Why do so many pooners want to be feminine men?

Why do so many pooners want to be feminine men?

TERF spaces often make fun of FtMs for not wanting to be manly men and instead wanting to be like feminine bl uke boys.
They see this as a sign that FtMs are not men, just confused girls.
Life if you want to be a boy, then why are you so girly? Just stay a girl then. Cis men don't strive to be feminine as often as FtM men do.

I am one of those FtMs. I basically only want to be a boy if I can be a feminine, cute one. I would kms if I had to be a manly man.

Sometimes I invalidate myself as a 'fakeboy' because I fit that stereotype.

But like honestly, I think it makes sense that many FtMs want to be like that.
Most of us were abused by men, which can cause a fear or aversion for manliness.
We were also allowed to express the goated femininity, many of us would find it hard to leave that behind.

I think growing up as a female just made me develop better taste in men.
Cis men are raised to believe that being super manly and bottling up your emotions (will take them out on battered wife when home) is the way to go.
In comparison I think that being pretty and being a good person is what makes the ideal man.

So yeah that's why I think so many FtMs want to be feminine instead of more manly.

What do you guys think?

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Why do so many pooners want to be feminine men?

At least from an outsider perspective it looks like only ftfemboys are loved and the rest of trans guys are basically ignored. The reasons should be kinda obvious since mosy see them ad quirky tomboys

t. cis guy

feminine men are way hotter

tell me anon, are you on T? do you want to get on T?
sounds like a certified theyfab moment

you just want a ill vulnerable woman to abuse and call a cuntboy

you just want attention and an excuse to say that you arent like any of the other girls

Not yet. I want to though for the voice.
I probably would get off it after a couple months to avoid hairloss and weight gain.
No definitively not. I hate being trans it makes me feel like a freak. I don't want people to know im afab either.


i mean i respect it as someone who's technically mtf but has an idealized gender identity of "feminine boy", in a cynical way for most ftms might as well lean into cuteness and shotamoding or whatever while you're young because you do get treated a little bit better than say, a short bald man, but you also avoid being seen as a sex object by large numbers of straight men if you're sufficiently boyish

not yet

I probably would get off it after a couple months

classic theyfab

I probably would get off it after a couple months

theyfab stain

imagine a tranny coming about saying they want to be a stone butch, its the same fucking thing as these larping theyfabs

I only respect ftfemboys if they are into topping/pegging

imagine a tranny coming about saying they want to be a stone butch, its the same fucking thing as these larping theyfabs

i mean is there a problem with that beyond it not being realistic for most mtfs unless they just wanna look like men? it's a lot simpler for females to pull off a convincingly male appearance

You are not a man, you will never be a man.
This is just yet another trauma response ""ftm"" who thinks they can’t be a woman, despite wanting to be feminine, because being a woman means being sexualized and possibly assaulted, while being a ""boy"" wouldn’t mean any of that. Cope, unless you become a hairy manly man, you will still be a woman and a target for men. You're just trying to escape unwanted sexualization and want to sexualize yourself on your own terms. Just be a confident woman who doesn’t take shit instead of putting up this facade that only hurts all the people who are actually trans.

TLDR; you're fake, just a woman with trauma from sexualization

imagine a tranny coming about saying they want to be a stone butch

holy based

I have actually been wondering about that. I keep asking my therapist for help determining if im a guy or just a traumatised confused girl.
I have ptsd from sexual abuse and I am pretty cooked in the mind from that I can't lie.

But I feel happy as a guy.
I repressed the last two years and tried my best to be a girl but I still wanted to be a guy. I was depressed and envious of guys.
I feel better now after transitioning again.

what "transitioning" did you do exactly? get a haircut?
you said that you aren't even on hrt

Most of us were abused by men, which can cause a fear or aversion for manliness.

I always wonder if I want to be masculine because I was abused primarily by women. I'm still attracted to them though.

it seems a lot more preferable to the large number of trannies who model their aesthetics on anime girls

Being depressed about being a woman after sexual abuse and being envious of men still doesn’t make you a man. You are demonizing your own gender because you got assaulted because of it and you put men on a pedals because they’re seemingly above it. You might even put yourself in a position where you think women are lesser than men because you got abused.
I haven’t heard you express any dysphoria whatsoever. If you are trans, then you are uncomfortable in your own body and that doesn’t only happen after being sexually abused. Becoming a "trans boy" after being abused isn’t the solution to your problem. Being strong, confident and standing up for women’s rights and more harsh prosecution is.
Obviously I am assuming stuff now, but if you are not on T then you are hardly "transitioning". Just getting a short haircut and telling people you wanna be he/him now isn’t transitioning and undermines the shit all actual transitioners go through.

Rethink what you’re doing, because at this rate you are hurting others to cope with your own trauma. Said trauma could be dealt with otherwise. Not saying you aren’t a man actually, but if you say you don’t want to be a man and take T, then you’re fooling yourself and everyone else and abusing systems that are in place to help other people, because you think it’s the right way to deal with your trauma.

No I just don't want to be fat and bald bruh.
I know this doesn't happen to everyone and most people benefit from being on T long term.
I am pretty sure it would happen to me and I doubt I could prevent it.

Theyfabs give me dysphoria I don't want to look like that.
I want to look clearly male. Like a cis guy who just is slender, has fluffy hair, and puppy eyes you know? and I don't want people to think I could be afab or a girl at all.

Like a cis guy who just is slender, has fluffy hair, and puppy eyes you know?

Guys look like that when they are 15-20, some will be pushing it to 25 but in the end everyone ages and has to grow up. They won't look like that forever and usually guys have no problem in getting manlier once they become adults

Testosterone won’t just make you fat or bald.
If you get fat, then you’re eating too much and not exercising enough. Your own fault.
Balding has the prerequisite of having the gene for androgenic alopecia and thus a a sensitivity to DHT. You could always take T with a DHT blocker like fin or duta.

Saying you don’t want T because it makes you bald and fat is a lazy excuse and demonizing men.

you sound a lot like someone who would detransition in a couple years, i’d advise you not to do top surgery for a while if you haven’t already

I basically only want to be a boy if I can be a feminine, cute one. I would kms if I had to be a manly man.

You don't want to be a man then.

being a good person is what makes the ideal man

Most women don't think that. They see it as a weakness.

I'm a cute femboy and I'd let a trans guy swap bodies with me so he can try being cis :3 (he'll hate it after 4 days)

(he'll hate it after 4 days)



Why lel? I'm serious kek

Theyfabs give me dysphoria I don't want to look like that.

so you arent on hrt, it sounds like you didnt get top surgery, and really all you could have done to transition is dress like a boy and give yourself a "fluffy" haircut

you literally look like a theyfab right now as you read this thread, anon, idk what to tell you

I got a new wardrobe. I cut my hair short. I do voice training and practice talking like a guy. Im trying to learn how to act like a guy and stop doing womanly mannerisms. Changed my name and told my friends Im a guy.
If you saw me on the street you would think im a teen cis boy on his way to school.
I don't wear anything cool except platform sneakers and boots. (I know they are very clocky but idk.) I don't do makeup except to cover up rosacea and it looks good. I don't paint my nails or anything like that.

i know that you're serious but it's still funny

Well will you honor the deal anon...?

i'm not OP

What are you leaving out? Because except for the platforms and boots this isn’t feminine. You said you want to be a feminine man and not a manly man, yet now you describe how you are trying to act manly. What are you omitting?

im cis m and i want to be a feminine bl uke boy
so maybe they are men but just retarded like me :3

The thing about teenage boys is that they eventually become men. Even the biggest most terrified of twink death femboy eventually accepts this process and moves on. It's counterproductive and frankly bizarre to live in this extreme Peter Pan syndrome world. You sound extremely young so maybe you're fine now. But what about when you have to get a job, get your own place to live, speak to anyone with any sort of authority? Are you really fine with being seen as a teenage boy on his way to school your entire life while everyone around you grows and matures?
Like everyone else has told you, you're a theyfab with trauma, you are going to detransition within the next half decade, all I ask is when you do, don't drag the rest of us down with you because it's that kind of monstrously selfish behavior being displayed again and again that makes everyone on this board wary of people like you.

You know everyone sees you as afab, right?

I am not manly at all and don't strive to be. I just want people to think im a cis guy more than anything, so I am not gonna like go out in a dress or anything.

And I still come across as pretty a feminine guy. You can tell im into fashion and stuff still if you look close enough.

Maybe when Im farther into my transition I will be more comfortable wearing cooler clothes outside.

This reminds of tropic thunder: here we have a female, who wants to be a version of male which was created by another female.
Listen little boy, you can be whatever the fuck you want in this day and age, but please, leave your retarded idea of what men "actually" are at home.
The only reason some aspects of toxic masculinity are perpetrated to this day is because so many girls and gay men are meta attracted. The person behind the mask of "manly man" is sacrificed to the altar of idiotic masculinity to please their self centered sexuality. It's a vicious cycle that sustains itself on the dumb, the depressed and the scared.

I talk about my feelings, I am open about my fears and doubts, I lift weights and punch people in the face. I cry at sad movies or while singing death metal songs in the car, I draw, do music and write poetry sometimes.
I am alone. I have tons of friends, good ones who love me dearly, but no romantic partner whatsoever, and none in the foreseable future. And I'm OK with that now, but many of my peers aren't and will never be.
What do they say? Before you judge someone walk a mile in their shoes?
You haven't took a step yet, so feel free to be your cute uke uwu boy, God knows we actually need more of those, but don't be out there judging and hating with only a surface level understanding of what goes on please.
You might now wanna be a manly man, but you should still strive to be a brother to your fellow men.

Damn anon you don't have to go so hard.

But you are probably right and that's awful.
I like to think I look amab until I open my mouth.

I just want you to realize the privileged position you are in. You're given freedom to do all this precisely because people still see you as afab. Think for a moment how an amab who wants to be a teenage girl would be treated.
The whole reason you're able to live like this and have everyone go along with it is that you're not a man. That's the paradox in your actions and the thing you fail to understand when you claim to speak about what men are and what men want.

Even the biggest most terrified of twink death femboy eventually accepts this process and moves on.

press x to doubt. the femboy community is so retarded and deep in copium they try to convince people twinkdeath isn't real.

This shit screams "I told you it's not a phase, mom!". Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid and permanent like a top surgery or something.

It's not a phase tho

yes but not exactly.
Im really not sure myself what I really am and I admit that.
I just want to feel comfortable with myself.

I have lots of signs of just being a girl and I have lots of signs of being trans and I have no idea what's right.
I mean Im leaning towards being a guy who just happens to have trauma.

That's also why I haven't started T yet. I don't want to make a mistake and regret it.

does it count if I do top my gf but she usually pegs me

leaning towards being a guy who just happens to have trauma

don't want T

You see how this doesn’t make sense right? If you’re just a guy then take T
Even the most masculine looking hons want estrogen, because they’re actually trans. If you don’t have dysphoria and don’t want T then you're most likely not trans.
Being trans isn’t just some identity you prescribe yourself and style choices and that’s it. It’s most likely a medical/biological condition that isn’t remedied without cross-sex hormones, hence HRT is how we treat gender dysphoria. Saying you don’t want T is like saying you have chronic depression that makes you miserable, but you don’t want SSRIs, because "what if they make me beaindead/gain weight/etc?".

Maybe that has to do with it?
But if you still appreciate women and femininity specifically the kind you abuser had than probably not.
I specifically have a fixation on disliking masculine qualities my abusers had.

I want to take T but I am reluctant in case im wrong about being trans.

I have pretty bad dysphoria.

oh god it actually is a theyfab, this hoe doesn't have disphoria, its just a fucking stylistic thought for a depressed loner with no real friends

See that's my problem. I literally am not sure which way to go.
I want to be a guy but I do have trauma and might just be coping.

I was abused since I was little but I only realised it when I was 16 after it escalated.
I started to see my life and what happened to me for what it actually was.
My mom didn't love me, my dad was an alcoholic schizo pedophile, my boyfriend had been sexually assaulting me everyday.
My whole dream life shattered.
I started to realise that I didn't even want to be a girl.
My whole life I tried my best to be perfect at being a girl.. I had to be that and not in a million years could there be another option.

I like being a guy, but maybe it's just a cope. Maybe I just like getting to choose something for myself.

I have pretty bad dysphoria. I really want top surgery but I feel like I should think about it more.
My therapist said I should go to the gynecologist to ask about T but Ive been avoiding it because uhh I dont want to go to a gynecologist.

I really am not sure what's right.

ok but what does it mean that I do have dysphoria? I am pretty desperate to sort this out.

I specifically don't want to be a masc woman. Im a feminine person, as a girl I prefer being pretty with curled long hair and a cute fit.
I don't feel comfortable as either of those though. I specifically want to be seen as a boy.

I have top and bottom dysphoria. Voice and uh how I act dysphoria. Dysphoria that I don't have long lanky limbs with proportionally larger joints. I want to be a boy.

My mom didn't love me, my dad was an alcoholic schizo pedophile, my boyfriend had been sexually assaulting me everyday.

hope you have someone you can actually trust nowadays, sounds like you rather need a good therapist specializing in cptsd

I like being a guy, but maybe it’s a cope

It’s possible. Have you looked at it that way, that you just don’t want to be that perfect girl anymore? You could also just be a normal girl or a tomboy or anything else

I have pretty bad dysphoria

I am not your therapist and will not diagnose you whether you actually have it or not. If you do have real dysphoria, then it’s not going to go away without the necessary procedures and HRT.

My therapist said I should go to a gynecologist to ask about T

So even the trained professional treating you is telling you that it would help you, provided you are completely honest with them.

I have been avoiding it because I don’t want to go to a gynecologist

Bitch I had to go to a urologist, introduce myself with a male name, explain I want HRT and get my whole lower body touched, fondled and scanned. Get a grip.
You could also just go to an endocrinologist for a gender neutral treatment, unless you also need a screening pre HRT.
If you want to be a man then you will hear this a lot: Man up. Yes it is a stereotype, so let me make it gender neutral for you: Stand up for yourself and show some confidence and dignity. Men are pressured to do this more than women are, so you better get used to it. T will also help with it

trained professional

Assuming they're good at their job. Life changing procedures should need the opinion of more than 1 professional.