Why do fat bastards always make the best tops?
Why do fat bastards always make the best tops?
they don't, lol, at all
Conflicting messages. Should I get fat if I'm only interested in dating pale thin boys?
This is like THE hottest image I've seen all year
Pls do
are you seriously considering making yourself x100 less healthy and prone to chronic disease because of one (1) post you read from an anonymous autist on a japanese cartoon forum?
Ordering a pizza now thanks. See you in 6 months when I'm thicc
it's not a conflicting message, op is a fatty trying to gas himself up because he has no bitches and he's trying to get them here
you shouldn't get fat because
a.) have some goddamn self respect, it's bad for your health, get in shape for your own sake
b.) sex is an athletic activity
They do and im tired of pretending they dont
Look I'm desperate for a twink bf right now. I've denied that I'm a gay top for my whole life and I want to meet someone and love them. I'll try anything.
i ask again. what is the writing on his ankle?
lmao reminds me of my teens and 20's
sorry skelebro, in real life the fat ugly retard gets the boy
Ah I've been gullible and duped yet again. Thank for the heads up, why do ppl seriously think they can gaslight people into dating them through this shit clunk board though?
disregarded because fat + samefag
Because nothing beats the feeling of being completely overpowered by a guy so much bigger than you that you know you couldn't stop him if you tried. And while this also is true for very muscular guys, with them it always feels like they are doing it for you, while for fat guys you know they only do that for themselves. You are just their little piece of fuckmeat
Oh, not in cruelty, not in wrath, The Reaper came that day
it's from a poem, or possibly from a portal reference to the poem
Is anyone going to post pics itt? I need to see twinks
Im slim. I just like fat guys
Based and most kino pairing
all Anon Babble filenames
not your pic, just one from your goon folder
Why's that?
i love sucking them but bottoming for them is physically impossible
hair on bottom
Another faggot that's gonna become a troon monstrosity as soon as you stop getting attention from pedos
chubby ppl so fun to cuddle with after thas all
You need to get fucked!
you know being fat isnt why people find this arousing right? its the size difference. the bottom is 5'4 and the top is like 6'2. its the height. u can still have this, just become muscular instead of being an obese pig.
im slim
dawg ur a normal dude. thats not slim, thats average.
In what universe is that NOT slim? Next step from that is literally anorexic
because they're squishy and comfy
I much rather sot atop a bouncy belly than a rock solid slab of muscle but also I think that there's a sweetspot for men's tummies
I'm cursed with being a tiny twig lanklet and having someone squishy to hug is the best
can I pwease hav some?
I wanna grow my glutes
Based mwahnon top tier girlfriend material
same i'm in pretty decent shape but fat guys turn me on so much
they do suck at sex though lol but i don't mind i like doing most of the work
I'm not super attracted to men's faces but for some reason a muscle-fat football player body makes me (5'8 115 pound twink) feel so subby
hit the gym fatty
size difference is legit the best
yeah but the dude on the left in this image isnt fat. he's got higher body fat but still has defined musculature in the chest and arms. OP is showing obese fuckers
I like a bit of belly. Obv pic related was a professional athlete but muscle mixed with a non-excessive amount of body fat is sooo much hotter than just muscle
Into fat, larger men and want to be the one on the left.
I'm 5'11 and 260lb.
Someone please kill me.
Right is the top
Power. Unless you're a complete shut-in, if you're fat, you usually have some semblance of muscle just going through your day carrying extra weight. Especially in the legs. This dude probably has a poor diet, but he definitely lifts. So that skinny boy is laying comfortably on a soft, yet firm body with a nice fuzzy coating.
Omg I want to be in between his thighs or armpits. I want his hands on my fucking hips. His beard nuzzling my lips and areoles
Isn't this the brother or taylor swift bfs?
You are the fub in question. Lose some weight fatass
For some it's also the fat
Not just size difference but a sort of degradation to being with a gross man
A giant musclechad doesn't offer that kink
I want to feel a fat guy on top of me and struggle to breathe as his bulk crushes me into the bed