Why do all ftms think they can look like him?

pooner face

pooner haircut

pooner tats

why are you posting a guy with AGP? also at least post a pic before he got plastic surgery

isn't he ftm?
i swear there is one webm of asian ftm who look similar to him
he is in black and plays guitar

pooners don't have cheekbones or jawlines or hunter eyes like that

cheekbones or jawlines


i mean he have small face and low key round eyes??

No. No afab could achieve thst level of proficiency on a guitar (or really anything else).

Please don't tell your pic is supposed to pass as a man

his neck is also too thick
he looks like he has a bit of brow ridge, there's little space between his eyes and eyebrows
if you're a woman and want to transition into him, you basically have to already look like that. His soft tissues feminine, but 99% of women don't have the face bones to pull it off. If they do, they're probably models. He's lucky that despite having a nice jawline, his jaw is tapered and feminine instead of square.
he looks more like a boymoder than anything

i dont mean that person moron, i mean the ftm who looks like him
and kys misogynist

It's true though. Try finding an example of a woman that attained such mastery. I guarantee you whatever example you find, there is a man who is better.

It's just hrt and filler

if you're a woman and want to transition into him

i'm a cis guy who just wanted to point out he got plastic surgery to (partially) get rid of his cis pooner face


he's cis



Isn't neck thickness muscular though? Can't it be increased?

It's weird seeing all the caveman metalchuds trying to fit this dude's existence into their worldview

that's fair, it should increase a bit on testosterone

Cis men can be on hrt
Filler is injecting botox and shit to smooth and plump out the face for aesthetics. It's an aesthetic procedure but not really plastic surgery
Icky is another one who is all fillers and no surgery, I see people saying she got surgery a lot

Cis men can be on hrt

funny enough he looks like he's a repper

Filler is injecting botox and shit to smooth and plump out the face for aesthetics

botox won't give you magically that jawline

icky's filler was a mistake
you can tell she's had it done and it doesn't make her pass any better anyway
its stupid to get filler and not ffs.

I think she looks better with it
Hopefully the procedure has progressed to where it doesn't create freaky looking plastic people when they get addicted to it like celebs ~20 years ago

hey guys whats your favorite polyphoa song

ABC is goated, by far their catchiest melodies and riffs
Progcel fans seethe at it for being straight up a pop song

there are plenty of great surgeons that produce natural looking results in europe. ffs has problems when it's done on someone who looks very masculine, so they come out bogged.
icky already looks good enough that they can make subtle enough changes for great results, but I don't understand why she hasn't had it done yet. She certainly has the money

They don't have to. He's not a metal musician.

She just made a vid explaining she's terrified of surgeries so gets filler instead

Not anymore but they started out riding the trend wave of the djent scene so their fanbase is mostly metalheads and will always be connected to the genre

oh makes sense

I could never look like that but it doesn't mean I don't want to

I really like The Audacity

They all want to be yaoi

But if they're fat (in male way) and hairy as fuck you will also judge them and call them ugly.
Looks like you simply can't win.

i hate people who have tiny mouths like that. it looks so bizarre

feminist btfo

Reminds me of that one anti-smoking psa where people's mouths are replaced with USB ports or something.

Aviator or GOAT

mogs me

polyphia is dogshite, chon better

Animals as Leaders is better than both

i'll say they're tied chon is really good

What are your favorite chon songs?

True until they switched the distortion off for the final time and became clean only