What is her end game?
What is her end game?
hate sex with chuds
why can't c*nservative women style themselves well?
being a pickme for people who will not make an exception in force detrooning her if they get their way
Russian and Con $$$
If Dave Rubin got 5 million she must be getting at least 10 a year.
I wonder where she'll run to when things get bad. Maybe Mexico?
to be standing beside them when they put us all in camps
she's so fucking ugly. i hate plastic bimbo whores with bogged faces.
being a pickme
Fuck off comie lefty bitch I'm so sick of you people
I wish I could impregnate her, we need artificial wombs yesterday
that dress feels like a hate crime
yesterday i was called a nazi here now im called a commie. you guys cant make up your mind
escaping homophobic persecution
Im post op anon can you impregnate me too?
shut up bitch
being a pickme
Trannies try to not be sexist for 1 second challenge: Are you serious? Saying a woman only thinks and says what she does to get approval, attention, and validation, is a sexist trope.
imagine simping for a cuckservative pickme. you realize republicans are not gonna give a fuck and force detroon you along with her right? sucking up for people that want your rights gone is just pathetic
If you mean you have titties yes I will stuff you like a custard donut, if you mean you have a faux-snatche then I'm sorry but there are plenty of guys who are into that, I like realpucci or boipucci only.
You know nothing about me. I am socially conservative, yes, but I hate political Conservatism. It conserves only the wealth and power of the globalist "elite".
i feel like calling a tranny that’s spending all her time taking anti tranny positions for anti tranny platforms a pick me is fine actually
so you are against trans rights then, either transphobic chaser or self hating pickme i guess
she is pretty much a pickme and an uncle tim too
you assume Blaire actually believes conservatives are gonna go after trannies and is disingenuously saying what she does to be spared their wrath. you have no reason to actually believe that, you just can't wrap your head around someone dunking on tenderqueers and thinking differently from you because you're a bitter narcissist, you have to project ugly motives on others because you yourself are motivated by ugliness
becoming president, but idk she just calls out weird agps who don’t even try to pass and act like men. but apperantly calling out agphons makes u self hating according to leftoids
All trans people are pick mes - thats what motivates you to transition
i dont need to project ugly motives when this trans woman is openly anti trans for anti trans platforms. i have fucking eyes lol
Why don't you ask me? I can see you have a chip on your shoulder. Why the fuck do you think I am against trans rights or transphobic? I'm not, I don't want to bore you with a fucking tirade about my political beliefs so just chill, I'm not your enemy you silly commie bitch, I like you. I don't actually know who the OP pic is she just looks good and my monkeybrain said breed.
I'm here by happenstance, not because I went looking.
force detroon you along with her right
that's not going to happen. Maybe something similar if you're under 18 and on hrt but I'm an adult and already fully transitioned.
conservatives always trying to tell me that nothing happens or that they arent anti trans, while red states slowly inch away trans rights bit by bit. ofc its not gonna happen overnight, salami slice tactics, boiling frog and hegelian dialetic is what is always used
also no hrt under 18 is pretty much a soft ban on passing, they want to create ugly hons cause they hate us and want to be able to identify us easier
Rain I'm sorry, I understand why you are how you are.
detransition grifter
shes already talking up a storm about god speaking to her in her dreams or whatever, i figure she'll under up like that ultracath ftm detranser within the year
im not sure if this is supposed to be a cryptic insult or if the thread made you realize what i put up with
But she's an ugly late transitioner bimbo, she's agp herself
nta but girl take a break and calm down. they’re trolls just trying to make u mad at them to farm ur reactions.
the blanchard expert has logged on
Ah yes. Forcing youngshit s off their medication. Forcing people who have grown up and live as girls to go on testosterone and masculinity. It's not that bad! Conservatives are so moderate. I'm sure those youngshits will survive. They can just retransition later.
I don't believe in blanchardism at all but like, most of the right wing trannies do.
Personally I am pro trans rights.
What about forcing all trans women to take testosterone and making them wear blue stars on their shirts in public?
im not even mad i just have auto updates for this thread on and nothing to do rn
what do u mean with trans rights? cuz like everyone means something else with it, just say the things u support instead of the most cishet woke shitlib “ally” virtue signal ever
you didnt address anything that was actually said to you
slippery slope, pseud babble etc.
they want to create ugly hons
or they just think kids should wait until theyre older to make decisions like that? no wait can't be that they must be evil genocidal nazis, right right
No I'm not the type who would ever patronise you, if I have a problem I'm direct about it. I just realised from this thread and stuff you posted in other threads that you're intense because you feel like there's a lot to lose and you genuinely care not just about yourself. You'd probably hate me anyway if you knew who I was and that's fine with me. I just wanted to apologise for saying you got a chip on your shoulder. Respect.
Have you SEEN your outfits nigga? hop off blaires dick
Forcing youngshit s off their medication.
being trans isn't a medical condition boomer, it's not the 1950s
i knew i wanted to troon at 14, had to wait and never changed my mind. the idea that young = cant make own decisions is retarded as fuck.
some people are mature at a young age others childish even at 30
generalizing this only hurts overall the transwomen passing rate and then desperate kids will sui or have to diy
i cant really think of many people i genuine hate or have beef with anymore desu. but ty anyway.
dont care about your probably retconned life story, im just pointing out how you come off like an unhinged retard. if more trannies were like Blaire and less like you then maybe conservatives wouldn't want to genocide or shoot trannies into the moon or whatever redd.it told you the conservatives wanna do
you want to deprive kids of hrt and force them to masculinze to the point of suicide but i am the unhinged one lol ok, good convo
you want to deprive kids of hrt and force them to masculinze
and you said you like raping kids which is weird but ok?
how is giving hrt to kids raping them what
you are so lost and dumb lmao
Just a chud.
the same as everything living: death
hello qt :3
sorry ik i'm sick but don't mean to hurt you :(
shes just a big larp or if she's not then shes gonna detroon out of guilt and off herself or redeem herself and leave the right like kelly.
why why why would you get tits like that when you look like that
Fuck off comie lefty bitch
Isnt Rain a notorious jew namer or am I thinking of somebody else?
. I'm sure those youngshits will survive. They can just retransition later.
yes. The rest of us did it. and we're fine hon.
pic rel.
someone else. im literally an ashkenazi jew myself, i sometimes ironic say shit like goyim or oy vey but thats it
you look great actually i hope you werent trying to make a negative point here
that kayla but some anon posting her pic
ashkenazi jew myself
too bad i had spicy food, so today the jew is doing the gassing