did she forget that everyone has been clocking her for over 10 years before she came out?

She's right, though?

retconning shit isnt smart. it wasnt a common topic that she was trans before like 2019-2020.

I hate this fucking reddit meme, but something something leopard face party

i didn’t say that, but people still clocked her before then so she prolly gets clocked in public from time to time too

shes so retarded because she doesnt realize that this just reads to terfs as an unhinged man that thinks surface level performative actions and milestones like that are all that it means to be a woman

white conservative mtfs finding out what conservatives actually think of them is always a laugh riot

kelly.jpg - 804x848, 109.5K

Why does EVERY RETARDED PICKME today concede on Banning HRT for youngshits. They are our future. NO ONE who transitioned post puberty can pass. If you ban hrt for youngshits you BAN PASSING.

Retarded fucking pick me hons.

i get called a pickme and i support minors getting hrt, i think its just cuz i won’t defend weird hons who have an it’s ma’am rage or go to prison for sexual assault.

what about FFS and voice traning?

p-please be nice....

I'm sure that will convince them


clocked everyday desu

it wasn't a common topic but people were aware

Caring about TERF opinions

The only thing retarded is that trannies keep thinking they should reason with TERFs who think reason is patriarchy, instead of conservative men, who think reason is law.

conservative men, who think reason is law.


Because HRT pre-majority is actually not the process of transition anyway.
And the future of LGBT rests, as it always has, on the health of cishet relationships, since that is where children come from.

this is my flag.

Holy fuck is it really necessary to be that obnoxiously female on the internet?

conservative men, who think reason is law.

You could not possibly summarize conservatism worse if you tried. Not your fault since you probably went through your entire education unaware of the conflict between tradition and reason in conservatism.

Im married to a man but it's ok because, listen, I have a vagina!

Why are trannies so damn homophobic?

conservative men, who think reason is law.

conservative men, who think reason is law.

conservative men, who think reason is law.

conservative men,

who think

reason is law


Didn't she use to deny being trans?



voice training

Doesn't work

She should honestly just go back to denying it. Say it was all a big joke. Not many will believe her but not many have any respect for her in the first place. I hon style don't understand what she gets out of making herself into a lolcow for over 10 years online

Is Wu a conservatives? I thought she was just like normal retarded instead of right wing retarded. Have not kept up with the lore tho

She tried the right wing podcast grift

She gets called a pickme because she argued for appeasement and doesn't agree with the maximalist rights views of TRAs.


Expensive and doesn't work

voice training

Doesn't work

Lmao is she still trying or did she get chased out of that community with torches and pitchforks in hand for being one of the gamergate chicks?

What are her views exactly?

she was left wing retarded a decade ago, and was used as an example of insane sjw trannies in videogames for years

I swear I don't remember her getting outed as transgender until after gamergate and (eight)chan and all that were said and done with. Might be misremembering, but I thought they used her as an example of women and progressives being bad for videogames.

I don't think she was ever officially outed until recently
but she was obviously visibly trans at the time, she passes slightly better now

uncle tims and pickmes deserve it the most yeah


that's what a majority of the country believes and they don't give a shit about how we feel about it :

Men can't become women?
Cool I'll just be a femboy and still dress talk and act exactly like I currently do.


Literally the scenario we're looking at if they ban transitioning.

troon out

marry a fucking chinese guy


This is just false. Wu being a tranny was mentioned all the time during gamergate, which is when she first rose to prominence. Milo wrote an article about it for Breitbart. Her (right-wing) detractors have been loudly and openly calling her a tranny for a decade.
she's doing the whole "why I left the left" thing

so she is a grifter

I don't think this is true. Remember that transition was widely known as a "sex change" until recently. Ironically it was trans people who complained that this popular name was transphobic.

people still use sex change in common conversation

Boo hoo
Ugly jew
Cry more tears
While we Holocaust you

this is just false. she thought she was stealth before gamergate because people in real life were just polite enough not to bring it up to her face and she wasn't a public figure.
the instant she had enemies they started calling her a tranny because it's incredibly fucking obvious and always has been.

No trans women in professional and college/HS womens' sport.
Reductions in the push for childhood transition. Don't remember where her line was here, probably no surgery for minors and no hiding social transition from parents by schools.

Yeah I'm gonna say, I still say "sex change" I didnt know its offensive. I guess its because trans people don't think they change their sex with surgeries anymore but rather they were always their "new" sex? And the surgery part is just to "affirm" it.

Same reason why instead of saying "born male" lot of people say "assigned male".

But if you say "sex change" and "born male" I don't think people will care too much maybe they will

She thinks only post op trans women should be able to use women facilities too. And that it should just go back to lots of gatekeeping to get a sex change as well

its always like that, my friend group was always polite to me until I disagreed with them on immigration. After which they called me a freak and cut off all contact

It does pass I'll admit but it sounds somewhat neutral like it could be a teen boy's voice. But that's fine.
My issues with voice training are 1) It depends on genetics. idk why people deny this when literally everything else does.
2) It depends on regional accent etc some accents have more natural intonation than others. A prominent voice therapist actually admitted this
3) All the free resources are American and may not work so well on foreign accents
4) A very large number of prominent trans women's voices don't pass despite them having all the resources money can buy. Well known examples are Hari Nef and Contrapoints
5) There is little to no scientific research on transgender voice training because judging whether a voice passes or not is subjective and some argue "transphobic"
6) there's no control group. You think your voice passes but maybe you'd have been treated the same had you not bothered. You'd be surprised I actually started passing more at least initially once I ditched voice training. I ascribe this paradox to simply sounding more "normal" and confident 7) if voice training worked as well as everyone says it does then why is VFS so popular?

Trannies get aggressive and defensive whenever I bring these points up because they don't ant to accept that the one aspect of transition they thought was completely under their control really isn't.

I think the biggest problem are the people steering this movement that want to claim that Sex itself doesn't exist, which in turn radicalizes most cis people against us.

That means they agree one can change one's sex.
Also boomers used to say "living as a woman" which implied that being a woman was a role. Honestly I think all this "gender" and "inner feeling" shit helped to confuse and turn people against us.

No trans women in professional and college/HS womens' sport.

I actually think TERFs may be right about this but ultimately it would lead to an excuse to erode our rights and force trans women to out themselves so I am conflicted.

no surgery for minors

I mean who is actually against this? Always thought the "surgeries for kids" thing was a red herring

no hiding social transition from parents by schools.

Disagree with this, it's basically condemning kids to conversion therapy.

She thinks only post op trans women should be able to use women facilities

That's stupid, who is going to check genitals? Also assumes that pre op trans are all potential rapists

it should just go back to lots of gatekeeping

On the fence about this. On one hand gatekeeping is bad but on the other there is a serious trender problem.

Good for you. I think you're doing well and if you'e happy keep it up. It's not for me though.

The people saying this, do they mean that male and female doesn't exist at all or that whether someone is male or female depends on how they feel and not anything they physically change?

I hon style don't understand

KEK, was this autocorrect or deliberate

At the end of the day I think what really turned people against trannies is just a big hate campaign by far right. Gay is about "inner feelings" too but people stopped hating them because theres not the same push by the far right

That's stupid, who is going to check genitals? Also assumes that pre op trans are all potential rapists

Well the idea is that someone might see a pp in the locker room. I dont think its a big deal but she seems to think this is THE reason why conservatives started to bash trannies.