Does this not make you sad ? He went from an Aryan Chad to a mentally ill tranny
Does this not make you sad ? He went from an Aryan Chad to a mentally ill tranny
Why would I care, as far as I am concerned that person doesn't even exist
He's a mentally ill tranny in the first pic too, you know...
he should've repped and become my bf
As an AGP I am terrified. If chad couldn't resist its call, what hope do I have as a virgin?
No, because *she* is happier now and living as her self rather than imposed delusion from sick ignorant minds. Frankly its not your business or my business to pry into the affairs of strangers. She says she is happier this way and i see a smile on her face. You people got a fucking problem with smiling now?
calm down hon ur remaining 3 hairs are falling out
What a waste
the unmitigated temerity and vanity with which this shallow slattern invokes the name of God to consecrate her sexual preferences -- disgusting. "For they speak against thee wickedly, and Thy enemies take Thy name in vain."
hot to hot.
would pound relentlessly until prolapsed.
t.trump voter
i just want the kids left out if the whole tranny shit.
I can actually guarantee i have thicker and more beautiful hair than you, unironically you chose very poorly to project your hairline concerns on me specifically.
cool, post hair
He did it because he's a pervert.
Like all troons.
this is just aryan chad behavior
she went in and made her whiteness more noticable and appealing
i see no issue here
Well what about the kid trannies? They should just what, fuck off and suffer? Kids need medical and social support and sorry but they need athletics too, at least imho. Im a bit old fashioned.
i recognise that pose
t. shoulderhon
After you sir, age before beauty.
eat shit faggots, Anon Babble is that way------>
don't let the door hit you in the ass
oh no how will i recover from alice the gorilla calling me sir!
Well sir, a picture of your scalp would suffice for now sir. Yes a scalp would do nicely id say.
It's totally not a fetish btw
don't feel like posting pics sir, sorry. ur just acting like a hon in ur first message lol why so upset?
i don't think you understood what i posted. the cis woman is a hypocrite, and taking the Lord's name in utmost vanity. "...for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain." and her refusal to acknowledge her hypocrisy is the unpardonable sin, the "sinning-unto-death" of rejecting the true word of the Lord
Well sir thats a shame sir, you started off very confidant about your hair versus mine but ive seen neither hide nor hair of your scalp sir. Its just poor form sir, if you dont mind me saying so, to issue that sort of challenge and balk. Somewhat cowardly some might say. But uh, thats really none of my business if im honest. You enjoy your morning sir.
if they had a third brain cell they would understand that letting kids transition when they are younger gives them the best chance to integrate and prevents the married hon troons out and abandons family situation
i really hit a nerve lmao
Well sir you certainly didnt hit your hair restoration goals.
Oh they get that, some of them, its part of the objective actually. When we integrate and demonstrate our humanity well thats offensive to these authoritarians who demand we be seen as freaks. Its why they need so much propaganda against so small a minority you see, to get folks to disbelieve their lying eyes. The more well adjusted or even just pretty trans folks there are living happy public lives the harder it is so sell their scam. So they activate spite in response to those positive stories while using more negative stories as the default stereotype.
please calm yourself sir
this is the third thread that i see abt this girl.
I stuffed 10 ballots in an unguarded drop box for Trump because of this
pajeet thread
for some reason she seems to have been a lot of normies' first exposure to the idea that hot people can transition
These sorts of freaks, they dont have a whole lot to work with, so they try to make examples out of public happy trans people. They find that offensive, these transphobes, and it makes it harder for them to lie to themselves and others about our human nature. The only image of a trans person they want to exist publicly is a maligned social outcast. So the intention here is to create a chilling effect. Some are more aware of their actions and motivations than others, but this is the unconscious nut of it.
Incidentally its why the op was so upset i asked for details about him. That spotlights not intended for him, in his eyes. You always gotta judo these suckers, judo em mald.
How about (You) take your own advice and fuck off back to pol, false flagging faggot?
Oh yeah also , theyre sexually confused as well. Kinda goes without saying imho in regards to any authoritarian queerphobic type imho but yeah its worth highlighting.
i love how hard ur projecting, i don't even care if ur balding or not. i just think it's funny to make fun of autistic people on Anon Babble who take everything personally and literally.
boring looking white guy vs high priestess goddess
Well sir do you care if youre balding? I can assure i have an unusually thick set of rather rare colored and textured hair. All natural. If you dont care that youre balding or already bald, id love to see. I did ask politely sir. Your gut plus height would also suffice sir.
the twunk got an upgrade
first question of the dialogical judo: "why are you on the faggot board?"
your put-downs are boring, like a middle school girl who can only rule by being popular and having the social "upper hand." i hope you grow out of this
With the shoulders of a linebacker
again ur taking it too personally, why are u even doubling down when u should really just ignore me? it's the only way to not make me laugh more
You do have to wonder why someone would come here to talk about gender so often, so angrily and while so obviously lapsing into pastiches of girltalk here and uh over here as well Just seems mighty suspicious what with the scalp, weight and height insecurity.
Was a beautiful man before but litterally gorgeous now