What inspires an effeminate gay man to want to become a straight woman?
What inspires an effeminate gay man to want to become a straight woman?
What inspires an effeminate gay man to want to become a straight woman?
What if you were never masculine or feminine but still bullied for it
Why would effeminate gay men get bullied? How do others benefit from bullying them?
bullied for what?
yall really cant be this stupid
this art might be older than some trannies on this board
What inspires an effeminate gay man to want to become a straight woman?
I dont get the “im agp but everyone thought i was efem gay so they bullied me for that” ive heard some variation of this claim repeated countless times over the years
How old is it?
35 years
Nothing essentially part of their own desire. It's usually related to being bullied and harassed about being too feminine as a man. Most of us continue to hang out in gay clubs once we transition we do not like straight men usually
Why do all of you use the word effeminate. Have you ever heard of the word feminine. It better describes transgender women than a effeminate. Effeminate describes somebody who looks like a man, wearing a pink suit
effeminate is behavioral, not visual
see: flamboyant
we do not like straight men usually
Is this nigga serious?
where is this art from?
gender non-conforming behavior in males triggers an innate disgust response in many people, starting from a young age
How do others benefit from bullying them?
the bullying is a way to try to discourage this behavior and "fix" it, on a related note if you've ever observed groups of (non-gay) male friends then you'll notice they basically use bullying and 'tough love' to push each other to improve, the idea is genuinely that punishing perceived maladaptive behavior will discourage it. for many GNC males however the effeminacy is innate and not learned so it leads to either repression or ostracism.
not to mention the gay male community is not universally welcoming to them either, more masculine-acting gays tend to deeply resent the "queens" for bringing them down by association.
Just becoming more and more effeminate until she reaches the obvious conclusion.
which "innate" are you saying is actually learned, the disgust response or effeminate behavior in gay males? gnc behavior by androphilic males is well-documented across societies to an extent that can't be explained by "gay culture", likewise around 90% of boys who are highly gnc as children end up as androphilic adults
the disgust response that people have is less well documented but is known, one study showed that straight men have equivalent unconscious disgust responses to gay male PDA as images of maggots and rotting flesh, others have found that disgust sensitivity in general correlates strongly with disapproval of homosexuality and political conservatives generally have higher disgust sensitivity. in my view it's more likely that the learned behavior is in fact attempts to conceal or rationalize the disgust response, since "it's simply disgusting" is not considered an acceptable basis for laws or whatever
Well I don't like them. What's there to like about them most of them are rednecks and they aren't more masculine looking than most gay men and gay men smell better and take care of their hygiene much more effectively. I would go with the gay man over a straight man any day
Calling somebody effeminate is a big put-down
yes, while i wouldn't go so far as to say "feminine"/androgynous men are desirable, they certainly seem to be tolerated more than men with masculine appearance and exaggerated effeminate mannerism
It shouldn’t be.
that one dude is particularly annoying
What inspires an effeminate gay man to want to become a straight woman?
Men can't become women.
They can pretend they're one.
That's gay guy pretending. He will never be straight or f.
Example: being a feminine gay boy is more acceptable than being a trans woman, unless you pass
Man perhaps can't but boys can become girls and girls can become women.
Prissy. If not, then search around petticoat punishment, and you'll find similar art.
AGP isn't real they are usually male attracted and trying to cope it away by falsely claiming to be lesbians.
Cope, I pass and date straight men and my life is perfect. You're a seething repper who wishes this weren't the case.
true, and i think it's notable that a lot of examples of feminine/androgynous male beauty have been *straight* men, and this is the model of masculine beauty you see in asian media even though those cultures still have relatively conservative gender norms.
I kind of struggle to answer this question. Being a feminine gay man is literally a prison. You're fuck meat for theseaits infested fsgs who trest you like shit and make clear they don't want any romantic relationship, don't want to date, don't want to talk or make friends. I don't want that. J want straight men to cuddle me, caress me, spoil me, live with me, marry me. Women get that. Faggots don't. Faggots are treated like a subhu.man being. Kept out of sports and male activities,treated as an aids carrying sex pest automatically. A disappointment to their families and forced to wear shitty faggy feminine males outfits. Like belts button down shirts and loafers. Fucking gelled hair and having a fucking beard. It's fucking disgusting. You can ha e my estrogen when you take it from my cold, dead, hands. Protip: you won't do it, no balls. And if you do i will gladly blow my head off cuz I have lived long enough on this gay earth being shit on by cis het males.
You don't strictly need to pass though. If you look like hunter schafer you will be treated like a woman despite being clockable.
Wow almost like they actively want to be able to pretend gay men are women and don’t really care if you fully look the part.
yes, masculine gay men are conditionally accepted as men, feminine gay men are shunted into a third gender.
What does being treated as a third gender involve?
Its you who are straining the definition of masculinity to include andogynius bisexual women with breast implants, not us who are straining the definition of femininity. You're just reasoning backwards from a cynical transphobic prior assumption. You only care about invalidating peoles identities, not paying attention to factual definitions like "gay male"
western culture doesn't really have a formalized concept of a third gender as such, but feminine gay men are basically treated as both men and not-men depending on context, the latter more commonly in homosocial situations
in some other cultures that DO have more defined third genders, those most commonly are effeminate males of some variety. see samoa for an example of a culture that is tolerant of "effeminate androphilic males" as a third sex but not so much of the assimilationist model of homosexuality as a personality trait within the gender binary
Do efem gay men have both male and female gender norms applied to them in a way other men don’t?