What does AGP and HSTS mean exactly? Help an ex/pol/ who is giving the rainbow community a chance understand this.
What does AGP and HSTS mean exactly? Help an ex/pol/ who is giving the rainbow community a chance understand this
Are you prison gay?
What does that mean
I'm gay and have never used this board up until a few days ago. Never heard "agp," usually people just type out the full term from what I'm used to. No idea what HSTS stands for, I keep seeing people throw it around like it's a common word but I don't think very many people know outside of this board and maybe Twitter.
Dont worry kitten
What I mean is, are you so love starved you are checking out what this side has to offer?
agp = autogynephile (gets off to thinking of themselves as a woman) trans women that like women
hsts = homosexual transexual, trans women that like men
they're funny pseudoscience mostly just used ironically tho
It's just a typology from the 80s from one guy working in one clinical practice. It doesn't have widespread adoption, but people like it here because it lets them feel superior if only they do certain behaviors.
agp is autogynephilia, a fetish where males get aroused by the idea of themselves as women, it’s kind of a broad thing. like some want sex with men but only when they are the woman and it’s not man with man, some want sex with women cuz they were straight before but fetishize lesbians, some claim to be the exact same thing as cis women, some don’t. some don’t care about passing at all and think a woman can have a beard, but again, some don’t, on this board the agps certainly care about passing. it’s really a broad term but it’s mostly straight male who transitions, i don’t think it’s a bad thing as long as their end goal is to pass and live as a woman and they’re not the weird ones who don’t care about passing and walk around with a deep voice and a beard.
hsts is homosexual transsexual, basically gay boy to straight girl transition, but blanchard also says dating straight men is a main reason of transition. and im a straight tranny and used to be a gay boy but i didn’t transition to just get with straight men so i don’t think hsts is real, i’ve also never seen another tranny like me who did it for that reason.
if you wanna see AGP in action visit /mtfgen/ or /passgen/
if you want to see HSTS in action book your local hooker
Nta but I want to fuck a trans woman since I can't get attention from real women or sex. Is that what it mean?
haven’t u made this exact reply before or am i having a weird moment? i remember seeing this exact reply somewhere but i can’t remember if it was real or a dream
Most trannies are agp?
love starved
Hey dont worry about this anymore, frens.
I have found an eternal source of love,
Come with me to the well of which the thirsty drink from freely.
Its an artificial unscientific distinction, it's essentially as scientifically valid as "MBTI" or astrology. In the lingo, HSTS are trans women more like gay men or hetero women and AGP are more like straight men or queer women.
The main issue is that there isn't any indication that the traits that make up HSTS and AGP are mutually exclusive and co-occurring. That is to say, people who are aroused by the thought of themselves as a woman my often like men, or might be bisexual. Oftentimes people try to distinguish this as "meta attraction" and claim that said people don't "really" like men, to maintain the HSTS/AGP dichotomy. Another tenet of AGP is that cis women cannot experience AGP.
basically, AGP is a clinical definition that so far has applied only to Blanchard's original patient population. Some of the other factors to consider are: socialization affects how people interpret and experience sexuality. Secondly, one must consider that people are not always honest about their sexual arousal, often things we don't consider proper are arousing.
You also have to consider that ray Blanchard, i believe is a board member of the human biodiversity institute which Michael J. Bailey is on. It is a very transphobic organization and you have to take his goals into account when evaluating his intentions.
weird moment but i used this exact photo in a blaire white thread so thats what you are probably referring to lol
no it’s not just the photo, it’s also the text and the link, a while ago there were multiple threads about people seething over hsts and i swear that was one of the replies
Trannie astrology
AGP means someone who's attracted to women, but unlike your usual straight men/lesbian women, they have a tendency to imagine themselves as the girl they're attracted too. There might be several possible motives for this.
It can be just a fantasy, although some people are delusional enough to think they can make it a reality by trooning out (and ending up looking nothing like a chick).
It's considered a paraphilia, a type of attraction that's not the norm. Not everyone who has it is a tranny (cis straight men and women can have it too), but it's a term very much used in tranny circles to differentiate trannys who are attracted to men and allegedly troon out of dysphoria (hsts) from those who are attracted to being a woman and mostly want to grope themselves without risking anyone's rejection (agp).
Also, those who have it with the intention to keep it a fantasy usually keep it secret, making it seem that only trannies have it, adding to the confusion.
Another tenet of AGP is that cis women cannot experience AGP.
Autogynephilia is just gynephilia but from a different point of view, a lesbian or bi cis female who has fantasies of being their crush has AGP.
Thank you everyone for explaining
The point of that is to frame trans people as predators
are you agp if you’re attracted to men, masculinity, and are very androphilic, but pre transition the only sexual situation that ever ever did anything for you was if you were the woman, and sexually liked the idea of dressing up for men? tried to pass as straight pre transition, but everyone thought was undeniable gay and “not seen as a guy.” extremely dysphoric
im agp because i like all the girly stuff because it makes me feel sexy. But I've been with like 10 different men and I cant get enough of them and i really want a boyfriend/husband
Enjoying being desired because you like being what men like, is not the same as enjoying being desired because you like attracting men who have the same taste in women as you do.
but this place has told me I'm agp. when i was growing up crossdressing id get off earing women clothes
agp is more about urself than what ur attracted to, like in their fantasies with men the focus isn’t on the man but on themselves as a woman
what if i get sexual satisfaction when they find me sexually attractive? and that when i’m with a man a lot of my focus is being attractive for them?
most straight women like it when men find them hot, ur doing it for him not urself so not agp
HSTS are fem gay men who pretend to be women because society tolerates them more doing that than just being gay.
okay thanks
Trannies are way less socially accepted than gays are u fkn crazy?
Not the effeminate, lispy, twink types who'd end up in that situation. I remember them being the posterchild for gay people and how straight people used them to mock gay people. They're also usually the people who get attacked whenever violence against gays occurs.
Fem gay men are far less accepted than straight trans women because straight trans women demonstrate they are ashamed to be gay with their outer appearance - an act of deliberate contrition towards the ruling hetero elites
AGPs make up the majority of the troon community because it has since been taken over as some leftist progressive fad where anyone can just be a woman if they feel like it. You ever heard of the meme of a trannie being a 200lb man with stubble and a dress, that’s AGP. Degenerates in the most literal sense. These are the particular kind that deny biological reality
per capita
theres overall more agps, but gay men are 1% of the male pop, and straight trans women are at least 20% of the trans women pop
No he’s right. I dislike fags in general but I particularly hate troons. At least the regular fags don’t deny biological reality
Troons and every other fag that has some 10000000th cope identity is the problem
It's pseudoscience that tries to categorizes trans women relative to male sexuality.
Going away from the blanchardian pseudoscience, the underlying observation is not that wrong. As a rule of thumb there are those trans women that generally transition earlier in life and are mostly into men, which map onto the observations Blanchard made about HSTS, and then there are those that are more bisexual or into women and tend to transition later in life, which maps onto AGP.
Because the latter often comes first into contact with trans stuff through crossdressing and kinks (often some form of coping/repping), they get associated with fetishization. But this is often not because they inheritly fetishize being trans, but rather that fetish is one of the very few socially acceptable ways to crossdress.
Because you can tell someone is a gay man even if they have a dress on. Straight men don’t act fruity in the same way.
Nah no nope nuh trannies are getting ragged on harder than I've ever seen
not by everyone, some approve, some don’t