Just vote for Trump bro, it's not like it'll change anyth-
Are you embarrassed yet?
Just vote for Trump bro, it's not like it'll change anyth-
Are you embarrassed yet?
Notice how the link isn't highlighted. That means I'm on the right board.
anyone who ever thought these companies wouldn't turn on us the very instant turning on us became profitable, was naive.
even if the CEO was a tranny it would still happen. market demands it
it's over
J.K. Rowling was right
about what
This is a good thing because they were absolutely going to shit all over the original movies with lore changes, and are now a little scared to.
this will only be worse. every time JKR adds new lore it's terrible and every time she gets to go back and rewrite character dynamics she ruins them
this is the woman who said wizards used to shit their pants and teleport it away, bigot or not she should be blacklisted from leading projects. the fantastic beasts movies should've proven that those were her george lucas moment, and these companies waited until that fiasco to distance from her about trans stuff.
she's only getting work again now BECAUSE she's a transphobe and that's trending. if she hadn't become the world's #1 anti-trans personality she would be sitting in her mansion getting no offers
no I don't
Harry Potter is dogshit btw
we'll see if there is a vibe shift by next June
Maturing is realizing that trans positivity and acceptance already peaked and literally everything is going to be downhill from here.
Between now and next June we're gonna be saturated with so many white male Republicans whining about how victimized they are by the woke/trans/lgbt movement that cities will start canceling their pride parades due to bomb threats. The June after that, we'll see actual violence inflicted on pride parades by 34-year old white male Republicans seeking to protect children from groomerism despite themselves facing charges for groping a fifteen year old. Only after the GOP sweeps the 2026 midterms will we start seeing outright government/police/military curtailment of pride parades, in the name of protecting children, authorized by a president who was convicted of violently raping a woman in a dressing room in the mid-'90s.
inb4 delusional! There's absolutely no way this thing that GOP voters think is epic and based and that they really, really, REALLY want to happen will be pursued by them
I mean, I now see how Germany was slow-walked into Nazism. All that Nazi supporters needed to do was say that their violent, extremist rhetoric wasn't sincere and that opponents were crazy for taking it seriously. Then they could say that the opposition was crazy for thinking the Nazis wanted to do the things they were saying they really wanted to do; after that, they were crazy to think that the constitutional framework they were operating under wouldn't prevent the Nazis from being able to do all the things they swore to do. Even if the Nazis professed they had no self-control, they'd still call you insane for thinking the constitutional safe-guards they were actively tearing down wouldn't stop them from cutting your throat.
The ascent of fascism's a pretty straightforward process. First, just get rightwingers to whine non-stop about how they're being victimized by everything and everyone for decade after decade. They've now germinated in the public consciousness the idea that if they face repercussions for anything they say or resistance against anything they try to do, they're once more being victimized, and it's the opposition who's in the wrong both for taking them seriously and for not giving them what they want.
Trump did this
does she still say hermione is black or did she give up on all of that stuff when the mold took control of her brain?
With any hope, all the JOOOOOOO investors in weird places like InBev will get usurped or cool it with their "muh tranny representation" approaches.
full grown adult who gives a shit about lore of Harry potter straight to streaming slop
it means the guy is a retarded newfag
when are you gonna get tired of being hysterical?
vibe shift by next June
Already happening? Pride stuff seems like it peaked and the last year or so has been way more subdued. The Budweiser and Target boycotts really spooked all of the companies that were casually pandering to lgbt because they saw it as having no downsides.
they downplayed the reality to try to normalize their extremism. this was always intended from the start. everyone of them that says they're empathetic to your plight, but still voted trump, is a hypocrit.
what does this have to do with trump?
She's shifted far to the right honestly. She now believes that left-wing radicals are suppressing freedom of speech and causing The Decline of the West with identity politics.
She's been sharing so much shit from right-wing propaganda websites that I wouldn't be surprised if she secretly holds a lot of racist views now, at least against Arabs if nothing else.
Who’s on the wrong side of history now, filthy degenerates?
anon. it's history repeating itself.
literaly nazi plays and you get upset that we call them nazi's as they stamp their feet over /identity politics/. it's so played out, people don't take this shit seriously.
The shift happened after he won and companies realized where the wind was blowing.
people don't take this shit seriously
Just because you have chosen to be an animal, there are many people who understand and respect what it means to be human.
HBO's post is factually correct no matter how hard you scream and shit your pants. Yes, the original creator of a beloved global franchise should be involved with a reboot of her creation, and yes, her involvement will only benefit the series.
Are there people who actually disagree with this, or are you all just stomping your feet because she hates trannies?
Nothing can improve slop.
I'm not exactly a Harry Potter fan, I read the first 3 books like 25 years ago and moved in to better books, but it's nowhere near slop. It's a multimillion dollar franchise loved by the world. Sorry to hear your arch nemesis is successful, maybe next time you'll cancel somebody successfully.
is mcdonalds not slop?
Have you watched fantastic beasts or the cursed child? It’s the equivalent of Star Wars 1-3 if not worse
The wrong side won that conflict, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Marvel is kino!
Since when has something being profitable and/or popular been a guarantee it's good?
aw. did the elitist call you out and make you feel dumb again? did they hurt your feelings? pobrecita~
their violence, rhetoric
You commies killed 50 million people in russian concentration camps. Back then and now, most of what you say involve labeling milquetoast political opponents as nazis and rationalizing terrorism and murder. Stop projecting
us commis dindu nuthin'
years-long prison sentences for pointing out that we're replacing white natives is fine
Should we lay low from here on?
This is the perfect timing to be forgotten. Maybe let only passoids talk?
Very spooky and scary to read. Did you make sure to do your homework and chores before screen time?
repercussions for anything they say or resistance against anything they try to do
You shouldn't actually get to murder people for not liking marxism, you absolute lunatic.
when the domestic terrorists are groups like the proud boys or the literal nazi's showing up in ohio you're obsfucating reality to call leftists the bad guys.
Passoids aren't safe either
the merit of art should not be tied directly to the artist's personal life
any reasonable person understands and agrees with this
postures as mature
lmao Brainlet, for us with iq's above a hundred, it's easy to look at our communities, recognize obvious dysfunction and realize what went wrong. Contrary to your dogma, divesity is not the western world's strength.
proud boys
That's rich. Literally, all they do is defend protesters from leftist terrorists. You know, drooling, rabid, murderous, totaltiarian marxist transbians like yourself.
she used to be almost reasonable but exposure twitter hons radicalized her
she could have been swayed to your side if trannies and lefties werent so quick to make everyone their enemy
Fucking hell even Hollywood's dumped us.
how does jk rowling having a right to express her personal views affect you?
Just voted for Trump what happened?
bro even rightoids understand that corporations have no actual moral principles and that it's just an act, they were never on your side
I now see how Germany was slow-walked into Nazism.
If you didn't see this already during covid you weren't paying attention.
What? Protesting is not an act of terrorism. Neither is self-defense or standing up for other protesters. You attatching your demagoguic labels to others does not give you the legal or moral right to terrorize people. You "antifa" bolshevik, on the other hand, do use political violence, and I hope trump jails you all.
If you're not the genuinely intellectual kind of political radical by your early 20s, it's probably a phase. If you are the intellectual type, it might be a phase anyway. I can't convince you of anything, but remember me when you think back on your political development 10 years from now.
No because like I said in my post I grew out of Harry Potter and moved onto better books around age 13 or so. I'm in my 30s.
Food analogies
Harry Potter is probably more like a major sit down restaurant chain (Denny's, Perkins, etc) of children's literature. Fine, serviceable. could be way better, but not slop.
HBO stands by JK Rowling? Good
Are you embarrassed yet?
Nope, I dont have a hate boner for her. The obnoxious tenderqueers, autists, and AGPs in the community are the ones responsible for the backlash against us, and they are shameless. They will never take responsibility for fucking everyone over with their obsessive, narcissistic screeching of the last 6 years
Sorry hon, people are tired of TRAs hijacking empathy to further 0.1% of the country being annoying and trying to police language and behavior for the remaining 99.9%.
speech is violence
you saying that you don't love diversity means that I should get to kill you, you nazi
Fuck off.
Hollywood never supported us you retard holy fuck how are fake trannies this dumb
don't worry, hermione will be black and all the chuds will remember why they hated rowling in the first place
this shift started in june 2023 after the dylan mulvaney stuff, this isn’t a sudden thing from the past few weeks. do u live under a rock?
Sure, but in return, I want you to remember me when you get some of that cultural enrichment you're so happy to provide for others.
I’m happy to accept one of us is the retard and let objective reality decide.
it waa just a peaceful protest!
they didn't literally break windows to climb in!
i just can't with all the bad acting. porn has better acting than you bigots.
it was just a peaceful protest anon!
antifa are the real bad guys!
then why proud boys serving time?
just stfu. you lost. turn off the screen.
Workers at Disney specifically cited the election results as the reason Disney pulled the trans episode of Moon Girl.
Trump did a harry potter reboot on HBO
This is next level TDS
okay? other companies have been doing this for over a year, disney isn’t every company.
then why proud boys serving time?
Because washington courts are corrupt as all hell. Well, trump's going to pardon the lot of them, and most of them are probably going to sue the government over their mistreatment. Anyway, you know, even antifa members are serving time, even with all the sweet-heart deals they tend to get from prosecutors, like that episode with the bikelock professor that tried to kill numerous people during several protests and didn't even get any prison time.
you lost
What are you talking about? Trump won
Don't know what that is but that's a good thing. No representation is the best representation
The only good post in this thread.
Exactly. The less exposure people have to trannies the better for them and for trannies
muh both sides
ok retard
They dont understand that like 6 years ago this may have got enough people to boycott it/hbo that they thought they made more money alienating the “phobes,” but now they think they make more money not doing that, and the left has been distancing from the lgbt/woke for a while.
And HBO was distancing themselves from Rowling until now. There is a noticeable change occurring.
she explains in the picture you posted that it's the left that shifted right
she's just a true believer in 90s liberalism who didn't shift to the "left" along with everyone else
(I am a conservative and I do not like jkr)
moar liek
all the people that voted for Trump did this
the WHO abandoned the affirmation guidelines like 3 years ago newblud
Are you embarrassed yet?
idk about hbo but did u not notice that in june 2023 almost every company either removed their corporate pandering rainbow logo after the first few days or didn’t use it at all? it didn’t start a few weeks ago, just increases with another event.