QOTT: what's your favorite image/meme(s)
i really like the gleep glorp alien eeveelutions in this image
idk if it's my all time fave but i really like it
dogs dressed as humans or any animal doing human activities
fug if tom cruise wanted me to jork it i would recklessly debase myself
i favor the memes that amuse me
that's so nym
tfw no Rav
Love Elvis
I wanna believe that's real so bad
no other way to be but myself!
i never expected to meet a fellow Elvis fan here anon, ur cool :)
u go girl, fingersnap
i walked past a tall husstuss somali twinkhon yesterday
my supersonic ears instantaneously attuned to her untrained fag voice and then i noticed the body language
Checked, and you too, anon.
actually maybe she was sudanese
they tend to be really tall and lanky
Are you best friends now or how does this work among your people?
got a monter
new boss asked for a voluteer to move from the incident management team to the change management team and i dunno what to do, i would kinda love to not have to do stuff with clients anymore but also almost all of that change management work would be with cloud stuff, and i don't want to pidgeonhole myself into that shit, i wanna do onprem too
i just went about my day. im not interested in being friends with other trans ppl
Why not? I thought you moved in herds.
I remember you <3. Were you also voca anon from the last thread?
nta but having the only thing you have in common with someone else be your identity fucking sucks lol
i don't get along with most trans people because i don't get along with most people. someone being trans doesn't make me like them more, it just makes all the things i dislike about them worse because then I see those things in myself too due to that shared history
agps tend to. i think two hsts's can be besties but any more and it turns into a catty gaggle of faggots
The cute woman voice? No.
Just quoting Jurassic park for fun, but that's interesting to hear too.
oh right
they do move in herds, or whatever the scientist guy said, I haven't watched that movie
why arent there men with elvis's raw sexual energy even more? the mick jagger archetype
Sorry. Bad guess. I hope you have a wonderful night though.
Ppl would call it cringe in the current era. Guys are supposed to be low key and not stand out. Most rock music isn't a celebration of life anymore or fun, it's about heartbreak and being lonely
We're all depressed
Most rock music isn't a celebration of life anymore or fun, it's about heartbreak and being lonely
Biden's America. Sad!
lmao :) you have a goodnight anon, ty for posting
sleep well
night night bros
gn kiss? it's cool we're bros
Anything for a bro, bro. Lil tongue between homies
fuck im going to sleep good tonight, thanks babe, i mean bro
I don't use oil to cook, will stainless steel pans still work for me without food sticking to it?
They'd be considered pretty flamboyant today.
stumch ache
yes you need oil on frying pans
oh i guess in that question i should say no but yeah basically you need oil or butter or food will stick, consider investing in an oven or a grill or a toaster oven etc
you can also boil instead of fry
a teaspoon of oil isnt gonna kill you sweetie and you can always use a paper wipe to absorb some plus afaik good oils actually have many benefits
I use ceramic nonstick currently i don't use oil or butter with them. Stainless steel is not good option for me?
High calories.
If I could I would drown all my foods in butter
a teaspoon of oil is not high calories most of it stays on the pan, we have a ceramic "nostick" pan at my home but it sticks anyway just less, afaik stainless steel pans do need oil, thats just frying, consider other cookware
worldliness is not about the places you've been to
tourism does not acquaint you with the world. it only enframes it...
OK, thank you for answering.
Picrel is zero calories
technically it can be measured in calories though lol
It is organic?
i havent even rly put my heart into weight loss yet but somehow i lost a bunch quickly i just hope its not from my recent stress X _ X
i miss him
I miss her
gosh im tired and sad
Do drugs >:)
i dont wanna
he only only fucks fish you silly jorqer
simmer simmer simmer down
simmer simmer simmer down
dont waste your precious breath, explaining that you are worthwhile
Why sad?
Aw someone's scared of drugs, pleading face emoji
i simmered down to vapor and disappeared
cant get over chaser boy even tho i scared him off months ago
no sleep
stress at work
How you scared him?
by being mentally ill
cant get over chaser boy even tho i scared him off months ago
I envisioned a ghost tranny with long and straight black hair, wearing a long (dirty) white gown posting this from a swamp while sniffling. Was this chaser boy a flesh and blood living boy at least? Or a discord user
no im not black haired but i might dye it in the future. wdym hes flesh and blood but we started chatting on discord. i miss kissing him.
Are you sure you scared him off for good? I'd like to think chasers are at least moderately resistant to mental illness.
This has always been my favorite
he literally hasn’t replied to me in months. i’m pretty sure. people here told me to msg him again so i did but he’s still ghosting me ;( it’s my fault but i just wish i hadn’t acted up he’s perfect.
good morning
also that image reminded me of youtu.be
Always with the drama, you.
sorry im just gonna lurk instead ig because whenever i come here to complain people get irritated :(
keep posting. that anon is a cunt
its ok i don’t have much to say but i wish he would have given me another chance that’s all
Did you date irl or was it an e-relationship?
Gm, it’s cold in Boston this morning, I don’t wanna go outside :(
we hung out irl obvs after chatting for a white. we were never bf and gf tho because i scared him off before we could go exclusive.
for a while
I see. Sounds like you picked too normie of a guy to befriend, someone with no experience with mental illness. Cray recognizes cray
that's a sopranos quote. you just make these identical posts about scaring off a boy with your mental illness and i find it funny. there are a lot of boys around to replace him anon
day 2 of rizzing up big soph until she becomes my wife and we have nasty mind breaking sex. Just need her to post her daily bdd thread
we weren’t just friends and no he’s not a normie he’s normal but not a normie i dunno how to explain
no because he literally ruined other men for me. it’s not just that he’s hot but it felt like we were meant for each other. i felt rly safe with him.
There's no way to contact him and ask for another shot?
it’s not just that he’s hot but it felt like we were meant for each other.
well you clearly weren't
that's just his pheromones confusing you. there are a lot of boys that can make you feel safe, if you look for them
he’s ghosting me and i don’t want to bother him irl.
You do know she has a very particular type right?
Most guys around here have no chance to get with her
he’s unique tho. it sounds bad but he’s very special he’s amazing.
It sucks when you find the perfect person for you, and then realize you're not the same for them. I've been there, it'll hurt less though as time goes on
anon he's ghosted you for months. you need to get a grip. spend more time with your friends. thinking about him won't make him come back
Stop trying to discourage me. It won't work.
i feel like crying again now
i tried everything. it doesn’t work. i know he used to like me. he thinks i’m pretty. he just has a low tolerance for bad behaviors and i slipped up but i have my shit together now but it’s too late it just hurts a lot i dunno what to say.
but i have my shit together now
do you? id think that he'd find this behaviour unacceptable in the same way desu. how old are you?
is it just me or does a guy’s name matter a lot for attraction
you’re right i should stop posting. sorry
Just saying, unless you are tall, dark, and handsome might as well save the trouble
ya but it depends
biblical male names are so sexo
or, you could post about different things? you keep reinforcing your own sadness by posting like this desu. sometimes u must move on, there are a lot of potential partners to love and leave
ive turned people down because of their name before but said it was cuz of smthn else lol
this is psychotic
a shit name can at least make someone a lot less attractive, that's for sure
but i don't think being named something nice could save someone who's otherwise gross.
men cant really have shit names
it's only women that get named absurd objects and trinkets
well I wasn’t that attracted to them anyways, but the name kinda pushed it over the edge
Paul is a shit name
idk why but it is, it makes someone seem way less cool
wtf? no it isn't. a name of an apostle is a fine name. it's masculine
nta but biblical names are icky
its prolly different for you if you’re american
I like the name Paul :)
literalyl how? im not american. david, michael, john, matthew, james, elijah, jude, gabriel, etc. what country do you live in? the anglosphere is full of these kinds of names
Saul or Paulus would be fine i'm not against biblical names like that. i really like the name David for example. but there's something about the name Paul that makes me picture a wimp.
I really like the name Benjamin/Ben for some reason
ignore her, so doesn’t have much footing to comment on male names seeing as she’s dating two women at the same time
What's a hot name and a bleh name?
hot name and I didn't like Cornelius
is this a guy? why does your foreskin look so dry and pruney? or am i just revealing my jewishness here
who? do you mean the anon or eui?
i don’t even like girls
i had a crush on a boy called lachlan and im quite fond of that name to this day
Doesn't matter. Anons here love to throw around transbian accusations.
i spent the last hour and a half complaining about a guy ghosting me so i think i would be in the clear but ig not
no one has been named Cornelius since antebellum lol
I had a crush on a guy with my deadname once which was confusing
As others have pointed out, how you perceive a name obviously depends on your cultural background and where you're from. I doubt there's such a thing as a universally attractive name.
i guess autism really does limit your ability to pick up on context clues
lol you're catching strays in that anon being mad about me, sorry about that
i didn’t read the full reply chain so i thought the anon who replied to me meant it for me sorry
It's been making me laugh for at least ten years now, probably more
This video is great. One reminded me of when I was a kid and I just downloaded The Punisher (2004). I was watching it in the living room and my mother walked in during the beach sex scene right at the beginning of the movie
She said "uhh wtf is this? You can't watch this"
And my response was "no no, I don't think you understand. He's the punisher!!"....
I did not watch the punisher that day :)
where can i find a boy that goes by chuck sneed?
Hii!! I missed this, sorry! <3
probably somewhere on this site
scheming about how to find a bf without going outside
lure one into your house
it has been known to work
this makes me so angry. these beautiful town houses left to rot. they could revitalise the inner city.
psoriasis dick
i could have gone my whole life without seeing those words right next to one another
psoriasis dick psoriasis
They meant phimosis dick anyway they’re just not educated
nope I meant psoriasis, their foreskin is dry and flakey, dandruff dick
Why do you come to chasergen to brag about your girlfriends
Hi Rav :)
Did you watch the Netflix Punisher? It was good towards the start of when he was the Daredevil villain that season.
Because this general is for making fun of straight girls and chasers
can a wfh software developer tranny ever be a tradwife? is this even possible?
Tradwife is a dumb term to use unless you're a pahstun living in rural Afghanistan
no but have you seen what bad psoriasis looks like lol
it'd not be pretty on a dick
ok i didn't plan on responding but i love the use of the word "brag" here
are you jealous?
im just being silly…
I watched those as they came out but it's been so long I don't remember them
I definitely liked them and need to re-watch it all soon!
(btw this might be a deal breaker.. But Daredevil (2003) [Directors Cut] is a great movie and Ben Affleck will always be my Matt Murdock <3)
Then I'll say that a wfh tranny is ideal as long as we wfh in different parts of the house
Whoops, forgot trip. God, I haven't thought about that movie in decades... One of the only things I remember about it is my dad renting it like right when it came out on DVD, the big flaming D's, and then Robot Chicken making fun of that scene.
You can be the breadwinner and the trad wife if you have the work ethic for it
It's not dry. You guys are cut?
is that your cawk timur?
Gosh I really do hate the jewstein. Douchebags made Breo expensive
Being trad is like giving birth and being a stay at home mom type ish. I don’t think that’s in your wheelhouse big fella
It's not the Jews mutilating American dicks, it's Americans themselves doing it voluntarily
I can’t be “Transphobic” again or the globo homo will ban me and shoot my dog again
This is not timur
are you sure? you like to post photos of african wild dogs. id suck u off timur
You are male or girl?
Dead general and me
dear discord tranners, whats the ideal timeline from adding on discord to marriage? I'm thinkin
2 weeks from adding to voice chat
1 week from voice chat to video call
1 week from video call to irl meet
1 month from irl meet to proposal?
i talked to a guy for like 3 months on discord before we voice chatted and like 4 months in total before we met up
bad psoriasis
i didn't say bad, but it's definitely dry, drink more water and use some moisturizer
I knew it was you <3
Yeahh. It's a very hated movie but I swear watching the director's cut fixes a lot of it
I watch it ever few years <3
You guys are cut?
no, but my foreskin is elastic and healthy, not red sore and dry, chapped dick
You're crazy.
Has anyone ever met genuine people on discord? I thought it was nothing but fake ass people and hugboxing for antisocial derelicts
3 whole months, holy heck
I'm at zero, i have friends who have met loads of people however including their bestfriends and partners
that penis is red and looks irritated, that's not normal looking
Yeah I think so. I work all day like all the time and I'm always exhausted and sore when I get home, so if my wife made me dinner and like put my laundry in the dryer once a week so I wouldn't have to stay up until 11 to do it, that would legit make my life infinitely better and I'd count that as being a tradwife. I can't imagine what if anything you'd get of this though, since you can already provide for yourself. You could just find a husband who's still at home when you wake up, and also gets back by 4 every day.
this is the digital equivalent of uhauling someone lmao
my take is discord is a terrible dating app and nobody should use it for that purpose. ldr sucks and discord edating sucks even more.
I might have to see this to believe it. Who is your favorite superhero?
Partner is such a gay ass word. It’s like a dog whistle for gay shit
No but I could be a house husband and you can make all the money
Isn’t that a lesbian term? Next to high levels of domestic violence.
oh yeah you might be right.
it's the straight digital equivalent, then.
Realistically how much time do you have to put in on discord until the other person's mouth is on your dick?
Yes, you are crazy and spreading lie. It is fine. It gets inspections often.
What would that be though? Like arranged marriages and shiz
maybe an allergy to the cat, are any other areas of your body dry and irritated, show us your lips
you are crazy
you're crazy and spreading lie
You just never seen a prime Russian cock before.
are you a lorino russian?
i'm such a raging homosexual so that makes sense
better than killing myself ig
Does anyone else ever think how many years and thousands of dollars people like Hontrapoints had to spend just to get gigamogged by Troye Sivan doing a bit in a music video, or are you all to heterosexual for that?
No. Are you?
i am such an autist when it comes to ironing my work pants, all the seams have to be perfectly lined up and crispy or i have to start the whole over
No, I’m a federal agent investigating the inner workings of the globo homo. I’ve never delved that deep into your mythos
Do it!! I'll probably watch it tomorrow night at work now lol
favorite superhero
I hate this question so much bc I'm terrible at picking favorites :(
But maayyybbee The flash or beast boy (new 52, at least like top 3)
But if I can pick not quite hero's then probably Constantine, he's the one I get fixated on the most.
BUUUUTTT the most comics I have of a single hero are probably Nightwing comics and I have his emblem on my car keychain..... I hate this question ':)
All that proves is that a bunch of traits are attractive independent of gender. Ironically FFS can make trans less attractive because it reduces their facial/jaw definition which is attractive in both genders.
Azrael would maim Constantine if the DC writers weren’t such cucks
Sorry for stressing you out ;)
Constantine is such a chad. I like the Flash a lot too. I haven't really gone down the Nightwing rabbit hole yet.
What do you guys think about Absolute Batman or just the whole Absolute universe?
He’s an american who larps as russian due to severe autism
I'm not autistic.
is it bas if the vial is leaking?
That’s a lie, you’re on 4chinz you have to be on sort of level of autistic or mentally deranged
go ask on hrtgen hon
Everyone has issues, autism is not something i deal with. I come here purely from when I'm bored.
Whatever you say bub.
Have you tried dating in order to get over him?
how the hell do I filter 12000 matches this tinder is bullshit is there an app to find chasers
Jeez brag about it
Indiabros how do we get our revenge?
We got a Long Dick Johnson over here
trip shit
yeah i'm thinking this is cringe B)
How can one go about infiltrating the Troon discord?
two handsome wiggers kissing on my tl
Okay how many of us are indians here??
painting the walls
funny how hard this bitch tried to distance herself from her racist friend lizzy, but behind closed door this transbian bitch is just the same type of vile racist as she .
india doesnt want this rapehon
why do you want that buggy
I need more places to troll frfr
I got banned for joking about Lesbian domestic violence to the trannies in myth
interesting, im not in any Anon Babble servers anymore only ones for games
You should probably just get a hobby or friends instead
Funny. I generated the fake discord quote baiting for exactly that response. Thanks anon!
soon the streets of canada will be filled with indianbros and dumb trannies like autumn will be hopeless like they deserve . you reap what you sow .
I don’t even use discord anymore because I’ve been banned to many times for “Inciting Violence” and being a “Neo-Nazi” trivial bullshit
you must think you're very smart
You're just easy to bait
Typical bugfagness
I can't believe being edgy online is still a thing
yes saar maam
This thread truly demonstrates the superiority of Euro hours compared to US hours
As soon as the majority of americans wake up, the thread goes to shit. Coincidence?
Shut the fuck up Eurofag, before I fly to your shithole of a country and stick my foot up your ass.
euro hours
all three of them. it's insomniac americans and west coasters
it just shows how the euros and the people who don't have proper sleep schedules in america are cucks who let transbian racist hons run free
why the name change again speidor
pretty much
Banned for calling transbians retard and laughing about how they’ve been domestically abused by their “girlfriends”.
What does that have to do with it
EU hours today
tranners talking about guys
US hours
schizo posts start appearing
transbian obsession
obsession with tripfags
should chasergen be split in two?
I can’t use my trip you fucking monkey, that’s WHY I’M USING THIS TRIPNAME ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB?!
That's not how that works
yeah EU cucks can have their transbians go ahead and split you cuck
I wish but they'd just follow
On Squidwards left testicle I promise you I can’t
You should try harder
good morning, whores
Trying hard is gay, and I’m not gay.
But you are a homosexual
bug is just a mexican that likes to eat shit
I'm not whore
No, I love women and tits you’ve been fooled
It gets funnier every time Ricky Bobinski
good morning whores, and timur
If you want to truly address the current issues this general has there's more to it even though I agree that european posting hours are usually much better. Here are some relevant questions that should be dealt with
Why do unironic polyamorous trans lesbians come here? Is it a problem as long as they're nice? it's up for debate
How do we get rid of the constantly negging, schizo no life anon?
What makes gaygen trips come here? They add nothing of substance and are basically just annoying
I think the easiest way to fix both the transbian and schizo issue is just for the transbians not to post here. If there’s no poly transbians to attack, the poly hating schizo goes away more thank likely.
if you got rid of the poly whores and the transbians then the negging schizo would run out of people to troll, the gaygen refugees are mostly trolls too
But the schizo clearly targets any tripfag they can. I doubt it would stop if the supposed transbians went away.
Is it? I never used this shit before and my cisf friend says she regularly has like 20k+ over weekends
tripped codes
I've never seen them target straight trips like LB, Ava, Koshka, June. Those do have their own flavor of trolls, but they are entirely different from the brown transbian schizo.
yeah like lately he's been going after nadia and ellie more after seemingly getting bored with going after me and rav
there will always be someone else to call a transbian
Welcome back, do you have any Chaos to share with the class?
both ellie and nadia are both transbians though
Doesn’t hurt to try. Like this anon said, they haven’t really gone after other trips, just the ones that are genuinely polyamorous trans lesbians
does this to you
No they are not. The (actual) transbian is right, you will just go after anyone.
honestly what I think we need is an actual actual transbian to hang out here and shift perspectives. this all started after Sarah went on her hiatus lol
nadia posted nothing but fem twinks on gaygen, and ellie only flirts with other women. they only feign attraction to men occasionally by telling us to post cock. mild meta attraction case
No, this person predates your time in this general.
Very cool, thank you
really? woah that's genuinely kinda impressive, they're really determined
gm frems
human beings are scary
sometimes i feel so sick of living in a world full of scary humans
Your perspective is off because you don't know anyone here since you never talk to anyone off-board. It's why your transbian accusations are often so inaccurate
Idk if it’s determined or sad and bitter with too much time (but also a just and virtuous mission)
I'll hang out with transbians but I'm glad Sarah is gone
How are you not an actual transbian? I don’t want you here but I think you fit that role
Then kill yourself then, it’s that simple.
i have been on this board since its inceptions, i knew venus was a transbian before any of you did because of obvious things like unrealistic standards for men and agp interests. you dont know me transbian fan poly shit .
how 2 talk 2 u ppl off board u must tell these secrets
I miss brapposter
Whats up?
Why it's funny?
You just ask
been there, tried that
i lack the constitution for suicide, closest i ever got was trying to fuck around and find out with a quantity of SN that i wasn't sure would be lethal or not
it wasn't
anyways why would i kill myself when in a couple months I'm gonna be living in Finland :33 excited...
no no you're not scheduled to be here until tomorrow morning please go back
Finns seem miserably asocial to me. Probably an autistic paradise to some, but I find it frigid
i'm glad you asked i'm currently uhhhh
i'm uhhmmm uhh
because i'm bi? lol
this is such a stupid thing to argue about
And yet you continue to argue with them. Do you also have long discussions with every homeless person yelling on a street corner?
kills the next person to complain about transbians
you are dating two women you spineless transbian polyshit . you are a transBIan coper who doesnt like men . only want men for mini confidence boost .
You can say you’re bi all you want but you have a wife and gf. I’m not saying you’re not bi but you certainly fit the label of a poly transbian.
Finland? Man fuck Europe.
but i try not to argue with these anons, and i think i've gotten pretty good at not doing it
but i like to say something as a reminder every once in a while
Ravvel Rouser didn’t debate me on the intricacies of DC power scaling sadge
i think everyone needs a reminder that you are fat , you have a wife and a gf , and you are a transbian . polyshit disgusting .
who has the energy for this
Pichu did you see marie get lots of twitter likes why did you convince me to give up on that stuff? Like why does everyone else get to do the things i want and im just not good enough. It makes me wanna kill myself
Cool lore desu
jade dont blame me for talking sense into you
can you enumerate exactly how krissu benefits from having twitter likes? can you explain to me why it matters? do you think it made her happy.
sorry i don't speak cave paintings
Are gonna get a mongol bf?
fuck you, stop making people think im a racist
Jade believes Twitter likes = happiness
Rav does my cock look dry? It's not but someone said it looks this way.
Why are you trying so hard to not look racist? Are you hiding something Astora?!
I’m bored what should I do to entertain myself for 90 mins
Oh I missed that
Idk I feel like it would be a close fight but Constantine always manages to pull something (or someone) out of his ass no matter who he's fighting. If he had any sort of warning/set up time at the very least he'd be fine
why are you being mean to me
Can you at least warn it's dude dick, I don't want to see you naked
That's clearly not yours because it has a foreskin which is something you only have in your wildest dreams
I've never seen it
because i like you
What if I'm girl?
yeah. she blames me for talking her out of pursuing them as a goal. so she never had the epiphany that twitter likes are useless but still acted accordingly, leaving her feeling like she's missing out and blaming me for it. i'm kinda over it
i knew it
You're not
it looked estrogenized lol
calm the fuck down and drink your juice you lunatics
I don't like juice
i like this song make sure you listen to it with the volume way up
Orange juice? (with pulp)
Shut up.
How long have you been on E faggot
Nah, Azrael would kill em using the light of God. A better more real question is: Who would win a three-way fight between Batman, Bronze Tiger, and Azrael?
If you've been a girl this whole time you have to tell us
I don't have to say shit.
do you look like that can you shoot me with your big strong weapons
Should I help my favorite trans girl get a job?
oh btw did i tell you guys someone reversed into my car today
i was in the grocery store parking lot, and someone just reversed out of a parking spot and right into my front bumper before i could reverse out of the way, then just drove away
too bad his car was new and made of metal while mine is plastic and fiberglass and also worthless so like, joke's on him i guess
omg spider is such a dork nerd
The Dude is gonna fuck you so hard
is this the basement mohg theme or the blood lake palace mohg theme
i played through most of the game with music turned off so idk what goes where
Is it true?
No way bronze tiger lasts too long. But Batman being the greatest detective would probably find some counter to holy power if he doesn't already have a "if every divine being goes bad" contingency lol
The beginning part plays during basement Mogh and phase 1 of real Mogh and the second part plays only during phase 2 of real Mogh I think anyway
basement mohg
come on give the man some respect, it was at least a sewer, if not a dungeon
what the fuck is a shunning-ground anyways
didn’t bronze tiger die and go to heaven
Timur probably smells like shit
It's where you go when you are shunned. The omen are shunned and as babies are killed or in the case of the nobility are hidden away beneath the city. it's where Mohg and Morgott spent their lives
i would fuck mohg
don’t worry anon, you don’t need a magical card to go to heaven, just be a good person
yeah i get that, i've watched my vaatividya same as anyone else, but the game uses that word like it's supposed to mean something for a normal person lol
Your knowledge is lacking if you think that. Bronze tiger whooped Batman’s ass, Azrael also whipped Batman’s ass. The only option is a three way tie
That's not nice or true. Take it back
god shit never tends to work on batman cuz he's actually pure of heart and never even kills people
Too many meetings today...
That's what I'd like to do
Batman would easily win if he had the final bat suit.
Batman just breaks every bone in people's bodies so they can never walk again
I don't watch vaatividya. It was pretty readily apparent to me. Anyway, we don't usually name things so that strangers wandering in can get them contextless
Azrael knows that and is cool with Batman, I’m saying if it was strictly for friendly competition.
I want to smoke weed.
i didnt play the dlc
i like this structure aesthetically
He did, at the end of suicide squad: hell to pay
Took a really great underwear pic of myself and no one to share it with :( 2025 will be better
You really think some Wayne Corp. charity isn't gonna give that man a laser spine or something?
Then 50/50 he turns into a super villain or a hero called The Spine or something.
womp womp
They all are using base suits, no bullshit.
ok yeah that's a fair point
i played the dlc and grew to hate that bastard building
Did you bring enough ass for the whole class?
I haven’t seen or read that, but that sounds in character.
It's a funny idea though. Going to New York and getting pissed because you don't know what a "york" is.
talk to any 20 year olds today?
The horror
it’s just weird, simple as
You're weird
it's a lil weird yeah
you're too woke
good morning "the dude"
This poster is a good influence.
This poster is a bad influence.
I have a bubble butt if that’s what you mean?
34 year olds hitting on 18 year olds is good or else you're woke
The adults know, it's the children who try to assert otherwise. They're idiots.
There's nothing wrong with 18+ adults having conversations with people in their 30s. It can be good to have relationships with people who are significantly different ages from you. It's usually more beneficial for the younger people, too.
no thats creepy cuz 18 is teen
why not get a boyfriend?
Since we're on the topic, what is actually an acceptable age gap for a chaser x tranner couple? +- 8 years?
The dude doesn't make any moves on anyone, what makes you think he's hitting on anyone in dms?
One White nurse girlfriend with Mommy Milkers pleeeeaseeee. I’ll take a tranny but I’m not happy about it
The numbers change based on how old you are. I don't give a fuck if a 60 year old dates a 100 year old.
good morning the stu
doggy :)
I want to pet
nobody should let actual furry transbians like you near any animals .
Hi hope you doing ok
Got Both ages wrong for dramatic effect lol
And I don’t hit on anyone let’s be real
im 22.5 yo and id like a guy in 24-31 yo area i think, prolly should be the girl that draws the line cuz men always have a wider window i think unless they're tryhard woke
everyone who hits on me irl is like mid20s at least. grad students if they're in school at all. why is this
Is 27 and 22 ok?
yo wtf i went outside and there's a snowstorm fuck this
good morning
hello Ellie :)
hello dude :)
ALSO THEY ARENT USELESS BC THEY MAKE MY DOPAMINE GO WEOOOOOW. Idk calling me delusional and stuff really hurt my confidence and is why I gave up trying altogether and like since giving it up nothing has improved
i'm 33 and my friend is 21 am i raping her am i a rapist
Autumn's allowed around my animals
no but ur old
Autumns is stupid bussy fnorl greml we punches her frack autumn for rejectning me
Yes, she's not allowed to make her own decisions
your dog is gonna cuck you bro .
hey can you be nicer to me next time please
Geez you’re old, I’m only 20!
i'm not even attracted to anyone who isn't like 5-15 years older than me
Here’s more dog
ty :)
is this an orc speaking?
well youre brown
25-30 year old: soul
<25: soulless
30-35: reddit
40+: actually old
You shouldn't speak to her, the age gap is weird
I’m white
I'm guessing 28
holy shit i'm soul age
oh pls
soul gang soul gang
dont forget, june's professional diagnosis of 30-year-old women was "dead"
today is a sad day so far but im ok
hi autumn :>
There faggots
I befriend orc, I offer dead rabbit
stu said HELLO to autumn
Stu poly transbian rapist confirmed
damn you lookin strong
What reddit post did you take this from?
Send trans wimons my way instead
hey next time please be nicer it's okay to be a fat fuck in 2024
You can reverse image search it faggot, that’s my arm.
Unique arm confirmed.
i'm sorry i was mean to all the great big fat fucks out there
I’m sorry. I hope things get better for you
Also I want to clarify that reddit isn't necessarily bad. The reddit millennial category of 30-35 are usually great people.
Ricks in shambles rn. He can’t call me a shit eating Mexican anymore
So you're 30?
millennials are a cancer and their lives are over the day they hit 30
yes and
Oh this is the ftm I know you
You're even older?
at least we got 30 years, mister dead on arrival
Who's that?
spider's a ttrpg faglette
it does make sense.
i’m an enigma
i think they will :)
26. Soul category.
Not an ftm or a faggot
You probably
See above also suck my dick ttrpgs are good too bad all the most popular players are fucking leftie sucks
Let me elaborate on why millennials aren't so bad. They are
not afraid to be cringe, not afraid to be themselves
less terminally online than younger gens
less likely to be sheltered retards than younger gens
have lots of interesting stories to tell
They're still inferior to the 25-30 category but vastly superior to the <25 soulless group
You’re the ftm from Chicago why lie
this is somehow way more embarassing than being brown good job
You do give pooner vibes with how you're trying to compensate for something by being unnecessarily rude to be fair
You probably
Okay, whatever
Yeah yeah
Nah, just a guy with mommy issues.
mommy issues
Just say you're a bottom faggot
you will never be a man
Autmnunmn send me one of your single tranner friends tno be mny wife or ELSE
Doesn’t matter, I’ll always be more of a man than you could ever be.
But I’m not though
do you promise not to eat them?
i dont appreciate you attributing these positive aspects to me and my kind (i am lacking in all of them)
I will only eats their ass
I hope you got a little extra sleep last night and are having a good day today.
i want hamburgr
but i don't have car any more :<
Do you just have to wait for a repair or did he take the car away?
Door dash something tho support your fellow workers
you were able to identify me from that? i thought i finally figured out how to be an anonymous anon
today isnt great, i am on webcam for work meetings and have to look at my own face, and show it to my coworkers, and i feel a lot of sorrow and disgust as a result
hope your day is going better than that, anon
your typing style is really distinctive, i recognized it too.
Am taking an innocent trans womnan as hostage and it's autumn's fault...
i love when you little retards act like you're forensic scientists
oh also someone thought me jokingly pretending to be sobe was actually you jokingly pretending to be sobe and that was really weird
I only come here to talk to you friend.
I hate webcam stuff more than person to person so I get it. I like your face though, I think you're very pretty.
As for me I got out of work early because it's raining really hard so now that I'm dry my day is going pretty well.
You will do. Get over here
Going to kidnap an ugly hon and Chinese water torture them while playing skibidi toilet videos
A hon could easily overpower your 5´5 ftm ass, be careful
car gone
insurance declared it a total loss
even tho it was just a dent and still drivable :<
saved me the trouble of having to sell it for when i move but.. i miss car
do waterboarding instead and i'll volunteer
If you really want to torture them make them play dnd with you
Eww that thing is a gross ftm?
I’m 6’2 200 and a former collegiate wrestler they are not winning that fight.
Do you volunteer as tribute?
volunteer as tribute
are u a time traveler from 2013 :0
i haven't seen those movies or read those books but sure whatever
That’s actually a really good idea, but I’d need to systematically kidnap multiple to fill a full party.
bug was literally larping as a femboy like a month ago lmao
literally just a rick 2.0
I feel like I told you I was going to take you to a church. I’m sticking to that plan now
And do we know who they actually are?
i dont remember any femboy stuff abt him
Oh wow sorry
ya does simplify selling it tho
I never larped as one Tankie, I literally have been on record saying that I fucking hate them. You can go to the newest ones and find me shitting on Mithrun and telling them all to kill themselves
Slander, it’s Rick’s favorite.
Seems like an insane person either way
ok where are you
look at this lol does this look totalled to u
collision place said it would cost $8k to fix
insurance company is giving me $9.2k for it so gonna use that money to get me started in Finland, buy a nice bicycle and stuff
I am in Europe
It does, that's a large expensive part to replace
i will have to buy a plane ticket
mm u must know more about cars than me lol
i was shocked
need haircut and testosterone prescription
so bad
Go do your retarded dooming somewhere else Pichu
Thats crazy. It looks expensive but not that expensive. insurance companies are interesting at times
You can never go back, your body is already ruined.
Where art thou
sorry i lost my grip for a second because of the webcam stuff
Just dont do what i do and say I need a haircut for 3 months.
i wanna get a jopo bike :3
I do not care. At all.
i know. since you're ftm im dragging you with me to go get mastectomies together
ok then, cool
Be my american wife I'm kind of attractive
ok when is our wedding
It will be held in exactly 7 days from now at my location in the frozen wastes of northern europe
that’s not a lot of time to get everything in order
Sometimes in life you just have to make haste
i will try
You better
i promise
Why are american trans girls so cute?
High fat diet
Would you date your pre-transition self as a guy?