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we troonies can't get drafted in the usa, dontcha know

I feel like trans ppl are morally obligated to support israel merely by virtue of transgenderist ideology having been created by jew

muh hirschfeld invented trannies

i would be happy if you even just sat near a book for a little while

They have to do cuz the whole transgenderism thing is invented by the kike. Trannies depend (((them))) to enable this shit, so they can live like a freak.

jokes on you, loser, I'm homeless but I broke into a library after it closed and am sleeping in the men's bathroom tonight
I am surrounded by literature and shit

Israel vs Palestine is actually an LGBT rights vs transphobic chud proxy war, and the good guys (pro LGBT Jewish state) are winning!

Tbh good, i don't like the jews but if trannies become too associated with antisemitism it's over for us

You are going to die for ZOG

Based. Israel is in the right, Palestinians have no rightful claim to that land.

Just gonna leave this here.

All congressmen are except a handful that get nothing done. The ZOG has been elected and Palestine will fall. There's nothing being anti-Israel does.
No draft since 1973.


"transgenderist ideology"

Did you mean the acknowledgement of certain scientific facts? Such as...

Hormone replacement changes gene expression, making cells/tissue act more like if they had XX or XY dependent on hormone being added
Homologous structures
Viable eggs from male people, viable sperm from female people
Most cis women have Y chromosomes in some cells:
Trans men grow prostate tissue
Trans women grow breasts identical to cis women's

this hon supports israel

brianna wu also supports israel

why do hons love israel so much?

can get elected for Congress

can't even pick the right foundation

real agp moment

Dems say follow the science but they can't backup their own science. What you linked is a biased agenda funded by dark money. Think: there is a vested interest of the elite in transing our country. Medical industries stand to benefit and rob us dry all our lives. You will own nothing and you will be happy because at least you can jack off in women's underwear on your VR headset

Obese? Vaxxed? Abusing prescriptions?
There are way bigger health crisis in America than 1% of the dumb faggot population playing dressup

All of that biological data means nothing of you aren't willing to admit that biology determines if someone is a man or a woman. For instance:

Trans men grow prostate tissue

Ok cool, so having prostate tissue is what makes someone a man?

imagine trying to piss off the most powerful lobby while being the single rep from the most hated minority

surrounded by (((literature)))

Oh please. Someone post the ancient 2000 year old Jew complaining about Phoenician Demeter worshipping trannies. Judaism is the root of Abrahamism, which led to a catastrophe for all queer people. Secular Jews are no better, pathologizing absolutely everything like the neurotic fucks they are.

There's nothing being anti-Israel does

Not true. Exactly because Israel is in power, supporting Palestine is an easy way to prove you are not a sellout and conversely anyone supporting Israel can be safely ignored as a stooge.

The point of that is that trans people undergo literal biological sexual changes so its extremely reductive to just say “trans woman man and simple as that”. Good way to get people megaraped in prison

this is how one secures money from the democratic primary and prevents them setting up a primary challenger to you in 2026
she is simply playing the game
and this is why running DEI candidates for office will never fix the DNC or fix America

You know what? Actually, she can piss on the street for all I care. I don’t feel safe with zionists in our restrooms.

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Likewise it is extremely reductive to say that anyone who identifies as a woman is a woman. Also a good way to get people megaraped in prison.

Until progressives are willing to commit to some criteria that determines gender, conservatives will win the long game against us.

with a face like that, is it really a surprise?
are you new?
you can clearly tell in the thumbnail.
do you people even have the shine?

Israel is the arm in the middle east that helps keep The Caliphate in check. There will never be an American politician who doesn't support Israel because that would be retarded. Despite muzzie crying

That smile that shows off the top teeth looks terrible on everyone imo, stop doing that

If I were a jew I would use my media companies to send subliminal abdl messages sorta like hypno so that morr trans girls start wearing diapers

America could easily muzzle the middle east with pure capital and market size, look at saudi arabia. Israel does nothing but instigate endless proxy wars that drain our finances and unite the muslim world against us

my critical support has been revoked for this non-comrade.

jewish propaganda


our modern understanding of transgenderism comes from the german sexual institute that existed in the early 1900s. anything that's been retroactively read as a trans allegory is therefore a post-modern, cultural marxist framing of the history. if you consider it all as transgenderist nonsense, then yes you can totally look at fictional writing about women with dicks from thousands and thousands years of ago and treat them as literally the same as emasculated boys and men in the modern era being flooded with a deluge of anti-male and pro-trans/pro-grooming propaganda via social media
it's a mistake to look back at the past and map on purely modern ideology onto it. today's jewish transgenderist push is a very recent phenomenon.


They were castrated and wore women's clothes, anon. Shut the fuck up.

yeah yeah sure and the race between the rabbit and the hare happened exactly as written too. daniel totally wasn't eaten by the lion either.
if the castration bullshit was a modern story it would have a page on snopes debunking it as false.

It does not matter to me that you think secular Jews conceived of transgenderism, when I know for a fact they were our opponents thousands of years ago. They define what it means to be us to control us. Well too bad for them, and too bad for you. Our god is night, our god is terror.

but there is no criteria that defines gender

jews have always been the enemy bro all I'm saying is that the transgenderist ideological framework we know today has only existed for roughly 100 years. the idea of "being trans" does not exist whatsoever before 1920

Handmaids of the goddess absolutely were a thing, and it's blatantly in the literature of antiquity if you bothered to be the Western knight every chud pretends to be.

white tranny

supports the genocide of brown people

no surprise there

right, what I'm saying is that they are not transgender. again, the idea of "being trans" does not exist before 1920. any attempts at changing that are exclusively due to the transgenderist ideology born out of the sexual institute. you can scream and shout about how men chopping off their dicks for the divine thousands of years ago isn't just a trans allegory but is literally the same as today's "accepted" beliefs about transgenderism, but you would be objectively wrong.

Excusing your autism then, tell me what word you would use.

castrated men
fictional men from ancient stories

Except that they weren't fictional, and didn't perceive themselves as men given that they relinquished it with a knife. And society at large as they do today joked about the state of whether they were men or women, or something between. Things really haven't changed.

What you linked is a biased agenda funded by dark money

Imagine retreating into a schizophrenic larp the moment material fucking evidence completely blows the fuck out of your meme ideology, and then thinking it had any value worth sharing with others.

they weren't fictional

okay sure, whatever. the mentally ill men written about in text from thousands of years ago are literally indistinguishable from the mentally ill men of today who chop their dicks off for tiktok. it really is so fucking pathetic that the nazi regime was destroyed. they would have done away with this nonsense once and for all. it's honestly quite sad to think about.

ty sweetie.

Fuck these Jews, and fuck these chuds.

The thing about AIPAC is if you get elected to office and you don't prioritize Israel over the US, they'll kill you.

Not literally, of course. They just scream in the media that you're a bigot over and over again, then they pour money into your primary/general opponent at your next primary/general election. But if figuratively killing (your career) doesn't work, then yes, they'll next try to kill you.

The US is literally being held hostage by pro-Israeli political pacs.

you can. youre considered a male under the draft.

"something was called a different word therefore it does not exist"

wow some jews complaining about pederasty, how funny and ironic
note that there is nothing in this text remotely similar to modern transgenderism. this is simply some ancient kike bitching about faggots. why are you posting this again?

Deny it. I dare you.

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t. some modern kike bitching about faggots

craving a complete transformation

craving, but not obtaining. again, modern transgenderist ideology states that these people would be trans women, but this text very explicitly does not make that distinction. they are still men.
and besides, it talks about them walking in procession and holding office and participating in rituals. how can we even be sure if this is what happened if, again, the text is thousands of years old and there is no supporting text or evidence to back these claims up? for all we know, this kike could have been a veritable alex jones, taking the happenings around him and exaggerating them to this degree, hmm?
I know you desperately want me to trust this kike but I simply cannot do so. jews are, by their very nature, untrustworthy.

This is the counter example. If you want positive examples, read the Roman pagan literature. You won't though. You're a LARPer, either that or poisoned by Judeo-Christian values.

and you say that modern trannies are still men, so what's your point?

can you read? transgenderism did not exist before 1920. I'm saying that modern trannies are men wanting to be women and call themselves trans. they men in the text you posted are still men, yes, but they are not trans.

Why should I care?

Okay let's wrap this up. He's too thick to understand, and I'm surprised he hasn't died already from forgetting to breathe.

it's pretty understandable to me tbqh

before 1920

not transgenderism

after 1920


like it really cannot get any simpler than that and its insane to me that you would try and jump through so many hoops just so you don't have to admit that
it doesn't matter to your current day plight as a tranny anyway lmao. it's 2024. you're not some fictional priestess written in a fable.

you're not some fictional priestess written in a fable.

You stay comfortable thinking that.

likewise, you stay comfortable thinking that chopping your dick off makes you closer to the divine

Julian writes about this. Not that you'd know.

people thought colds were caused by miasma in the past

a Russian called it a virus 1892

viruses were invented by Russians

This is your brain on chud

viruses were invented by Russians


again, fictional literature

drawing a connection between trans ppl and deadly contagious diseases that need to be eradicated


I’m retarded


No argument detected. Cis-scum defeated. Moving on.

hey you're the one making the allegory where trans ppl are called miasma in the past then redefined as viruses
maybe you should use a different analogy if you're trying to convince me that jewish transgenderist ideology shouldn't be wiped from the earth, just sayin

Never believe that transphobes are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The transphobes have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

she is right to not reply to you. but to give her satisfaction, you should know: she is referring to "hymn to the mother of the gods." the galli were not fictional, they really existed. you are an ignoramus. which is, just so you know and don't make a further ass of yourself, fake latin

damn and now you're misgendering too? the mask slips, kike! I see you for what you truly are!
pathetic. the absurdity in our replies is in service to amicability because unfortunately we aren't able to openly advocate for the eradication of "people" like you but mark my words. transgenderist ideology is on the downturn, these past 100 years will have been all for naught and when open season on your faggot ass has been declared, the noxious air of the cities around the world will be filled by the thunderous roar of you and your kike ilk being shot dead in the streets like the rodents you truly are.
you let your mask slip, so mine does in turn. you WILL lose this cultural battle, my dear, and your blood will clog the gutters.

Agree with the rest, but why would a burger care about this part?

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damn. bro watched the joker movie too much

So again, how do you decide when to not allow someone who says they're a woman from going to a woman's prison? Or play women's sports, or get a women's scholarship, etc?

Based 'straya.

Well yeah, golems do support their talmudic rabbi masters

did the joker movie talk about killing trannies, I never watched it
hollywood is infested by kikes lmao do you actually think I'm going to watch the visual goyslop peddled to me just because it might align with my goals? of course not lmfao