When did things get this bad and what can we do about it?

When did things get this bad and what can we do about it?

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Respond in kind.

muslims dont fuck around anon
you respond and they're going to respond back and so on

Begin a multi-year campaign to slowly turn the population against fundamentalist muslims. Including embracing the mass deportation plans.

When did things get this bad and what can we do about it?

vote for islam

get islam

what the fuck did you think was going to happen? magic american dirt would turn third world monkeys into human beings?

weird. a muslim man in his 50s helped me dig out my stuck car a few winters ago at like 9pm on a dark street.

neither my friend or I passed.

stop spreading hate.

vote against third world immigration.

damn I guess that one guy redeems the entirety of islam and it's now a based and progressive religion, thank you for bringing us this news

there are good people caught up in every faction and ideology on earth. it doesn't stop their factions and ideologies from being regressive

Where the fuck did you people get "muslims" from this? They were attacked by a crowd in Minnesota, that's all that was specified.

vote against third world immigration

This is the direct result of people not voting right wing.

Not voting right wing

*voting right wing.

Transgender ideology is extremely regressive.

boys who like feminine things and want to socialize with girls need to be turned into eunuchs

All you'd have to do is remind them of 9/11 and every middle american will be on your side

They were attacked by a crowd in Minnesota

minisomalia, minnesota. the capitol of islam in minnesota.

that's fucked up. hopefully trans women stop being the scapegoat for everyone's hate and they move onto something else eventually to be mad about.

normies said and did a lot of similar shit to gays until recently.

Where the fuck did you people get "muslims" from this?

Location and pattern recognition. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but I don't think I'm wrong.

There is no such thing as a progressive religion. Catholics hate you just as much, and Pope Francis has been caught talking about how much he hates faggots.

anon, there are so many muslims that they have a city-wide broadcast over loudspeakers for prayer time

this was just a black people fight where all the onlookers were hooting and hollering like they usually do

Catholics hate you just as much, and Pope Francis has been caught talking about how much he hates faggots.

catholics don't kill trannies and faggoloas, they "pray" for them. pope francis has been fellating muslims since the second he sat on the golden throne. islam, whoever, preaches your death on a daily basis, while killing homos on a daily basis. their little monkey kids play soccer with the chopped off heads too.

you are way gayer than gays could ever be delusional tranny.

The way to fight trans hate is by oppressing other marginalized groups

Hopeless, all of you.

man I really hope all the white conservatives convert to islam to make people like you finally shut the fuck up and see that religion for what it is

Islam in the states isn't marginalized, duh.
Are there islamists who have additional characteristics who are marginalized for them? Sure.
But those two statements aren't the same thing. There are externalities with fundamentalist Islam that nobody mainstream in any arena wants to talk about.

Trans women are gayer than gay men?

catholics don't kill trannies and faggoloas, they "pray" for them

They rape and kill them all the time in conversion camps.

their little monkey kids play soccer with the chopped off heads too

Mexico is a Christian country.

Sneako converted and all it did was make him really annoying. He's buddies with Nick Fuentes btw. Who also considers their beliefs and tradcath beliefs very compatible.

Christians: Faggots should be rounded up and tortured to death!

Hello, human resources!?

Muslims: Faggots should be rounded up and tortured to death!

Aww how sweet!

There's always been anti-trans violence. You'll know its really bad when its backed up by the state.

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Meanwhile the average rightoid is the opposite of this.

and they're both equally retarded

They rape and kill them all the time in conversion camps.

sure, but i mean in real life, not your imagination.

Mexico is a Christian country.

filled with mexicans.

Most Muslims are temporarily inconvenienced rightoids.

teamtranny brought this on themselves.
You're fucking pedophiles and you assaulted & ruined 1000s of lives with this Jew nonsense.
It's like taking the jabs for covid. Y'all bought in, hook line & sinker.
Here's an option, DETRANSITION, and grow up

rickandmortyschizo supports niggers and repeats jewish talking points


I'm guessing the "crowd" in this case is 3 black guys with their phones recording screaming "AWW SHEEEEEIT HE DONE DROP DAT NIGGA" while doing baboon screeching

A work in progress in UK.
Muslims are family oriented people who won't tolerate jew Teamtranny fucking pedophiles & that debauchery.
You wanted to live in tranime fetish fixated flakey fake female faggotland.
Adjust accordingly.

Hey maybe Trans rights were incompatible with White replacement after all? Told you so you lefty idiots.

must have been all the westoid soillennial slop cartoons...

deport all arabs, starting with the citizens

Rick and Morty fanboy acting high and mighty over his choice of basedboy cartoon

Kek, leaf faggot

Does that indio seriously look white to you?

Muslims are family oriented people

Yeah, and the fundie ones are oriented on stoning you so you can't come within sight of their family.
The clever and patient ones just know to wait until the state tips in their favor.

a bad thing happened

let's round up all the minorities

yeah smart thinking, that kind of logic is going to work out great for you

push endless hatred against whites especially white men for a decade

lobby corporations to destroy the lives of anyone that has a disagreement with transgender ideology

advocate violence against anyone that has a disagreement transgender ideology

mandatory they / them transgender pledge's of allegiance in workplaces

mandatory tranny lessons for your child starting in kindergarten

drag shows in schools because ?????

straight people that don't want to suck dick are transphobic and literally deserve to go to prison at a minimum or otherwise be lynched

allied with a political coalition that hates white people, hates white nations, hates white culture and history and floods the first world with illegal migrants that destroy the standard of living for everyone

gloat about the destruction of white nations, the only nations you aren't killed, lobotomized or forced to work as a sex slave whore

seems like a bad idea in hindsight, you reap what you sow

fight fire with fire, no mercy for cissies

I didn't do any of that though
people like you just use "trannies" as a scapegoat for all the things that libtards do because we're the group it's currently socially acceptable to be cruel and nasty towards

this person is jewish by the way, jewish people push social conflict in their host society as a genetic adaption to existing as a parasitic diaspora caste to evade being excised by the host population. Will this person stay and fight in the hopeless conflict with cis people of your own race - or will they flee like vermin to the freshly cleansed palestian territory at the first sign of trouble?

filled with mexicans.

Ive been to mexico and mexicans are really fucking nice to me. Im a white tranny. Even if they are conservative in many ways they don't have the pure incel hatred towards trans people like protestants in the US do

Look mom I typed it again


Transcendence is coming.


no, you went to parts of mexico that require tourist money.

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push endless hatred against whites especially white men for a decade

Not a thing

lobby corporations to destroy the lives of anyone that has a disagreement with transgender ideology

Not a thing, or rather, nobody has ever had their life "destroyed" even if trannies bitched about it on the internet

advocate violence against anyone that has a disagreement transgender ideology

Not a thing, or rather nobody has ever faced violence for disagreeing with transgender ideology, im sure you can find some nobody on twitter posted "punch da terfs" or something

mandatory they / them transgender pledge's of allegiance in workplaces

Not a thing

mandatory tranny lessons for your child starting in kindergarten

Not a thing

drag shows in schools because ?????

Not a thing, or maybe you can find it being minimally a thing but lets be serious here. Not a thing

straight people that don't want to suck dick are transphobic and literally deserve to go to prison at a minimum or otherwise be lynched

Not a thing

allied with a political coalition that hates white people, hates white nations, hates white culture and history

lol not a thing. Immigration is a thing, but they haven't "destroyed the standard of living". Most people live very well in the first world, that's why immigration is happening

gloat about the destruction of white nations, the only nations you aren't killed, lobotomized or forced to work as a sex slave whore

not a thing

the irony of this is when you are rounded up and killed, everyone is going to say "it never happened".

Why do leftists preach "don't tolerate the intolerant" and yet want to fly millions of muslims in and screech when Trump blocked them?

post in chud bait thread

responses are all chuds samefagging chud things


Just keep voting right. Nothing bad will come from this.

Doing my job. I've seen what's happened to Canada and Europe vs countries that keep voting in rightoids like America and Australia.

catholics don't kill trannies and faggoloas,

they do

where? and don't give me something from the fucking 50s, or some third world shithole like africa, or some slavistan bullshit country with 10 people.

muslims are part of the trump coalition and trump went to beg muslims in dearborn to vote for him. he was sitting next to a saudi oligarch in his recent ufc propaganda appearance. lol.

why do you people act as if he's anti-islam or anti-muslim? in lots of cases western rightoids are now courting muslims because they care more about lgbtq than they care about their "brothers" in gaza dying

in lots of cases western rightoids are now courting muslims because they care more about lgbtq than they care about their "brothers" in gaza dying


muslims are part of the trump coalition and trump went to beg muslims in dearborn to vote for him.

Yeah, it's called using them. Do you think he supports black people too?

why do you people act as if he's anti-islam or anti-muslim?

Because they sued him for his muslim ban?

just enjoy the trump show as retarded muslims get shafted and trump unsurprisingly picks jews over them.
pretty silly of them to think trump would throw them a bone considering half his family is jewish and it's now clear he didn't even need their votes to win michigan

What's happened to Canada and Europe?

i met 1 nice muslim so there's no such thing as literally hundreds of millions of violent onces since the population of muslims is in the billions and 30% are actual violent radicals

Stop forcing people to affirm your identities.

It's still right

You won't do shit.
Corporation funding has waned, the fed is backing off, the silent majority that was never on your side is no longer silent and your liberal "allies" never were either and they've turned their backs as well.

This tranny shit was always temporary and you won't do anything but threaten suicide. Thank you for not reproducing.

It's not about your religion, it's the socioeconomic development of your country.

the religion is literally windowdressing for a culture; it ultimately gets mulched and de-fanatized as resources increase.
Note the differences even in U.S. states
