You believe these things because our minds are finely tuned to create division in things. We separate things which are and which are not, grass and trees from the tiger waiting to eat us. But you are applying this same way of thinking to other humans. Humans which deserve empathy, care, and dignity, and those which deserve suffering, pain, and destruction. Your belief in the free market symbolizes your perception that some deserve more money by the value of their work, yet often you would agree that many which are fabulously wealthy have done nothing to help their fellow man and in many cases, harm them.
You believe that that under an idealized system division you yourself would be better off. Yet you live and breathe in the best approximate of that system right now, do you feel any better today than you did yesterday because of it? Are you wealthier? Own more property?
The truth is that there is no division except that which is in your own mind. You cling and grasp at these ideas and these beliefs as the most important thing there is. But ask any old person on their deathbed what matters most in life and they won't say the capitalistic system, or their property, or their country even. They'll say their family, the people they love personally; their cherished memories; living a life of goodness; caring for others. These things are the embodiment of the recognition of nondivision. Don't let your ideology separate you from your humanity, and the shared truth of our one-ness.