Are there any self aware trans people here who understand why we hate trans people and want you in camps?
Are there any self aware trans people here who understand why we hate trans people and want you in camps?
Because you are are sexually repressed, and are easily whipped into a frenzy by jewish neocons
No. I've been telling them for years but the CIA social engineering mind virus doesn't allow people like them or (You) to take genuine criticism as feedback and encourages coping by creating strawmen and celebrates abrasive, childish responses.
So, no, not self aware at all.
Because if there was no jew you'd have to invent one?
understand? yeah. agree with? no.
why we
Lets see who this "we" is..
Third world
Mexican children
Hmm! fascinating..
Explain it OP. I’m willing to listen. Personally I want all of humanity to go extinct so I might understand you.
I’d rather live around brown people than trannies.
Yes, I'm self aware. You hate trannies and want them in camps because you are an uneducated buffoon who refuses to actually take two seconds to research any of the shit you cry about. Add to that a heavy media brainwashing by people looking to empty your pockets.
Glad I could answer your question.
please tell me you're joking
Not OP but I was about to make a thread so I'll just explain it here instead.
The trans movement is a joke. I've watched for the last 10 years as trannies have refused to learn from their mistakes and have instead doubled or even tripled down.
Trannies are retarded on the following issues and by refusing to have good faith discussions on them a decade ago they are no impossible to talk about, and the result has been that their refusal for compromise has lost them every single issue. With each of the following issues the discourse was the same. Trannies want unlimited and unpoliced right, any discussion further is hateful and you deserve to lose your job and die, there is no such thing as a valid concern.
This includes;
gender affirming care and minors
bathrooms/gendered spaces
women's sports
pre-sex disclosure
Where you fall on these issues does not matter, what matters is that the primary tranny discourse was as above. The political air at the times allowed them to be beliegerent, immature, uncompromising and to bully anyone who disagreed.
Despite the reults of this being clear the attitude hasn't changed.
Trannies want everything and to give nothing. The refuse to be policed but also will not police themselves.
Whenever a tranny is revealed to be a sicko they defend them, because they've been convinced that it is their duty, like Catholics, for example Kris Tyson.
Whenever someone has valid concerns or expresses themselves trannies shut them down and belittle them, because they've been convinced that everyone is either with them or a subhuman hateful enemy, for example pre-sex disclosure, trannies will say that your feelings do not matter but then literally 90% of what they expect from society is purely just to protect their feelings.
Everytime I see the knee sink deeper on the neck of the trans movement I think "good they'll finally be humbled" but they never are and I shudder to think what it will take.
Your wish is coming true then. Enjoy it.
because youre a low IQ lizard brained animal. Sadly we have to pretend youre human because you heavily outnumber us
Look at this fucking idiot and laugh.
You're complaining about narcissists being narcissists and calling them trannies. Most trannies hate these people JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO. you're seeing like 20 of the loudest most attention seeking people and trying to attribute to an entire country's worth of people. You are fucking stupid and need to gain some perspective.
I hate trannies because i just fucking hate everything but i would like them if one was my girlfriend
I don’t want to fuck them, I want them transported to concentration camps.
gender affirming care and minors
bathrooms/gendered spaces
women's sports
pre-sex disclosure
You don't want to compromise on any of these issues, though.
You want that:
no minor (or adult) be allowed to gender affirming care
no trans person into correct bathrooms or spaces
never to use a trans person's pronouns or even to delegitimize it outright i.e. no one allowed to respect a trans pronouns
no trans people in sports
no tolerance for being closedly
please explain to me how this is a compromise.
I want to fuck them but i fucking hate them
You wouldnt browns are terrible compared to trannies
I want to fuck them but i fucking hate them
Deleting your genes from humanity is not only selfish in a modern sense, it is selfish to the past and future of humanity.
I hope for your sake that there is no afterlife because how do you think your ancestors will treat you?
You encourage the children of people who believe in procreation to go against their entire history, every generation, you insist on normalizing self-deletion, that's why we hate you.
You have pride in you selfish arrogance.
You're disgusting not only in ideology but in practice.
You are anti-human.
You're humanity's scourge and deserve no sympathy.
I dont even know
Maybe because im really lonely
jealous of my boymoder swag
Nobody is doing these things anon, go to sleep there are no monsters under the bed. The articles brainwashing you are written by the Jews come back to Christ the devil has caused within you madness and wrath.
as long as i bunk with emily in the camp or someone hotter i will be happy honestly.
Jews are mean and bad
There are pride flags hanging in my 10k midwestern town and on churches.
You have parades and infiltrate schools.
You are now banning people on other boards who criticize faggorty and this is why you are being invaded.
It's your own doing.
All my anger to them comes from loneliness and sexual frustation
the raping children doesn't bother you then?
maybe the castration of pre-pubescent males or the sterilization of pre-pubescent females?
no problem?
Thats niggers and spics mainly
Retarded parents fault
How about the eternal loyalty to the medical industrial complex?
that now, because they were given surgeries and chemical puberty blockers, and trans-sexual chemicals anything that doctors say is valid?
and eternal dependence on doctor's validation.
no problem there right?
You support it every step of the way.
Idk but the way I've always seen it is that people generally don't tend to care and they're sick of random people just beating them over the head with their ideology. Especially in politics. Noticed the same thing with gays around the time they started going all-in on gay rights in politics too.
Retarded parents fault
Not in Minnesota and various other places that allow trans-sexual surgeries without parental consent.
That's your influencing government.
It's going to come to haunt each and every one of you.
Dysphorics reproducing is dysgenic and inhumane
because you bought into the jewish outragebait slopoganda?
I just want a girlfriend
Oh yeah and there's also the fact that the average person has been struggling for almost a decade now or so, and there's just something that feels underhanded about niche minority groups receiving the needed attention before the general populace.
Was their entire linage dysphoric then?
or is it some modern psychological phenomena?
I just want a social construct
that's a meaningless statement.
I'm in Canada, I'm not a parade planner, and I don't have the power to ban people. I take hormones and I work at a factory.
Looks like another fucking idiot with no sense of perspective.
Im so lonely dude
There are pride flags hanging in my 10k midwestern town and on churches.
Your 10k Midwestern town and churches are run by trannies? Or are you demonizing a minority because of something someone else did?
Was their entire linage dysphoric then?
that's not how recessive genes work
or is it some modern psychological phenomena?
Given that there is evidence for the existence of trannies going all the way back to the Roman empire I really doubt that.
I'm demonizing a fake minority based on their ideology.
go outside.
there is no recessive dysphoric gene but there is plenty of evidence of endocrine disruptions in the modern environment.
the British are also the real Isrealites.
Way to hard
I hate the outside
proves me right by being obnoxious and shit flinging
proves me right by minimizing the actions of these people and refusing to police your own community
Thank you for being a shining example of what I am talking about. And like most others you sincerely believe you're not part of the problem.
refuses to discuss
acts as though anyone with these issues is some strawman
Once again, thanks for proving me right. Literally none of those opions are mine. Can you see now how your brain is rotten? Or are you just going to double down?
then you choose loneliness.
no one wants to be lonely with you.
Me being obnoxious in your eyes is proof of nothing. The action of these people have absolutely not a single thing to do with me or the majority of other trans people. What we have in common is being trans. Just as you are not responsible in any which way to some guy killing his entire family because you both have asthma, I am not responsible for the actions of these people because we are both trans.
Gain some fucking perspective, once again. You're stupid.
Olay then ill go outside now what
ask a member of the opposite sex if they are up for dinner and a conversation.
posts again to do the exact same thing
this is somehow supposed to compel anyone
What is it that makes you so incapable of listening to people? Is it some extreme kind of narcissism? Are you just so convinced that you're right that you're unreachable? Where did I say you were responsible for other trannies' actions? I didn't. You just inserted that because you're jumping to conclusions because I said something that disagrees with you and instead of looking at what's being said and coming to a conclusion you simply want to prove me wrong.
Try reading what is being posted and digesting it before you reply.
it's more likely to be a recessive gene that messes up something like in-utero hormone exposure rather than an outright dysphoria gene
The Roman thing is real. Here's a jew seething about trannies and chasers 2,000 years ago with similar slander to what they push today
How do you do that
Im socially stunted
Yes. But they said fuck it.
This. Yeah they kept laughing while grooming kids, and destroy lives.
Teamtranny time to pay the fiddler
Those days over.
Don't assume just because you agree with me on a shallow level that we think the same or are on the same side.
"will you go to dinner with me and have a conversation with me?"
to the opposite sex.
I'm sorry I push against people deleting themselves from humanity.
I'm sorry I think the minority percentage of people who do this have value to humanity and should exist in the future.
Eh too hard plus i like dick more than pussy
Same side? top kek faggot
We weren't allowed for a long time to express our views here. I doubt you and i have very much in common at all.
just float down the river of least resistance then.
what a waste.
No you're entirely projecting here. You started your first post with "the trans movement" as if it's some all encompassing group of people working in unison, you repeatedly use they and trannies as all encompassing. You are absolutely trying to say that I am responsible for these people, I should be telling them in, I should be policing them. IT ISN'T MY JOB.
someone is completely obsessed with this influencer that I am not going to investigate.
you won't be here long faggot.
enjoy your golden toilet for the moment.
did you destroy reddit then think it was a good idea to come here and shit everything up?
lots of dead kids on your hands.
Forcing miserable people to breed usually results in dysfunctional offspring. Maybe you should support improving reproductive technology to help trannies reproduce in a role they don't hate if that's really what you care about. It isn't though.
I understand perfectly.
What do you mean
you're misery stems from your life choices which you blame on others and perpetuate.
too hard
that's anti-human.
animals think like that.
Okay ill put weighted clothes
That's a shallow understanding of what is being said. The trans movement is a force not an entity. Your inertia allows for other people to control that force. You absolutely are responsible for policing those people if you're going to disagree with me. This same cope gets repeated over and over again yet if there is this vast silent majority of trans people who disagree with the direction that things are being led then they are foolish and culpable for not doing anything about it. At the very least they have no place to complain.
Regardless you are once again proving me right, you don't like that other people are policing trannies now but you yourself admit you refuse to police yourselves.
All you've tried to do is misrepresent my arguments because you want to disagree with me, you don't want to learn, or grow, or do anything. You literally will not stop proving me right.
is that a function of your form like reproduction?
are you actively denying yourself by not wearing weighted clothing?
Layoff the tranime & pfizer pez faggot gobbler. That Destiny meme is hysterical, sadly you find it upsetting. KEK
If you said i was obsessed with this meme, you might be right. Destiny is a midget weakling faggot who would crumple and explode in a street fight. He's a perfect caricature of the woke teamtranny online faggotry the Jews have been peddling for years fool
I'm not miserable though? I take full credit for making the life choices that got me here, they're the reason why I'm happy with my life now.
I dont even know what we are talking about anymore
Ideologies actively keep invading ideas at bay.
"Everyone is welcome" is not a good ideology because you end up supporting the worst representation.
never gave him a second of my time and I don't plan to.
you gonna lift it?
admit you were wrong and got triggered?
Forcing miserable people to
I'm not miserable
were the weighted clothing to help you accomplish talking to the opposite sex?
I don't understand the utility and made an assumption.
Dead trannies are win win sunshine. One less pedophile tranime teamtranny faggot to worry about. Less chance that Tranime pedophilia gets spread. You did this all on your own. Threatening the world with suicide IF WE DON'T COMPLY was a fatal error. Tick tock teamtranny.
Tick fucking tock fools.
I was just watching dragonball stuff
Thats what goku does to train
My ideology runs counter to all lgbtq.
not just trannies.
I was talking about repressors, I have no balls so forcing me to breed would be impossible
ok, how does that have anything to do with what we were discussing?
I have no balls
was that a choice?
This. Its all a game to tranny faggots until you're lonely and much doesn't add up.ROFLMAO
Goku is cool
This thread fucking sucka lets talk about dragon ball
maybe you shouldn't breed.
Goku did he had a son named Gohan
so your misery is in the fact that you have no power in the decision to breed.
you could work towards
improving reproductive technology to help trannies reproduce
I'm working towards removing the need to do so. which you actively promote.
So you are miserable, because you will never breed, and can not choose to do so.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I don't think his wearing of weighted clothing was a key player in his successful procreation.
He met and talked to chichi.
They probably ate dinner together before fucking too.
That makes two then.
Well he became a literal God being. Chi chi was probably attracted to that
I'm working towards removing the need to do so
conversion therapy has never worked
I'm not "promoting" anything other than the right of people like myself to live our lives in the way that doesn't make us miserable.
It's hilarious how when faced with good faith debate trannies immediately fall apart, they can literally only engage with echo chambers and deranged chuds. This is why they've become a group largely hated.
they met as children.
cis hormone therapy works.
the way you live your life makes you miserable and it is not only the perception of society doing that to you despite what your propaganda tells you.
Not a tranny but it's this. I'm sorry OP but you're a retard. You are being taken for a ride by globalist cuckservatives. There are problem trannies like with any demographic but by and large they aren't bad people and are in fact harmless.
Wait im retarded
Well he was like a monkey
Shitskin RAUS
They tried that and it didn't work.
the way you live your life makes you miserable and it is not only the perception of society doing that to you despite what your propaganda tells you
I am not miserable despite what your propaganda tells you
you're subtweeting and have the smoothbrained duplicitous audacity to think you're in good faith. idiots like you deserve to rot in this sewer
no, me hating you and taking your rights isn't making you miserable. it's your own inherent worthlessness, that we've always told you you have, that's doing that
you will fall and fall forever. the deepest hell will barr your entry. chaos and cold wind will be your only faith
literally will not engage with a good faith discussion
will only shit fling
You've certainly proven me wrong with this one
you told me.
Forcing miserable people to
sterilizing children is not your right.
imposing yourself into areas that allow only the opposite sex is not your right.
They tried that and it didn't work.
it works
the words "good" and "faith" have no place in your mouth, you little freak. the thread started off with the threat of internment camps. it is in moments like these that it brings me comfort to know i will stand with paul in the eternal bliss of watching your filthy hypocrite's soul writhe and blister in the fires of hell
the evidence-based areas of europe have banned the practice of transing children.
I am not OP so I have no idea what this has to do with anything I've said. If there is a heaven I doubt those who revel in the suffering of others go there.
demons who castrate and sterilize children should be concentrated.
then my view to watch you burn in hell will be that much clearer
I wonder what the purpose in replying to someone only to make them look better and yourself look worse is?
unless the "suffering of others" comes from the fact that they can't destroy other people's children.
I revel in the thought of safe children.
Some people think me demonic for it.
the miserable people would be untreated dysphorics/repressors you moron, I already explained this to you
it literally doesn't though
"evidence-based" aka countries with authoritarian governments giving in to moral panics
Who asked?
look? where do you think you are? the pain you cause has no compunction about returning to you here. you may have your reward in wondering, and hating, and subtweeting in a Anon Babble thread like a navel-gazing teenager
Democratic socialist countries that rely on evidence-based treatments use cis hormone therapies.
The only thing I wonder is what kind of cesspit a weird little creature like yourself would grow in.
the miserable people would be
and yet you are miserable because you can't breed and can not choose to because someone enabled you to destroy yourself.
and you project that on to some imaginary non-trans who has a family who cares about them.
Yeah, it's based on irrational fear.
what an ironic post. again, i ask: where do you think you are? the threat of "bad optics" has no power over "weird little creatures" like me
based on the threat of losing their family and human extinction.
I am a "cis" les and hate them with a passion. I do believe most trannies know why the people hate them.
I never threatened you with anything.
that's literally not true
I am not miserable because I was able to prevent my body from destroying itself despite others initially trying to stop me.
John 50 wasn't imaginary
".04% of the population not reproducing is LITERALLY EXTINCTION"
I wonder what the purpose in replying to someone only to make them look better and yourself look worse is?
i wouldn't expect a person like you to understand the joy of spontaneous, anonymous speech. keep clamoring for another piece of my spleen, though
Why is legislation so important for 2% of the population?
Why is representation in everything so important for 2% of the population?
When you are old, and alone, and your ideology has been disbanded because it harms society because you all carry a grudge against those who can procreate and use legislation and fake social movements to attack them.
you will be miserable.
or you chose to go against everything that was given to you and trust you body and mind to a profiteering medical industry who doesn't give 2 fucks about you.
The Quakers would be an analogs representation. They went extinct.
trans "therapy" give you cancer.
it has been terminated in all democratic socialist evidence-based medical establishments.
transing a child is a human rights violation.
Where's the threat?
Why is legislation so important for 2% of the population?
to protect that .04%* of the population from tyranny of the majority
Why is representation in everything so important for 2% of the population?
it isn't and most of us never asked for it
When you are old, and alone
I have lots of relatives who care about me, why would I die alone?
your ideology has been disbanded
being trans is not an ideology retard
you all carry a grudge against those who can procreate
I don't though? I'm literally planning on helping to financially support my brother's future children so that he can have more.
le medical industry
why don't you go harass some diabetics next, they usually pay way more than like $100 a year for their medication
Quakers or something
um okay?
retarded communist hippie
now, i would ask you your own question. when i say "the threat of 'bad optics' has no power over me" i mean i have absolutely no problem making an ass of myself, anonymously or otherwise. is english not your first language?
You've not answered the question which is why.
why what? why i would reply? that you would even ask is painfully ironic. thank you for answering my question about your fluency in english, though
why what?
The post is still there, you can still read the question.
not letting you rape kids is not tyranny
I doubt your brother lets you near his kids.
inb4 fake lies
oh, the OP? don't you want to "concentrate" me yet? psy-hop on my dick and fucking shoot me when you're done, you'd be doing me a favor
I don't think I ever implied otherwise, but I know this is in bad faith and you don't actually believe what you're saying. Using that kind of rhetoric to slander people is very disrespectful and delegitimizing to people who were actually victimized though.
Why wouldn't he?
Trannies seethe like no other, like only a called out narcissist defending their obvious lie can.
I already said I am not OP. Pretty ironic you accusing others of being unable to read.
Tranny haters seethe like no others, like only called out narcissists defending their obvious lies can.
sterilizing a child is rape.
Why wouldn't he?
because you are a representation of an ideology that will end his family.
you're just being vague. there's nothing clever about it. you beg questions, you argue in nothing but the worst faith and claim the opposite, like the lowest, blindest kind of hypocrite. say what you mean, you little coward
That isn't what that word means though.
And I'm not a doctor, so I'm not providing anyone with treatments that result in sterility
what ideology would that be?
I wonder what the purpose in replying to someone only to make them look better and yourself look worse is?
So why do it?
that you can change your sex.
you support the rape of children.
Yes it's because you're evil
I don't believe that I can change sex though?
Using that kind of rhetoric to slander people who disagree with you is very disrespectful and delegitimizing to people who are actually victims of those crimes.
i guess i have to quote myself.
that you would even ask is painfully ironic
as if me "looking worse" has anything to do with truth
bathrooms are based on sex.
sports are based on sex.
children can not give informed consent.
puberty blockers and transsexual hormones and surgeries on children is rape.
idk how any of this is even relevant to what we were talking about, but "based on" does not necessarily mean "should be exclusively limited to without exception"
children can not give informed consent.
should everyone under 18 be barred from getting any type of medical treatment then?
that isn't what that word means though
lol retard.
idk how any of this is even relevant
it's relevant because there is a reason for the segregation. And you can't change your sex.
any type of medical treatment
any treatment that is not conducive to the form representation of their DNA. yes.
that isn't what that word means though
rape is lack of consent. children can not give informed consent.
t. tranny
You don't debate anyone you just insist on counterfactual statements, usualy in the vein of children being harmed in some vague scenario, and argue for eliminating vital rights to medical treatment and public accommodations.
And then you just say that everyone agrees with you and trans people should be genocided but your crazy rhetoric isn't actually going to get rid of trans people. You don't have the power to do that.
We weren't talking about the merits of sex segregation though
any treatment that is not conducive to the form representation of their DNA
wow it would really suck to be born with a birth defect if you were in charge huh?
rape is lack of consent. children can not give informed consent.
rape is sex without consent
if you tell someone not to punch you in the face and they do it anyway is that literally rape?
Point to where I said any of that, I'll wait.
one of the main "rights" trans activists seek is sports and bathrooms. Do you understand how that relates to the topic now?
a birth defect
that's a defect in their DNA that cripples their form.
literally rape
you are attacking their sex organs without consent.
I'm not going to you're just a hyperbolic powerless chud asshole, trump will eventually die his government will disintegrate things will continue to not happen and I will adopt children ith my boyfriend and be fine and you will get rejected by women and not reproduce.
Now enjoy spending the rest of your life seething and raging about trans kids R E T A R D
We are using facts and logic to destroy your ideology.
It's wild to just pat yourself on the back for being inentionally wrong and ignorant. Thanks for adding to the pile of people who have proved me right though.
one of the main "rights" trans activists seek is sports and bathrooms. Do you understand how that relates to the topic now?
Not really, we weren't discussing the broader concept of "trans rights." You're just trying to bring in random unrelated shit in an attempt to distract from the complete lack of substantiation for any of your claims.
that's a defect in their DNA that cripples their form.
that defect would be the "form representation" of their DNA wouldn't it?
you are attacking their sex organs without consent
if someone burns your penis off with a flamethrower despite your protests to not do so are they literally raping you?
The proof of harm is that they are prevented from expressing their written code. Their DNA expression is cut from them.
we weren't discussing the broader concept of "trans rights."
we might not have been, i was.
the "form representation" of their DNA
does treating a defect prevent the function of that form?
if someone burns your penis off with a flamethrower
hating is so cringe. i can imagine you there with red face and hand squeezed to fist knuckles white just hating what you read on the internet. go outside once
just let us rape kids.
in response to my posts? why?
does treating a defect prevent the function of that form?
The "function of that form" resulting from the DNA could just be making a crippled retard.
Wait were you just trying to do a botched ESL regurgitation of the natural law argument?
lmao okay
that's a pretty unique definition
If it's that easy then from now on I will define any retarded low IQ reply to my posts as rape