Trannies, stop crying wolf over minor issues and tweets no one cares about

trannies, stop crying wolf over minor issues and tweets no one cares about

every congressperson has a private bathroom, this is a nothingburger, no one is going to kill you over it

all the overreacting makes y'all look bad, the right has always been about live and let live without the lefty 'bake the cake bigot' compelled speech. that's a good thing. and even if someone out there is planning a genocide you do not freakout over manufactured media drama or you lose all credibility

retard.png - 778x890, 569.83K

Okay I'll be sure to tell the others

Lots of rightoids absolutely would happily institute the death penalty for LGBT. Libsoftiktok famously tries to equate all LGBT with pedophiles because pedophilia is one of the least sympathetic and most violence-inducing offenses possible.

I don't think people should overreact. But we also shouldn't pretend that these people can be reasoned with.

the right has always been about live and let live

They very explicitly do not want to "live and let live". That's what makes then right wing to begin with. What are you even talking about

the lefty 'bake the cake bigot' compelled speech.

Support for gay marriage only increased after they sued to establish anti-discrimination protections in the state.

I'll text the group chat of all trans people in the country and put out the word to stop being cringe should have this sorted out soon

death penalty for lgbt

I've never met anybody who actually thinks this, but you probably see losers say it here a lot since we're on fucking Anon Babble of all places and its known to be full of trolls and raiders

Libs' audience sent bomb threats to a children's hospital but sure it doesn't happen and if it does happen they're joking

sounds fake

the right has always been about live and let live

are agp and schizophrenia 2 things that go together a lot?

every congress person has a bathroom

Okay but now no trans person can be a staffer or a visitor without having to share a bathroom with men
Also she only has a private bathroom in her office god forbid she's doing work somewhere else in the large ass building

But really though I could understand a "don't feed the troll" stance here. Its probably a losing battle thatd be a waste of energy to fight against. Mace is clearly trying to demoralize and it's important to try to still look strong.
But this is more of a "bow to the troll" response. She didn't assure us she'd fight for trans rights, she assured us she'd "follow the rules". Genuinely better off saying nothing. Sets a bad precedent to bow down to "yes ma'am I am legally a man"

it applies to all staffers and visitors
and to gyms/locker rooms not just bathrooms

the right has always been about live

year of our lord 2024

still thinking libertarianism is a thing

she's a politician and she knows tranny issues are currently poison to political careers, dem or republican. dems want nothing to do with that sort of thing after the trump win. expect republicans to be able to do whatever they want

stop crying wolf over minor issues

you mean like introducing a bill to compel a single person to use a specific bathroom

Everything is a minor issue because they want you to ignore the bigger picture

Okay so
Were in a representative democracy
So when someone feels they are not being represented
They are going to get mad

Like sure she's acting out her political ties to the democrats here.
In which case I'm going to say: fuck her, fuck the democrats. You are all useless to me.

sure the only problem being people like you are like .2% of the electorate.

You are all useless to me.

that's exactly what the dems have been saying to trannies now after this Trump win. We're dead to them

Trans people are .5% of the population but people who are friends and family with trans people make up a much larger percentage of the population. Democrats had terrible turnout and a most of my previously cis lib friends have turned into either apolitical apathetics or communists because they find the democrats spineless.

Pete Hegseth's (Trump's nominee for Secretary of Defense) book, American Crusade calls for the "categorical defeat of the Left" and that anyone on the left are "Marxists" and that all Marxists are traitors. What do you do to traitors anon?

Thes people are fucking batshit dude it's like watching people from Anon Babble getting scooped up and dropped into the white house

Democrats had terrible turnout

Turnout was fine, this is a meme from back when like half the votes had even been counted. Many voters swung to the right and the #1 reason given was that Democrats focused too much on transgender issues.

Lots of rightoids absolutely would happily institute the death penalty for LGBT

Don't be hysterical. Just the T.

Kamala didn't talk about trans issues once this entire cycle except the one time she was asked and gave a vague nonanswer.
So distancing themselves from us clearly doesn't win those voters. So why lose voters over it?

He sounds extremely based lol. You lot do need to be defeated.

turnout was fine

lol count again

America does need marxism but not whatever he means by marxism

overreacting makes you look bad

Stacy cay is a bogged fridgehon who relies on publicity to promote her basic-ass "teehee I have a penis" standup, who gives a shit what she thinks?

Many voters swung to the right and the #1 reason given was that Democrats focused too much on transgender issues.

i've seen the same chart you have. however, you have got to be fucking capable of noticing that the reason as stated is just obviously false. the biden/harris campaign didn't focus on trans issues at all in 2024, the trump campaign did. they used harris' statements from the primary of the previous election cycle.
now, i know the trumpist response to that is to say that she hasn't repudiated any of it so she must still believe it. that would be a fine argument if we were talking about what she believes, and not about what she's focused on. harris was clearly not focused on trans issues.
one of two things happened: either these voters were fooled by the trump campaign into thinking harris was campaigning on an issue she wasn't campaigning on, or the voters were misrepresenting their motivations to the pollsters. the honest complaint in that case would not have been that harris was focused on culture war issues, but that harris was on the wrong side of the culture war issue that the voters were focused on.

Marx was a piece of shit and Marxism is a retarded, envious ideology. Grow up.

I'm just saying. Claiming Democrats had "terrible turnout" is not true and betrays you as someone who gets all their information from half baked social media memes. There was 158 million votes in 2020, 154 million in 2024 with 1% left to be counted, so lets say 156 million when all is said and done. The difference is in swing voters and those swing voters went with Trump. When asked the #1 reason given was that Harris focused on transgender issues too much.
Probably because they, like you, are low info voters who saw millions of dollars worth of Trump campaign material that tied Harris to the transgender movement. They are by far the more relevant group. Biden was the most pro-transgender president in American history its not like it paid off huge dividends for him either.

I support trans rights but its very much a losing issue.


You are retard who 100% knows nothing of Marx or cooperatives and definetely knows nothing about evolution of Marxian thought

Socialism or barbarism is reality, wake up or keep coping with periodic economic failure and ever increasing wealth inequality and nothing beind done to solve climate change

There was 158 million votes in 2020. 154 million in 2024 with 1.2% more to be counted, so you can estimate ~156 million when all is said and done.
So turnout in 2024 was very slightly less compared to 2020, which was an incredibly highly political environment, probably the most politically charged year of all time.

But turnout was much much higher than 2016, 2012, or 2008. So.

Maybe some small amount of the 2 million became disillusioned over Democrats not doing enough for trans rights. It's possible. But on the whole, voters just shifted toward Trump en masse. Trump put bashing trannies at the center of his movement (along with bashing immigrants and promising fat tax breaks) and tied Kamala to the transgender movement.

We will be saved by Capitalism and Nationalism. Climate alarmism is the biggest lie perpetually told to control the public and increase government spending.

Climate alarmism is the biggest lie

dumbshit AND a zoomer

kamalas campaign literally never mentioned trannies. she was ambivalent on the topic at best.

I don't give a fuck about Marx or his ism. I think the world can be explained much more simply than whatever he's on about. I just disagree with the wholesale categorization of people with different views from you as being subhuman and deserving of death. I don't wish death on you, even as you say these things you think will make me do so. I just want to live a life of peace and to do so in an environment which is as ethical and tolerant as possible. Whatever Pete Hegseth and others are selling you is the precise opposite of that, so I stand against it. It's that simple for me.

We will be saved by Capitalism and Nationalism

Lol I will enjoy watching you die in misery as I die with you a long with the rest of 95%
Just a massive psychotic grin from ear to ear as I bash your skull open with a rock moments before I die from starvation

Marx's shit is extremely simple once you strip away the big vocab and old fashioned writing

Here is all you need to know: Your boss has a selfish incentive to pay you as little as possible

Weak women shit. As expected of a subhuman commie.

Yeah and voters when getting to decide between a man who centered trannies and promised to ban transition for all ages VS a woman who was on the record as being sympathetic to trannies even if it wasn't a big part of her campaign.....went for the man

The difference is in swing voters and those swing voters went with Trump. When asked the #1 reason given was that Harris focused on transgender issues too much.

Reminder that the news wants to be as inflammatory as possible for views because that's how they get paid, so when they run a survey they will get the dumbest most biased crowd they can by going to strategic locations like an art college campus for lefties, or a mcdonalds parking lot for the right.

Everyone I know who voted trump (most people I know) was motivated primarily by the economy being in the shitter and the memory of reasonable gas prices under his last term, and secondarily by the left being insane screeching banshees and calling them nazis for wanting society to operate under a system of basic personal responsibility and merit.

I noticed you ignored my response so I'll assume it means you agree with it implicitly but your ideology prevents you from accepting that. Stop justifying your violence against your brothers. Just reject it entirely

Quite frankly Kamala was like the least likeable cunt I've ever seen in my life, second only to Hillary. I don't know how they keep doing it. If they want a liberal woman president they could literally run some smoking hot latina news anchor with no background in politics and she'd win.

What I agree with is free market enterprise, natural hierarchies and a respect for private property, as well as cultural separatism with interection between nations and cultures being limited to travel and a minimal amount of relocation if properly assimilated.

Read Governing the Commons

Barbarism before fucking communism

If a trans holocaust is A to Z I'd say were only at like C, but yeah rightoids complain about the slippery slope or other creeping legislation that slowly erodes our rights one minor law at a time all of the time it's exactly the same. There is a term for this but I forgot it. Bathroom laws are minor but that's exactly why they're able to get thos bills passed. One minor law against us at a time until we look back and wow we're second class citizens. Will they be nicer to us suddenly now that we can't use bathrooms? Lol obviously not they're going to take away gender markers next. What can I do though I'm just going to sit back in a blue state and watch it unfold.

You believe these things because our minds are finely tuned to create division in things. We separate things which are and which are not, grass and trees from the tiger waiting to eat us. But you are applying this same way of thinking to other humans. Humans which deserve empathy, care, and dignity, and those which deserve suffering, pain, and destruction. Your belief in the free market symbolizes your perception that some deserve more money by the value of their work, yet often you would agree that many which are fabulously wealthy have done nothing to help their fellow man and in many cases, harm them.

You believe that that under an idealized system division you yourself would be better off. Yet you live and breathe in the best approximate of that system right now, do you feel any better today than you did yesterday because of it? Are you wealthier? Own more property?

The truth is that there is no division except that which is in your own mind. You cling and grasp at these ideas and these beliefs as the most important thing there is. But ask any old person on their deathbed what matters most in life and they won't say the capitalistic system, or their property, or their country even. They'll say their family, the people they love personally; their cherished memories; living a life of goodness; caring for others. These things are the embodiment of the recognition of nondivision. Don't let your ideology separate you from your humanity, and the shared truth of our one-ness.

When adjusting for population growth voter turnout was lower in 2024 and 2016 than in 2008
In both 2016 and 2024 the democrsts fielded terrible candidates, everyone saw Hillary for what she was, a shill hnad picked by the esrablishment, and Kamala was the same
What people want is change, not more of the same shit, and as long as the dems bill themselves as the status quo party they'll only ever win after republicans make fools of themselves

When adjusting for population growth voter turnout was lower in 2024 and 2016 than in 2008

Nope. 2024 was higher than 2008 by current estimates. 2020 was still the highest on record.

Keep in mind that votes are still being counted THOUGH

Last 10 elections from highest to lowest turnout:
2020 > 2024 > 2008 > 2004 > 2016 > 2012 > 1992 > 2000 > 1988 > 1996

a shill hnad picked by the esrablishment, and Kamala was the same

I think this works better for 2016 when Trump ran an anti-establishment, outsider campaign. But in 2024 Trump had the entire GOP/media/corporate/judicial establishment either behind him or pretending to stay "neutral" (secretly behind him). "Establishment" is a vague framing to begin with that kinda works for 2016 but definitely fell apart for 2024.

as long as the dems bill themselves as the status quo party

Biden won as the status quo party in 2020 in the highest turnout year yet. Though he did lean harder on identity issues than Harris ever did.