QOTT: post something you think is neat, tell us about it
/chasergen/ show-n-tell
Good evening <3
How is everyone?
I saw this motorcycle and thought it was cool.
Ooh, that's gorgeous!
I should get new fairings or paint mine
transbian polyshit go away
Ya I just say it outside a target. Never seen the show but it’s a nice color. Is that yours?
Ew okay, I posted this bc it's the same bike I have but not mine. I have this exhaust which looks a lot better
pretend that I've posted sobe's pink hole. It's neat.
That's the same one I have but not mine >
who's is it then?
Oh ok. It’s a cool looking one. I never looked super into them because then I’d end up wanting to buy a bike
Google images loll
On mine I have one bar end mirror on the left, the full carbon yoshi exhaust, LEDs, bigger sliders, and a fender delete
What to do about trannies having average IQ's around 190, while mine is 87? Can love flourish if one partner is a Nobel prize tier genius, and the other wears his shoes on the wrong feet?
Thanks <3
Yeah I walked into a dealership just to look at some.. I ended up taking it home
I'm planning to get a DRZ400sm when my finances are better
Is this your daily driver or do you have a car for that?
I have a few cars. My daily driver is my '18 Focus RS
I also have an Audi A5, '88 Toyota MR2, and '91 Honda Accord EX
Wtf you're rich and a race car driver. You mog me.
Idk about rich loll
But I'll accept race car driver! I haven't been on a track in years though, I just do mountain roads now and have a few drift spots
I had a '91 MR2 that did low 12s 1/4 miles for a long time, that got me into a looott of trouble. I blew it up and sold it to get a new engine for the '88 MR2 (20v Silvertop, i need to put it back in the car loll)
And I had a '79 Triumph Spitfire for a short time but it was more like a tractor that looked like a racecar
i have to shower now
based gixxer gorl
MR2s are my absolute favorite cars though! Popup headlights are best headlights
Thanks <3
omg based af lol
u see mr2s here every once in a while
my fav car gotta be the rx7 fd tho
Just realized I forgot trip
I’m just got to post interesting auto I have found.
when i was a kid i thought having popup headlights was what made a car a sports car
I've always had a soft spot for them
why'd they have to go away :<
wait wtf u had a triumph spitfire?? that's so cool omg lol ur ticking off every car i wanted in high school from the list
Mantra would love this car.
i don't know anything about cars but this is my favorite. i saw one of him twice
Are you another tech tranny?
autozam cc:
get a load of this thing- nissan figaro
jdm only :<
I need to get an MR2 spyder eventually. It's the only one I have owned :(
FDs are always a good choice! I've always wanted a car with a rotary
I mean it was very popular for sports cars lol
I wish they'd make a comeback
I did! It was fun little thing and soo easy to work on
Autozam az1. My dream kei car :)
I'm an engineer and used to be a mechanic
I have a 6'7 friend who's adamant on owning a cappuccino one day loll
Only one I haven't* owned
Last one.
You're the ideal chad daddy husband.
Oh :(
thanks for making this thread daddy :3
i want that. sometimes i fantasize about just driving into canada & living in my car until iget like deported or whatever
I think shrimp cat is neat
Heck yeah
I want a racecar shrimpcat now
Damn my scalp is really sweating from eating like half a japapeno
I'm truly Aryan
You're like the guy that women fantacise about in romance novels; highly educated professional, high salary, can change a transmission on a car, huge cock, yet sensitive and cries seeing doves doodling in the air.
bigguymandude post
I've drawn for like 12 hours in the last two days.
But I'm a woman :(
Idk I thought it was cool it’s a Suzuki if I’m not mistaken but imported by dodge
It would be really cool to do a road trip in something like that. That’s what they were doing I think
Oh :(
Super sayan shrimpcat is good enough <3
No one is a woman until a man makes them such. A girl becomes a woman when she's deflowered. A rav becomes a woman when she stops pounding puss with her dude hog and gets a bf.
i have a phone to take pictures just in time for the take-pictures-of-things qott but i don't know what to take pictures of
Prove it then
gets a bf
I'm trying
Maybe you should focus on your soon to be wife instead.
Will your bf get to borrow your cool cars?
Maayyyybbeee. He has to prove he wont wreck them first
i figured it out
these are my snowshoes. they are about my age. they were my dad's but he's used plastic ones for years now so i took them & revarnished them & replaced the bindings & brought them to alaska :)
Cool!! How difficult are they to walk in?
how dare you be mean to her
Imagine Rav gets a bf, and him and her wife really hit off so they kick Rav out of the polycule because she can’t have kids
Lure him in with cool cars then make him take a test. I don’t blame you thi most people are not good drivers
they're really nice!! they float well & aren't too heavy & anyways we don't get that much snow here bc when it's really cold it's mostly dry too
That happened in a way to navy. She started a poly with his cis wife and rooty a little 5'1 Canadian tranner, and rooty stole the cis wife and peaced out.
Poly people never think about that stuff and then act like it isn’t a real possibility.
Sluts brah, they don't care. Any holes a goal for them.
Thank you mwah <3
Who said she can have kids?
This is the plan. And to see how scared he gets at a little drifting :)
Neat! I've never seen more than a few inches of snow where I am, we mostly get ice lol so I've never seen snow shoes in person
huge cock
The one thing yet to be proven about her
I just hope Rav doesn’t take it too hard when it happens. I have never ever seen a polyamorous relationship work.
You never asked to see
It's huge. I checked.
Even if it did, as long as other people come out of it happy then I'd be okay eventually <3
They don't work out, and you have to be a degenerate person who doesn't care about romance or falling in love to survive in that lifestyle without accruing serious baggage. Men seem to like it.
Fine, can I see?
No :)
i think i should spiral soon
when i was little sometimes my genitals would press against the inside of my thighs so i could feel them and i would get this yucky yucky feeling and i had this ritual to deal with it where i would imagine there was some bad guy in my head making me feel that way and he looked like blu from foster's home for imaginary friends and i would think to myself go away go away leave me alone and imagine the pp going away too
crazy that 20+ years later i still have to deal with this fucking shit
god i wish normies could experience what its like to be disgusted by ur own genitals
getting srs would be as quick as getting an apendectomy
It's so over
Well a lot of men only care about having someone to fuck on the side while they pursue the person they’re really interested in, which in 99% of cases is not the person they were originally with. You really do hate to see it.
need to find a place where i can sit and stay outside all day with my computer
how could you turn down such a pitch
It was pretty convincing, but not quite convincing enough. They didn't even say please
go suck a stranger’s dick again hon
If I were too convincing then it would have definitively happened, then you'd be banned, and chasergen would be a lot less fun. 4d chess you know.
can i see please:)?
i'm apparently getting someone's old phone given to me at christmas this year so i guess next semester i will have no good excuse to not at least go on dates
any cute girls with big weiners in the thread tonight?
how is losing a phone such an issue for you that it can take so long to get one? are you underage or just a useless neet tranny?
i'm mid & my penis is normal-sized
nice:) hell yea
This turned unexpectedly sweet/cute lol
I prefer 5d chess :)
No :)
You can't do it after I point it out. Now you just look desperate
wait, is this real? I'm a stranger !
i bought one today. i lost my old phone several weeks ago & didn't get a new one because i was experiencing things. my problem is that my old & new phones are both flipphones so no dating apps. i'm in education & employment & i can do a handful of things
You can't do it after I point it out. Now you just look desperate
oh im a different anon, just contributing to the war effort
Can’t you just use the apps on your computer?
Your butt makes isn't mid, it's top shelf delicioso
Oh. Your efforts are admirable then, carry on <3
grindr & hinge no, probably no for the rest. there's like okcupid but nobody uses that
thank you anon but you are a victim of fraud
thank u rav, when u visit vegas next i may come by to give you a firm handshake
she sucks dick on the first date. she blogged about it here a year ago
Rav post butt please lol
this gen really is the same conversation over and over and over again. same tired trope, same emotionally unavailable men and women looking for love that they don’t deserve because they haven’t done any work to better themselves, same trolls espousing retarded opinions, same degenerate simps with no self respect who form parasocial relationships with people who don’t even know them. this place sucks.
neh, you weren't angle frauding, it was a video
That would be highly professional and greatly appreciated :)
I know you used to be able to through bluestack.
emotionally unavailable men
I know I’m working on it. It’s a long process’s to recover from the damage
sometimes you take a break from the thread and come back and find an appreciation for the simplicity, anon
oh. i had forgotten about that
had a dream i put on a flannel but it kept growing across me and the floor and the walls and eventually the entire world was plaid
Dommy mommy vibes rn, is my grammar ok or do I need to wear the nipple clamps?
Like in space balls
she talks about wanting to fuck buff guys in the ass on fit. unfortunately for you other chasers i probably have the nicest boy butt in the thread, so you better start hitting those squats
linux :/
tried with waydroid but couldn't set a location
Chaser bros, my gf wants me to do judo and workout in a shirt so it's filled with boysmell. Any tips on keeping the scent in? Do I put it in a zip lock bag or some shit? Also the fuck is boysmell, is it just sweat?
i am nothing if not enterprising and professional. maybe too much so. can love really bloom from a boardroom? My finances are in ruin
I can't forget it
mwahon has a 2 inch dick and shes 5’6 or smth that bitch is all talk. she is a slut who sucks dick in the first date
women looking for love that they don’t deserve
Wow rude
at some point i'll record one where i'm capable of at least walking straight. please forget until then
ass pic for ants, bigger one pls so i can marvel at your cheeks
Do you already do judo?
it happens, but you need to close yourself off entirely if you really want to fix things
this place has never changed
please end your existence
that still works for me. mwahnon get at me
Okay I'll look forward to it
emotionally unavailable men and women
Is this real rav butt?
Yeah that's why she wants me to wear a shirt under it instead of going shirtless under the uniform.
I like your grit kid. You're hired.
can love really bloom in a boardroom
Idk, but you can make love in a boardroom and that might be a good first step
my finances are in ruin
Me too. We'll have to build this from the ground up, partner <3
this is why people refer to you as being difficult luv. I hate to say it, but rav handles the dumb guy jokes and corny horny posting like water off of a ducks back. u need to eat something
Ok so wear a shirt. It shouldn't compromise your gi if it's not grabbable by your sparring partner
you have zero idea who i am. i don’t care about how another person deals with things, i’m not them.
Idk, but you can make love in a boardroom and that might be a good first step
this is inspired, and i thought i was the brains of the operation!
Me too. We'll have to build this from the ground up, partner <3
you got moxie in excess, I think we just might pull this off. we should probably start drafting some of this stuff though, maybe over lunch?
That's all you get, be appreciative
Is anything real until it's perceived?
I just try not to let things get to me and get some fun out of it <3 this was sweet of you to say though
showertime for real now byebye
The shirt compromising my gi isn't a problem, I used to wear one before I realised I wouldnt chafe while going shirtless. The problem is how the fuck do I keep the shirt filled with boysmell over the course of a flight. And I'm still unclear on what the fuck boysmell is.
Fine. Why post here if you hate it?
You're the nicest poster here rav, I wish I could be nicer
i’m about to fix that
I’m taking it all really slow this time and trying to do it right. Last time I tried to use apps casually I ended up rushing into something
Just wear a t shirt for a few days in a row until it has some b.o. in it, fold it up and put it in a freezer bag and seal. I've done it before it's no biggie
Two heads are often better than one. WE are the brains
How about we do it over dinner at your place?
See u tomorrow then
you won’t see me again
Be safe!
I'm far from the nicest. But thank you! <3
Just try not to take things others say too seriously, it helps a lot
Sick, thanks a ton.
John Cena?
I knew you had a nice butt
had dinner with a tranner today
this conversation would be so much more enjoyable if you had even the smallest shred of humor in your body
You know it's rare to meet someone so kind in such a cutthroat industry. I think we really may have a shot at this! It'd be my pleasure to host you for a dinner :)
My neighbor is a black escort who just asked me to fuck lol. Told you non one thinks I'm gay
np bro
That anon is right, this place sucks. It's fun at first but nothing comes of it.
i mostly just like posting nudes sometimes and having cute girls say nice things, but yeah trying to get something meaningful out of it seems tough
Don't get the wrong idea. We can be kind in this industry because we'll be the ones holding the knife <3
Tomorrow night it is then. I'll bring the champagne
people only respond half the time if i'm mean and none of the time if i'm nice. nothing matters anymore and i'm sad.
that sounds lovely, it'll be the first occasion to get the fireplace going since who knows when. I'm looking forward to it partner <3
You have to find someone in your general vicinity, hit it off with them, talk in pvt, not end up with a ghoster or someone who just wants online attention, and that's not what this board was intended for anyway. I've known lots of trannies who've hooked up with trannies through this board, but only one or two chasers that have managed it.
The fireplace will be a nice touch.
I'm looking forward to it too, I hope you like dom
I'm sorry anon, people are that way it's true. Positive energy is met with indifference while negative energy gets attention. You deserve a hug, I'm sorry I was rude to you earlier.
I'm sorry you're sad anon :(
I'll gladly respond to you!
sounds good kys though i'm goinmg to bed see you tomorrow
omg that was edgy i love you gn
and scene
ah i haven't had dompy since new years eve a few years past, sounds lovely. I'll have to try a new recipe tomorrow though, to match what you're bringing.
Ooh, what're you thinking to try?
You don't necessarily have to match what I'm bringing, but I will be getting my fill <3
hank willimas
first snow hit poland
hi chasers i hope you all find who you are looking for
i've had my eye on this mushroom pasta recipe, are you a fan of mushrooms or not so much?
but I will be getting my fill <3
i'll keep up as best I can but speaking frankly I'm a bit of a lightweight, so you'll have to bear with me
reading abt raylib
getting kinda fatigued w all the vulkan boilerplate :/
Thank you. I hope you are right
picrel is basically all i do. One could argue my sword is verging on over polished
natural snow buildings covered this song on an obscure 2001 radio set
I want a chaser to get me boipregnant
me first i wanna be fagpreggers
im not but i appreciate it. : )
wait i lied i'm retarded
I wish I had the foundation to get into gamedev
I love that song, it's interesting to hear it performed in an alt rock setting instead of country. You have deeper than average tastes sobe, I was blown away by that classical acoustic song you posted the other day
you're cute tho, cute and retarded is a winning combo:)
I meant to say I hope so. My response made no sense
my bad im too tired to be reading things closely
aw it's never too late! idk anything about anything i just started learning vulkan several months ago cuz i wanted to
this is the most advanced thing I've done so far lol
was researching a lot on how to do volume rendering and now that i finally understand the steps i need to do I'm like damn that's too much effort relative to the payoff
so ya I'm thinking I'll play around w raylib now
or maybe threejs so i can put what i make up on my website, idk
oops forgot to include the webm
im so full of microplastics
gaslight gatekeep girlboss
thank you anon :))
Yogurt is tasty and full of protein
good morning i feel horrible
i wanna move on to macroplastics desu
Mushrooms pasta sounds perfect, I hope it's creamy <3
I'm a bit of a lightweight
Oh that's no problem. We'll just have some fun and get our business done :)
Goodmorning Eui <3
I'm sorry you don't feel well :(
Also based, I think?
:< are u sick
prostitution is not based
Oh, also: Day 11 of consuming less than 1500 calories.
Yeah but people don't think he's gay nymbles. Isn't that something to cheer about?
Morning. Hope you feel better soon?
nah it's a million small things
i slept in a weird position so my neck hurts, and also that weird position had me breathe through my mouth so my mouth and lips are like the fucking sahara and also my ear's clogged up with earwax and also also despite all of this and despite sleeping for 7 hours and 54 minutes according to my watch i'm still tired and my head hurts
just did a really really bad job at sleeping lmao
Why does it matter what they think tho?
Fuck em
why would they think he's gay just looks like some awkward nigga in a tee
yeah i was thinking creamy for the sauce, maybe parmesan with some herbs. I like fun :o i gotta start pulling my weight, i feel like you've been driving the docket by your lonesome so far
Well I don't really care what they think, but he seemed happy about it.
aw do ur ears make too much earwax too
mine have always been like that
also sry ur not feeling good fren :<
say, why do u call urself eui
Ya that’s true he did seem to care. I guess for some it’s important what vibe they give off when it comes to that
So is cum. Yogurt companies hate it when you discover nature's yogurt.
Dating Marie and harvesting Marie's ear wax and making candles out of it to send to our friends at Christmas
ew creep
i clean my ears as needed
K im done
fine hog it all for yourself, dumping you rn asap for not being Green enough and your carbon footprint
All of chasergen should combine earwax and start this candle business. It will be a group effort
I tried man, I tried. Marie is a selfish lover
say, why do u call urself eui
well i first came up with that when i was fucking around on this one old internet finnish website called IRC-galleria. it's a proto social media from 2002 or something that's somehow still up, and me and my friends just one day decided to make accounts and screw around there. i wanted something really early 2000s so I came up with the name eUi
then a while later I was starting at my first real job and we were creating an account for me in the company FreeIPA instance and technical AD domain and such. I chose eui on a whim, but dropped the big U bc it felt not as greybeardy. and from there on it kinda cemented itself as the name i use with computers. dunno why
as to why that name in the first place? well, if you squint at the original written form of eUi, it kinda looks like the name Elli, and that's my name. it's just my real name but slightly stylized, lol
She will get none of that candle money. There are others we can use
One day he and I will black band shirt post at each other in solidarity.
Idk he just said people didn't think he was gay and I interpreted him as thinking that was a positive thing.
woa that place sounds cool I'm gonna check it out
also aw elli is a nice name c:
i call myself krissu cuz that's my irl nickname w my mom and some of my family
its like celebrating the fact that the sun rose again but far far less profound but okay sure
Yeh but are we our cash cow, the wax flows out of her ears like honey mustard on tap. I think we need a new bidness plan.
wow i hate chasers now
I still have a single band shirt that fits so maybe I’ll join
Wait I didn't see this was afk. I'm eating a chicky sandwich. What happened?
Yeah it was more or less a joke post on my end. Idk why you're badgering me so hard nymbles.
I have so many.
We will find another
lol what happened?
pretty song
lol it's just me, don't hate the dude. im the bad boy here
gee idk bro i guess it will remain a mystery
me and who
I mostly buy cheap shirts and band shirts are pricy.
Are you mad about the ear wax business? It’s ok we are going to use mine I have so much of it
i think i should spiral soon
just suck some dicks.
usaian transbians sharing their opinions on twitter makes me think everything went exactly how it was supposed to
honestly would but not meth. you ever fuck with h
hell naw what tf dorinda doing
this is NOT related to any previous discussion in cg. i just found it funny..
lol sorry don’t hate me too much now
i have to a[pply for medicaid
cuz i need medicaid
Tyttty you know if she wasn't a prosti i probably would fuck her because she's from Santa Barbara originally and is attractive, one of those black girls who sound white when they talk and you can tell were raised around whites
I see. Good luck, it's only temporary until you graduate and get a nice job honey
so she was raised among whites but ended up a prostitute anyway curious
aw thank you
she's from Santa Barbara originally and is attractive
hey that's where i'm from
sometimes people are put in difficult situations
lol sure every black tranny prostitute i argued with on twitter made it very clear to me how they put themselves in their "difficult situation"
you don't need to convince me you have no soul or heart nadia, i've long since seen it
every black tranny prostitute i argued with on twitter
interesting hobby
idk i didn't delve too deep into it. lots of ppl started out living in a decent city, and ended up hood like me. this is a straight hood area not Santa Barbara
this is so slavophobic i cant help not having any glimmer in my eyes
You're a good girl tho :)
to be clear they all came for me and it's moreso abt prostitutes being overrepresented among black trans women and esp the dumb but loud ones
i am a cis guy, anon
No you're not.
What are you even talking about now nymbo lmao girl u stuntin
i am, and speaking frankly i'm probably more buff and more handsome than you
Me too, wanna hold hands on public?
Ok sissy
need this but with a 30yo chaser rn cause im afraid ill get conservatorship sued once i start talking to psychs
yeah sure, that sounds nice
what happened to your guildwars bf
Sweet. We'll get a smoothie too, my treat
you know how there's a whole thing abt black trans lives matter etc but they literally just get murdered because they're far more commonly prostitutes than any other demographic and all their killers are black dl niggas yet theyre preaching to whites abt this?
Holding hands and a smoothie?
That a win
wasn't bf we were just talking but he's not very sure abt his future and i need someone reliable to build a future with so we decided to call it off but we still talk a lot
oh, fair enough.
Please just stop talking about shit you don't understand, you come off as miraculously gullible and simple
banshee beat...
What did she mean by this?
its actually rly simple and i know the exact woke playbook tactic you're using rn cuz i used to be a little woke keyboard soldier myself lol
I need to walk that chicken sandwich off. Pic unrel
it's their best song. one of the best ever
I'm not using any playbook tactic, you're just talking like a dipshit.
the hood at midnight isn't that bussin nor gucci
these will blow up her entire pelivs and kill her if she gets on a plane lol
I have returned from outside, 5 hours of blissful walking. Life's great.
yahyah make an argument or fuck off libtard
Hmm, it sounds like someone beating up a piano so far.
I don't argue with lobotomites, shut up you fucking pussy
sure thing sweetie u dont have to do anything just focus on letting that queen of spades tattoo heal
Rip this band
Lmfao that's the best you can muster, dumbfuck? Maybe the next random chaser in this thread will have more follow through and you can see what it's like to be loved by another human
Nadia is kind of based
scrub love worthless to me love
you guys are pampered nerds
galtsu, oh wow a finnish boomer tranny, sometimes i wonder if im the only one who browses this site from time to time but cool to see
Goodnight everyone
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
prove zhem wrong
i prefer purple bottle off of feels
my fav emotional anco songs are fireworks and brother sport
man you really do look like someone who fucks boys
drunk asf watcging glee.. new juul pod... life is pretty good
and stop calling yourself gay, you're just a freak bipedo
no fucking way we both got the idea to watch glee at the same time
I have some bearpaw snowshoes like that, never tried modified bearpaw style, my dad uses huron, only part about winter I'm excited for is long snowshoe hikes in the forrest
we're twinninggg
you speak like someone with double-digit IQ
oh i'm actually not that old, just 25, so I was slightly too young for galtsu. this fucking around I mentioned happened in like 2021
my friends and family are all like late 20s early 30s and they're the ones with actual nostalgia for it lol
omg yasss
whos your fav
ah ofc. yeah that's me right there, well i was too shy to really post anything there just stalking others
don't you have more boys to diddle, my mexican friend?
i like that & the two that start off the record most during spring & summer but when i'm feeling more languorous it has to be banshee beat
ohh cool!!!! i would probably try bearpaws if i were to buy my own, these are a bit tough to maneuver in the taiga. i really really adore snowshoeing it keeps me saneish in the winter
i like finn rn becausehe reminds me soo much of brian from the front botoms who i am in love with
lol. you're really bad at identifying people. thanks for telling me those things about yourself, i guess. dont you have more shota porn to post? more teenage boys to poz on grindr?
keeps me saneish in the winter
yeah, I'm a outdoorsy person, i get depressed if I'm inside too long
wow nice word
languour. im going to remember that
finn is a sweetie but ofc be prepared he doesn't stick around for the whole show if you know the history of glee scandals lol
my fav is sue but i love finn, kurt and rachel
ooh super pretty. where is this if you don't mind me asking?
ilove adjectives
aaa ! wait no spoilers pls! i only watche d the first season in highschool and i cant remember anything from it so im going in like basically blind
sue is what inspured me to start watching again tbqh coz ive been seeing soo many glee edits on my fyp
well i was too shy to really post anything
lol maybe that's a good thing
my friends occasionally dig up eachothers' old pics from there and they're always kinda hilarious
Rymy Rock Festival
there's like no information on this on the internet but it sounded so obscure and weird that I did some digging. Seems like it happened in the village of Koria, which is a part of the town of Kouvola. Kinda in the middle of nowhere.
imagine being The Damned and getting booked for a gig in Finland and then it's this dingy fucking piece of shit festival in a random village 75 miles from Helsinki. that would suck.
is it rly a spoiler if its an irl event T o T
where is this
that was up north in canada, newfoundland
waitttttt one second leme look things up
oh cool... i wanna see more of canada, i've only ever been to northwest ontario
wow this sucks so much i couldve fixed him. might cry
I'm gay, we don't all talk with a lisp or have nerd hobbies or date hairy guys that look like us. You're not gay.
newfound and labrador is really beautiful, the island has some nice rock climbing/bouldering routes too
can u stop? you're hurting my feelings
yeah its super sad
have nerd hobbies or date hairy guys that look like us
are u sure abt that
i think more gays are that than aren't lol
nigga you're prison gay. you're afraid of real women either out of misogyny or insecurity and you consistently post porn or suggestive images of neotenous teenage boys. you're a degenerate groomer who has low inhibition and illicit impulses.
you are not a homosexual. homosexuals date men, while you pump and dump boys without sustained contact. kys
ccrying rn idk if i can keep watching glee atp hes just so beautiful
that's true, especially here on Anon Babble. my hobbies were sports, music, tinkering with things like guitars, and kissing guys. lol no one believes me when i say im gay though. stereotypes are for the small minded like this person
what's her name again?
Why are you trying to be hurtful? I only date ppl that are 18 or over, worry about your own life
Should I try to build a guitar? It doesn't seem to bad from what I have been researching.
im not talking about stereotpyes u fucking tard
im talking about his supposed 'homosexuality' which is exclusively within the realm of undeveloped neotenous boys. it's bipedoism
i dont care what hobbies you have
because you're a freak. i dont like you. this isn't a question of legality you stupid freak. you save and fap to shota porn. i hope you die
having a crush on a dead guy is kinda fab and its kinda like theyre crystalized in that peak, i have that with river phoenix
What kind of project were you thinking about? Like sourcing the wood yourself, and building the entire guitar from scratch, or a kit project?
woodworking is always like 30 times harder than you think it is, and working with instruments is also that.
I'm the only guy here brave enough to say I'm gay, the rest will bullshit you to get into your pants.
you save and fap to shota porn. i hope you die
I've never saved 2d porn of any kind, and I think it's lame, so obviously shota doesn't do anything for me. you don't even know me do you?
anyone else enjoy a good pepper
but tbhon why are you a gay here, i dont understand this bit
habanero ? i love those
no thanks only bad peppers for me
no this is just a tiny bell pepper, I ran out of big ones, I do like spicy peppers too though but maybe not for a snack
you're not gay though lol. you're prison gay. you're not attracted to men. you're attracted to boys out of perverse gynephillia
I've never saved 2d porn of any kind, and I think it's lame, so obviously shota doesn't do anything for me. you don't even know me do you?
stop lying freak. we've interacted before. you're on this board every day
same reason you're here, gaygen is boring. i started posting here in June I think, and liked the people here besides one bigguymandude and rick, those are the only posters I've thought were phony
goodnight alaskan princess
the sweet kind are nice, i like the green bell peppers best for eating raw
Where does it say you have to be attracted muscular hairy guys in order to be gay? Show me
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
you're a retard
gay men are attracted to men
they cna have preferences with hair or no hair or fat or skinny or muscles or flabby
but you are a bipedo. so you exclusively sleaze around grindr hooking-up with freshly turned 18 boys who hit the woman attraction for you, because of their neoteny. you're not attracted to normal male traits. you're attracted to the traits of neotenous teenage boys. because you're a lecherous porn addict prison gay who cant find a woman to settle down with
green bell peppers best for eating raw
noted, I just get a multi pack, I like red the most because they're the sweetest and have the most vitamins
same reason you're here, gaygen is boring
no i find this place boring, im here because gaygen doesnt want me
Anthony Kiedis is controversial
Sourcing wood and doing it from scratch.
There are a couple of "oh shit" points, but really it appears to be: okay, get things level, then make sure two pieces fit edge-to-edge light-tight and then start cutting out shapes. I watched a tutorial from a guy who said that he didn't have much woodworking experience before and that building something simple like a Telecaster style guitar wasn't that bad. He also listed out all the steps and showed how to do them which was nice. He built the entire guitar one handed.
Oh ok. Keep me posted on that.
Red are yummy, great for cooking too with chinese stir fry.
you sound like a hick lobotomite and you've never even been to a gay bar
Why do you want them? All they do is neg each other.
Morning. How's the Southern Hemisphere?
im a catty gay, they get the jokes and the banter and so on, and they are cynical, i miss that
I'm a proud hick and I listen to grand dad tunes and i like twinks and femboys. You can be a gold star stereotype unremarkable if that floats your boat, idc
You the Elvis fag?
Just go there then. Who's your adversary keeping you from posting in gg?
twinks to you are just teenage boys
You know bigguymandude is the other Elvis fan you talk to?
nice shaytan digits
i was seeing an 18 year old guy for about a month, i really miss him. he didn't have autism like u
i get piled, also got doxxed there lol
Lol. no because i can't tell anyone apart unless they trip. U know I have disabilities
All the worst posters are actually from gaygen, I didn't believe it
does it even count when i actually transitioned
if ppl think I'm pretty then why do i still feel this near crippling insecurity abt my looks
And that's why it's a dumpster fire. The dox anon, the schizo poster, it's more relaxed here.
you have a more accurate perception of yourself than other ppl do
You have gender dysphoria
because attractive ppl usually don't think they're attractive, and that's why they put in more work to look attractive than their peers. It's a curse being beautiful like us
I don't think this is true.
you're pathetic
Bizzarely hostile, take a jog
It was true in my case when I thought I was fat and ugly, then I worked really hard on my appearance and started getting noticed a lot, but still had low self esteem about my looks. Now I don't care.
if you're a chaser this is just sad. being this upset over nothing. have a funny meme guy
You get a pass but not the others
Do we really need to start harassing people here to get them to fuck off?
Idunno, I've never had low self esteem about my appearance. It would be dumb for me to ever think myself unattractive. I get compliments and I believe them, simple stuff.
Harass me biggaymaldguy. See how that goes for you.
You're one of the lucky ones. Most people struggle with it.
Why are you talking about harassing ppl now? If you don't like the gen, go elsewhere.
Not me, but you admitted to being actually retarded. Bullying you already wasn't very fun, but now it'd be cruel.
You harass me constantly lol. Why not just go somewhere else? I have to ignore you just so the thread doesn't get filled with spam, it's a bit much.
I don't think so. I still believe the majority are this way. No reason to doubt second guess or worry, so most probably don't.
many peopl hate me
i made dinner
That's a nice idea but really not how most people work. The worry is the standard.
I love you
How do I harass you? I posted a pic and you started in with the bipedo wailing. I'm not keeping you from chatting with others.
Post picture stunner
Nobody on this website will ever see me.
why won't you bully me pussy
Lol, you really are retarded. Look, I just said this sort of spam clogs the thread so I'm gonna go back to ignoring you. Again, that wasn't me. You keep calling random people me. In fact, the majority of the time now you're just bothering random people.
how do I harass you
You serious right now? You literally follow me around the thread just posting dumb shit at me constantly. Just scroll up, there's like four attempts to insult me shot at random people.
waay too many words there guy, remember I'm not as invested in this feud as you are
i love y9u too
I think im on the other guys side, you seem hostile for no reason other than there's another male and you feel threatened by it, chill
Brother you posted about me for half a year staight. It is too late to pretend to be uninvested.
I am rent free in your mind.
I just don't know why?
is this bgiggymandode? hes still here??
i cried when people told me i didn't have to post nudes last night
never kill yourself
Maybe you should work on getting some friends before dating. I think you could use the support and self esteem, no offense. Just this is really sad.
I like your digits
Thank you God, I will reconsider.
Cried tears of joy I hope. You're worth more than just your boobs and butt.
have any of you had a real schizo diagnosis?
i need to make out with someone sloppy style so bad i could die. this has been on my mind for weeks. i have regressed to kissing my hand sometimes
He (You)d me first
Yeah well I wasn't saying anything about you tonight. You started it. Now go blogpost your bullshit folksy trailer park philosopher spiel to barely legal tranners and stop youing me.
I ran out of eggnog.
ive never had eggnog and im too scared to try it now
Do me a favor? Eggnog.
two sips of it and you won't desire any more for an entire year. it's not amazing
ill drink anything with alcohol
Still wasn't me. But it's weird how not fun it is to have strange people harassing you out of the blue, huh?
Really makes you think.
we know
Brutal. Go find someone
its late.. and rainy, maybe tomrorrow
aww :(
i have no idea what it is and i have no idea what the word "nog" means but just that it has "egg" in the name and also contains alcohol means i'm absolutely fucking terrified of trying it
No rush, try it at your convenience. I love the rain :)
Eggnog doesn't have alcohol, people just add it
Multiple people make fun of you here, not just me. The folksy prison bi tutor guy said he's trans and only likes bottoming, which is sure to draw some giggles from people, no?
Those people are bad.
u thought u ate but u didnt even bite cuz i own this bum shit
me too ,its very comfy rn
Why do you feel the need to lie about me? You've got some serious Rick behavior.
Not trans, not a bottom, sure as hell not folksy. The fuck did folksy even come from? I'm from New Jersey.
that's also not me
lol guy just lies repeatedly in here
Enjoy your comfy, yay :)
being an alcoholic? good for u!
You sound like you're 50. Did you use the prison bi flag during flag month? Is your discord bigguymandude? They're the same person you can verify it in the archives.
sounds like something a bottom would say
that's even scarier somehow
You keep doing this thing where you pretend there's a crowd of people, but somehow it's just you responding every time.
You really are retarded. You know multiple people can use a flag and say dumb shit, right?
We're clogging the thread now with your spam though. Go to therapy dude.
blessed digits
i have two friends. i don't really feel better having that. i'm not sure why. anyways ii don't know how to make more
thank you. joy not quite the right word but
i had a doctor tell me i was schizo & put me on antipsychotics when i was 15ish. don't know if it was a real diagnosis. i got told by a later psychiatrist that i wasn't so it must have been on my records somehow
everyone's always stealing my swag and passing it off as their own *sigh*
i come from a long line, clan pride
no one likes my brokeback mountain edits thread on Anon Babble gonna kms
You refuse to answer now, like I predicted. You didn't mind clogging up the thread the past hour to accuse me of being a bipedo, but now you want to drop the subject. You are a fraud man.
show them to me rachel
idrkk how to crosslink betwene boards but maybe thisll work
Are you stupid? Why is this supposed to be me? There's no bi flag, no discord name, just a random anon trans woman.
Best part? I remember this fucking conversation, I was part of it, on the other fucking side giving this woman advice.
Get your meds for real dude.
this reminds me the way they age the characters is so stupid esp anne hathaway's hair getting progressively bigger and blonder (love that)
you should branch out and try pills too <3
ngl i find it upsetting when you post ugly dashas , you're doing her a disservice
ugly dashas
No such thing.
So there's two folsky boomer sounding posters itt, and one is a trans woman and the other is you, and you both used the prison bi flag in June? Why are you lying? If you're on estrogen, say so. It doesn't mean you can't chase in here, half the chasers are on estrogen.
watch my videos boy
tranners are significantly hotter if they like retro fps games, emphasis on quake
even that video where her hairline..?
I said what I said.
when dasha looks off that aids her divacity because shes just a regular girl and a girl of the people and a daughter of working class good christian people and we all have good and bad days
There's like thirty folksy boomer sounding posters, you constantly mistake all of them for me.
you both used the prison bi flag in June?
They're not even using it, but yeah why would this be crazy?
Exactly retard, if I were I'd just fucking say it. If that person were me, apparently I'd have already said it. Why would I suddenly lie?
Or MAYBE. I'm not lying?
You gonna apologize and leave me alone now or just continue to double down?
i don't understand you
oh this ones good , love it when she's skinny
goodnight actually now
i paid for my pio today so hopefully will get that in afew weeks. i also got some gabapentin & memantine because i hadn't stopped imbibing substances when i ordered it. so i guess i will just have that around
Prison bi was a sociopath in my opinion, and said they were friends with several convicted rapists and molesters. Sociopaths lie with greater ease than telling the truth, and they're cunning. You get no apology from me. Piss off.
dasha saying that shit about how much skinny arms matter gave me permanent insecurity about my arm fat
septum arms lol
one day she can be shrunken wrinkled babushka and ill still love her because shes real and she gets it
if ur fat ur fat it doesnt matter
shes sooo out of touch now though .. couldn't even listen to the election episode coz the link they post on the leddit to get past the paywall was broken :/
i'm skinny but i have worked outside forever so i have kind of buff arms
It's crazy how far you'll take this cope instead of just admitting you're wrong and harassing me for no reason.
well thats different than being fat
i dont listen to her i cant focus on podcasts
uhh thats good we love swole prole women etc
lmaooo wth girl yru even a stan then??
they were such a beautiful couple i hate faegs
i like her on twitter, i think its kinda cute and funny to be a fan of someone for something completely different than what theyre known for idk
no they were NOT!! jake gyllenhaal transcends sexuality he's perfect
I'm more of a Ryan Gosling kind of guy
i only like him in the notebook
Didn't like Bladerunner 2049? La La Land? Actually liked him the most in The Nice Guys though, fun movie.
i think heath was the defacto cute one
also i love all the parallels between him and river phoenix
ball peen hammer vs my pelvic bowl whos winning
ive only seen gosling in crazy stupid love and he was good in it
you're bald too lmao bigguybalddude from nj who types just like bigscarytransdude from nj.
havent seen lalal a land desu might add it to the list, idk i just dont remember those movies as much and i feel like i would've if he made a biger impression on me
you think wrong imo , i love that cowboy twink and so does everyone in the world
should i bother sleeping? its almost light out
Uh huh, you take care, bud.
Yes, you should.
I actually haven't seen it either, but people sure do talk about it. Figure that must be something.
Surprised Bladerunner didn't leave more impression. Dave Bautista's short role in it was huge to me.
Even trying to sleep is better than not sleeping.
he is!!!! okay!! just because you have prejudiced views concerning twink status doesn't mean other people have the same level of internalized homophobia as you do
Ah don't go like this. Show me what you look like all dolled with that wig on princess
miss thing thats a HUNK
I love twinkchan
jack twist was a twink and im tired of pretending he wasnt
act a fool girl, act a fool
Huh. Maybe, actually.
I don't recognize any of these celebrity names.
Gotta get those fag levels checked.
you hate me for speaking the truth,, be free.... admit it to yourself, you can be a twink and also a cowboy , it's a beautiful thing <3
thank you my fervent supporter
Weird that we were just talking about Glee yesterday
cowboys may come in twink but jack nasty aint all that
At what level of twink do you just reach woman. Eddie Redmayne?
That's my dump stat, a whopping zero.
you're hurting my feelings now, i need to go to bed
lying rick
he looks like how i imagine ellen sees herself
Oh wow we're still in the same thread?
I fell asleep at work lol
Lol. He's a spitting image of my lesbian cousin.
Go to sleep at home when you're supposed to, silly.
Your nephew.
see now kurt in that was an actual twink cowboy
Omfg he's so adorable <3
Why the heck would I do that?
(I usually sleep for like 4 or 5hrs at home later in the day)
well not actual cause its a costume but u get the picture lol X)
Because I just said to.
I never noticed how much the Scheuster guy sucks at acting
Just not fair to put in a twink competition
Oh.. Well I'm still at work sooo we'll see what happens lol
hes kinda THE twink
and yes mr shoe is awful and so is the squirrel woman
terri deserves a better husband!
Try standing on your head
no, excruciating
okay ill let you know how it goes
so over
Somewhere out there a woman is hiccupping while upside down.
drink water from the wrong side of the glass, like picrel, it always works for me
anything that distracts you / demands your attention completely for like 30 seconds is good
fell and hurt myself ouch. think it worked though
just wait it out omggg
It actually worked? I was just saying it for the fall.
im simply too smart for this trick as drinking from the wrong side of the glass demands half of my attention at most
It really is still coming down like crazy
yea i fell off my bed and hit my desk on the way down i hope your happy
Drink from both the right and wrong side of the glass simultaneously, half plus half = full attention.
You're out of control. Turn in your gun and badge.
Sounds wonderful. It also probably sounds wonderful.
Yes. Yes.
goodnight sweet angel <3
Goodnight. Sleep tight.
Last Christmas by George Michael
10 hour loop
bf urge coming back they needa euthanize me
hi bitch
if only
why does her right foot never end? it's like it's gonna go on forever
what a disgraceful waste of an amazing cock on some tranny, im gonna cry
a woman of few words but she makes them count
That's way too big. Trannids should have small dicks.
Oh that came from some gooner thread on Anon Babble where all the pics are cis women with dongs photoshopped onto them. Most of them were so bad they looked ridiculous. Pic is most likely a shop
oh i wouldnt know i only looked at the cock
Trannies with no dicks would be the best, like a tranny personality and brain but with a vagina.
I have money for ffs and srs but I can’t get them because I don’t have anyone to look after me I need the man that’s the missing piece but also my ass is fat and my dick is small.
That tugs at my heart strings. I wish I could help you in some way. Also fat ass is win. Where are you from?
That's what SRS is for
my ass is fat and my dick is small
Perfect gf
But also, you should get the surgeries
Thank you. Goodnight
can't u get ffs anyway?
thats fucking stupid
u absolutely can do ffs recovery alone
No is not. I really like trans girls as friends because you guys are talkative and super open to meeting people, and you're funny. I just, look babe the peen throws me off. I'm old fashioned and seeing a peen on a woman's body, my brain no understand
ok yeah but surgery recovery alone from anything let alone something as big as ffs is fucking horrible lol
it's maybe doable but also not recommended
look how goated this run of slay the spire i had today was
Is it real you're an OF transbian begging for money in your Discord server?
Long time no see
i have a gf but im just bishit lmao. and ya u should subscribe
Hey Venus
hiiiiiiii anon, hru
Hey Rav! I have the hiccups now. It's so over.
I'm surviving. Did you drop out of college?
this creetcher just found a piece of falafel on the floor and then yelled at it
i assume she was mad it wasn't meat
i have no clue how slay the spire works but congrats lmao
I'm so sorry. Having hiccups makes me irrationally angry lol
How do I know if I am just a hook up to her?
just look for autistic stinky cis girls theyre gonna be just as needy if not more
3pm morning coffee time yay
check out my terrible bloom with 86g of water for 39g coffee
i've legit been brought to tears by hiccups that wouldn't go away before lmao
time will tell, just enjoy the sex for now
Do not show yourself here after what you did...
wtf is going on ???????
How often do you do pour overs? My coffee autism isn't strong enough to do them every day
The anti-transbian spammer was right. It has become a problem.
A purge is needed.
But I love her
daily, since if i'm gonna have only one cup per day it better be really good
I'm kinda sensitive to some of the alkaloids in coffee so any more than one big cup a day will make me horribly anxious and jittery and totally ruin my day. energy drinks are fine, but coffee (and some teas) just fuck me up, it's weird
Lol It's hard to imagine you angry. How has your day been so far?
oh well in that case you could just force the "what are we" conversation right now but if it's too soon it might be kinda detrimental to the future of the relationship
I don't think I've ever been brought to tears but especially bc I can usually just stop hiccups after the first one or two - when it goes on for like half an hour I start fuming loll
It happens sometimes. I usually try to put my anger on reserve to use at a more useful time
Good so far! Just got home from work and I sat in my car listening to music for 30min. Now I'm about to go play or watch something for a few hours <3
I’ll get them asap
Yeah but I don’t want to be alone, my support network sucks and I have no family
How old are you and where you at girl?
I'm about to go play or watch something for a few hours <3
Sounds peak comfy
Come join me <3
What are you playing? LoL?
.....maaayybbeee... ':)
I was looking on Riot's page. I don't know who I would pick or how to play.
There's a tutorial! It teaches you literally nothing about the game lol
Sounds like Fromsoft