Anon Babble tgirls are shameful

Boymoderology gets into a stupid twitter argument with Liv Agar

Liv Agar is a popular passoid on twitter who looks good in photos, so has a big following from that

Boymoderology who has a big head and not much of a body, ends up making Anon Babble tgirls look retarded

Anon Babble's /tttt/ put on blast AGAIN

Great, thanks to our amazing tripfag our whole board has been publicly shamed

here are what the tweeters are saying:


but this is about US

For better or worse Anon Babble is really the only place to be a miserable failed transition manmoder or twinkhon. Like what we're supposed to be the delusional twinkhons on reddit who literally look the exact same in their 1 year transition timeline but are like "oh my god I feel like such a woman in this flared dress go spinny spin"? We can't be tiktok youngshits either since that boat has sailed and I don't think anyone wants to go on susan's place and interact with those megahons. irl I'm not about to go to my uni support group or worse go to some gay club and get mistaken as a gay guy. I'm fucked without community besides this no matter how toxic it is.

yeah, there's really nowhere else to go

nice trips

It's interesting how they got to that conclusion when coming here gave me respect and appreciation for troons. Probably because they're channers so we have something in common.

Unblessed quads

"the Anon Babble girls are poisonous. best thing i ever did was block them"
fuck. that is so hot to me.


Liv is a delusional hon who needs a dox like taftaj

then why do so many people find her hot

i'm an incel btw

getting so angry you make this post


Chasers are dumbfucks

but that's clearly your post

Go simp over "liv" more cuck

Sorry, I am just really envious of Liv.

trvth precision airstrike

true satan...

They are right too thats the worst part

I dont give a shit about any of this but that tweet in the bottom left is 100% correct, you have have your tripcode posted anywhere online that is not Anon Babble you are a fucking dweeb

even having a tripcode here is dweeb status

does anyone have screens of their original argument
liv is usually fine imo but this feels like punching down. boymoder usually just hates herself and wallows in misery alone without dragging others into it at least from what I've seen
for better or worse I hope this board stays alive despite normie passoids hating us

normies keep coming here to post so the sites not gonna die, the amount of >be me greentexts i've seen lately is insane.

based melody

yeah sure but you're not as big of a dweeb, not even close
I organized loads of "Anon Babble makes an album" threads years ago and used to a tripcode for those of course, but putting the tripcode on the bandcamp page would have been fucking retarded lmao

implying they aren't regular anons who won't admit it to protect their reddit reputations

being a shitter user is like a half step above being a Anon though.
its just normalized to catastrophize on shitter and act like a sex pest agp.

they hate us because some of us are self aware and realize that acceptance is tied to how normal you can act.

if there was diaper posting ageplaying gigahons all over twitter threatening jk rowling and politicians i can garuntee they right would have less fodder and propoganda to use against trannies. no one can grow up and accept that because quite often gender dysphoria is comorbid with other psychiatric conditions that make being sensible harder.

trvthnvkes are rough.

if there wasnt****

The ppl in the replies are always gigahons living vicariously thru the passoid doe. Its not the bitterhons fault that she wasnt lucky enough to pass and have the privilege of a positive outlook...



upvote melody!

Boymoderology who has a big head and not much of a body

No, she's pretty hot. I only came back here after seeing that thread and scrolling her page, reawakening my lust for maladjusted trans girls.

ends up making Anon Babble tgirls look retarded

This is true, but I know you're not all like that.

Out here catching strays
I don't hate anyone but myself

tttt boymoder

quads of evil truth oomf

6666 Trvke of SaTAN

Boymoderology who has a big head and not much of a body

hey. she may have a big forehead but her body is pure sex
I envy her bf

I agree that this place is a valuable community niche but it can't be ignored to many of us engage with it in actively harmful ways. It's so easy to be unreasonably spiteful, hopeless, or brainwormed here than just about any other trans space regardless of the possibility of hugboxing elsewhere. It's easy to forget that being trans is a path of self-actualization forced on us, and even when things are bleak or hopeless we at least have to TRY to make things better for ourselves, struggle endlessly until we get there.

It's sad as fuck ultimately, because it's easy to fall of course or just not be up to the task with the cards some of us are given. Day of Remembrance yesterday and all that. I love this board for the better parts of it, and it gives me a space to express things about my transition I can't do elsewhere. But some of us seriously need to reflect on how we use the board and whether it actually enriches our lives. For most other trannies that don't keep here at arms length with a reasonable mindset it eats them alive. OP's pic rel.

Anon Babble tgirls look retarded

we really are retarded sister
thats why they dont welcome us on that website

irl I'm not about to go to my uni support group or worse go to some gay club and get mistaken as a gay guy

im a manmoder and this has happened to me everytime I’ve met trans people in my area irl including straight up trans exclusive support groups and events which just kinda lead me back here so I get this a lot thanks for putting it into words