How do I tell someone I think they’re just a man wearing a wig
How do I tell someone I think they’re just a man wearing a wig
"nice wig, bro"
just tell them be open and honest.
Trannies discourage honest societies in favor of “little white lies” to spare feelings.
What’s actually the difference between this and a trans person
Trans women are male crossdressers who expect you to lie about their sex or be punished/ruined if you refuse to play along.
The difference is trans women don’t need female clothing or a fucking wig to get she/her’d, lmao
i have never done that in my life doebeit
Only the other nazis are killing Jews, I’m just manufacturing their weaponry.
You people need to be put in a meat grinder, and be made into burgers.
I think cattle should be replaced with the meat of every transphobe.
in what kinda context? is the hon a random person, a relative who doesn’t talk to u or someone who keeps telling u they look female according to themselves?
why do you permavirgins always think trans people are wearing wigs
also iphone poster
Not op but for me it just describes well how a lot of trannies look like, it's not about them actually wearing a wig
the average chud has military length hair, they can’t even comprehend the idea of biological males being able to have long hair cuz they don’t go outside so the only person they see with long hair is their mom who lives upstairs in the house above their “mancave”(basement)
play our word games or we will get violent
found the problem
anime pic
You’re the most abhorrently disgusting gender ideologue aren’t you
No, I'm hungry, not violent.
I'm also just suggesting ways we as humans, can be resourceful. Transphobe burgers sounds so good right now too.
Trans people are not humans, they are animals on par with cattle who behave as a herd.
"StAop TRAnsIng OuR kIdS"
"stOp iNvadIng WOmaNs spAcEs"
"AlL troOoNs shOuld mmm- DiE"
"DisgustiInG mo mmm- FrEak" *BRAP*
"YoU wIlL nEvEr Be a WoMoo- MooO"
"BaN alL gEnDer affiremmmM Mo MOOOO"
I'm so damn hungry. All i can hear is cattle, and an ocean of repetitive "moos".
Why is a sterilized bull a steer not a cow?
Oops meant to reply to
I love how conservatives are always like, I WOULD misgender trans people but they'll RUIN me if I do! like yep, all I have to do is go to HR and say a person misgendered me and they get fired. That's totally how it works right?
It’s not harassment to repeatedly refer to a male crossdressing colleague as he.
Uh, yeah, it's not? So do whatever you want with your life?
But the liklihood of you ever being in some professional setting where you have a "colleague" who is openly trans is so laughably low and the fact is HR would just resolve this by putting you guys in separate places and just telling the person who kept causing problems to stfu.
This is why I'm always anxious about wearing something too feminine in public. I can just hear the echo of my inner TERF yelling "Take off the womanface, you're embarassing yourself and insulting real women!" - meanwhile when I go out in normal jeans and a normal shirt and no makeup at all I get she/her'd and ma'amed constantly, in a conservative transphobic country, so I definitely pass.
She isn’t going to care about your retarded unsolicited opinion, I’m sure she’s heard worse on the daily. Also I highly suggest you kill yourself. I have some self harm tips if you want em!
Or people want to pretend men who go out of boundaries into fem at all are women specifically because they are conservative and would otherwise have to acknowledge the existence of feminine men who are not attracted to women.
take your meds anon...
1. I am attracted to women, am a transbian.
2. People always draw the line at changing rooms and bathrooms.
Well, people point me to and sometimes literally shove me into women's locker rooms and bathrooms based on my jeans-and-t-shirt appearance.
You can't say this is pretend-play. I pass. I had to accept that as just a fact of my life now.
Are you attracted to other transbians?
Only pretty and passing ones. Which is rare in my transphobic country due to the lack of teenage transitions - so luckshits like myself only.
Insisting you pass on an anonymous website is a bit insane.
If only that were true
(Also, can I have those sh tips you mentioned pls)
go away
No, fuck off.
just say it