Do you think that trans people should toughen up? Maybe bending the knee isn't as effective? Maybe hostility should be met with hostility?
Too nice?
turn puter off
brain frazzle goes away
You're totally doing this to yourself
this minuscule part of the population should try violence
nice try glowie but we arent that stupid. hitting them in their wallets hurts more than hitting them with a brick
no this is just worse optics
They're gonna kill us no matter what
be no name literally who tranny
say something dumb
national newspaper picks it up and broadcasts it online for hundreds of thousands of people
Why does this happen
no they’re not take ur meds
it's the dailymail, they do it on purpose
we think you should all be killed!
Oh yeah, well I wish someone would kill you!
How could you be so mean!?!!!?
It's literally that one elf comic.
I take hrt every 5 days.
They're gonna kill us. Do you think they'll stop once they've rolled back our human rights?
What do you think they are rolling them back for, it's so they can kill us
call to arms btw don't forget about the wording
i was talking about ur schizo pills not hrt
Its England, you could murder a child, your own child and people will tut, move on.
But if you're trans and do something "bad" like want to compete in fishing or darts, or want to be treated well, then the media will destroy your life, people will send you death threats, you'll lose your job, be spat at in the street and generally just be destroyed.
My butthole is toughened up
What you're talking about is nonsense.
I'm right, they won't just change a few laws and be like "ok let's leave trans people alone now", they'll kill us. Throw us into prisons so we're killed out of sight
yeh sure ur totally right, u should wear a tinfoil hat so the tranny detectors they'll make can't scan ur tranny thoughts
They may block document changes but they dont even kill pedos, what makes you think they will put tranners in rail cars.
Because everything says they won't stop. All these anti trans laws come from one place, the Heritage Foundation.
The bathroom laws, the bounty laws, the prison laws, all of them are by this organisation and they hate us, they want us dead. They won't stop, they'll make it so it is impossible for us to exist without breaking some sort of law, then throw us in prison.
Do you really think they'll just stop?
Making threats is stupid but Islam gets a lot of respect through terroristic acts. Just don't be a retard who kills a bunch of innocent people like that one school shooter pooner
What's with trans women and having extremely toxic masculinity?
I dont think they even care and just need a non issue to distract their voters. Any form of plan they have for tranners will fuck over more normals than their actual target.
I think they care so much, they'll do anything. They already have all the money in the world.
They want to cause us real, genuine harm. They didn't change the laws for fun. Made puberty blockers imprisonable for 2 years, change the law so mtfs go to male prisons.
It can't be more BLATANT they want us gone
anti trans officials try their hardest to make life uncomfortable for trans people
their braindead culture war followers call for total tranny death literally every day
one random tranny says “um i actually want you to die :/“
the ride never stops i hate being trans i had no choice and now im stuck in this SHITHOLE forever
They've spent the most money ever campaigning against trans people and won
Yea and there just isnt enough of us to make it effective. And you also are not thinking about blue state reactions to it.
They didn't get a list of every tranners name and address for fun.
They will do very bad things to us. They'll dedicate the police to finding us. Who's going to stop them?
winning elections doesnt guarantee genocide in the usa
Repúblicans got the house and its very popular to hate on trans people as an scapegoat for the whole woke shit
Anything to not have to deal with real problems like stagnant wages
Proof of them collecting said data? And what constitutes a target for said genocide. Why stop at tranners and get those pesky gays while their at it. People may be ok with being assholes but genocide is a whole another ballpark. Germany had ww1 and their major economic collapse, the usa is nowhere close to being desperate enough to overlook something like that.
inb4 something about online hate
Google it. Both the UK and Red states in the US have collected data on trans people.
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim
Go away then
Thanks anon, you have way more patience than me
keep it in your pants faggot no one cares
calm down chudanon i think you just imagined all that in your head. you didnt just beat up a woman you’re actually in front of ur keyboard
Reply to
no, i just took a dab and am go bed. I cant convince fear out of people
Whatever they're paying you, it's too much
They're gonna kill us no matter what
We don't have to go down without a fight.
The simpler option for them is to stop watching porn
we dont think you should cut kids tits off
The problem is that JKR never once said the first thing. Activists have extrapolated that from the statement that she doesn't accept transwomen as valid women.
Theres been enough school shootings from trannies “fighting back”. Please stop.
You are the victim
All your your failures are caused by others
You are stunning
You are brave
Just dont kill kids
new toss
Because everything says they won't stop
Yeah you definitely need schizo meds. Your understanding of the world around you is completely unhinged.
Do you really think they'll just stop?
Yeah pretty much. I think the absolute worst case scenario is that gender affirming care is strictly regulated or banned.
You do realize genocide is something that requires full throated societal buy in right?
You do realize that Trump won and 9 out of 10 people who voted for him in exit polls said rights for trans people has gone “too far”, right?
What is that but majority buying in?
What is that but majority buying in?
Majority buy in for making it harder to get gender affirming care (especially for kids)? Absolutely.
Majority buy in for literal death camps or arresting adults for no reason? Fuck no, you are genuinely delusional.
By "full throated societal buy in" I did not merely mean an electoral win in which trans people were not even the most important issue (the economy was).
Every single facet of society has to spew constant non-stop hate for multiple decades before you can even have the groundwork for genocide. The degree to which Jew's were demonized in pre-WWII Europe is completely incomparable to trans people in the US.