Hi Anon Babble, I'm a normal average guy (Cis, straight...

Hi Anon Babble, I'm a normal average guy (Cis, straight, white male in your terminology) coming to you with some questions. These questions are all genuine in nature, and not intended/worded to troll or anything along those lines. Please take the time to answer one or all of them sincerely.

When people choose a new name for their new identity (Trans, nonbinary, etc) why the FUCK do so many pick the dumbest, most goofy nonsensical bullshit "names" when the goal I'd imagine is to both be taken seriously by your peers and society and have your identity validated?

Do you SERIOUSLY think that trans women (biological men) have any place in women's sports? If your answer is yes, does that mean you are okay with trans men (Biological women) being in mens sports, including violent sports like boxing, UFC, etc. where physical violence is the name of the game?

Why do you think democrats lost the election? Remember that democrats not only lost the election, but they also lost the popular vote as well as house and senate seats. Top democrats, and even transgender democrats involved believe it was from too hard of a focus on identity politics that don't resonate with the average american, and they will likely scale back on trans shit. Do you understand that you are headed towards an incredibly rough 10 or even 20 years?

What is with the INTENSE focus on pushing LGBT stuff onto children? Whether its drag queen story hour at libraries or inclusion of trans/gay literature in school libraries, pride weeks at school etc. A LOT of people hate this, especially parents, and I believe that this focus on kids only makes you look 10x worse.

To those of you who are upset that trump will be in power (just to clarify I am too), do you understand that the USA is the #1 most progressive country on the planet when it comes to trans acceptance? Where the fuck do you plan to go that you think you'll be better off?

These questions are all genuine in nature, and not intended/worded to troll or anything along those lines.

lol sure buddy

Yeah buddy you're right, I'm 100% typing a 2000 word post to work you up and absolutely everybody that disagrees even slightly with the current LGBTQIA+ paradigm is a troll. Heil Rowling!

2000* character post. I used word here when I meant character. It's so over...

why pick dumb names

cuz they're dumb sheltered white kids

trans sports

they should have their own division and trans men can theoretically compete in men's sports, I just don't think any want to because it's suicide

why did democrats lose

because they won't support bernie, too busy jorking their old guard delusions to change while republicans just bet on trump even if they hate his ass

why the children

people noticed that when kids think something is normal acceptance of it spikes generationally so they tried to kill homophobia, transphobia and every other kind of phobia at once by forcing it on children, not realizing trying to force kids to think something will piss off parents and convince the children you're weirdos because you can't force people to think things, you can only be a good example and let them make up their own minds, it was a psychotic power grab

us is the most progressive

That's just not true.

Who cares about cringe names? People give their kids bad names all the time.

I never managed to sit through an entire soccer match. I'm not into the whole sports thing, so idc if you asked me, we could get rid of the entire olympics like it doesn't matter to me.

I think kamala didn't have enough time to build a good reputation. Trump has a lot of history, and he's charismatic. To me it was clear he'd win after he was almost assassinated.

Honestly, I don't have strong opinions on this. I don't care if drag queen story time exists or not.

I'm not upset about trump winning because it's not my problem .

idk because theyre all retarded reddithons that lack self awareness, i doubt ppl here would choose stupid names

no unless u havent gone through male puberty, like blockers at 12 estrogen at 13 level treatment

idfk nigga i really couldnt give a fuck about politics + nothing ever happens. i hate the troon hysteria like nothing happened in the first 4 years nothing will happen now

thats some woke bullshit that has no place in schools. you'll have little children with a frail sense of self looking at lgbt shit as a unique identity trait. if you are a faggot you'll know without needing to be taught it, naturally as you grow into yourself. (e.g. a 16 year old having feelings for their *male* friend)
the only sort of education i could get behind is maybe sex-ed in highschool where kids aren't highly impressionable enough to fall into faggotty just by being shown it, solely for the purposes of like having safe sex or whatever (don't want a bunch of faggots giving each other aids), and make it a fully elective class. The picture books and drag queen story hour clearly aimed at single digit aged kids is really really really fucking cringe on levels that i can barely put into words

im not upset like i said nothing ever happens. yes the united states is progressive, nobody is leaving and if someone says they are its just as bullshit as a cis woman saying theyre going to commit to the 4B movement for 4 whole years (shes getting her back blown out by chad tmrw night)

t. boymoder

i'll take this bait why not

why cringe names

people get caught in bubbles that validate their stupid choices and then the consequences follow their persona around unless they get the courage to force another name change on everyone to fix it


there's a complex nuanced sport-by-sport answer i could give but really i don't care and it's a bugaboo. ban us or make a trans and intersex category, whatever, this one is complicated enough that i'm willing to just err on the side of protecting womens' access to sport generally and cede it

why do you think democrats lost the election?

long term fracturing between leadership and the working class base, botched election (joe never should've re-run and there should've at least been a primary), trying to make it the women's election (again) about abortion (again) when women are deeply split on abortion and on party affiliation, running a candidate with no charisma and pretending she was barrack obama because she was a black woman (which made it a DEI election even if she didn't bring it up), arrogant expectation-to-win campaigning like 2016 (a la not going on rogan)

focus on children

two reasons. reason activists focus on it is all lgbt remember being children in the closet and mostly want to spare others that fate. reason opps focus on it is because a minority in the lgbt community are sex pest weirdos (often in positions of power as those types tend to be) and they're a convenient lightingrod for politicians seeking votes to scapegoat with

where do you plan to go?

staying in the south for now but northeast if things get bad. once i have money i want to do more to make a difference too (though my bugbears are environment and corruption and education, they ain't building camps)
oddly enough i only plan to leave if things get better. if jackboots come out i melt into the hills with the resistance, if america finds peace i go somewhere green and hilly where it snows like ireland or northern japan


Idk a lot of us are medically autistic. I tried to pick a FUCKING normal name

I SERIOUSLY think it depends on the sport, the troon in general, etc. combat sports I’d err towards strict gate keeping, stuff like chess I think it’s just ridiculous and transphobic to try and segregate


Whole buncha reasons. Yes I understand it’s bad and will get worse. Idk what you expect me to do about it. I’m not a politician.

drag Queen story hour

Middle class white women doing their thing, I don’t like it either. I do think kids should be told it’s ok to be trans/gay though. I found out what gay was by getting called a fag by other kids.


Yeah idk I can’t move anywhere idyunno man

*botched candidate selection not botched election
apparently it was the most secure election in history just none of their voters participated lmao

When people choose a new name for their new identity (Trans, nonbinary, etc) why the FUCK do so many pick the dumbest, most goofy nonsensical bullshit "names" when the goal I'd imagine is to both be taken seriously by your peers and society and have your identity validated?

autism. is it a bad thing to choose a stupid name for yourself, anon? and i mean a truly wicked, negative, irredeemable act that brings nothing but malice and harm.

>Do you SERIOUSLY think that trans women (biological men) have any place in women's sports? If your answer is yes, does that mean you are okay with trans men (Biological women) being in mens sports, including violent sports like boxing, UFC, etc. where physical violence is the name of the game?

nah, none of us give a shit about going into women's sports; we want to be women, not to be men as women.

>Why do you think democrats lost the election? Remember that democrats not only lost the election, but they also lost the popular vote as well as house and senate seats. Top democrats, and even transgender democrats involved believe it was from too hard of a focus on identity politics that don't resonate with the average american, and they will likely scale back on trans shit. Do you understand that you are headed towards an incredibly rough 10 or even 20 years?

Bernie Sanders said it best; most people turned on the Democrats for economic reasons. This is a statistical truth, nobody cares about an adult seeking medical treatment for gender dysphoria, people only care about children getting medical treatment for gender dysphoria when it's painted as a wicked and evil action that involves mutilating genitals (when it's 50% paperwork and 50% pills that are questionlessly given to cis kids with endocrine issues)


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First off extremely loaded question wording and I can already tell it's an excuse to soapbox rant in the replies but here.

1. Goofy names... such as? Pls post real world examples not a list of hypothetical stupid names. I think often trans girls go for basic generic girl names and many end up with the same name as a result.

2. I think trans women who accessed puberty blockers/hrt at the start of puberty or shortly thereafter and do not have proportions or muscle mass more than 1 SD outside the female range (with the actual standards created by non biased doctors) then they should be allowed in. Blaire fleming is a great example of a passoid with generic female stats who was actually not even out to her whole team for multiple years. So not letting her competed is cis f narcissism. If you don't know who that is then oh my god you should Google these questions.

3. The democrats lost the election by 1.5% points because it was a close election that either side could have won. As for being in for a rough time, uhh it's never easy to be trans so i' used to it.

4. the extremely loaded question phrasing is getting to me but: there are gay and trans kids (i was one). Gay and trans kids face intense bullying that causes lifelong psychic damage and internalized hatred and repression. Repression doesn't produce healthy individuals. This is basically you admitting you have paranoia that a lot of straight people are only straight due to pressure and that society will collapse if kids are aware of the existence of gay people and not encouraged to view gay people negatively. I don't get how you don't realize that lgbt adults who you hate were once kids who you put on a pedestal.

5. If Biden had made Ukraine sign a status quo ceasefire in late 2022 inflation and gas prices would have come down quicker. If he had halted arms sales to Israel the war in Gaza would have halted a long time ago. I could go on.

>What is with the INTENSE focus on pushing LGBT stuff onto children? Whether its drag queen story hour at libraries or inclusion of trans/gay literature in school libraries, pride weeks at school etc. A LOT of people hate this, especially parents, and I believe that this focus on kids only makes you look 10x worse.

Gay men =/= trans women. It is exclusively gay men who are going after your kids, and even then it's exclusively 30+ year old gay men who were raped as kids because they got kicked out at 13, because that's what you did with your gay kids at the time. Trans people literally do not care, they just want to live their life with an alleviation of their severely debilitating mental illness called "gender dysphoria" which has shown poor prognosis when treated through methods other than a gender transition.

>To those of you who are upset that trump will be in power (just to clarify I am too), do you understand that the USA is the #1 most progressive country on the planet when it comes to trans acceptance? Where the fuck do you plan to go that you think you'll be better off?

You do realize you said this immediately thereafter you stated that trannies are fucked in the US because Trump was elected? Either way, Western Europe and leafland. Seriously if you trannies come here and just say you want asylum, they won't even check for a few years and instead dump you with $250 a day. People here BARELY WORK for that much money, but here we give it to any border hopper in need.

You're so retarded to concede on trans kids getting medical care. Banning youth access to medical care is a soft ban on passing.

lilith luna anastasia octavia rhododendron lolita aphrodite morticia gertrude mildred

just some real examples of names trans women have chosen

a lot of trans people do care about trans kids it's just that it isn't a sex thing it's hon prevention

When people choose a new name for their new identity (Trans, nonbinary, etc) why the FUCK do so many pick the dumbest, most goofy nonsensical bullshit "names" when the goal I'd imagine is to both be taken seriously by your peers and society and have your identity validated?

most don't, and the ones who do are not doing it with the goal of fitting in.

Do you SERIOUSLY think that trans women (biological men) have any place in women's sports?

yes, trans women athletes perform like cis women athletes once they've had estrogen elevated and testosterone suppressed for a while. hormone levels are easily measured and it's totally reasonable for sports organizations to require estrogen and testosterone be within certain limits before accepting trans women as competitors.

If your answer is yes, does that mean you are okay with trans men (Biological women) being in mens sports, including violent sports like boxing, UFC, etc. where physical violence is the name of the game?

of course. why would that be a problem?

Why do you think democrats lost the election? Remember that democrats not only lost the election, but they also lost the popular vote as well as house and senate seats. Top democrats, and even transgender democrats involved believe it was from too hard of a focus on identity politics that don't resonate with the average american, and they will likely scale back on trans shit. Do you understand that you are headed towards an incredibly rough 10 or even 20 years?

1. kamala harris was a uniquely bad candidate, both in terms of personal likeability and in ability to run a campaign. she completely botched outreach to important base demographics in swing states like muslims in michigan. the "uncommitted" vote in both the michigan and wisconsin democratic primaries, which was a protest vote centrally about the biden-harris refusal to do or say anything substantive about palestine, was larger than the trump-harris gap in the general election.

These questions are all genuine in nature, and not intended/worded to troll or anything along those lines. Please take the time to answer one or all of them sincerely.

libs of tiktok tier wall of text follows

bone density matters in contact sports. trans women should not be in boxing matches with cis women, or if they are they should be put against opponents in a higher weight class than theirs

What is with the INTENSE focus on pushing LGBT stuff onto children? Whether its drag queen story hour at libraries or inclusion of trans/gay literature in school libraries, pride weeks at school etc. A LOT of people hate this, especially parents, and I believe that this focus on kids only makes you look 10x worse.

drag queen story hour is cis gay men performing for cis straight women who happen to bring their children along. it has nothing to do with trans people.

To those of you who are upset that trump will be in power (just to clarify I am too), do you understand that the USA is the #1 most progressive country on the planet when it comes to trans acceptance? Where the fuck do you plan to go that you think you'll be better off?

the best parts of latin america are better than the worst parts of the USA on trans issues, though obviously they have other problems. that said i have no plans to leave, i love this country and want to make it better, not flee it.

You're so retarded to concede on trans kids getting medical care. Banning youth access to medical care is a soft ban on passing.

I'm retarded to state clearly and openly that children transitioning is not a weird sexual deviant thing like conservacucks say but rather to appropriately label it as a demonized medical procedure that works?
Fuck you. Stop trying to ruin our optics by making sensible conclusions about being trans, and what that means for greater society, by trans people, seem transphobic or counter-productive.

That as well.

I think there should be a campaign made to basically flip the script (See: make the truth be obviously seen) about conservatives. I'm talking meme infographics showing the objective truth that Republicans keep legalizing fucking little girls. The GOP needs to be recognized as the "God (Bless) Our Pedos" party; replace the O with a spiral and the conservacuck mind will finally be freed of its propaganda-caused chains.

There have been memes like that going back some time, it's just that they don't go anywhere because republicans biologically are incapable of experiencing the emotion of shame

1) because the communist want to promote abnormality

2) transitioners are biologically intersex

3) because biden let mexico invade us and then gave up

4) its the republicans obsessed with censoring it. Actual lgbt community doesn’t care.

5) Spain

When it comes to stupid names, I in my real life and limited friend group/friend of friend group know a Spector, Aerith, Rain, and Lizard. Yes really.

mexico invaded us because
1) we annexed half of mexico
2) we trained all our men for soft office jobs and now they literally refuse to work in fields and factories and construction sites so hardy mexicans have to be hired in

mexico invaded my country so now im leaving to invade european mexico!


sorry when you said, pills questionlessly given to kids with endocrine issues I thought you meant kids being mis diagnosed as being trans when they had said issues and should get birth sex hormones or growth hormones. Given that only estradiol is administered via pill to my knowledge this was actually an understandable reading.

Im in favor of annexing mexico actually. I may be a chud tranny but im not racist. I just hate liberals. Farmers deserve to be citizens

holy shit based???
what if im a wonk liberal like a life liberty property liberal can i join your united states of north america project
i wanna be in the room when your guys gun down trudeau

I'll bite fuck it
Question 1:

imagine you are 13 again, what name do you pick. secondary, red car theory - you notice the names because they're commonly troon names.You aren't noticing the troons who are called Laura or Rose or some shite.

Question 2:

I personally don't care. I do believe trans men should be in men's sports, they're roiding.

Question 3:

inflation while pushing this shit. ppl don't care if they have bread or gas or if life's getting worse. this anti trans shit is controlled opposition to people realising that big gov, big business are in cahoots to make them pay more for less and worse while shipping their jobs to India and the thirdues because monopolistic TNCs have no national loyalty

Question 4:

See above. Is plot. Secondarily kids learn other people are different young, they accept it later

Kek no idea

You aren't noticing the troons who are called Laura or Rose or some shite.

Just want to clarify that yes we are. Everybody notices early-mid transition trans people, regardless of their chosen name. Most people just don't say anything because it's rude, but yes absolutely you are noticed and registered as trans every single time you leave your house if you don't pass completely.

There have been memes like that going back some time, it's just that they don't go anywhere because republicans biologically are incapable of experiencing the emotion of shame

I'd say it's because there was no real hatred going around back then. Nowadays there is hatred, because there is misery; there is starvation, there is homelessness, there is poverty, there is fear. People now know that they're one missed cheque away from being that "lazy bum" sleeping on the streets in -20 weather who may very well die that night.

So now what? Now we need to make it clear that the GOP, conservatism, reaganism, etc. are ideologies for pedophile rich people who get off to poor people suffering. People will get this nailed in through NO OVERTIME (XD) alone.

GOP, conservatism, reaganism, etc. are ideologies for pedophile rich people who get off to poor people suffering

Dude what?

does that mean you are okay with trans men (Biological women) being in mens sports, including violent sports like boxing, UFC, etc. where physical violence is the name of the game?

Shut the fuck up chud. I'm an aduly I can do whatever the hell I want.

just don't think any want to because it's suicide

I want to though.

Shut the fuck up chud. I'm an adult I can do whatever the hell I want.

Not for long you cant. Stockpile on HRT immediately.

My plan is to flee to Brazil. Better to learn BJJ from the homeland anyway.

Brazil is actually numero uno for trans violence. Source: Brazillian tranny I know.

Good luck though!

Good. I want to get into fights anyway. That's what the whole boxing and martial arts thing is about.
And I'm armed if anyone tries some real stupid shit.

I want to get into fights anyway.

Least masculine thing I've ever heard, and somebody who has never ever been in a real physical altercation in their lives ever.

Least masculine thing I've ever heard

How lol? There's a reason those sports are male dominated.

somebody who has never ever been in a real physical altercation in their lives ever

Well that's true. I've only sparred in controlled martial arts environments. I definitely crave more.

Because when you are in a real fight, you are either fighting to kill or maim/injure so you can flee and escape safely. Real fights and violence are not sport, there are no rules. The goal is to kill or be killed. NOBODY wants this, especially people who have had to do them before. I don't mean to be rude but I think you're a confused person who idealizes the stereotype of masculinity and is seeking something out that you do not understand and do not want. As a biofem who is transistioning to male, this is a "you think you do but you don't" scenario and I don't think you can comprehend what real violence is. Go do boxing, BJJ, kickboxing, whatever. Do NOT look for real fights and altercations. You will get your ass beat or worse.

seeking something out that you do not understand and do not want

I want to be a strongman. I want to be a protector to women and the weak, and to be able to beat up people when they deserve it. Imma be a cop/detective for a job. I want this because I got hurt as a kid and no one stood up for me, so I should go and try being the big guy for somebody else now.
I do get a kick out of fights too though admittedly. Bit of sadism I guess.

kill or maim/injure so you can flee and escape safely.

Well if anybody's pulling dumb shit like killing or maiming instead of a regular honest to god's fight, that's what weapons are for.


they're dumb


don't care

Why do you think democrats lost the election?

I voted against them

What is with the INTENSE focus on pushing LGBT stuff onto children?

jewish psyops. however i will say trans kids deserve hrt (afabs cant be trans though before you get scared of your retarded daughter cutting her tits off so that shouldnt be allowed)

do you understand that the USA is the #1 most progressive country on the planet when it comes to trans acceptance?

it is most definitely not, there are like 3 other countries ahead of the US and the only reason there isn't more is because of rainbow imperialism creating transphobia where there previously wasn't (japan)

You are so incredibly stupid and naive and I pray that you never ever make it as a law enforcement officer or similar for your own good. You write like a late teen early 20's woman and quite literally cannot grasp the concept of fighting/violence. As somebody who has been in real fights before, I /assure/ you, there is no such thing as a fair fight, no honor, no "okay you got me good GG" etc. You have to physically defend yourself from an attacker or multiple who are intending to gravely injure or kill you. Weapons are often involved, your life is at risk, etc. When you are okay with the idea of being stabbed, bludgeoned, and having your skull slammed onto concrete with your teeth shattered on the curb, AND being raped since you are likely smaller than them and you have a vagina, then maybe consider being an LEO. Until then, shut the fuck up and play sports.

Forgot to add to this. This is why the #1 think they will try to hammer in at any self defense/matial art course is conflict avoidance/descelation techniques etc. Fighting is a last resort.

>does that mean you are okay with trans men (Biological women) being in mens sports

there already are transmasc martial artist/athletes in male olympics they are weirdly looked over because people are more concerned to uphold that past weight there isnt much difference between men and women when it comes to performance