Which one of these is the most relatable?

which one of these is the most relatable?

I don't know what I am.

attracted to women and being a woman

weak heterosexuality, minimal interest in penetration

strong meta-attraction

dysphoric sometimes

repressing everything, I don't even crossdress

hate myself

can't see myself as a woman or trans woman

I'm the first one but i'm ugly af.

cool gamer girl is me

me af fr.jpg - 5752x5728, 937.6K

none of them
I'm a cis dude

I think I fit pretty cleanly into the lesbian subtype.
However I do not think I would have been a TERF had I been cis (I like queer community events far too much) and I also generally like being penetrated.

samesies, except i also can’t get into the performative dude-hating all my cool lesbian friends do bcos there’s a 50-50 chance ppl apply that to me.

i'm the shemale type myself. i literally make porn xd

"The straight woman" omg wtf i tick all these boxes. scary how accurate it is lol

It's the best type.

straight woman mostly fits, but i don’t think i’m very normative. the retconning past as comphet is weirdly accurate tho

im probably somewhere between gay boy and enunch

None this is retarted

i think the eunuch archetype has the same relationship to the gamer archetype as gay boy has to HSTS and i would say im basically a gamer who self IDs as eunuch

straight woman is closest, but way off.

None of them match me really.


liked guys pre-trans

hate my parts and won't use them, will get srs

don't hate AGPs/transbians

don't believe in Blanchard's typology

diagnosed GID (before they changed it to gender dysphoria)

some malebrained hobbies like video games and anime (won't usually play or watch alone, but I enjoy them with friends or boyfriend)

none of these like i went from gay boy to straight girl. my ex who knew this typology stuff said im like hsts but idk if that really exists but i also don’t really care, agp is prolly real but idk i only dislike the obvious 0 effort hons who walk around with facial hair and then scream about how women can have facial hair which is like a really small minority anyways. and i don’t identify as gay i just call myself a girl and if people ask for my sexuality i just tell them im straight. im not planning on srs, if there was a get a vagina button id press it but i feel like srs isn’t really there yet. my interests idk some videogames but fashion makes me really happy.

You are both HSTS larpers

im larping as something i don’t even think is real? im just a tranny who likes men not some blanchard word

Put more effort into it

effort into what?

none super seem to fit, besides maybe the self aware version of gamer girl? idk

lesbian, only into cis women or post op tgirls

hated my dick, got SRS

liked penetration on others and like it now on myself

hate the annoying non self aware creepy transbians

mostly hang out with cis women

dont feel super fembrained, like i play video games and tcgs with cis women lol

but i DO like doing really femme stuff like shopping, makeup, etc

you typing like a retard doesn't make you any more of a woman

the NLOG is literally me mixed with a dash of the gay boy because I consumed to much anime and yaoi and sometimes get mood where I like the idea of being a reverse trap.

how am i typing like a retard?

The lesbian type?

i guess because i am one. also would never be a terf tho and i do like penetration

How do I change my artefact? What if I goon a lot to str8 women will I magically want to become one?

Most of the words used are too complicated for me but I think enuch or gay boy

the gayboy

omg he's literally me

I'm a shemale for sure

im the last 2 especially gay boy

how do i go from gay boy to hsts.

i am something between the straight woman and the shemale and also malebrained

ehhh none of them really
wheres the one for those of us who pretransition were bisexual boys who everyone thought was gay, with femdom fetishes, who became bi trannies with femdom fetishes for cis girls

uhoh gayboysisters

tfw the eunuch


Hey that's me. I'm gay boy however

i'm like a combo of and the gamer girl
