Hi Anon Babble, I'm a normal average guy (Cis, straight, white male in your terminology) coming to you with some questions. These questions are all genuine in nature, and not intended/worded to troll or anything along those lines. Please take the time to answer one or all of them sincerely.
When people choose a new name for their new identity (Trans, nonbinary, etc) why the FUCK do so many pick the dumbest, most goofy nonsensical bullshit "names" when the goal I'd imagine is to both be taken seriously by your peers and society and have your identity validated?
Do you SERIOUSLY think that trans women (biological men) have any place in women's sports? If your answer is yes, does that mean you are okay with trans men (Biological women) being in mens sports, including violent sports like boxing, UFC, etc. where physical violence is the name of the game?
Why do you think democrats lost the election? Remember that democrats not only lost the election, but they also lost the popular vote as well as house and senate seats. Top democrats, and even transgender democrats involved believe it was from too hard of a focus on identity politics that don't resonate with the average american, and they will likely scale back on trans shit. Do you understand that you are headed towards an incredibly rough 10 or even 20 years?
What is with the INTENSE focus on pushing LGBT stuff onto children? Whether its drag queen story hour at libraries or inclusion of trans/gay literature in school libraries, pride weeks at school etc. A LOT of people hate this, especially parents, and I believe that this focus on kids only makes you look 10x worse.
To those of you who are upset that trump will be in power (just to clarify I am too), do you understand that the USA is the #1 most progressive country on the planet when it comes to trans acceptance? Where the fuck do you plan to go that you think you'll be better off?