Males: Explain to me why you wouldnt transition? It makes your life so much better
Males: Explain to me why you wouldnt transition? It makes your life so much better
I wouldn't pass and I live in transphobic country
Explain to me why you wouldnt transition?
even tho i'm like 5'7 with a babyface i like how i look. it's just kinda unfortunate that this isn't what gurls are usually attracted to
Instead of destroying myself for the world's sake, I will destroy the world for my own sake and the sake of my race. Transgenderism is radical submission to a subversive anti-white agenda created by Jews and fetishists to weaken the Aryan race and manifest their fetishes into the world through commandeering the bodies of teenagers using memes. This is all horrible and if you go along with it you have pussied out and are engaging in evil. Gender is a mde up idea with no basis in reality and people try to shit me up whenever I speak out against it. People who want me to shut up can never be for me. I will remain defiant and I will express my violent ideation in hope that it will lead to real change.
Transgenderism is radical submission to a subversive anti-white agenda created by Jews and fetishists to weaken the Aryan race
she said the thing!
I like being a guy. Yeah, you have to worry about balding a few other things. Girls have to worry about periods, BPD (more common in girls than men), and mamorary exams
If you're going to bother replying to me, at least be distinguishable from a bot.
BPD more common in women than men
It isn't. Doctors are just humans like everybody else and will interpret the exact same symptoms differently depending on the gender of the patient.
there are a million problems plaguing Europeans, gender and sexuality isn't one of them. it's a distraction. Christianity has been a big problem, immigration, offshoring, housing prices, meth & opioids; I can go on. when I hear someone complain about trans people I know they're disingenuous at best.
But anon you will be a tranny so you won't have periods or other stuff you will only have bpd. Lol you are not going to transition to a real woman.
Why would I want to be a woman?
Christianity has been a big problem,
Show nose
How is meth more of a problem than teenagers being groomed by autistic porn addicts on the internet into making themselves infertile and becoming involved in a leftist anti-race movement? Meth I'd prescribed to people with ADHD as medicine and was used recreationally in Hitler's Germany, produced by the state and sold as pervitin. All of those things are also problems, but the real problem is our feminized souls.
Christians worship a hook-nosed victim and read Jewish scriptures as if they were their own. The first post was correct.
Find god
If I find him I'll make sure to kill him.
why do you care about kids being infertile you creep
The Lord Jesus Christ is not Jewish. The Holy Bible is not Jewish scripture.
Because I'm a pedophile. That's what you're insinuating, right, you ficking retard faggot? Go kill yourself.
I consider my penis a nice addition, and I support "psychological transition": instead of sperging over steroid doses and shit, I prefer reading and listening to fembrained content.
I really like the sadgirl music.
Stop telling lies. It I'd supposed to be against your so-called religion. You don't want your deified Jewish bipolar father figure to make the devil torture you , do you?
Well I've recently decided on transitioning but the major thing that stopped me for most of my life is that I'm only 25. I wanted to wait until I was an adult to actually consider going through with it because I know people change a lot over puberty. Something I wanted to be sure I was okay with doing rather than immediately jumping into it. Especially considering there seems to be a lot of FOMO surrounding doing hrt prior to puberty finishing.
no you're right, please keep doing meth and shitposting on Anon Babble about how your obsession with 0.01% of the population isn't because you're in the closet.
He believes in what was defined by the Nicene Creed, which is an antisemitic document.
Do you honestly think that statistic is up to date?
Christians were anti-semitic when no one could read and the priest could just pick and choosevwhay to emphasize. An actual understanding of the roots og the bible shows that Christianity is a religion rooted in Judaism and that the Christianization of Europe was a spiritual genocide involving torture.
I'm a dumb incompetent coward and IWNBAW
I would look like a freak and I don't like being feared and despised
And there are still people promoting an anti-semitic version of Christianity, but it is lazy and they freak out on you like Nick Foyntez when you disagree with them.
I don't view things in a gendered manner
i like being a shorty twink with longish hair
bbbbbbbut you wont be a twink foreve-
yeah im cool with that lol
aging is a part of life after all
We Christians are the Israelites who didn't rejected God in favour of tradition.
Only through Jesus you obtain salvation.
We agree that God made a Covenant with the Jews, but they... failed to comply.
Are you pretending from us to accept and support heretics, just because, in your eyes, they are similar to us?
The heretics are the first that need to be scorned, because they know the Scriptures, and reject them and the evidence contained in them.
Inb4 Noooo, why don't you agree with the normie interpretation? Jews are le based because theirs is the OT!
The bible is a compilation of raving Jews and I am not an Israelite.
The bible is a compilation of raving Jews
Not only Jehudim. They were all part of the Covenant.
I am not an Israelite.
So you will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Not only Jehudim. They were all part of the Covenant.
They were not limited to the Jehudim. However, they were all part of the Covenant, just like we are part of the Covenant.
Fixed. Fucking phonefagging.
I don't believe in the same shared fantasy that you believe in.
Shared fantasy
There is not much to believe in once you actually learn it.
But at least you claim to believe in something. I wonder if you are certain of what that "something" is about.
it does for htst and really dedicated agp's maybe.
I'll not reject objective reality nor engage in active cognitive dissonance
being a man child is better than being a tranny unless you're shameless enough to be a polycule transbian
but if that's the case then you probably wouldn't have minded being a man child married to a 400lb hambeast with kids
t. ranny
being a man child is better than being a tranny unless you're shameless enough to be a polycule transbian
Idk I'm a manchild and I hate myself but I wouldn't pass as a tranny
you probably wouldn't have minded being a man child married to a 400lb hambeast with kids
What do the two of those have to do with each other? Having kids sounds like a nightmare
unfortunately you don't age out of being a manlet. it'd be one thing if halflings were less susceptible to getting fucked up by age, but life isn't fair.
but i dont have a problem with my height tho?
unfortunately you don't age out of being a manlet
ok now what? both sides of my family are manlets and neber really had problems with that
must be nice then, my experience has been that it is a defining part of how i'm treated by other men as well as women (although i'm not trying to fuck women, so i'm less bothered by that)
my experience has been that it is a defining part of how i'm treated by other men as well as women
to be fair they are all in the range of 5'7-5'9 so it's not at a point where one is considered comically small
idk, 5'7 is definitely 'comically small' depending on where you live. and i also have a ectomorph frame, so pretty much permanent buddy/little guy territory.