Males do better on math
Females do better on language
Average female overall score is higher than average male overall score
Despite this, most of the exceptional overall scorers are male
What were your highest math and language SAT scores?
Males do better on math
Females do better on language
Average female overall score is higher than average male overall score
Despite this, most of the exceptional overall scorers are male
What were your highest math and language SAT scores?
i got a perfect score...
Are you mtf or ftm
Darn. I wish we could swap places. I got a 1570 superscored, but I got a perfect 800 on the language test and a 770 on the math.
t.ftm repressor
i got a 2400 on the SAT is it over for me (mtf) :(
What test are you taking? The SAT only goes up to 1600.
I'm genuinely wondering if poons or troons score higher
Ib scores but 7 in everything except history and english
idk what an SAT is but im failing out of a linguistics degree and the thought of doing mathematics makes me want to kms
I got a great job with my linguistics degree if you have any questions. I got into text analytics jobs and really like it. If you don't like it, definitely switch majors, but if you think you can stick with it, it's growing in demand if you're interested in data jobs
I'm 4 years in and still haven't passed year 1 + 2. I also don't know what I would change to. I have to pass a bunch of elective classes to progress to Year 3 but I can't do it, it's just too boring.
What were your highest math and language SAT scores?
700 on Math, 750 on English
the math I was at a bit of a disadvantage though because I went to a pretty bad school and there were 3 or 4 questions on there about concepts that they straight up didn't teach and I didn't like study for the test at all since I was just going to the state uni anyway so I didn't know they'd be there going into it
even if I got all those English still would've been higher I think. But ended up doing CS in college anyway. My favorite course ended up being the linguistics one so maybe it still checks out
It was out of 2400 for like 10 years. I took it in 2013, got a 2360 (my 760 in math pulling me down)
Perfect 36 on the ACT though ;)
t. mtf
i did pretty shit on it in general lol
i forgot my scores since i'm 30 lol
I did really good on the reading/grammar part but really bad at the writing part. I think standardized tests just expect you to write a paint by numbers essay and punish you if you actually try to write something decent
800 english n 770 math first time, 790 english n 800 math the second. first time i was shitfaced n puking during the bathrm breaks.
haha wow cool i am the most retarded person on this board and my intellect as the one thing that was good about me was always a lie after all wow so neat so rad
dw it stops mattering after 30 anyways
ultimately you either die or get access to anti aging, that's the only real test in life
just hurts to hear people getting perfect scores drunk and shit when i wouldve had to study a lot to get one (and didnt because i'm way more useless than i ever was smart). if i was smarter i could fix the apocalypse and save the world but my brain is useless and devoid of willpower or intellect.
ultimately you die or get access to anti aging
knowing me i will die of preventable causes one year before aging is cured for everyone. that would be fair punishment for my behaviors anyway, i don't deserve a place in the kingdom of heaven
Never took the SAT
Got a 29 on the ACT
Failed like 5 classes in high school (covid years)
Did 2 years in community college and got into my state's flagship university ;)
I don't understand how people do good in high school. It's fucking prison.
I didn't take the SAT
i wasn't allowed to take the sat ._.b
I got mid 1400s, marginally better on english.
My school was kind of bad though so I'm happy with that.
Like we only had 3 of the AP classes. I took 2 of them, had around 20-25 students each. We asked how common past scores were. In most years the highest score is a 3 and only 1 or 2 kids get it. In one of the classes one year a kid got a 4 and it was considered a total anomaly.
I got a 4 in biology and 5 on calculus, so I feel I did pretty good for my circumstances, but maybe I'm just coping
i did good in high school because i had no friends and was a teachers pet and they all thought i was a bright little bean so when i inevitably submitted every assignment late i still got full credit >:]
Epic. I didn't fucking care.
You expect me to give a fuck when everyone is online?
Also I had no friends so no support.
it was 2400 until a some yrs ago, i took it in probably like 2015 or 2016
that's real. it's very hard to care especially without encouragement. i made myself teachers pet and put energy into school because the only thing i ever really cared about was getting to a good college. then i ended up dropping out of college so fat lot of good that did me lmao
sorry test taking is a stupid fucking measurement anyway. my iq makes me supposedly smarter than 99.9% of people but im a failure of a human being im ngl i cant even cook a meal or drive a car. if i had to work even a min wage job like at mcdonalds or smth i dont have a long enough attention span to not tune out during a conversation with a customer, id literally kms if i didnt have my chill wfh job. my """intelligence""" doesnt actually benefit me in any way besides making me good at tests, which hasnt mattered in yrs since becoming an adult lol theres way more to being a good/successful person or doing smth with your life than knowing the answers on a stupid fuckin test i promise
thought a bit about this, and just wanna say thank you for the reality check. you right.
intelligence matters but (especially past a point) it isn't everything. i was literally sat here in this thread bitching and moaning about having a top 99% brain instead of a 100% bestbrainever instead of doing my uni homework, it doesn't matter what my test scores were that's still stupid behavior.
if i want to save the world i should be using what brain i have to do my homework and make my money and put it to use fixing shit with active effort, not sitting around lamenting. you made the best of your gifts and faults and got a good job and i should make my own version of that.
so, i will do that! thanks anon
I think I got like a 1560? don't remember the breakdown. all the ppl I know who got higher scores were girls who's parents forced them into prep classes lol
How the fuck are all thess trannies smarter than me?
trannyism is a fire that burns bright and short.
statistically far above average IQs, but if they stay men they rope, and if they take estrogen it gives them brain damage and dementia by 60s.
truly the most blessed and cursed of existences
Kind of funny
if they take estrogen it gives them brain damage and dementia by 60s.
i wish it wasn't true but evidence has been mounting.
my research is preliminary but from what i've found it seems like going to low E levels after T is sufficiently removed and initial few years of transition changes end, plus maintaining high progesterone levels, might be a solution for mtfs. not sure about ftms.
the growing consensus seems to be that (cis or trans) testosterone is neurotrophic, estrogen is neuroprotective at lower levels and neurotrophic at high levels, and progesterone even at way elevated levels is neuroprotective.
cis men it would seem get less dementia than cis women because their T drops and they get estrogen from aromatase interaction with remaining T, while women get lowered E and prog but elevated T causing higher dementia rates.
trans women on high E for decades (especially if they aren't also on a lot of prog) seemingly may be damaging their brains.
i tried to make a thread about this the other day but i phrased it as "i'm thinking of just being a eunuch" for meme engagement and it backfired and got no replies
knowing me i will die of preventable causes one year before aging is cured for everyone. that would be fair punishment for my behaviors anyway,
that's what everyone says and fears. the test of life isn't fair, but it is pass/fail
any success or good fortune you have in life goes away immediately when you die, and if you live long enough then all of our unique individuality is replaceable and forgettable
i don't deserve a place in the kingdom of heaven
the kingdom of heaven ain't real and nobody deserves anything
as long as you're alive you're still in the game. if you're a drooling retard or a literal criminal rapist who lives to see anti-aging and transhumanism fix your body, you're no better or worse than anyone else
okay apparently testosterone can also have neuroprotective effects, but it's also associated in some way with dementia in castrated vs uncastrated men and in the dementia difference between elderly men and women? this shit is really complicated.
but one thing we know is that something about the way we are currently administering hrt seems to be causing people brain damage in the long term :/
it doesn’t really matter. I scored a 1470 after like two days of practice, 3.9gpa, took dual enrollment college classes junior&s emile year, cofounder of the chess club, etc and still ended up getting super lazy end of senior year and just went to community college. And thank god for that because living in the real world woth normal people reveals really quickly how unimportant raw intelligence is. For me, it doesn’t matter how good i am at figuring out problems or working through issues if I can’t communicate them with people. Use your smarts to get a happy life, not to compare it with other people through arbitrary metrics. Fwiw, Im going to nursing school and will use my “intelligence” on stuff I like such as chess.
test taking is stupid
my iq test proves im smart
notice how i said "supposedly" and put """intelligence""" in quotes cuz i genuinely believe that shit is all similarly pointless. i was just tryna help someone not beat themselves up over it dont put words in my mouth
extremely based post
SAT is the American test I believe, but as FtM I did better in maths, in fact I was awarded a scholarship for maths, but on the other hand, I was awarded in Spanish second language as well. "Language" in the OP refers to English (first language, literature etc.), right?
I scored <1500 on the SAT (born a chick) and fuck, i’m a DUMBASS. Like no joke I
Still don’t have my multiplication tables memorized (Ask me 6x8 and my brain is GONE)
Learned to tie my shoes in 5th grade
Still can’t read a clock or name the months in order
Can’t remember road rules very well
Just generally inept at a lot of daily life
SAT scores are legitimately not a benchmark for intelligence. Everyone I know classes me as the dumbest person ever
You literally just have dyspraxia, man.
I mean i’d consider something like that (esp cause everyone i know also thinks i’m autistic) But there’s just soooo many things that i fuck up with. Like remembering to do things? Absolutely not. Remembering all the flags? Sure. Like I struggle so much with basic tasks that other people do naturally yk?
800 math 710 r&w
its so over iwnbaw :(
Chicks that r good at math are hot tho