Moids will unironically prefer to date the landwhale on the right just because she has two holes between her legs...

Moids will unironically prefer to date the landwhale on the right just because she has two holes between her legs instead of one

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giga agp outfit, why cant trannies dress normal

I would prefer the left one anyway cause i like fat girls. Also that hole doesnt make poop plus the right has a more attractive figure.

its because the person on the right is a real woman with which they can start a real family and continue thousands and thousands of years of reproduction
whereas the left is a skinny malnourished favela boy with a manipulated endocrine system

moids have a penis that fits in only one of those holes
instead of crying about it why not play the game
t. post op who gets fucked by moids

I'd fuck left while right watches

Moids will unironically prefer to date the landwhale on the right just because she has two holes between her legs instead of one

No one wants to fuck a man's asshole anon, only fucking gays and they're weird.

A woman's pussy is the sweetest.

sayori's bolt ons are awful

The troon on the left is a 1/10000 specimen and has even 10x more men simping for her than landwhale on the right.

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straightoid cis man

why are u even on tttt, you dont belong here

I would rather fuck the girl on the right because she’s chubby. You want to fuck her because she’s cis. We are not the same

he shouldn't have got the bolt ons

I already fucked this bitches pussy and I'm gonna fuck you next

have you ever heard of post op trannies or are you the type that wants to suck on tranny dick because--- thats normal??

based srsussy enjoyer

What a cutie

Those are trannies
There are no srsussy enjoyers

Even if right was a tranny I'd prefer her over left

tf do you mean landwhale she's not the skinniest but she looks curvy and actually really cute desu

this just in. men have preferences too

she's not AGP she's just good at getting male attention

The left is male. The right is female. And she's cute and curvy. I like curvy females. Whew, that was easy.

dumb nigger

as a retarded faggot..
i prefer the 1 on the right.

Your tears are so delicious. You're so bootyblasted from the other thread that you had to come here for more damage control. Sad!

Then you don't belong here

I prefer left, fatties are what guys who settle settle for and I would rather die alone than settle

wow so tolerant and inclusive! fuck you faggot.

I'd prefer the right with a small penis

tranny into cis woman

So you just trooned to get girls cause u couldnt as guy LMAO

Every mtf into cis women ever

dumb nigger

the woman on the right is cute, why the hate?

on her own I don't mind her but in the cultural context of a lifetime of being called homophobic slurs for not being into "curvy" (overweight) women I'm gonna take my anger out on her picture, sorry not sorry

Problem is women like that don't make good long term partners.

low T
Solid point. Being fat is a sign you don't take care of yourself. They're still hot though

I rather not deal with roided third world drug traffickers

i had this lifestyle in my 20s and there is no going back.
in both dynamics/roles

It's not just that. Women are by their nature vivacious so when a woman is moderately fat it is an indication that she is a sensualist. The chances that she cheats on you, gets incredibly fat or otherwise is ready to sow out and pop out a brood is high.
So don't ge me wrong, she's hot, and I bet she fucks like a tranny, but women like that just aren't long term investments. The closest equivalent I can think of in men is the roidmonkey or nigger, which I suppose is why they're most likely to end up together.
If you're going to get with a chubby woman it has to be the asocial type.

Idk I thing both are hot, would date both

moid here


open pic

average american