aren't transgender males just extremely feminine homosexual males who can't attract men as masculine looking guys anymore?
checked. but yea that describes half of them, the other half get off to the idea of lesbian sex
No, the majority of them have a tranny fetish (AGAMP) or AGP. The hussies are in the minority.
there is more to life than your appearance
let me know when you grow up and realize this
they're self hating fags who want to be straight women so bad due to their retarded internalised homophobia and jealousy of heterosexual relationships.
because you hate us and want us dead either way. aoso the ones who advocate for "feminine" males are 90% of the time bipedos who will drop interest in any feminine person who experiences twinkdeath, which happens to 99% of amabs
I just don't get it? Shemales are usually small males who cannot attract handsome looking gay guys so they have breast implants and do pornography for a living.
The pink hearth tummy tattoo is a pedo sign.
Stop watching porn
No they're not and that's not even based on reality that's based on some straight males fantasy. All of us identify as being gay before we change our bodies and usually change your body's due to the ability to make more money in pornography by having breast implants. We still identify as being gay and usually only date other gay men. We identify as men who look like women by occupation
i don’t like fucking gay guys. i need the extra layer of them convincing themselves it’s straight for me to feel anything.
I don't watch porn. I starred In shemale porn for years.
You're a weirdo it sounds like you never came out of the closet. That's not where it's at. You sound like a real square great dude who wants to fantasize about being like a female. That's totally square!
if that's true why don't they have big tits? Breasts augmentation doesn't cost that much
We still identify as being gay and usually only date other gay men.
So you're not delusional? Good to hear. Straight men don't want to date men who cosplay women.
We identify as men who look like women by occupation
Dress up as women*
Why do you care about pedophilia? Are you into that? That's really creepy
No it's all totally gay. Maybe weirdos straight men transvestites are straight but they're not part of the shemale culture. She males are always gay men who have breast implants and usually smaller bodies because they look better as females than males by Nature and they usually are involved in the pornography business
If this is more of a transvestite board I'll understand
Dress up as women
What do you mean by the statement? How can you dress up and be nude at the same time because most of the pornography is done in the nude. We don't dress up. We're working the nude that's why we have breast implants, with big dicks
Matches my description so maybe yeah
Oh okay my mistake you're only into guys who look like normal guys that like to dress up like transvestites. No, I'm not talking about crossdressers I'm talking about gay men who look like women
She males are always gay men who have breast implants and usually smaller bodies because they look better as females than males by Nature and they usually are involved in the pornography business
They aren't "better as females" because they're males.
But yeah, I agree with you, they're gay men.
Because you don't look like a woman, you just like, dress up as one. Yeah.
Even if you "pass" it's always something off.
I'm not gay. But I think guys who love men who's re masculine and men who are feminine are equally gay.
this image is such ropefuel why couldn't i have this body
You don't know what you're talking about! We get paid better for having breast implants and doing pornography as shemales. It's about pay, you idiot! It's not about preference It's about making a living. I can't believe how ignorant you are!
I think this is AI generated - fangs, eye color, very young body with face of teen, weird belly button (almost hairy?).
nowadays they are mostly transbians (straight men with fetish)
I hate mentally ill people
1% of men are gay
30% of trans women are “straight”
Your argument is invalid!
Looks is 99% of it. You'd understand if you actually seen how chads get treated in day to day life
aren't transgender males just extremely feminine homosexual males who can't attract men as masculine looking guys anymore?
this, except not homosexual
People are initially nicer to you if you're physically attractive but if you have a shitty personality you will not be able to form deep relationships.
If you're not a homosexual, how can you ever be like a woman? I think you're some kind of weirdo guy gets off on becoming his sex object
This thread is invalid.
I was extremely attractive to gay men as a man, moreso than I am to straight man as a woman (but I am top tier looks wise so i have a high appeal to men regardless of how I present.)
I hated having gay sex or any sex as a male. It physically repulsed me. The fact alone that your body hair grows like 5x faster, veins show on the surface of skin, little subcutaneous fat revealing your muscles, big thick virile hard cock that shoots semen, it all repulsed me my entire life. It made living torture.
Thanks to HRT and surgeries I can now enjoy having heterosexual men as a woman. Your moral value judgments mean nothing to me, only my personal satisfaction in life.
Inb4 you didn't try x
I tried antipsychotics conversion therapy, ssris, gym maxxing, gay and straight relationships, ketamine therapy, meditation, hobbies, careermaxxing, and literally everything to try to avoid transitioning. I did not WANT to transition. I literally had to.
You could go back to being a gay man if you weren’t so narcissistic and self loathing.
Straight men are by definition not into trannies though, so of course you are less able to get straight men. Then most gay men are into masculine traits, so you are less attractive to them. That only leaves bisexuals or people specifically into trans.
Just shows many tranny/chaser relationships are two gay or bisexual men in delusion. I dislike gay culture too but don't pretend he isn't bi.
Lol no i couldn't and I won't. I'm objectively not narcissistic or self loathing for doing the bare minimum of self care. Trying to be a gay man was numbing, disgusting, and miserable.
Never being hard for sex. Disassociating. Men instantly homing in on me not liking toping and grilling me about it, asking me if I was trans. Men telling me they didn't like kissing or cuddling. Sexual assaults and thefts. Emotional deafness. Multiple years long dry spells.
I have the happy committed relationship with a man i always wanted now, as a woman. It wasn't possible before I was literally smoking weed every 30 minutes and drinking daily to disassociate. Now I am sub free and my only drug is the gym.
Stop invalidating other people's experience. If you're a straight man you have no idea what it's like to be gay. Of you're a gay man you're a bitter faggot.
Being homophobic makes you a woman.
It don't have any trouble getting men either way I present. The only difference is how said men characterized their attraction and willingness to say they feel emotional as well as sexual attraction and my ability to reciprocate.
I don't question or care about the sexualities of my partners unless they bring it up but I generally only accept men who claim to be straight and say trans women are women and don't raise the issue further.
As for all the insinuation about "you're self loathing, you're secretly gay!" It honestly just goes to show you how much society hates and disrespects non heterosexual males. I'm happy and normal well adjusted people are happy that I'm happy. Doesn't matter how you label it or that you don't understand dysphoria.
Dysphoria means you have internalized homophobia but are too ashamed to even admit that outright.
Are you an M.D.? Didn't think so lmao. The arrogance of your armchair psychoanalytic faggots is amusing. You just want tall women to sto.p on your chud faggot nuts.
I'm not saying every man who will fuck a tranny is full blown gay, I'm saying they are by definition bisexual. Calling them straight is factually incorrect and it just shows the weird mindgames trannies do. Those "straight" men have probably all fucked twinks or want to. It's more of a fetishistic role play distinction than an actual meaningful label for their sexuality.
You literally are a gay male who presents as a woman, that's fine, I don't mind, but to claim otherwise is delusion.
It honestly just goes to show you how much society hates and disrespects non heterosexual males
Yes, and your response is to claim you're a woman, and the response of your "straight" sexual partners is to pretend they are not gay because it's a feminine enough man. In reality they are gynephilic bisexuals, which most men probably are but repress it.
what? youre the one thirsting over a person who looks 13
Lol claim I'm delusional and dysphoria isn't real all you want. It will change nothing because it's you sharing an opinion.
I'm a woman and you're just seething and coping and mucking around with semantics and speculation. The vutthurt is palpable. Go live life.
The reason you guys are all obsessed with what people "secretly think' is because of the social anxiety of being in your 20s and obsessed with what is popular and the gossip of the other kids. When you're a bit older you literally only interact with your partner, close friends and co workers. None of this mental gymnastics that paralyses you people matters.
im a woman
It’s ma’am!
I've been in therapy for GD since I was nine. I've been getting homophonic gay male in denial pasta froma uthority figures since it as 17. I"'ve been through conversion therapy and detransition. I've been in the psychological ward. I've read all balnchards works and believed ebery word. I've done nofap. I've been a believers in TOCD. I know 100x more about the ideas you are expressing thab you ever will. Because I've lived it and you're a tourist.
The idea that you're going to mindbreak me at this point after what I have been through and what I have sacrificed and learned about myself through the course of my life is invincible. You don't have the commitment, rhetorical skill or experience of the people who ran this game on me before. Maybe you wish you did. You are a kid on a playground just replying with the same old taunts and yu get to pretend that this works but in the back of your mind you know it doesn't do shit.
I'm physically, hormonal, behaviorally, legally and socially a woman now. And the last chud who insisted i wasn't and demanded my discord to see proof of what I look like ended up going mad with lust and telling me he wanted to be in a relationship with me the next day. It's over.
lol, hearts and triangles means you're a pedo guy now lul
I'm not saying you have to detrans I'm saying that any guy into you is a bisexual
Weird way to spell gay!
extremely feminine homosexual males
In theory? yes. In practice, definitely not. I've met several, and it's probably something like 5-10% actually are feminine and attractive. The rest are just dudes in thigh highs: the moment the clothing goes away their male body shows itself for what it is. It's a shame too because as someone who's got a nice masculine body myself. i'd have loved to have a partner like the trans males u described.
unfortunate, but such is life.
that's a very interesting point you bring up. because even most transgender people I meet say "it was a choice im glad i made." but in your case, you say that it was an inevitable truth that you had to realize? why is that?
Claiming to experience gender dysphoria is choice to categorize feeling socially rejected as a problem with your body.
I dont realky have a problem with that, bisexual is such a normal secuality anyway. My current boyfriend actually dated a twink for 5 years and a cis woman for 7. Both of his partberd were every attractive and accomplished. He denies being bi and said he only dated the twink because he got lovebombed and "didn't understand how actual sexual attraction felt" which is silly but it's more of a problem for him than me. Still it's super hot that he presents straight it makes me love being in public with him and with his family.
Look if you're jealous just try estrogen? I have gay male friends and I am nothing like them. They like getting jacked, having short hair cuts, men's fashion, having hairy chests, and just generally being men who date men. I don't like looking like a man or wearing men's clothes and gay men don't like my soft curvy body or my boobs or the fact that I don't top and have had SRS. If I was a gay man gay men would be into me and I'd enjoy looking male, lol.
I see. Did you always feel this way since your youth? you said you were attractive to male and females so i assume you had very androgynous features. But it seems like despite that you leaned more towards being partners with males despite you saying you hated it? why?
No it's not because it starts in childhood pre puberty. I was wanting to look like. A girl, dress like a girl and style a hair as a girl years before I felt any "social rejection" or whatever it is.
im assuming you were the person i meant to respond to in this post then. Just gonna use a letter for my name so you can recognize my responses more easily.
I think its just a perspective thing. Those people had the ability to commit and overcome doubt while young. I chose to believe my parenrs, doubters, and conservative doctors against my better judgment, I tried the recommended non transition treatments. It was just an abject failure. Brief success followed by the crushing letdown of the dysphoria coming back within months.
I dated three women and lived with two of them for years. Both for them wanted to marry me. But even day my head was consumed w I th thoughts of wanting to be a woman, wanting to date men, and regretting that I desisted.
So from my perspective it was trial and error and I just had to do this in order to have a normal life and keep living and working and supporting myself. But I can see how younger people with more supportive environments can feel they "chose" transition.
I can only have gay relationships if I pretend to be a woman.
Yes basically this! Honestly I don't care either I'm secretly a homophonic gay male in denial, taking estrogen, being soft and un manly and never being questioned for not topping and just being taken care of in the context of the relationship in return for presenting as female is awesome.
The fafs who are seething about this are such reppers. I am not going back to being a balding, bearded male to satisfy FAGGOTS.
And what about now? Most trans people tend to be fetishized unfortunately. You said you had a partner, how did you realize he was not one of those people? And how do you deal with feelings of "the grass is greener on the other side?"
A highly acclaimed actor once said: once you become famous, the most attractive and beautiful women will throw themselves at you day after day. all it takes is one moment of weakness to ruin your own relationships.
Do you worry that thru ur journey of self imrpovment, you might feel as if you could do better than ur current partner? what if someone better than them comes along, what would u do then?
Everything you raise here are all valid concerns and not something that can easily be dismissed. Settling down with someone isn't easy. It takes work and it takes the maturity and self knowledge to make certain choices. I'd say having a certain amount of romantic and sexual experience is very helpful, but not so much that you're numb or disillusioned.
Personally, becoming substance free, rejecting polyamory, amd being aware of my own limitations all informed my choice. My current partner has also done a lot for me. He's improved himself a lot and shown that he really loves me and wants to share his life with me. But who can really say if it will last? I'd rather try and fail and move on to the next chapter than not try.
But wmfor what it's worth. The single life can work for some people! If you're financially and emotionally secure and mentally healthy enough that you do not need another person long term, you don't need to do it. If just having idle casual sex until you reach old age and then enjoying your space along with your platonic friendships and aren't afraid of facing old age as a single person, then I think that's really cool and I support that, and he'll maybe in this day and age it's more realistic than trying to re create heterosexual married life. Who knows.
My current boyfriend actually dated a twink for 5 years and a cis woman for 7
Ok so we don't disagree at all. He is a bisexual who leans towards feminine people which is totally fine. When I say that I view trans as gay or feminine men I am not telling them to detrans, or be masc to appeal to other gay men. I'm pretty much the same I just hate the mind games of people forcing others to gender them a specific way.
The way you respond with a lot of nuance and acknowledging both sides of the coin makes me think youve either gone thru a ton of shit in life, are a bit older or both.
Pretty much everyone i know in their early to mid 20s views things as black and white. but like u said, "who can really say if it will last." if its not too personal, how old are you? And when did you transition? because by your wording it sounds like you didnt transition at a young age like most people wish they did.
The only gendering I care about is the reflexive female gendering I get from literally all strangers by presenting as female. And yeah it takes consciousness of how you dress, do your hair, take care of yourself and sometimes surgery to get it. But no one is looking at me and being like "sir" I just look like a tall white girl.
Oh and VOICE TRAINING i can't forget that is really the make or break because feminine gay males talk like men. Practicing the voice is essential
I grew up in a very repressive household. I was trying to cross dress and present as fem for my teens and finally stopped enbycoping and transed in college. I detransed at 22 after like 6 months of oral pills and spiro because I got convinced I was a fetishistic male (i blamed myself for the family repression because I felt like if I was real my performance of being girly would have convinced them to let me be a girl.
After hard-core repping as a bit male I re transed at age 30 which was three years ago. Thanks to very good medical care and lots of money for surgeries, body treatments and clothes I managed to pass.
In total I've been with total of 15 ppl and had about 7 relationships including the current one, cis women, cis men and one trans woman in that mix.
So yes I'm old and experienced. I also have been on Anon Babble since it began! But please don't ask for pictures >_<. This discussion always turns into people wanting pics to prove I'm not lying and then being all shocked when they see my pics and just telling me I got absurdly lucky.
Fuck I meant to say the cross dressing started pre teens and tweens idk why I said teens. onset at age 8-9
I see. No, I don't want to see photos.
I highly value maturity and personality amongst all other things, so seeing a perspective like yours was really interesting. Transitioning at 30 years of age is quite impressive. And from the way you speak, i don't sense much vanity or arrogance, so im sure you aren't an ugly person either.
The thing is, because of a very specific set of circumstances in my life, i've been able to live my life with relative ease. and because of that, ive spent a lot of time soul searching and experiencing life as it is without the obligations of too much work and errands. I havent been through as many partners as you, but i've been through quite a few and ive discovered what i want and dont want.
But I know that if we did speak on a more personal level, privately away from here, we would connect well. And that is what's so unfortunate. I know that I could form a proper bond with you, but you are not single. It's quite the predicament. I've got a body type that most find attractive as well.
Are you MtF, FtM or a cis guy/girl?
Cisguy. I've never been confused about my identity since a young age, and that's shaped my approach to many things. If i see something that I want. I will do EVERYTHING to make sure I get it.
Hey I just wanted to let you know that I read every comment you made under this post and I’m really grateful that you took the effort to express yourself on here. I am also a straight transgender midway into my transition and I think I learnt a lot from your comments today.
I see. Well, i wish you best of luck in all future endeavors. I believe if you know yourself and are realistic about your strengths and limitations things inevitably work themselves out. I've met so many wonderful men and women in so many places and the good thing is that good, honest hardworking people seem to outnumber the shitty people by a large amount. Individual people are always so awesome to talk to one on one. Whenever you get down about the human race in general it always helps to talk to people one on one.
Thanks girl I wrote those comments for (YOU)!!
The man picks up a woman who happens to be transgender and has surgery and the man is not able to tell that she was transgender, he could very well be a heterosexual man.
What if I wanted to get to know you better, though? What if I felt that I would be a good partner for you? You seem like a person who's endlessly curious about everything, surely you would be curious in such a person as well?
why do you believe this? What if the person never went through any kind of vocal change during adolescence because she didn't have a testosterone fueled puberty?
I never gave my voice the second thought once I transitioned before that I used to get angry cuz people would always ID me as a female. I didn't start out wanting to be a female.
I feel very sad for both of us that we had to transition. I think it's horrible condition
Both right and wrong.
What if you were really heterosexual and you wished you were homosexual? Perhaps you couldn't imagine yourself having a cater to some damn woman!
Your dick gets hard with women and never gets hard around men. What the fuck can you do other than transition?
A total cop out!
The fact is, I got paid better by presenting as a female, than as a male.
You don't like it because you think all these transgender people love being women and want to be women! You've never heard anyone that didn't like it, yet it was financially a rewarding!
What I hate is intellectual dishonesty and persons like you when they are confronted with something they don't understand, have to name call it.
It really doesn't matter how attractive you were as a man. It only stands for motivation for why you would want to stay a man and if I look like you did as a man I would have never transitioned. My problem was the opposite I look horrible as a man and much better as a woman even though I didn't really want to be a woman I transitioned so I could have more sex
I have a boyfriend right now but thanks so much for asking, the right girl is out there for you!
I guess it's different for everyone. I always wanted to just morph into a girl somehow. I had a faggy voice pre transitioning and training. It was lisping and somewhat nasally. But I tried to make it deeper and more masculine. So VT was just undoing the forced masculinity and learning about resonance. I only think it's just important to try to change your voice if it wasn't female sounding pre transition
My voice never dropped and I never went through regular puberty and I absolutely hated myself
On the one hand yes it sucks but on the other hand it's not the worst condition you could have. Being humble and accepting yourself opens doors.
im agp and i have massive silicone honkers wdym
Are you SURE you looked so bad as a man, objectively?
Idk i might be overselling myself. I have that classic model look with the symmetrical face, well defined features, large almond shaped eyes. I *thought* i looked hot as a man but I didn't really get many compliments. As a woman I think i look good, but not a show stopper. I had moderately intensive FFS. But I get so many more compliments as a woman. Like hundreds of times more. It's pretty shocking.
I'm so glad you were allowed to transition before puberty. I hesitated with coming out and was going crazy with anxiety about how "late" it was becoming. But what I didn't realize was that my parents would never allow it and that they were very invasive and controlling so DIY wouldn't have worked. ( i did try googling DIY but it seemed too illegal and too complicated in the mid 2000's
I hope you like yourself more now!
I want the opportunity to be able to talk to you. I really hope you can reconsider.
If you drop a discord I'll talk to you but just to be clear I am in a committed relationship so it's not going to be a meet cute. ^_^
I'll drop it when I get home, but just out of curiosity's sake: from our conversations in the thread you know that I'm interested in getting to know you better. Beyond just friends. Even so, you're willing to chat? what's the reason for that? just friendly or some other reason?
so 70% of them are >gay >>women? doesn't that prove him right?
Haha uhh i just want to give people cultural exposure and prove that I'm a real person but like if you're really looking for romance you should look elsewhere, I don't want you to waste your time!!