How can a skilless retarded friendless neet get rich?

how can a skilless retarded friendless neet get rich?

Pick any skill and learn it

Buy a drawing tablet, and draw furry porn. If you get "good" enough at it, people will commission you.

learn 2 code. i am stupid and do nothing all day and make 6 figures anyway

but im stupid

maybe, but I don't think you can get anywhere with something horny without having a taste for it yourself. I don't think it's worth pursuing for me

but im stupid
you're fuckwed if you didn't start programming as a teen desudesu

Stupidity only means it will take you longer to learn in many case, and that should be mitigated somewhat by the fact you have nothing else to focus on and can dedicate more time to it than a normal person

1. Become my live in girlfriend and cook and clean for me
2. Become rich with love and affection, which is priceless

Having nothing to focus on makes it harder, NEETs are not actually good at learning things and spending their time well, the less responsibilities you have the less functional you are

i am ugly
biggest cap to ever do it

I've been drawing for most my life and tried doing hentai for about a month or so. Got fifty followers, lot of requests for free art, and no commissions. When do they start to come in? Seems extremely fucking slow. Not OP btw.

i didnt program as a teen tho i just learned some python

find a rich partner. have you seen how ugly billionaire wives are? if they can do it so can you

so you did what i said

I'm not able to keep up the right larp for this, no matter who I engage with I always end up alone in the long run

you can't, just kill yourself

Patience. And maybe try drawing new things/fetishes, to gain a bigger audience.

Drawing popular characters also helps garner attention, and potential customers. Usually your post do way better.

It also helps to market yourself better. Maybe open a kofi too or something.

Inorganic furry porn sucks. You can tell when people are doing it purely for profit

arent people saying that its rlly difficult to get a job in that field now, no idea how accurate it is

I have no idea how anyone just does the lrn2code meme purely for job prospects. I've attempted to start teaching myself coding multiple times but just quickly find it boring and directionless. I'm sick of feeling like I'm playing a game that everyone else knows the rules of and I don't.

Go to college.

spend 8 years getting an education which wont even help you get a real job and stack up on student loans during

great advice anon

you have to build a portfolio and learn relevant frameworks for the sector you want to work in. learn a thing, apply learning by building a project, add completed project to portfolio. if you do this diligently for one year you can get work. I don't work as a developer, I just use my coding knowledge to make people in my field think I'm a genius.

come do physical labour for me, I'll pay you $30 aud an hour, up to $45 with time if you're really good

i am not all that strong (but not as weak as the soitrannies with weak genes who have the privilege to never lift anything) and generally very useless because i get anxious of messing up so i ask what to do all the time, i don't know if physical labour is for me

all this "advice" that is just "get a job lol"

you could never understand us neetGODS
bow down, cattle

You don't need to be very strong. As long as you can lift around 50 kgs off the ground like a deadlift, you're pretty much good to go. In fact a boymoder's physique is more or less perfect for my line of work, being light, nimble and flexible are all advantages. So is being of average height or shorter. Also my problem with new workers is usually them not asking questions and just standing around where I don't see them once they're finished with the most recent task I've given them. If you can tie a knot and pass me shit you're tentatively hired.

As long as you can lift around 50 kgs off the ground like a deadlift

I don't actually know how much I can lift, but 50kg if you're bending properly doesn't sound too hard in theory? as someone who basically knows nothing about weights and strength

In fact a boymoder's physique is more or less perfect for my line of work, being light, nimble and flexible are all advantages. So is being of average height or shorter.

I guess this is a fair point, most physical workers are probably on the larger side

Also my problem with new workers is usually them not asking questions and just standing around where I don't see them once they're finished with the most recent task I've given them.

I guess so but I feel like I'm uncertain to a fault, I can see people just acting as if they know something causes problems too but they probably learn and become self-sufficient quicker than I would

If you can tie a knot

I can't really do that but a man can learn

and pass me shit you're tentatively hired.

My years of helping my mom out around the house by mostly just standing there, finally it comes to use...

I was in Military intel for 8 years, and now I'm making six figures outside. My autistic NEET skills transferred well to my work and it wasn't that hard and pretty fun.

a neet that sucks it up and gets a job because they understand life is not a walk on roses

Why does such a thing not exist? What causes this phenomenon?

Not OP, but tell that to all the employers who ghost me for having a shoulder disability that limits the amount I can carry to around. I can still get around 110 pounds which iirc is about 50kg, but it's not like employers give a shit about that. They only care about the potential liability.

just become a fed lol

kill yourself glowie

843.png - 680x578, 520.81K

i was military intel too and none of what i did transfers to the real world lmao

What is "military intel" exactly? I'm curious


how difficult is it actually to learn to code? softwaredev seems to be easy cruising for anyone who talks about it but i have no real experience with programming

win at the memecoin casino

crypto is literally a scam anon dont do this

only if you're stupid

I can't really do that but a man can learn

What do you mean? You can't tie your shoelaces either? I'm talking about the most basic knot known to man, just loop around twice and pull on both ends.

My years of helping my mom, finally it comes to use...

Hell yeah. Someone who can pick up and bag rubbish and sweep up efficiently would be of great help desu.
Is your balance any good? I'd need you to work in roofspaces...

I assumed you meant more advanced knots, I know the basic double loop hut that's all

Is your balance any good? I'd need you to work in roofspaces...

ehh, I think it's entirely average, but I'm fairly level-headed if I know what I'm doing so I'm able to keep it okay-ish maybe but it's not something I've really though about before

what's your next 100x i need a win

embarassing ass thread, just get a job you stupid zoomer

demand for code monkeys has dried up and firms are going bust; you'll be competing with much more experienced people for entry level positions

t. soillennial slave

and how do you expect to stay alive without a job?

you frot with transbians
for every transbian you earn $50
If you frot with 2000 transbians you have $100000

You can do it

my mom and dad are very kind

you're in for a very cruel awakening, anon

your mom and dad may be kind

but will they save you from a transbian wanting to suck you?

nta but is this real? O_O

im stupid and keep losing

im trying man

even if this was true i dont think im attracted to trannies or women

Why wouldn’t it be?
transbians love girldick

do it anyway for the money

my parents would stop someone from trying to rape me I would hope

you're probably 22 years old

my parents would stop someone from trying to rape me I would hope

No they would think

Ah anon is having a great time with her new gf. Lets leave them alone.
As I rip your pants off and start making out with your girldick