Are any other AGP degenerates able to repress via crossdressing only in private...

Are any other AGP degenerates able to repress via crossdressing only in private? Does entertaining these ideas make them more prevalent? How long does it take for it to escalate beyond control if that is true?

it escalates when you turn late 20s and become real real nasty ugly

i used to but i began repressing that too

She is hot. I would :3
Where is my AGP girlfriend?

Late 20s

Turn nasty

Go elsewhere, child

sort of. I mean I lived alone in my 20s and went fully down the rabbit hole but now I just wear some panties and fuck myself on occasion and I am good to go. But my agp is mild and i have no dysphoria - just a coomer degen for whom its less of a thing as I get older

this is accurate
ive never ever met someone that was an actual trans dysphoric that could repress past their mid-20s
the ones that do almost always end up becoming very unhinged broken people so i can not recommend it, no matter how bleak your transition is or isnt at any point in your life

an actual trans dysphoric

but you can be agp without being trans dysphoric

Are any other AGP degenerates able to repress via crossdressing only in private?

There's nothing for me to repress, I enjoy AGP. I've crossdressed in private for myself, for other men, for women, and at parties.

Does entertaining these ideas make them more prevalent?

I dunno lol. Never tried to make them more or less prevalent. The interest comes in cycles.

How long does it take for it to escalate beyond control if that is true?

Not sure what beyond control means lol

Is this a tranny??

its a cis woman lol.

Does entertaining these ideas make them more prevalent?

for me no, to rep you need to disassociate pretty hard though which is probably why that's the case

How long does it take for it to escalate beyond control if that is true?

personal high score is 27 years ymmv

I started cross living as a female at 14. Went on estrogen at 17, came out gay male at 25 Right now I'm considering keyhole surgery

I really can't stand bodies like this I would hate to be like that

Cross living? Like cross-dressing full-time in your daily life?
What was it like?

When you're really young, it's okay. If you don't get your tits before your 16 you're not going to have a nice breasts.

More like, if you forego action at key points in your life, they become "exponentially" harder to integrate into your life. So, the thoughts become more prevalent while also degrading (because you are always putting it off, and you are aware you are putting it off). It also takes you further from your ideal image as you come closer to the figure of "the guy/girl/it who never followed their heart", which spreads into all other areas of your life, which further still removes you from your ideal.

I'm a non-dysphoric with AGP and the feelings are less frequent but more intense when they do happen. What used to be an almost constant obsession is now a low hum with occasional crashing waves, say maybe 3-4 times a year. I won't pretend it's easy but you do get better at handling stress with age.

t. turning 30

Yes, I crossdress with a dominatrix, It has saved me from depression, dysphoria and even suicide. I don't feel the need to transition anymore which has helped me a lot. I also know I will never pass so dressing with her in a safe place helps with dysphoria because she always tells me I look so pretty

I'm into kigu so I just hide my face with a cute anime face lol

Yes, I crossdress with a dominatrix

Tell me more

Are any other AGP degenerates able to repress via crossdressing only in private?

And thank god I didn't fall for the transition meme.
Every now and then I go the whole way in dolling up and goon like no other, and spend the next few months clear headed.
The most important part is accepting this, and not feel guilty about it.
That's just how your sexuality work.

I am worried if I crossdressed it would progress to transition.

There's nothing for me to repress, I enjoy AGP. I've crossdressed in private for myself, for other men, for women, and at parties.

I guess accepting it is what make it work.
If you fight it it just get worse, and if your transition, then you're just coping.
This agp isn't something new, humanity have done it for thousand of years.

Yeah, I was lucky to have an understandable wife.
She actually do my makeup when we goon.

What is keyhole surgery?

I started crossdressing privately since I was 14, I would steal my mom/sister lingerie and masturbate with it.
It made me very very depressed, because I thought I might be a trans, the feeling of guilt, etc.
When I got my own place, I started working out, went to few trans social events, I realized I'm not a trans, I want to be fucked sexually and not be a woman biologically ~if this make any sense.
Then few books later, I came to be OK with that part of me, and this make all the difference.

Hah with shoulders like mine (broad AND hairy) there isn't much I can do. 36 yo weightlifter. I just try to embrace who I am and love myself the way I am. If I'm not how I want to be that's ok with me. The most important thing is accomplishing life goals.

Yeah I can see why it might cause distress for trans people or something, but it legit just never bothered me in the slightest. I discovered it turned me on and I embraced it immediately lol

You never get desire for more than clothes?

I also like to do various sexually submissive things (both while dressed and not). But I have no desire to actually become a woman in my day to day life.

Interesting, I have always viewed crossdressing as a way to express a desire to be woman.

For me it's more like some combo of visual appeal and submissive coded attire. I don't really like the look of jockstraps and other "male" sub attire.

Also as far as the "auto" part of AGP goes, I am literally attracted to myself lol

AGPs should transition desu desu~ I literally just take estrogen to look and feel cuter

How did it work for you?

Thanks for turning yourself into a girl anyway anon, even if temporarily.
More girls.

Thanks for turning yourself into a girl anyway anon, even if temporarily.

Of course anon. As far as the guys I've served, they only ever see me as a girl anyway :P

Why is more girls good?

cute. Even if you take off the dress, and go back to walking around as a guy, in their mind you'll always be that whore. A little piece of you is permanently stuck like that, and you can't take it back.

it legit just never bothered me in the slightest. I discovered it turned me on and I embraced it immediately lol

Well, some people grew up in sex repressed household.
They see sex in two extremes:
1. sex is taboo, and this is more common than you think
2. sex is ok if right, and this is most agp fall into.
for example, you love playing with your nipple when masturbating, but you learned only women should feel pleasure from their nipples, this can give you distress.
Nta, for more clothes, no.
More sexual fantasy, yes.
I mean you need to spice things up in your life.

I have always viewed crossdressing as a way to express a desire to be woman.

Never wanted to be a woman.
Sexually fucked like a woman, maybe.
Masturbation while dressing as a woman, Yes.
Gay sex (bara)? Nope.

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Also as far as the "auto" part of AGP goes, I am literally attracted to myself lol

Me as well, some times I make spicy vids and send it to myself to masturbate too.
One time I manged to lucid dream of male me fucking the agp me, it was fanatastic, I swear I was in after glow for hours, shame I couldn't repeat the experience.

Don't rope anon-chan

I know haha. I sometimes wear lingerie or a cage under my guy clothes when I go out to give myself an extra reminder.

for example, you love playing with your nipple when masturbating, but you learned only women should feel pleasure from their nipples, this can give you distress.

To me that sounds like an absolutely insane concern. But I hope you are able to come to terms with your sexuality if you are like this :)

Very hot!

To me that sounds like an absolutely insane concern

No, this was an example.
I have pierced nipples.
And when you get in touch with your agp and accept it things would only improve for you psych and sexuality.
At least that what happened for me.
Also as a bonus, this get you some insight into women way of thinking, topic to talk to, and even make you have nice fashion sense.
Also the added fitness help a lot.

very unhinged broken people

can confirm

Why is more girls good?

It is basically the moral imperative of all men who feel the urge, to become women.
The male instinct is basically to have sex with a bunch of women, but because of the 50/50 split, there's not enough to go around.

So any guy who feels the urge to become a girl has a moral duty to become a woman and serve her (former) fellow men (even if temporarily is the best she can do).
If you are one of those women, reading this now, Thank you for your service. And obeying your natural instincts.

No, this was an example.

Sure, but to me that seems like a crazy concern, like all of it.
Regardless I do think that the whole thing makes me in touch with my sexuality and also with women sexually, since I'm familiar with being penetrated, experiencing pleasure in my whole body, etc.