Why aren’t more LGBTQIA+ ppl into newage, conspiracies, being starseeds and questioning reality...

Why aren’t more LGBTQIA+ ppl into newage, conspiracies, being starseeds and questioning reality? The matrix movies were made by trans women for crying out loud.
If you question gender norms you should be looking into conspiracies about evolution not being real AT LEAST

Conspiracy theories are just fast food epistemology. It's for stupid people who think they're smart.

the matrix movies were made by people who weren't trans at the time + its not as trans allegory thats troon hysteria

they were always trans tho piss off hater

we all know transitioners over the age of 25 have ROGD so no, they weren't actually reppers before
I will hate until the sun rises from the west

probably because the majority of conspiracy theorists think gays and trannies are part of the evil conspiracy? basically every one ive come across thinks the LGBTs were invented by Satan or the jews

Most conspiracy theories are true by definition

I have two stem degrees. I dont "question" reality because i can chain it down and strip it back to repeatable and statistically significant fact.

Questioning evolution is retarded. 90% odds you live in the UK or west coast of the US, you can drive to publically available deposition sites over a weekend and dig them up yourself. If you have a better idea of who's burying all the mineralized bones im all ears, otherwise...

i wish the picrel creature could know that actually they have been finding bones since literally the dawn of humanity and that you can go there, like actually go to places and find new fossils never seen before, not plastic but real impressions of old bones then dissolved and filled in with geologic material that you can examine and show yourself could not be made by any other means, ive been thinking of going to see some desu i live in Australia so there are some pretty great things to find. the most scientifically important place i want to go is to see the stromatolites in WA tho

oh hey we were writing the same points at the same time!! something else to mention is you can put cultured bacteria in an environment and watch them evolve!

I want to go to the site in queensland known for turtle fossils

i am a """conspiracy theorist""" by most standards, even though id disagree with the label

has two stem degrees

thinks they understand all of reality

Is the second degree when your intimate understanding of objective reality kicked in?
I guess two is the magic number...

responds to the only irrelevant part of that post

ur just beleving ppls word for it, thats all it boils down to cuz loads of bones have been proven fake, why even trust these institutions after they had so many fakes on display, carbon dating is not accurate and you would get different dating results for the same pieces of object being tested in multiple labs, the results would all be different

that was not op you complete fucking retard

Most conspiracies are schizo adjacent grifts. Plus what’s the point? “Oh no, lizard Jews run the government?! I still have to pay my rent!” Just focus on self improvement and financial freedom. Clean your room, go gym or start a sport, get a date and just live life, for fucks sake

Those silly conspiracy theories are a psyop by the ruling class to distract you from the real things they do

It's how they cope with the fact that they voted for the retards running the actual government.
Also this

nooo questioning reality is a psyop! you dont have super powers, drink some cola and monster like the ironic advertising tells you too and dont think!!!

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Conspiracy theories don't make me feel good, and I don't find them fun, so I prefer to not believe in crazy and weird stuff. People who are into this stuff get something out of it. It isn't disinterested inquiry.

AND loads have been proven real
oh also do you think fossils are bones? because they are not, like do you understand? do you understand what fossilization is?
but the point is you are taking other peoples word for it, people with less evidence and less proof, its illogical, if you want to prove your thing you CAN go out and see it and show us, go out there to the fossil beds and show they arent there or that they are Styrofoam or that there are cia agents planting them in the ground for some fucking incomprehensible reason or that you took a cross section of the mineral deposit and found it couldnt have formed via fossilization!
it is not just "beleve the gobberment" its actually look at the evidence and if you dont trust the source go and do the real fucking thing!! you can actually change hearts and minds that way, the governments of old supported creationist theories and it was work like this that surplanted them so if you think these theories are wrong do that work and supplant them dont just say "hur dur i doubt everything despite somethings having more evidence then others ill just ignore that and choose the renegade one cause thats edgy"

i dont think it was either of them, i think the stem degrees merely prove their ability to do that, like the ability to swim doesnt kick in when you win a medal, you won that medal cause you could swim

based and based pilled

because life is boring and mundane and nobody wants to listen to the real "conspiracy" theories about assumptions and institutions we are all forced to take for granted - just like the matrix, but boring

wrong + wrong, suck the Wachowski Others' troon dicks faggot

nah, what we actually know is that ROGD is not a real thing

If you're trans you should accept that you've used all your weirdness points on transitioning and becoming a communist/conspiracy theorist etc on top of that will be enough for normal people to shun you completely

Most people are too afraid to leave their comfort zone, those that do end up looking for a way back in.

the “evidence” is just people saying its real they cant prove any of it

I hope you're right. In my experience, sometimes going to school and getting a degree just proves you can go to school and get a degree, with insight into or comprehension of material secondary.

this shit is way too fembrained for the average tranny

As a certified homo I believe they are lying about the number of people in the world, COVID vaccines, the moon landing, basic things like that. I also love Russia

You're right. But between evidence based research and online people saying "nuh-uh" I'm going to side with the former.

Kek. All right, that's fair.

i think
9/11 was an inside job
moonlanding was fake
big pharma’s goal is to kill people
the elites are reptiles
covid was made in a lab in the usa
cia killed jfk and rfk
t. tranny

I suppose the retroreflector just got up there on its own then?

it just walked up there, used its double ump abilities

i used to be deeply into the occult until i had a psychotic break down and was sent to the psych ward. Now im a diagnosed schizo who gets free money. I dont mess with the occult anymore but im still into aliens, ufos, and what is called mundane astrology

There are stuff i can take seriously and other stuff i cant, like that star seed shit lol, even im not that crazy

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