Realistically, why shouldn’t I be violently racist, misogynistic, misandrist, homophobic...

Realistically, why shouldn’t I be violently racist, misogynistic, misandrist, homophobic, transphobic etc if I am a 5’6 5/10 face male? Being a manlet in current year means you’re deemed as worthless automatically with no real way to develop social/sexual marketplace value, I have never dated, had sex, or really had any meaningful form of bond to a sexually available cis/trans woman, and for this reason I am outcast from all male social groups for being low value. Morality is faux copium doesn’t exist, women would date a 6’2 serial child rapist/murderer over a regular 5’6 male, and then when he eventually rapes/abuses her I will be to blame. In the women’s mind, low marketplace males are the root of all evil, a common displacement for gutterwhores to continue fucking 6’2 pedophiles and being abused while taking their frustrations out on lesser beings in their view. Being a low value male means you are on the receiving end of all misdirected anger and are treated below lesser than. ER literally did nothing wrong, I am already worse than Hitler Epstein Dahmer and no amount of self improvement will ever fix that. General society wants me dead for the grave sin of being 5’6. The highlight of my day is when some loser shoots up a school

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If I put you in the body of the average pre-op ftm you'd kill yourself. Either rope or transition and stop shitting up the board with your whining.

I don’t give a fuck about FtC freaks they’re all entitled women who threw away an easy life to exist as a travelling volunteer circus performer it’s all their fault and they deserve worse

it isnt because youre short
its because you suck at piloting your life and are a wack person

You'd still kill yourself within the day

imagine being such a failure of a man that attribute your lack of skills and intelligence to your height and face. holy fucking shit bro and the """""ppl""""" like you constantly spew this limp-wristed faggot ass bullshit. what you should do is just kill yourself. you will never be a man, you will be alone until the day you die and your family, assuming they care about you and aren't fucking EMBARRASSED by how much of a fucking LOSER you are, will quietly dump your putrid rotting body into a hole in the ground, wipe their hands of the dirt, and be glad that you left this world without killing a bunch of ppl in a fit of infinite reddit gamer rage.
you are pathetic and I sincerely hope that you die, this week. whether it's thru suicide or some freak accident. I want to be able to read a news article that very explicitly states that the person who died in the article is the same person who made this thread.
also if you're offended by this, you're just proving my point again.

> you will be alone until the day you die and your family, assuming they care about you and aren't fucking EMBARRASSED by how much of a fucking LOSER you are, will quietly dump your putrid rotting body into a hole in the ground, wipe their hands of the dirt, and be glad that you left this world without killing a bunch of ppl in a fit of infinite reddit gamer rage.

But anon this is going to happen to you lol. Also when you die who cares what people will do you will cease to exist so all that stuff is whatever lol. “Oh be a nice person like me anon even though my parents and my parents before them would and did do the same thing.”

Anon you don't remember your grandpa because at the end of the day everyone is the same in the grave lol.

its really hard to not tell whiny bitches to kill themselves.
you won't believe me but i fucking promise you that your problems don't stem from your height and looks.

Only one small issue, I outperform you and the general public in literally every metric in life. I am smarter, I am stronger, I am more capable, I am better than literally 90% of the human population and the only reason why I keep being undermined is because people get irrationally jealous of my success and become manipulative freaks pulling strings behind my back and everyone else encourages it because they’re envious losers. I have 14 b/c grades 5 college diplomas and doing a degree in a high paying field, I am a GOD compared to you worthless fucking rodents perpetually breeding more goyim taxcattle that is if you aren’t infertile troons whenever you retards say I don’t deserve anything it’s hilarious because I literally deserve everything and more. I am better than you

going insane and crying on Anon Babble for attention because he's a cis man with an average face and

height 2 inches below average
yeah he'd ack in a day if he was a dickless 5'0 trans man. OP, man up, stop whining like a little bitch for no reason and be thankful for how lucky you are. Maybe that will help with women finding you unattractive

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Yes, if I was FtC I would hang myself because I deserve to die



woman shoots herself in the foot


why are male brains wired to do this

You are just extremely mentally ill and make that clear through your mannerisms, that's why no one will ever want to date you
If you had a nice personality, you could have a chance, but you certainly will die alone

Probably because women are immediately granted higher worth the second they’re born compared to males and therefore never ACTUALLY have to work a day in their lives to be seen as worthwhile. But you aren’t a woman you’re just a delusional low value male that had to turn to fantasyland just to cope

> I am better than you

And yet you die the same. If you die today you would be easily forgotten hell no one even knows who you are so yeah. Waste of stuff remove your whole “paragraph”

Not projecting I just don't see why anyone should listen to you. You are on this site so we can all assume you are some form of outcast I am sorry for having to tell you this.

Life gets a lot funnier when you realize that when you see a hateful post by a chud on Anon Babble/jak party, this is probably the guy who posted it


you keep using this but have absolutely no meaning or self-awareness

> 5 college diplomas and doing a degree in a high paying field

Why wasn't the first college diploma in a high-paying field? Um can you explain this? So all 5 diplomas right now are worthless?

the 6’2 infant rapist just has a nicer personality. Maybe if you respected my heckin pronouns women would like you chud

Immediately proving my point of the OP. I may as well be a transphobe because ultimately nothing changes anyways. In your mind I’m already a transphobe for the mortal sin of being 5’6

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yea I am an outcast and so are you but I'm not angry and pissing myself and fantasizing about killing a bunch of trannies because I looked in the mirror and saw a short pudgy mong looking back.

I have college diplomas which vary in field most are high value and others are general interests, and by the end of this year I will have amassed even more. I am a top 10% in terms of education/CV building

no, you're a transphobe in my mind because of

when you see a hateful post by a chud on Anon Babble/jak party

Past tense is inferred meaning this is the characteristics you assigned to the poster of those threads prior to mine which means you already associate a short male with violent transphobia. You proved my point. May as well go full TTD

you posted this here with the hopes to antagonize people into mocking you so you could feel reassured in your perception that the world hates you so you know you to hate it back.

The truth is that the world does not care much about you. That can always change if you cared much about the world.

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I am not either but if I was it would be meaningless to be mad at me knowing that my life is pointless unless you are on the same level as shit.

I see things as just assumptions there is no right or wrong. So, if someone wants to do that to me I don't see myself as better or worse. But you seem to. Op probably doesn't even exist and is a bot but your reaction shows that you care about some random shit that doesn't affect you. This is your issue not mine. If someone wants to say “kill all trannies” they can it doesn't bother me and I am a trans girl. You die the same you end the same.

Hell I will never see you in my life so if you wanted to live aligned like that then so be it. The only people I hate are people who want to control. And right now that sadly is you.

reread your post aloud to yourself and then ask yourself why people don’t want to spend time around you
(it’s because you have a 0/10 personality)

mostly because you will have better personal outcomes if you figure out some way to participate in society in a healthy manner

maybe you should try to date men or transgender if you don't like the dating woman market

Um, but if you stuck with one major like Cs or engineering you wouldn't need all those worthless majors. Like, tell me why waste money like this?

Also, why are you not doing something productive I can't believe you are wasting your life here and not doing something of higher intelligence. I mean you admitted to being some very smart dude and yet you are here talking to people who never finished hs. That's sad dude!

no dont you get it
its like they said its because their colleagues with 5+ degrees cant hear what they try to say from all the way down there at 5'6 and their face is too ugly so they cant enunciate properly either

Realistically, why shouldn’t I be violently racist, misogynistic, misandrist, homophobic, transphobic etc if I am a 5’6 5/10 face male?

Seems like a horrible coping mechanism that only makes everything worse.

So they have some weird speech impediment. Well that sucks, hey anon you should major in a speech that would probably be better for you!

There is no way for a manlet to actively win in current social climate, being gay lowers social value which reflects in all interactions and bonds in life. There is no reason to socialise as a manlet
You are an actual subhuman who thinks if someone regurgitates whatever and all viewpoints you have it makes them a good person or worthy. Political brainrot, go back to xitter cuck palistine needs their referral links posted a billionth time

I don't want any modicum of control tbqh I simply want op the die an an excruciatingly violent and painful death for being the shithead that he is. it doesn't matter if he's a bot, these kinds of people do exist and they should be murdered en masse.

If you get so easily out manipulated then you are far from smarter than anyone else. Deflection of failure is a low IQ trait.

somehow i feel like this kid does NOT have five degrees
because he has abhorrent english and is also has seemingly nonexistent emotional self regulation or maturity or introspection

And yet my work marketplace is ten times that of the average wastoid, while you beg for a minimum wage position I have ten offers in my dms begging me to take the job. Good luck being a wageslave forever
How would it make everything worse?

hey, maybe be polite and kind to others and stop jacking off to school shootings, then people will like you more?

”this must be a fucking twitter user!”

you might be beyond saving if you actually think like this

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There is no way for a manlet to actively win in current social climate, being gay lowers social value which reflects in all interactions and bonds in life. There is no reason to socialise as a manlet

Just transition if you're really 5'6
I'm 5'3 FtM and I can't say I've ever complained as much as you have itt. Just troon out already so you can be a rich tranny with 5 degrees and a polycule

How would it make everything worse?

This may be shocking, but deliberately anti-social behavior is rather socially alienating.

But why? Like what is he doing to make you this mad? You want to horribly kill him but all I see is some weird incel who has nowhere to go.
Like he can't go to Instagram his face is the issue same with tiktok. He can't go to Reddit because they ban everything hell I am permanently ban from Reddit and all subreddits because I call the head honcho mod obese.

And you can't say that on reddit lol. So this is the only place he has to vent and he is super gay so pol would just pick on him lol.

Ur probably cute, anon, just need to calm down a bit
I'd date a shorter guy easily even if I'm a bottom

Manipulation is based on current social trends and the ostracisation of manlets is rampant. It is impossible for a male below 6ft to integrate into society on a personal level, manipulation is literally based on predetermined value there is no social “skills” it’s status ranking based on genetics
Introspection is worthless, emotional regulation isn’t important because 6’2 murderers still have sex regardless. No one cares, it’s some poor attempt to convince yourself you’re better than me. You aren’t, and you never will be

this is why op dying would be an objectively good thing btw

>yet my work marketplace is ten times that of the average wastoid, Good luck being a wageslave forever

But I don't work my bf does. Um, all I do is type on Anon Babble all day for free. I think working is slavery. Is this bad?

It is impossible for a male below 6ft to integrate into society on a personal level

Almost every normal, well adjusted male I know is under 6'. This is genuinely a skill issue on your part.

because it would be very funny, wtf kind of question is that lmao

lol like you’d stand a chance. Face me fairly in hand to hand and I would decimate you in seconds freak
You aren’t a man, no one views you as a man they are placating your mental illness because you’re a woman. You have life handed to you, ANY complaint from you should be immediately discarded
Anti social behaviour is being 5’6 at age 23


why are you so obsessed with this
how do you even measure this
youre so buckbroken as a human that all you care about is being the fattest rat in the race

Because this isn't a comic book movie, and there's no plot, and no climax. You will just end up making your own life more miserable at the cost of being spiteful to random strangers.

no reason. Keep doing what you are doing and may it bring you much success and happiness!

So you’re surrounded by betabuxx hubbys who you don’t have sex with and they are all coincidentally under 6ft? Very interesting

>You have life handed to you

But you did too you have like 5 degrees hell I hardly know people with 1. Hell a pharmacist only has 2 and they make $200000 a year. So yeah you have it made too I bet you didn't pay for any degrees. I bet your parents paid for your school. I paid for my own bs in Cs and I am a tranny.

no one views you as a man they are placating your mental illness

Good, they better fix their lips when I come around

Anti social behaviour is being 5’6 at age 23

Not for everyone else. It's actually pretty easy to both fit in and find love. You just aren't as intelligent or capable as you think you are.

Face me fairly in hand to hand and I would decimate you in seconds freak

I would simply shoot you in the head

So you’re surrounded by betabuxx hubbys who you don’t have sex with and they are all coincidentally under 6ft?

I am a straight cismale, of course I don't fuck my male friends.

I know he thinks his “degrees” are worth something when he didn't realize he has been a big loser since grade school lol. I wonder why he is still alive a high iq person would not be living in pain for this long lol

Men do this to themselves, and then cry and say women and everyone else have to listen to them and fix their problems. Zoomer males are fucking cooked.
You can only date millennial and Gen X men, and possibly when they get to age of majority, Gen Alpha men. There will be this huge dateless gap of zoomer men.

Do you feel like these are the people making daily 'poonere have it easy' threads

I literally self funded every single diploma and my degree because of constant ostracisation and being targeted at college so I dropped out and got a job doing courses online. I am just simply better than you
Finding “love” isn’t a skill, it is just gifted to undeserving losers who got lucky
Because I just can’t help but watch you mentally ill freaks writhe in painKNOWING you’re an abomination KNOWING you’re a mutilated jester and knowing you’ll die screaming

Who knows. Maybe as a false flag, but it's a much broader issue about crying zoomer males demanding special treatment.

Finding “love” isn’t a skill, it is just gifted to undeserving losers who got lucky

Socialization is in fact a skill that can be learned rather easily for the intelligent.

You know nothing Jon Snow

He has a point though, you act like your intelligence isn't a gift. You're also gifted in that way. Others are gifted in the love department. I know it sucks.

being targeted at college

story time anon, how have you been targeted for your height?

Delusional egoistic retard who thinks they’re special because they were allowed entry into general society with impunity to do and say whatever. Trans I’m guessing? Leveraging the government mandated heckin valid speeches so people can’t actively tell you how repulsive and mentally deranged you are? And then you convince yourself you are actually a desirable functional human being, just to keep living. Fantasyland
Special treatment is when a male wants to be treated as regular class person

6 feet tall white cis man here.

Realistically, why shouldn’t I be violently racist, misogynistic, misandrist, homophobic, transphobic etc if I am a 5’6 5/10 face male?

Because you can still do one or more of the following and fix the problem:
A) Travelling to another country where the average male height is lower than yours, most likely asian countries. You'll get the advantage of not only being above average in height there but also your race will play in your favor specially if you're white or have white skin. You'd get extra points for being exotic compared to the local men and you don't even need to live there permanently. Vacationing is better for dating because it makes you scarcer (more valuable) and gives you an excuse to move things forward faster instead of having to play the game at its regular pace.
B) Going to the gym and becoming at least somewhat fit. Won't fix your height but it'll improve your odds and will get you more respect also from men moreso if you also learn how to fight.
C) Learning how to play an instrument and make music and play it in public. For some reason women it.
D) Doing everything you can to improve how your face looks. 5/10 is average so shouldn't need plastic surgery, but that is also an option too if you want an edge over the competition.
E) Learning about sexual dynamics and what is going on in dating. Read pic related and its following books.
F) If all of the above isn't enough for you, you could still get leg lengthening surgery. I don't know anyone who got one but I heard it's a thing.

Or you can remain exactly how you are right now, a lazy piece of shit who expects to be loved and get dates without putting any work or making an effort. Unfortunately for you only women and trannies have that privilege.
Accept it and play the game or live the rest of your life in abject bitterness.

First and last post I'll write for you. We (men) are creatures of ACTION. Complaining is useless.

Delusional egoistic retard who thinks they’re special because they were allowed entry into general society with impunity to do and say whatever. Trans I’m guessing? Leveraging the government mandated heckin valid speeches so people can’t actively tell you how repulsive and mentally deranged you are? And then you convince yourself you are actually a desirable functional human being, just to keep living. Fantasyland

So you haven't actually been targeted by anyone at all and are instead just delusionally schizoposting?


I have always been targeted and harassed for my height even in male social groups because ultimately short men are the weakest link in current climate therefore people displace their frustrations of their own shortcomings onto me, and it’s not my problem. The general population are burdensome to me for no reason beyond rampant narcissism
I’m not intelligent, I’m hard working and educated. I deserve to be higher class

I'm drinking tea from a cup that says male tears on it, reading this thread giggling and laughing

Men are already treated as regular people, in fact they still receive special favoritism. You're demanding even more special treatment and to be mommied by the whole rest of society. It's your own fault that you're such a slacker and made enemies of everyone around you, and now you're just wasting away playing video games and raging on the internet.

t. male with self-hate

I have always been targeted and harassed for my height even in male social groups because ultimately short men are the weakest link in current climate therefore people displace their frustrations of their own shortcomings onto me, and it’s not my problem.

So you have no actual stories of discrimination?

cry about it!

Thanks for the confirmation.

You also cried into the cup less than 30 minutes ago when you caught a glimpse of your putrid masculinised ogre face in the reflection of your computer monitor. Could that be why your tea tastes salty? Or is it the wad of cum you spewed out of your atrophied penis watching sissy hypnosis I wonder
Getting an Asian gf could work honestly, but still relatively hard to maintain faithfully in this decade

I am just playing along with your delusions

try again, and maybe try a little less this time!

Literally every single male social group has rejected me, I was only able to enter 4 differing social groups during school years and all were wasted efforts. Years of effort in vain regardless, I was always the pairing bond for most social groups but never really accepted, court jester. It’s impossible to get the regular kikebrain faggot to reciprocate any level of social commodity being a 5’6 male

it comes down to whether you’re willing to change your behavior
if you are, you can make it
if you refuse and think the world should change for you, you will never make it

just be 6’2 bro

i am 5’8

And of what relevance is that to me?

because i made it

P.S. I'll even add a couple more books for OP since he sounds like he needs them desperately.

The Book of Pook.
Practical Female Psychology: For the Practical Man.
Praxeology Volume 1: Frame
And this youtube playlist
If this isn't ENOUGH for you you might as well give up.

Very true.

What is “making it” for you?

having friends who enjoy my company

Realistically, why shouldn’t I be violently racist, misogynistic, misandrist, homophobic, transphobic etc if I am a 5’6 5/10 face male?

Because you're white and the world rolls out the red carpet for cishet white males.

Society has been set up for you to succeed regardless of your perceived shortcomings.

If you haven't figured out a way to leverage your cishet white maleness into an easy street life, you must be a royal fuckup.


Said the cis white male

hey OP I'm 6'2", was a 9/10 guy, have iq in the 150s, made 6 figures by 21, had a 7 inch dick. still became mtf and still get girls and sex no problem. literally just skill issue grow the fuck up you'd do better if you took a fucking shower and touched some grass. you're only low value because you make yourself low value lmfaoooo

All too vague. Sounds like you were being a thin skinned, entitled prick.

you must be at least 6'0 to be a cis male

Ok Troon
And yet you castrated yourself. You sound remarkably stupid and mentally deranged
6ft is honestly short in current year, you need to be 6’5 for male socialising to be worthwhile

If you haven't figured out a way to leverage your cishet white maleness into an easy street life, you must be a royal fuckup.

The racial obsession of leftists is so fascinating. What does this even look like in your mind?

Ok Troon

Still a cishet male. Still 100% certain that you are the problem.

that's the only comeback you have? E literally makes sex better and I have a live in cis F partner that loves to worship me everyday. you're one to call me castrated when you're castrating yourself even harder with your own stupidity and nasty ass personality bro once again: grow the fuck up dumbass

Bait. 41%
Troon becomes misandrist to detach from remaining masculinity in futile attempt to realign with cis women, lashes out at men like a retard to no avail. Sad

We just want you to be happy anon.

oh those damn leftists and their racism!

Bait. You've had 0% dates or sex LMFAOOOOOO so I think I'm more qualified to speak on it. Or you can keep thinking this is bait and keep your stats at 0 ^_^

i trooned to have my sexual market value skyrocket and went from 5'2 petite manlet that would have masculinized to 5'2 petite cute transgirl. any short guy should do that who isnt super masc


Still not trans at all


I don't think you understand what this word means

detach from remaining masculinity

Still not trans at all

lashes out at men

Asking for even a single story (which you could not provide) is not lashing out. You have given no reason at all to think your height rather than your personality is the reason you are alone.

I would call it more "fetishization" than "racism". The idea that the world just unravels for cishet white males is pure fantasy. Grand narratives like this simplify the world to the point of peak absurdity and then they say retarded things like "leverage your cishet white maleness into an easy street life".

Bait. You have never had sex. Seething Troon
If I wasn’t too masc I would solely for the social leverage it grants, but I had a gymcel phase and smoked for a while
I’m not writing out an entire essay on 4chud just to “prove” I have been targeted. You are a retard and your just world fallacy doesn’t and will never be reality. Keep lying to yourself though

I’m not writing out an entire essay on 4chud just to “prove” I have been targeted

This is because you haven't actually been "targeted". You know that you are alone because you are an entitled and thin skinned prick.

You are a retard and your just world fallacy doesn’t and will never be reality. Keep lying to yourself though


Should be legal for me to kill you

that's a lot of words for "skill issue". your problem is your attitude, being a DYEL, and lack of rizz.
my brother is 5'6, works as a welder, and has a hot cis gf. hes not even bulky or works out a lot. he's just in shape from working and playing sports when he was younger
learn to talk to women and get used to rejection. follow the Boomhauer method

going insane and crying on Anon Babble for attention because he's a cis man with an average face and

Literally. Males have no idea why people hate them and this is their "struggle" in a nutshell. You want attention just swap genders, fag.


Merely because you feel entitled to a hugbox you don't deserve?

I already gymceled to no avail, realistically gym is for losers since most martial art professionals can kill roidmonkeys anyways. And martial arts is determined by reach and height anyways

If I was a woman I wouldn’t turn myself into some FtC dysgenic eunuch and just live life as easy mode as a woman. Any and every FtC loser deserves the worst in life
I am better than you, I am smarter, I am more qualified, I am stronger. It is natural for the weak to die off, the capable should thrive but in modern society parasites like you try desperately to drag everyone down to your level. You are beyond worthless, a net negative to this earth and it should be legal for me to eliminate you

I am better than you

And yet you have found nothing but failure and loneliness in life because no matter how you cope on anonymous forums you actually are an untermensch.

I literally fucked my girlfriend yesterday. I don't even care if you don't believe me, us troons are still getting way more than you do so clearly we're doing something right that you aren't. I'll still be having sex, and you can try to delude yourself that's not true, but can you really delude yourself the whole world except for you isn't actually having it? Cope and seethe anon ^_^

Wow you've given up on life hard huh

And yet my marketability is still miles ahead of yours and you will never be able to compete, no one cares about your gutterwhores get aids retard
And yet you don’t even have a functional penis, you couldn’t have sex even if she begged you to, how pathetic. You’ll have to get a real man to fuck her, a better, stronger man than yourself. You are a failedmale, your gf knows this it’s intrinsic to reject weak effeminate males, keeping them for betabuxxing purposes while going to real men for sexual release

And yet my marketability is still miles ahead of yours and you will never be able to compete, no one cares about your gutterwhores get aids retard

t. $45K TC mcdonalds manager

Nobody wants you dead for being 5'6,
mate, and not being able to fund a relationship is not a excusing for acting like a POS. 0/10, wouldn't befriend such a hateful person.

??? Why wouldn't I have a functional penis? Idiot, estrogen made me go from 7 inches to 6 inches but now it's soft enough it hurts her less when I go harder, more sensitive for me, and got rid of my refractory period so I can go indefinitely. You obviously don't even know how hormones or sex work. She doesn't even like men, and even if she were doing that cucking fanfic you just projected I'd still be getting sex while you couldn't even manage that. Imagine being worse than a weak effeminate failed male. Think before you speak next time and maybe you won't destroy yourself as hard.

Is shit like this mostly an American issue? I'm in Europe and never encountered a strange one like this

Projection unfortunately
Whatever you have to keep telling yourself. No woman could be truly satisfied by some limp dicked sisssy, you are 100% getting cucked either way. There is nothing envious of sex itself, but I don’t expect a porn addicted freak like you to understand that

I think so. I had no idea about the height obsession until I learned English and started lurking American websites.

It doesn't really work with the metric system, does it. You'd look retarded saying you'd date like a 178cm but not a 179 cm because the difference is imperceptible

Where I live, short men have the reputation for being sex machines being able to deliver orgasms on demand. Obviously that's not always true. Humans are fucking weird. I wish everyone would just calm down.

yeah i think if i was short and also too masc i would just shoot up a walmart or smt and be done with it