In leaked discord messages Destiny reveals to the 18 year old he is speaking to that he's only had his butt eaten once by a gay dude and that he "just super loves sucking dick"
In leaked discord messages Destiny reveals to the 18 year old he is speaking to that he's only had his butt eaten...
so? why the fuck do i care about some manlet getting his ass ate
he's an ugly autistic hobbit
idgaf who has sex with so long as he stays far away from me
oh no my star wars/trek game of harry potter hunger games squid game, they put a gay in my marvel DC universe!
Okay? He's openly bisexual with experience but a preference for women
The dude's a shit but who cares about that besides podcast bros
closeted repressing gay only willing to date women = “btw im bi but prefer women heavily”
this kek
That is the podcast bro mentality, yes
oh no not homosexual behavior!
oh no, not honestly answering a question asked by an adult!
you're acting like he unsolicited told an 11-year-old girl that he rapes his own mom. destiny being bisexual isn't news
so what
Worlds smartest libtard btw
ngl I always thought he was just fakebi like a lot of left leaning men are, more common in zoomers I guess so he’s a little old for the trend, where they have sex exclusively with women but maybe saw a dick once that didn’t make them immediately gag or jacked off to an anime “”””femboy”””” once and they’re like “I’m totally in the lgbtqabc!”
so it’s cool he’s not lying ig still not gonna watch any of his stuff tho lol.
Kys cancel culture faggot
Just once by a gay dude
i know exactly who did it. see picrel.
in Anon Babble polls destiny is shown as being the most-liked streamer. hasan was #2, followed by vaush and nick fuentes
who is your favorite political streamer
("they're all bad" is not an answer)
Does Alex Jones count?
Sam Hyde
Yeah lavlune revealed he told her he has a cum fetish. He's not really into dudes except he loves cum so much that he will suck it out of them. I always thought the thing about him being bi was overblown, it seems like a small part of his sexuality (like he would never date a dude) and I think he probably only brings it up for the meme of being le oppressed queer latinx blue-hair bipoc. But he also never willingly discusses it in much detail, probably because blowing dudes just cause you love cum so much is kind of cringe.
So it's ok when Sam Hyde does it but not Destiny? Hypocritical
This board thinking repressed/closeted gays don’t exist because, in your eyes, men who date women are functionally straight, continually blows my mind.
Destiny is open about being bisexual when he could easily hide it if he wanted to so I'm not sure that fits into being a closeted/repressed gay guy. He plays up the bisexual thing for lefty brownie points when really the only evidence outside of him loudly proclaiming it is some leaked chat logs of him talking to women about it. Whereas there's lots of evidence of his relationships with women. I think the most reasonable interpretation is he has a weird niche fetish that men fulfill but it's a small part of his sexuality and he's mostly into women.
You don't even need a niche fetish to explain it. Most bi people have a clear preference, and one gender is usually just for fun. True 50/50 bisexuality is rare.
You can hear it in his gay voice, it says 'i get super needy for dick'
Here's rare audio of Destiny talking about his handful of gay experiences:
just say you're an incel my dude, because that's all we hear you saying
All I am thinking about is "Did he wash it tho?"
i like for sen
when i haven't for a while i get needy ahahaha
i don't agree with destiny on pretty much anything but he's spot on here
im gay but ass eating is disgusting. It probably feels good but jesus fucking christ people.
there's a difference between having horny thouhts and spelling it all out on discord
i eat ass
Posts Bi guys DM's about doing bi things in his private life.
Did OP expect some kind of shock anmd outrage?
it feels great and while i won't speak for destiny if my ass if about to be eaten that thing is CLEAN.
yes hello
It's just ok. I thought it was going to be life changing, but porn lied to me.