If you search up any trans related terminology in Japanese on Xitter (トランス for example) 99% of the results are negative

If you search up any trans related terminology in Japanese on Xitter (トランス for example) 99% of the results are negative.
It's almost impressive how much they hate trannies.
Right now transbians are the main target because an author who identifies as a lesbian was just outed as trans.

They hate them because they see call trans people pedos and see themselves in that when they fap to loli/shota.
They like feminine boys but draw the line at trans people because everything LGBT is LE HECKING BAD.
Just a retarded conservative country dominated by men, especially elderly ones. Their population is like 50-60 years old on average and they’re dying out.


which author

i also wonder where the japanese trannies are on the website. there's thousands and thousands of chinese trans girls but every trans-related account on japanese xitter is either nearing retiree age or a cis social worker

it's really sad. it's literally all happened in the last 3 years because of western incursion on japanese media and politics. Japan was not transphobic at all before we tried to push our ideas on them. I recall finding out that it is actually a great place to be trans aside from a few legal hiccups that I could skip out on by virtue of being a foreigner. They at worst would have well-meaning but confused individuals who needed to be taught something on an individual level if they met a tranny. But now they are violently transphobic. This is always going to be the result of pushing your ideas on other countries as an American. You have to let them sort their own shit out.

They like feminine boys but draw the line at trans people because everything LGBT is LE HECKING BAD.

Exactly why Japan is based and the west isn't.

it's almost like TRAs were a net negative or something

they are retarded and going extinct

who cares

you are sorely misinformed. it is the younger generations of japan that are transphobic, older generations set the guidelines and standards which millions of japanese people have abided by to transition and live harmoniously with society. The youth have taken up transphobia to disrupt society in response to western values and ideas of such things being pushed.

This kek
the entire board is so delusional

So? They're still better than the west

Having more numbers doesn't matter if it's numbers of shit

and that's based


yeah I don't think you're any better lmao

This is a good thing.

only sane people on this board are self aware AGPs and gynephilic bifags

Why so obsessed?

wdym? genq

a "good thing" would have been rejecting western incursion and dismissing all attempts to force our society's values on them without turning to hatred against a part of society that has existed in japanese culture for long before they just heard about westoids doing it in a really annoying and insufferable way.

et tu brutte

The thing about that is, a lot of "transphobia" isn't even that, it's really just hatred for trans ideology (you can be trans and not have that ideology)

that is literally what i'm saying should have happened, reject the ideological position being pushed, move the fuck on. but these people are becoming bloodthirsty and hateful. I see it all the time among the japanese artists I follow, only happening just now in the last year-2years. Did you even read my post? I didn't even use the word transphobia.

I didn't even use the word transphobia.

So? I didn't say or imply you did, the quotations is in reference to everyone throwing that word around constantly without realizing what's actually going on. Your wording wasn't good either.

I hope that this isn't true, it would be sad
wtf even is "trans ideology"

twaw tmam nonbinary are what they say they are agp is not real you don't need dysphoria to be trans etcetc must i go on

ppl treat japan like some super based right wing society but its really not. like support for gay marriage % is as high as in the US and in the US thats after the boost from obergefell already. they dont really care about shit outside of what their own family does, like when she heard i was trans my grandma first asked what i would do about having children lol. not gonna pretend trans ppl are super well accepted or smth but like honestly less likely to get hate crimed there than in the US at least lol

i do remember seeing when that shitty transphobic irreversible damage book came out in japanese there were so many japanese transphobes online cheering it on and that felt really bad i will say

none of that is inherent to being trans though, so describing it as "trans ideology" is unfair and dishonest

didn't the publishing for that get cancelled when people found out it was being pushed by a literal cult?

tell that to the masses of people who inherently believe you support all that crap if they know you are trans no matter how many times you tell them otherwise.

Would if I could
normgroid cattle believing something doesn't make the term any more accurate though

less likely to get hate crimed there than in the US at least lol

That's just how Japan is in general, they generally have more xenophobic/racist attitudes but are never going to do shit about it, it's a very passive-aggressive culture

It's accurate for normalcattle trannies and pronoun goblins, which make up the majority so it's something we can't just toss under the rug

Regardless of what you want to call it, this ideology is why people hate trannies and anyone who tries to counter it is socially ostracized

i don't want it to be right wing, i just like that is doesn't buy it the retarded shit here in the west, right wingers are retarded too

so are we lol

ok but like, 95% of people who have a hatred for trans ideology do hate trans people. most people who support 'trans ideology' have a mild disdain for trans people too
and it's just kinda like being 'no no no I don't hate jewish PEOPLE i just hate jewishness' or 'I don't hate gay PEOPLE I just hate any kind of gay presence in culture or politics'
and the reason these arguments function btw, don't try to worm around it, is that people call literally anything trans people say or do 'trans ideology'. it's not a critical term

Well yeah, they're obviously going to have disdain for people who have the ideology lol

I hate trannies who have the ideology but have no issue with transsexuals who don't subscribe to it (I consider trannies and transsexuals different yes)

The comparisons aren't very good either, there is a different between hating jews and hating zionists, there is a difference between hating gay men and parade faggots. You're oversimplifying to make it seem worse than it is, that is it's not wrong at all. It's mean I guess but that's it.

trannies should only be used for transsexuals lol. call the others by their terms, pooners, trenders, etc.

I view it as trannies meaning transtrenders/non-dysphorics who think crossdressing makes them the other sex or of the "demedicalized view" of being trans

but yeah lol on here I forget there are terms already

i mean i've called myself a tranny for a decade i'm not changing that. when i want to shit on the people who co-opt my condition I can be specific and hit them where it hurts.

trenders are fake trannies, not the other way around