There's no such thing as 'repressing'. It's a linguistic trick. Transitioning is an action. There are no 'trans kids', no one is 'born trans'. There are only gender dysphorics. Dysphoria is not the fates demanding you to transition. It is a developmental aberration produced by unconscious symbolic structures. Homosexual men and heterosexual women, are especially prone to the condition.
There's no such thing as 'repressing'. It's a linguistic trick. Transitioning is an action...
actually the scientific consensus is that being trans is an inborn neurological characteristic
No it isn't. There isn't even consensus on the origin of homosexuality. Why do you lie? There is evidence that shows insufficient neurological masculinisation in certain categories of homosexual men, and HSTS. That doesn't mean it causes 'transness'.
here's a good review on the topic
and yes, the consensus is also that people are born gay.
born gay
but u can become a straight woman by taking estrogen
produced by unconscious symbolic structures
"gay" is relative to your gender. If you change your gender but keep the same sexuality, you become straight
or are you still confused about why gay women don't like men?
what is a gender? Does feeling female make you one?
gender is a word we use to mean the subjective experience of brain sex. We also use gender to mean sex-based social roles, which is a bit confusing and makes actually understanding the concepts a bit harder than it should be.
and yes, the consensus is also that people are born gay.
No, it isn't. You can't just keep claiming consensus, when there isn't any. There is strong evidence for neurological or genetic indicators of homosexuality, but that doesn't rule out epigenetic causal factors.
epigenetic factors are often also inborn.
The fact that we aren't sure specifically what causes homosexuality doesn't change the fact that we're confident that people are gay from birth
>but u can become a straight woman by taking estrogen
I never claimed this. Trans women are still men. Trans men still women.
I'm repressing though
Epigenetic traits only become activated in the right environment and developmental conditions. So no, there isn't consensus on the origin of homosexuality. And definitely not 'transness'. Are dysphorics who get on with their biological sex, still 'trans'? What separates them neurologically from people who go through with transition?
No, you are using maladaptive coping mechanisms, planted by gender ideology. You are not 'repressing' a latent 'transness'. You are avoiding the holistic treatment of Gender Dysphoria.
being gay is genetic, there’s no specific environment that turns people gay who otherwise would not be - that’s cope by fundamentalists who believe in anti-gay conversion therapy and pressuring gays to repress and marry the opposite sex
"gender ideology" isn't even a real thing retarded hippie nigger. And there is no "holistic treatment" that actually works. I'm repressing my GD because I waited to long to actually treat it effectively by transitioning, "latent transness" means fucking nothing to me.
And there is no "holistic treatment" that actually works.
You won't know that if you keep linguistically trapping yourself. You don't need to 'repress' the dysphoria you feel with your sex. You can work through it and form stronger connections with your natural form.
Epigenetic traits only become activated in the right environment and developmental conditions
and often that environment is in the womb
there are plenty of epigenetic factors that change things well before birth.
you are so dishonest I doubt you've ever convinced someone here.
wow that sounds like the sort of thing john 49 must have thought
I don't want any stronger connection with this body, it's disgusting to me and I hate it. I just drink and daydream all day so I notice it less.
goated voice of reason as always
still manages to fuck up and bump the thread
there is no consensus of the sort, one day people will see this on the same level of psuedoscience as lobotomies
Thanks for bumping. I don't use discord.
oh my god go back
This isn't doing what you think it's doing.
what if i'm an occultfag and my body already comes second to mind
Consensus among who?
Dysphoria means you fear the social expectations of your sex.
Pseud-coded post.
i got nothing of value to add to this thread because it's shit but this dude kinda looks like me if i was twice as masculine, and it makes me glad i look like i do now
sensible people
your dumb
Any examples?
Biological sex is also just a linguistic trick as such. You're being intellectually dishonest by not similarly questioning your own position and its epistemic commitments.
No y chromosome = female
You just keep saying "no, that's not true! you're not allowed to be trans because that's not true!!" without anything to disprove the evidence made against your claim, nor have you established any logical reason why gender dysphoria not being innate from birth would mean that one must suffer through life as their assigned gender.
gender isn’t real
That won't be the scientific consensus for long, we can change the scientific consensus. There is no science without our permission first
this is true. im not repressing and i'm normal.