Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.
If this is just another troll thread by the samefagging falseflagging troll would someone like to make a new one?
Black women are beautiful. Butch women are beautiful. I am a cis lesbian and I made the OP for these two reasons alone. Why are you so upset?
Well people might be a little suspicious because the samefagging falseflagging moid troll has been spamming black women for a couple of days and he has been the only person who has posted black women recently and he was posting in /clg/ 2 hours ago and because we only have 10 posters there is like a 99% chance you are him.
Yes please
There is literally nothing wrong with butch black women. The person complaining and using racial slurs is racist. I have nothing to do with the troll. This is pathetic behaviour.
The problem is the samefagging falseflagging moid troll does exactly what you are doing now
See the last 150 posts in this thread from here down
He makes falseflag troll posts to start arguments and his latest obsession in black women.
Make one then
Okay, cool. Like I said, I am a cis lesbian woman and I made the OP to represent black women and butch women. It's primarily a biker edition because I didn't want to be preachy. What the hell is your problem? Are you really this upset over the OP having a picture of a black woman? Jesus Christ.
Okay, cool. Like I said, I am a cis lesbian woman and I made the OP to represent black women and butch women.
There have been less than 4 posters in /clg/ in the last 5 hours
One of them is the samefagging falseflagging moid troll.
The samefagging falseflagging moid troll has started spamming black women.
You are almost definitely the samefagging falseflagging moid troll.
Are you really this upset over the OP having a picture of a black woman? Jesus Christ.
I'm not upset about black women I just don't like posting in the samefagging falseflagging moid troll threads
I understand. You aren't posting in such a thread. You are posting in a thread that was created by a cis homosexual female with an organically grown self-lubricating pussy. What do I need to do to prove this to you? Are we seriously at the point where we can't post pictures of black women without being accused of trolling? That fucking blows, dude.
You are almost certainly him.
Every time I give a poster I'm suspicious of the benefit of the doubt it turns out to just be him trolling yet again.
Every single time.
He tried to snipe the last /clg/ edition and when people wouldn't post in his troll thread he made these posts trying to get people to come to his troll thread instead.
And then after his thread was deleted posted these.
Even on the 1% chance that you are not him I will not keep posting in this thread
We used to have rule where we would only use thread made by confirmed female posters and we really need to go back to that because of the samefagging falseflagging troll.
I've said my piece. Do what you want.
All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.
<look at cis les gen some days ago
<look at cis les gen today
The samefagging falseflagging moid troll tries to make every thread about transgenders
I'm being driven out of the gen because I posted the wrong shade of woman in an OP about motorcycles. The troll already won because you are doing his bidding.
Well again on the tiny chance that you are not him then I'm sorry but he's been trolling /clg/ for almost a year makes over half the posts in many of our threads makes our OP regularly and right now he is one of the 4 posters in /clg/ and you post just like him.
An extremely unlikely misfortune event perhaps.
Also you're not "being driven out of the gen"
If we had the power to drive anyone out the samefagging falseflagging moid troll wouldn't have been cancering every /clg/ for the last year.
You're sorry? Yeah, I'm sorry too.
Nah. I'm done with this place.
Goodbye anon
So is anyone actually going to make a non-troll thread?
who cares who made the op?
It's not good to reward the samefagging falseflagging moid troll.
doesn't seem like the troll
Look at the last thread anon, there was 12 posts in 16 hours and half of them were the samefagging falseflagging troll and then he makes his second black girl edition of the week as soon as that thread died.
He also posted in the last thread an hour before it died but it looks like he saged because it didn't bump and then just after it dies he makes this one.
Oh my god.. who cares??
At least two of us which is like near half of /clg/
And you two will stay half of /clg/ unless you stop driving people out with this nonsense.
page 1 mtfg tourist here . ... .. real sizho hours in here. xDD . .. lolcow dykes
The samefagging falseflagging moid troll has do so much more damage to /clg/.
Throughout 2022-2023 /clg/ was like 8-10 day threads but our poster count and frequency of posters increased toward the end of 2023 and the first half of 2024.
We were averaging 3-4 day threads by the time of the samefagging falseflagging moid troll's first week long raid in may and afterword we were on 12 day threads for months.
His first week long raid drove many posters away to lolcow and crystalcafe and caused Clare to reopen her discord server, which seem to have lowered our population bigly.
After his recent week long raid we went from 6-8 day threads to 8 of our last 10 threads dying of inactivity. We simply can't keep a thread alive for 24 hours anymore.
He will continue to kill /clg/ no matter what we do.
We can't stop him and the moderator doesn't want to
Yeah the samefagging falseflagging really is isn't he.
You sound like you're re-living war stories. Take a step back and have some ironic distance from this.
/clg/ is like 50% of my social interaction and has been for 10 years lol
go outside dyke
Is everything ok at home?
Is motorcycling AGP? I've been into it ever since trying an e-bike
Motorcycling rocks. I rode a 400cc Yamaha when I was in my twenties. Pic unrelated.
So one of the troll posts last thread was made by a tripfag called "arachnid" with the tripcode "!mhyn2kLZ0E"
He deleted this post 100 seconds later but after a quick search I've found posts in lesgen accusing him of being the troll who cancers /clg/ and other anons responding to them saying it's an "open secret"
Considering this troll post by "arachnid" was in the middle of a bunch of posts by the samefagging falseflagging troll do we think arachnid is the samefagging falseflagging troll?
Thank you. Can everyone please stop accusing me of being the troll because I made a motorcycle edition with the wrong shade of woman now?
Maybe not, this "arachnid" doesn't sound to committed to trolling /clg/ desu
900cc is a lot of power. Are you an experienced rider?
I have a bicycle.
Spyder/arachnid made a post just 10 minutes before the black women troll edition was made on the 19 of November and their posts that day were not deleted when the mods killed that thread.
My guess is that spyder/arachnid joined in and made a few troll posts after seeing the samefagging falseflagging troll posts.
spyder/arachnid makes like 300+ posts every day on this board with their name/trip on, they wouldn't have the time to also make all the 100+ troll posts in clg/lesgen that the samefagging falseflagging troll does.
Okay. I will leave then, like I said earlier. You lost a relatively new poster. Have fun in your little clique.
300+ posts every day on this board
that person is not okay
Trying to run a cis-lesbian safe space on an anonymous male-dominated basket-weaving forum seems like a Sisyphean task desu. Why not just make a subreddit?
It doesn't help that their infighting is so bad they accuse everybody who does one little thing "wrong" of being a male troll.
As per the rules of reddit, you're not allowed to make cis-exclusive subreddits even if it's on the subject of knitting. Subreddits for posting violent rape fantasies are perfectly fine, though.
It's just like in real life lol. Sitting back and watching TERFs get kicked out of bathrooms because of their own laws.
noooooo why won't reddit tolerate my intolerance?
The jokes write themselves.
It's just like in real life lol. Sitting back and watching TERFs get kicked out of bathrooms because of their own laws.
You love to see it.
Are you certain that this poster here is not you?
It gets much weirder, a second poster using arachnid's name and tripcode appeared and started posting the kinda gross stuff that the samefagging falseflagging troll does
Then the original arachnid accused the new one of being an imposter and they argued and then the original got banned and the imposter didn't.
Why not just make a subreddit?
Not allowed, we do have discord servers that serve that purpose tho, thoughhowever thread posters join the discords and never come back making the threads have less actual female women.
The samefagging falseflagging is literally posting in this thread though and he posts in every thread so it makes sense that posters that make near identical posts to him get accused of being him.
Especially when you consider that we only have 10 posters so any poster being near identical to another is not really possible (if you ignore that the troll purposefully tries to falseflag as other posters that is).
Are you certain that this poster here is not you?
only one of those posters has Unix time filename script
So just run your hate group on discord. FWIW I'm not against a general that bans mention of trans topics or t4w hookups but I'll post wherever I damn want.
itt terfs self-induce schizophrenia
You will notice that nobody checks your pants at the entrance. It was entirely your choice to shit up a general and waste your time trolling random girls (female), making them despise trannies even further. You are pathetic in every way.
b-but they said something offensive
You will also notice we said it in our containment thread and not yours.
The samefagging falseflagging troll turns the 4chanX UNIX timestamp randomization feature off and on, sometimes he uses it sometimes he doesn't.
I'm fairly sure he only uses it because I recommended he start doing so, most of his trolling tactics he only started doing after I recommended he try them.
So just run your hate group on discord.
/clg/ is not a hate group.
FWIW I'm not against a general that bans mention of trans topics or t4w hookups but I'll post wherever I damn want.
Yeah I agree, it's up to the moderator to enforce the rules, she used to do a good job of that but now usually only bans trolls if they make more than 50 troll posts in a few hours.
/clg/ is not a hate group.
Yesterday you were all talking about how much you hate the smell of black women. Those posters got banned, I presume, because their posts got randomly deleted.
making them despise trannies even further
pic related is you
shit up a general
I'm just giving you useful advice. You shit up your own general with the paranoia about who is trans and who isn't. Better to just say anyone welcome but don't mention trans stuff. I think more people would follow that. Either that or fuck off to discord.
I'm not one of the ones shitting up the thread at least, I was busy doing stuff irl today. My last post was the picture of the cat friendly tree-skirt
Their posts did not get deleted I still have those threads open unless you mean the 3 deleted posts in your troll thread here.
Disliking the smell of black women isn't even racist btw, though the poster that was saying she dislikes the smell of black women did also use the word negro, which upset you bigly.
The person who started the mess in this iteration was . If they kept their mouth shut none of this would have happened.
saying black women smell bad isn't racist
Their posts did not get deleted
Yes they did you fucking retard.
Go ahead and look them up in the archive.
Transphobia and racism go hand-in-hand. Most of the posters on /clg/ voted for Trump, and yes, a lot of them are racist as hell. That is what truly drove everybody out. It wasn't the doing of one, singular, lonesome troll from gaygen. They'll never see that for what it is, though. They're too far gone.
Oh look, it's another very special episode about why Ray-sis Bad
Technically this is true, after seeing the OP I just assumed it was yet another samefagging falseflagging troll edition, so I was going to just ignore the thread for a couple of days until it dies but seeing someone else feel the same way as me got me posting and asking someone to make a real thread.
Different ethnicities smell very different and different races perceive smell differently, it's scientific fact my dude, so what smells good to one person doesn't smell good to another.
It's not racist to say that.
There is also the differences in the chemical composition of sweat that vary between races and ethnicities.
I've never even met black woman so I don't know if they will smell good or bad to me.
Yes they did you fucking retard.
lol I switched to the tab for that thread and yes one of them was actually deleted.
That's actually really strange, I'm 99% certain that that wasn't deleted before thread archived because I skimmed through the thread one last time when it was on page 10.
It also doesn't have the little icon on archiveofsins for when a post was deleted before a thread finishes.
I think that post was deleted after the thread finished which I've never seen happen before, obviously the mods must have the capability to deleted posts in archived threads so someone can't post something illegal right before a thread archives but still it's strange to see.
Also it's hilarious how saying you don't like how black women smell gets you banned but ban evading multiple times in one day to continue trolling doesn't.
The only person who complains about trump here is (You) the samefagging falseflagging troll who seethes about trump every thread
That is what truly drove everybody out.
Sir, this is Anon Babble. Also I'm not racist, never voted Trump, and I'm not even fucking American.
Funny comic but it's a bad idea to antagonize any demographic by barging in like a retard. My opinion about trans people went from
they were born in the wrong body
holy fuck never again
precisely because of individuals like you. Now I attempt to never interact with, endorse, or support trannies because what are the odds they are rapey transbians like (You)? From where I am sitting, the odds are pretty high desu. And while I lose nothing, you lose connections. The next time you see your circle consists of deranged people, consider the possible reason. Ta-ta.
You're ban evading.
Darktide is coming to Playstation soon, they got new weapons and maps to go with it. I'm excited. I mostly just play on Malice because I'm a filthy CASUAL, but it's fun. This last map was fun, runaway train we have to stop. Before that was we had to restart the 3D printer for tanks. Before That we cyberbullied drug dealers.
It's free on gamepass, if you pay for xbox you already have it. It's fun
precisely because of individuals like you. Now I attempt to never interact with, endorse, or support trannies because what are the odds they are rapey transbians like (You)? From where I am sitting, the odds are pretty high desu.
It's still not confirmed whether the samefagging falseflagging troll is transgender or not.
No I'm not.
I haven't been banned since last month when I made that thread asking the moderator to ban you after you ban evaded after she banned you once for spamming and then didn't ban you again for like three days despite you making a copy pasted troll post every 3 minutes for 3 days.
Detective Dyke is the racist 'black women smell bad' poster
Suprise, suprise.
No I'm not you ban evading spastic retard.
I literally said in my post
I've never even met black woman so I don't know if they will smell good or bad to me.
I'm starting to think you don't even read my posts after baiting me into making them.
I hate you so much dude.
I hate you so much dude.
Made my evening. Have a good night. ;)
Your pussy, my gock. Forever.
I wish I had a thing, where I could pelt you with little sweets. It would be a combination of "Ow, Stop!" and "Oh Piece of Candy"
I asked you this earlier but please man, when you kill yourself stream it for us.
Considering how you post here all day every day and have no job and no social life, we here at /clg/ must be the closest thing you have to friends so it's only right that your /clg/ buddies spend your last moments with you.
this thread
what do you get out of this?
Actually another question for you if you don't mind.
Are you actually even an extreme far leftist mentally ill transgender?
Like the near threadly meltdowns you have about trump or elon or terfs or now I guess people not liking how black women smell, are these legitimate things you seethe about or are you just trolling?
I used to thing you were a conservative straight or bisexual man who just enjoy a bit of trolling but now I'm starting to be convinced that you are the character that I thought you were just playing.
I don't really expect you to respond because every time I ask you to be genuine for a moment you just ignore me but I'm actually curious.
You wouldn't get it.
Try me
As I said earlier
/clg/ is like 50% of my social interaction and has been for 10 years lol
I'm a terminally online socially isolated weirdo too but unlike you I don't attention seek, and the thing is most attention seekers don't specifically want negative attention the way you do.
Please explain yourself to me.
Is it just for fun or what? and why /clg/ out of all the places you could troll, do you dislike lesbians or are you desperate for attention from women?
I want to know more about you.
Also I'm sorry for the comments I made about suicide, I was a lot more aggressive than usual today, I've just been very angry these last few days due to personal reasons.
If I had to guess, he's a straight (or thinking he is straight) guy leeching off his parents and seething at the world due to a perceived injustice which might or might not be real. He gets attention and probably considers this some kind of demented revenge quest.
So you went from a reasonable position to categorically labeling everyone of certain grouos as rapists simply because somebody from that group was annoying on the internet? Why is our generation so fucking retarded?
reasonable position aka woo woo bs about souls in the wrong body
unreasonable position aka seeing a pattern and believing your own eyes
Okay, Anon. I will be sincere for a moment.
I've spent so much time in the world that is spinning, that to be in the no-spin zone actually gives me vertigo. I'm ready for anything. My life is an open book. I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. I'm here at the heart of /clg/ - this is the Holy of Holies. Hit it. I'd love to be nailed.
I've got a French name, just to get the cultural side of things out in the open. But I'm as Irish as you. I'm a Cormie, I'm an O'Neal. I'm a Tuck. I'm a Phee. I'm a Connolly. I could sit toe to toe at a potato table with anybody.
Anon, you know you've got to play the game that the elites want you to do. OK? Some places you can draw the line. Some place you can't. You and I have presumably taken a lot of positions against the powers that be, and we've paid a heavy price. We're more alike than different in that regard. Don't you see?
I shine my lights. I shine my light no matter where that light takes me. OK? I'm not afraid of anything. Might be afraid of you. You told me to kill myself. But other than that I'm not afraid of a thing in the world. Nothing.
I want to bring the message of love and peace to the /clg/ audience. That must be it, Anon. I'm using that to pull the wool over your eyes. That's the sugar that puts my medicine into the system. You know what I hate about people who criticize you? They criticize what you say but they never give you credit for how loud you say it.
I'm tired. Have a good night.
mogs me
C'mon dude, don't ignore me, we spend like 2+ hours arguing every 3 or so days for the last 7+ months, I'm a big part of your social life, think of all the time we've spent chatting.
Are you transgender? would you prefer I use female pronouns for you?
I don't get your post, I assume it's a Joker reference but I've not seen the movie.
I'm tired. Have a good night.
Perhaps you will share more with me tomorrow...
What country are you from anyway?
i dont think that schizo rant is joker reference
t. seen joker