straight" and "never considered dating a trans woman until I met you"? yeah we lie about that kind of stuff because you get mad otherwise. doesn't mean you weren't cute.
honestly what incentive would there be to lie
yeah babe, gasp you were tran? we had no idea.
wow you look like a real girl that is crazy. omg.
wow. am straight but you do look cute.
are you sure you aren't a boy? i mean are a girl? i mean.. wow you are totally fucking hot and i need you right now.
your bhole totally smells like a vagina babe, no worries.
np. oh!
someone had a 20pc chicken mcnugget yesterday. oh wow.
to make me feel better ig i was sadposting
you don't have to rub it in
i hate these threads because you know OP will never show a pic of themselves so its just like why even bother? you could be a 6' 200lbs lateshit gigahon. or a chaser yourself. obvious i dont know if they were lying. i have no idea what you look like.
c'est la vie anon
Chasers are attracted to trans bodies, trans bodies are often attractive while not passing
There is nothing wrong with that in its own right, the negative feelings come from your internalizations
Idk I'm ngl, I feel like a lot of people get stuck inside their own heads and blow their issues way out of proportion. A lot of the "nonpassing" stuff I see here could honestly be fixed with pretty minimal effort. Maybe it's different for me because I've always been attracted to more masculine types, but idk, I do kinda find the early trans look cute for a fair amount of people. Always good to remember that most people across social media have perfectionist standards, whereas people in day-to-day life generally tend to set the bar a lot lower.
There is nothing wrong with-
that was fun last night bape!
here i made you something special
yes an omellete bape!
24 scrambie eggies. 6 susages! thats 6! countem 1 2 3 4 5 6! SIX susages. heheh
extra sharp cheddar! extra extra extra sharp cheddar, with some broccoli mix in.
last night was amazing btw..
tonight will be even better.
why are all you chasers such fags
I don't necessarily seek out trans individuals, I just said I found the look cute. What turns me on are roided looking men who look mean, like they would pummel me over something really minor. I have some sort of weird intimidation/fear fetish.
i look like a soft cuddly guy but am really a tranny.
i honestly enjoy it.
i also like that aesthetic your talking about.
like its not sexual really, its just a comfy vibe. vs a roided out pissed off guy that always looks like he is mid shit.
I'm fairly soft looking myself, but not necessarily cuddly looking. I do have a bit of a rugged and unkempt aesthetic on top of being relatively small and frail. Been thinking about trooning out as of late and I'm ngl, I wouldn't be too disappointed if I wound up with that sort of look.
get a room homos
I already share a room with someone I'm in a relationship with, though.
How are you doing dokuro chan
What I really want is a soft cuddly chubby pale boy on hrt if I'm being honest
whats the point of passing, like biologically your still a dude so why not just embrace being a really feminine guy instead of trying to produce yet another woman out of the wrong source material
how come?
That's not how gender dysphoria works. You only care about your satisfying your own fetish and shooting your battery acid sperm. Hope you rot alone until the end of your life
Horse guy it's you!
none of your business
i was like <6 months hrt when i posted them so i didn't really have that many changed
You acting so kuudere today
i definitely am not
Do not be a Tsundere as well
You are missing your Sakura
no idea what that means but im a little mad that no one is interacting with my thread
Everyone told me it’s over and they were right
bro wtf
it’s over
i hate you. you look small and cute and your frame is relatively small. do you know how much worse it could be?
unless you’re over 5’8 i don’t wanna hear it
that literally just looks like a dude's body, tf?
I'm 5'8 and a half
nvm ywnbarw
tall women exist retard + thats literally a normal female height in scandinavia/e.europe/the netherlands and its not uncommon for a woman to be above 5'9 anywhere else either outside of like vietnam
t. 6'2 balkan twinkhon
in my country (Germany) people are getting progressively smaller because of midget immigrants
6'2 balkan twinkhon
holy based
ok but ur literally the pastiest white chick of all time so that doesnt rlly affect u
It does, because the midget immigrants make me appear taller. The men also dress like it’s the 2010s, wearing skinny jeans that highlight their 60kg chicken leg builds
i went to both dresden and vienna last year and didnt feel like i stuck out much at all tbhon so i think ur just tripping girly
much love <3
how tf did you get so tall i thought the people there were like malnourished mudslavs
lol no? we eat loads dude and we eat a shit ton of meat as well like im p sure my parents have NEVER made a vegetarian meal in the 19 or so years ive lived w them and we're just about middle class. also idk genetics. im of average height for a moid here btw and i regularly run into women who r between 5'10 and 6'. bosnia is like the tallest country itw i think (or maybe 2nd behind the netherlands)? and every other balkanaut country is in the top 10 too.
croatia is the 2nd fattest country in europe btw. just behind the uk
i understand hitler now
You got mad when I interacted with it early this morning too. Guess you're just the unpleasable type who always needs an excuse to complain.
Hips to shoulder ratio is fucking weird for a dude, but I can relate. Pretty sure being intersex is what causes your pelvis to grow to a ridiculous size like that.
they aren’t, it probably was cute to them. just cute in the way a twink can be cute as opposed to the way a woman can be
yea he was a jealous cispoon which is why he burned the tranny libraries too. haters gonna hate!
why am i upset about this
had a guy i was going to hook up with (@2 months hrt) call me handsome thereby proving what everyone is saying about chasers AND making me cry when i was trying to go to sleep
I literally have a small pelvis though?? And I think my hips are small. I'm Julie btw lmao and that’s a pre HRT pic
Am I weird for finding twinks cute in the same way as actual women? Guess it's not really my demographic or what turns me on, though. I'd rather be the twink than fuck one.
what about your ass?
I wouldn't call that very small, but idk mine looks pretty similar and the issue with mine is that none of it's fat. Like I've been told by my GP that I have a large pelvis for a man.
I won't post that because I have a bf now and that would be inappropriate and I wanna be a good girl now
I don’t think anyone’s ever told me that… My mom and sister say I have a nice girly butt, I think it just looks square. No one ever commented on my hips or pelvis in my life, so I think it’s just normal or bad
well I don't have a nice or girly ass or anything, that comes more down to fat distribution than bone structure. It's just that when you look at your shoulders and then look down at your hips, it's a far more effeminate figure. Men don't usually have very far set hips like that, and I know because I have hips like that and have been told by a doctor that I have a large pelvis. Imo if your hips are big enough to be noticeably poke outward like that and it's not just due to fat, you have wide hips for a dude.
I wouldn’t call it wide hips. Not trying to be a contrarian or poke for more validation, really. Maybe the pic was deceiving? Here is a different, much less flattering one from like 2-3 months into transition when I was skinny and hondosed. Do you still think the same? Because people usually tell me that I have a brick waist and boyish or no hips on here, though I am 20lbs heavier now tbf
Yeah I'd call that pretty wide. Maybe not necessarily wide on a woman, but definitely wide on a man. I mean, your hips poke out wider than your ribcage does. I've literally never actually known anyone else in life who had that trait and wasn't already transitioning. Chances are you're probably gonna have some really wide hips when you get deeper into your transition.
I meannnnn I'm 2+ years into transition and they didn’t grow (bones) and my body doesn’t wanna put fat there. Literally makes me soooo mad because it would make me so happy to have nice hips. Anyway, nice to be told that they’re wide regardless and I wish you the all the same <3 let's get wide goddess hips!
Side note if anyone can tell me: Maybe my DHT was a bit too high and I just started duta. Could that have an effect on more than just hair??
Can't really offer any advice there, I've only just very recently decided to actually act on my feelings of GD. Even if they don't grow too much, just try and remind yourself that men don't usually have hips like that anyway and that they'd look more natural on a woman.
ooooog you raaaaaang?
i dont have horseys right now.
they're all adopted an living their best life.
thats 2 more horseys saved irl.
you fucks are slacking at the life saving game.
i am losing faith you can even (CAN EVEN)
save your own.
remember save your animal friends and get spayed and neutered and keep that swastika spinning. fuck N's (nuns) and HH! (hulk hogan)