Conservatives are BTFOing Blaire White

kek shes getting rekt

before u generalize and make a retarded post u should know that alex jones defends blaire

it's really only a matter of time until people realize that these women are basically sexually harrassing us (feministly!!). what the fuck else do you call this degree of obsession over someone's physical appearance? She said it herself "the entire body is sexed" they think of our bodies as objects for their judgement, they don't care about the person inside, the whole human being.

leopard face door hook man car door

he'd be a lousy boyfriend if he didnt!

he's a bichud and can't sex-clock effectively
he also probably needs to try some gock by now

or maybe not all conservatives hate trannies, idk if ur mind can comprehend this. not everything in life is about sex

alex jones was relevant like three elections ago

inb4 transphobes beat down disabled women on the street in broad daylight because they walk pigeon-toed

blaire does not pass in any dimension aside from (barely) voice. there are ugly 20 year olds on this board who pass better than her. but yeah, let them eat each other.

clocked a troon from a moving car

Well, it's good to have hobbies I suppose.

Why does she insist on wearing bodycon dresses that emphasize her giant ass shoulders and lack of hips? Jesus fucking christ wear a short / long sleeve dress with a flared bottom with a neckline that emphasizes the chest. why do other tranners not understand fashion, especially HSTS?


Blaire White has always been clocky. You can't look like her and not know you're only beloved as an Uncle Tom unless you're retarded. They were always going to turn on her.

Presented without comment

I've been pointing this out for a while. Same with TERFs constantly ranting about tranny dick and tranny rape, it's sexual harassment and yet they call us the perverts.

holy fucking kek why doesn't she just get BBL or something at least

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Right? Don't use smart people words when you're a dumb dumb

she removed that part of the video lmaoo and its 100% only because of this screenshot kek

holy agp sissy porn
why would she wear those panties or someshit if they have those hips and ass.
is he stupid?

She very clearly has like a weird, voyeuristic bimbofication fetish.


HSTS is just hyper-confident AGP combined with fagcent.

she would be based then if she was a transbian :( sad to see a sissy get lost to hsts

isn't she like 30 something? why is she dressing like a 22 year old at a shitty house club with 30 dollar gin and tonics?

pick me bitch deserves all of the hate she is getting

She transitioned way too late

not knowing the difference between gate and gait is incredibly low IQ by whoever this person is

alex jones was relevant like three elections ago

delusional as usual

Genuinely miring that ass and midriff
Why do so many famous trannies have nice abs?

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arent there cis women that are bowlegged as well?

everybody is shitting and pissing their pants because le ebil demoncrats are gonna start being mean to trannies because they can't win with us but nobody is talking about how the right wing now knows that they can win without us. much spookier if you ask me.

Why is not realizing you have hankhillass so common amongst midshits?

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The republican party is the party of sexually frustrated socially disenfranchised young men.
If you want rights start sucking.

reverse 4b?

Do they make sleeves long enough for her?

Because I don’t. Mald harder, white man.

t. black midshit with an ass like your picrel pre-HRT

I bet you do tho and you're completely delulu.

based another uncle tim pickme gets what xhe deserves


here's hoping conservatives record themselves killing blaire white so I can jerk off to it

one of the thing I like about Blaire is that unlike leftist tranny degenerates, she at least TRIES to look like a woman

I hope they keep harassing her, we need much more than this

tries to look like a woman

uhhhhhhhhhh if you believe the putrid disgusting troon faggot in that picture looks even remotely like a woman you are clinically retarded and deserve to have your throat slit the same as blaire does. doesnt fucking matter how hard they try, it's all a facade. she deserves, unequivocally, to have her giant, masculine skull smashed in with a fucking sledgehammer. god I am so sick and fucking TIRED of all this kike shit! why? why the fuck do so many of you milquetoast rightoids think that ANY faggots are acceptable? newsflash, retard! they're not! all troons are all the same, soulless husks, their humanity has been stripped away by the kike plague that is transgenderist ideology. faggots are the same, they're simply on the back burner warming up as we fan the flames of the furnace that will melt your fucking flesh off. once we cull the troons, the fags go next.


it was bad for her... it was really bad for her... and yes i was sharing the shady post towards her

THATs a man, with false fingernails.

This is a disgusting extremely female body you don't have to be this extremely female shaped to be a female there are plenty of thin attractive females

have to be

But why wouldn't you?

NPC talking about how much he hates strangers in the most cliched language possible is a soulless husk whose humanity has been stripped away


color me surprised, wow! who would have thought! I see through you, loony troon. you are not just a stranger to me, you are a stranger to the entire human race. you are an infestation and if the world has to burn so you fucking FAGGOTS CAN DIE then so be it. you are a traitor to everything that is holy and pure in this world.


average republican education 2024
must feel amazing to only speak one language and fail at that too

I don't find female bodies attractive whatsoever! I think they almost looked deformed. Yes, I'm transgender; I try to look as attractive and unisex as possible. I don't like big tits and I don't like big asses

You're too retarded to live. Sorry nonny.

I don't think Blaire wishes to insert herself into "women's spaces", I'm assuming bathrooms are the primary focus and it's really dumb when most like her just want to pee. This entire issue would be irrelevant if we just had single use/gender neutral options, also outside the internets most women really don't care so long as said bathroom user isn't a blatant perv or some no effort weirdo with a beard who stands out. I really question people who are this fixated on clocking, normies are not this autistic and obsessive about it
he also got caught with tranny porn tabs on his browser, Alex Jones definitely jumped the shark long ago. Still I find him hilarious, always good to see people who don't hate every tranny out there on the right

Blaire absolutely used to use the women’s bathroom. Is she saying she doesn’t now? What does she do?

im a man and i have a more fem ass than that.
am i gay now? or trans?

like if alex jones saw my ass he would think im a woman?
