What's your favorite Nick La.ng (aka kat) weaponizing suicide to gather sympathy and manipulate people attempt...

What's your favorite Nick La.ng (aka kat) weaponizing suicide to gather sympathy and manipulate people attempt? I think bridgegate and the fake grease make up was hard to top but him carefully setting up his camera to record herself dramatically in a "hanging" attempt with ghetto music in the background... then standing up, stopping the camera, uploading it to his pc and posting it on this thread for attention was absolutely kino


wow... webm?

Fake grease? My favorite was probably the pics and videos leaking exposing how busted old and orge like he is


Link is busted
Why is the facial hair shadow still there after all this time?

He's not dead or ostracized yet? It's been years.

Hanging with a thin strand of yarn? What's the story behind this?

are there nudes yet?

how recent is this? last time i saw kat posting recently, she looked good. did she relapse?

I don't know I don't go to that shitty general. My understanding is she just pulls suicide hoaxes every few months.

what was the fake attempt over this time?

Is this a 3 post OP thread with no elaboration?

Kinda sexy here

Catbox is blocking a lot of ips for some reason
Here you go, enjoy watching Nick Lan.g hang themselves
Will be dead in a few years don't worry hon

why does she do it? is it the drugs? why is she on drugs? she's pretty and talented idgi

you can't fool me cat your gross manfaced ass posted this yourself so everyone would feel bad for you... ugly hon

Forgot webm lol
Sup Nick! How's it hangin?

Yeah here you go, look at Nick Lan.g's nasty stretch marks LOL

what's her backstory? i don't know why she's hated other than the suicide attempts?


oof, anon... the kat lore goes deep, and crazy. ive witnessed it some, before she breached the /mtfg/ containment board fairly recently
im wondering if kat is into autoerotic asphyxiation, and is just basically getting off. she knew when to stop

Mogs me

honestly hot as hell, i love attention whore bitches like this

The person posting this thread


i couldn't care less if she is evil, deranged attention whore bitches make my nuts stop hanging

THIS is laguna - sure its the same person anon?

uploading it to his pc and posting it on this thread

which thread?

yeah both she and laguna who is probably responsible for this thread have nudes.

wanna give her a hug before she ods but I fear she too crazy.

nasty stretch marks

where's the stretch marks?

Why the long face

Bro, see her ass, see her boobs. Would fuck that!

Any ass?

Got nudes of laguna?

yes, go thirst bro.

I've got ass and boobs, but can't post them here/

me gusta

Post them on catbox or unsee

she's come a long way.

1641544192540.jpg - 1836x3264, 1.8M

I will if I find them.

Please do anon. Kat ass too or cock.

A little top heavy, innit? Shoulders a bit broad but would.