Invite lonely trans girl to online friend group server

invite lonely trans girl to online friend group server

first few weeks are good and she’s making friends

she starts posting trans related memes

she now spams trans girl memes constantly even though she’s the only trans girl in the server

everyone else is annoyed by it but doesn’t want to confront her

I don’t want to kick her out because she’s not a bad person but goddamn

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God what an autistic wretch.

Just tell her privately so she can learn something hopefully.

I can't imagine ever drawing attention to the fact that I'm trans around cis people or even other trans people. It's so gross and weird and autistic.

And yet, you'll ask

"Why do Right Wingers oppose the "my transition is EVERYONE'S issue!" mentality that is commonplace?"

Rent free 24/7 even trannies think about themselves less

I think she does have autism so I do feel bad for her a bit

someone is annoying

we need to genocide these people

You’re a fucking retard

Why are you so aggressive?

have u tried asking her to stop?

invite retard

he acts retarded

non retards are pissed off

gee I wonder how this couldve been avoided. daily reminder that entertaining mentally ill people in costumes will only create opportunities for it to worsen, with you now involved in the issue

autistic wretch

I genuinely hope you kill yourself

What’s wrong with what they said

you are guaranteed to be a more unpleasant presence than some cringe tranny

Because sometimes it's necessary to correct people.

pleasant is subjective, some people like me some dont. sex is objective, some people will play along with lies to emotionally support the mentally ill but everyone can see youre a man

You probably won’t get why it’s blood boiling unless you’re severely autistic yourself and have had to endure a lifetime of constant abuse and torment for no reason other than you committed the terrible sin of being born with a defective brain. The people in this thread are angry at a lonely autistic girl for trying to connect with people in the only way she knows how.

OP said he isn’t going to kick her and feels bad for her

They’re handling this sperg in the most kiddie glove manner possible and it’s still not enough for you

Uh huh cuz you have no empathy and can’t think for a few minutes how shitty this is. And plus who really cares anyway, why should someone get kicked for that? How much of a pampered gated community upper class faggot do you have to be for “someone posting some cringey memes” to be such a problem for you?

Just tell her her memes are mid and cringe and she needs to start posting animal memes instead

being autistic is fine, im autistic and recieve support for it to manage my weirdness, the issue is becoming a tranny and dumping your issues on the public instead of seeking actual mental health care to manage those issues yourself. you can be autistic without being a full blown retard/tranny

its the only way he knows how to attention seek though!!!!

if you cant cope, then rope

LITERAL transphobic retard lmfaooo

if you're shitty to be around people won't want to be around you, it's not rocket science. It's not the specific type of things you're doing to be annoying, it's the fact that you're being annoying and snapping at people when they acknowledge it

You seem like a good person. You should get off Anon Babble. These people are vile


you can be autistic without being a full blown retard

Autism is a serious disability, it’s not just quirky adults with pink hair and liberal arts degrees who film themselves “stimming” on TikTok, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If you are autistic then you are by definition a retard and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I genuinely don’t understand what you’re trying to say but whatever, kill yourself, I’m going to rape you, I hope you die, etc etc etc ….

nta and you're generally right but getting upset by ppl using "autistic" in an insulting manner and then using "retard" in an insulting manner is kinda silly

I unironically consider myself retarded and I use retard as a slang so that’s not what I was mad about, at all.

kill yourself, I’m going to rape you, I hope you die,

Anon I’m starting to think the reason people don’t like you isn’t because you’re autistic but because you’re a very unpleasant person…

bit of a cope response but yeah I know what you're mad about, I'm not retarded
go off my ableist queen

Wait why is the SS capitalized in your name?

no its ok because they can say or do whatever with no consequence or responsibility because theyre just a lil heckin retawd :'(

embarrassing dumb nigger post

Lmfao retard isn't a clear cut diagnosis it's an internet insult are you that fucking stupid? Plenty of people have autism, if autism just makes you think of stimming and TikTok you're probably uneducated and unintelligent. I never said anything about quirks, it's a disability that impacts my social mental and emotional skills, so I take responsibility by explaining myself honestly to people and trying my best to overcome what I struggle with instead of demanding people larp with me so I can hide from struggling
ikr trannies scream before they think, at least it makes them funny

I'm a bad person ironically!!!

second anon is right, u got issues bro have fun dreaming of rape and murder, most people are more interested in personal growth and supporting other decent people. Also you can use retarded as slang but it just shows you prioritize having fun being a piece of shit, over respecting other people or getting your point across properly

at least it makes them funny

I mean you post like an unfunny bitter faggot so I'm not sure if I can trust your take

No you’re the stupid one actually, “mental retardation” was an actual medical diagnosis and I honestly prefer to call myself retarded than “”neurodivergent”” and have my disability associated with high functioning and high masking adults. I can tell that you’re a stupid moid just from your posts, the unfounded narcissistic levels of confidence where it’s not deserved and getting extremely early intervention for your autism screams male socialized. You’re not any better than me just cuz you can make eye contact, sorry.

Yeah I guess am lmfao but it’s annoying that other people are allowed to insult me and tell me all kinds of horrible shit but as soon as I bite back then I’m a terrible person. Also I do have friends, ya know, people who actually treat me with respect and I give them the same in return… wow shocker right!!

no offense but you seem like you would benefit from a risperdal prescription

I prefer Adderall

addy's great, vyvanse is better
maybe a benzo would be better since you can just tuck some ativan under your tongue and ur angry brain melts away

Yeah I popped a benzo this morning lol honestly downers and opioids are only okay to me, like I’ll do them every once in a while to just chill by myself but I vastly prefer stimulants

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chill by myself

hmm maybe that is part of the problem here

It WAS a diagnosis, before people realized it was stupid offensive and inaccurate so they moved past it. Except for you, I guess. Good people transitioned to more accurate labels, one might say, not that you respect that when it doesnt benefit you lol. Again, picking your own language preferences over respecting others even including marginalized groups, congrats on being a selfish piece of garbage. Also hilarious you're assuming my genitals and attacking me for it, I thought that was a hate crime in tranny land, extra funny because I have a vagina. A real one. From birth. Assuming assuming assuming. I didn't get handed shit as a teen and still dont have an official diagnosis, I ran away from home got a job and am pursuing my health care in my 20s as an independent adult. No one mentioned eye contact, you're still making weird random claims about me to avoid the reality of this being about the way you treat other people (badly) so you can benefit while blaming the tism lol u suck, maybe ppl would insult you less if you weren't so awful
Incapable mentally ill people should be put in a nice locked room with coloring books and their pill bottles to play nicely together like you guys, far away from normal people living functional lives

How can you be like that and not feel bad were you molested or something?

I didn’t read all that, you’re boring. I’m happy for you man, or I’m sorry that happened

make another group with everyone except the autist tranny

let the original one die

move on and stop helping people next time

Ehh not really, I literally don’t have any privacy I share a room with my partner. When I say “chilling by myself” I just mean like hanging out at home and not going to the club or sumthin

the medications are a good chunk of what makes me functional and that functionality allows for therapy, which, in turn, allows for less need for medication. like, I'm literally telling the dude to take an ativan to chill out. regaining functionality.

normal people

what about your post here is supposed to convince me that you're normal

Lmaooo trannies can only insult or flee from the truth, sorry you ran out of insults and had to resort to a pretend-smug meme to run away with whatever pride you've got left, loser
I acknowledge reality and work through it, you guys screech and tell each other to take pills to compensate for how broken you are. I'm not the most normal, everyone's a little weird, you guys are just particularly bad because you enable and spiral instead of acknowledging or growing

Ignore him he’s just a poltard coming here to start shit for attention. Don’t they realize that getting bombarded with constant “tran bad” posts is just straight up boring and annoying?

instead of acknowledging or growing

uh, the first line in my post there talks about therapy. is going to therapy then not an explicit acknowledgment that you need help? personal growth is the entire point of therapy in the first place. if not, then what the hell is it for?

I'm not the most normal

I can say for certain that if I were to take a screenshot of this
and send it to my brother, who is very much a normie, and ask him what he thinks about it, he would think it's insane

assuming Im a man bc I don't fit your sexist nugender roles

name calling

ignore/denial of reality

the pottery of trannydom never ends

Just going to therapy doesn't fix everything dumbass, still self centered, no thoughts of other people or the long term future. "I did one good thing, that justifies being shitty now bc oh well i tried lol" Just what makes you feel good immediately. Taking responsibility doesn't count if you do the minimum to get what you want and still refuse to improve after

have you ever gone to therapy and if so, how long did you see the same therapist for

autism makes me think of a few people I know who are clearly seriously mentally defective and who as a result will never live a normal adult life
is that what you wanted?

this is me, leaving the thread now, gotta get to bed, going out for breakfast with family tomorrow before mom leaves town
you could probably benefit from some therapy too, but then again

Just going to therapy doesn't fix everything dumbass, still self centered, no thoughts of other people

no thoughts of other people

if it's a waste on people who think nothing of others then perhaps not

I've lost track of the number of therapists doctors, meds, social/support groups, etc that I've experienced, probably the longest was counselors in various long term housing programs, especially the disabled youth program I was in front 17 until I aged out at 23. I currently have 2 doctor, one social worker, and maybe be connecting with another new group. Taking responsibility is hard, but easier with professional support, and kindness from similar people
No you're just a hateful loser, autism impacts people in many different ways some good some bad, if you have some all encompassing hate and assumption that all autismos are "seriously mentally defective" and all function the same (bad) way, that's a you problem

Sweet dreams, remember that therapy helps but doesn't compensate entirely for self awareness or personal responsibility

I currently have 2 doctor, one social worker, and maybe be connecting with another new group

keep at it bub, wishing the best for you
you should screencap some of the posts you've made here and show them to the social worker. see what they think about you talking about "hate crimes in tranny land" or whatever

but doesn't compensate entirely for self awareness

saving this sweet, sweet irony for a midnight snack
get a grip

The metaphorical "hate crime in tranny land" was referring to something someone else said negatively about trannies. I pointed out that was shitty to say. Even in the rare instance where i point out how not to offend trannies, they still take offense. Yall crazy
I'm self aware of my positives and negatives, I just don't hide my negatives to become a parody, so people like you think I lack self awareness because YOUR self awareness is rooted in being aware of how people perceive you so you can adjust your pretend act to influence them. My self awareness is on the goals I want to achieve and how im acting to accomplish them, like calling out tranny bullshit to combat it when i can, i don't give a fuck if stupid people don't like how I do it. The only place no one will hate you is a mentally ill echo chamber, like when trannies circle jerk about being valid qweenz. I live in the real world where some ppl like me and some don't, no need to shit any pants over it

I regret making this thread

if it makes you feel any better it's not really about your discord friend. people here are just like this and would be having these retarded arguments with baitchuds on some other thread if you hadn't made a post

True, trannies are disgusting and will always be frowned upon and mocked, but this was a particularly funny setup to watch troon melt downs, thanks for the fun thread bro

YOUR self awareness is rooted in being aware of how people perceive you so you can adjust your pretend act to influence them

my self awareness is on the goals I want to achieve and how im acting to accomplish them

okay so let me see if I understand this properly
my self-awareness is predicated on being aware of what other people think of me and changing my behavior as needed, and that, to you, is either a lack of self-awareness or the wrong kind of self-awareness
your self-awareness is predicated on the goals you want to achieve and how you're acting to accomplish them, and that, to you, is either indicative of self-awareness or is the right kind of self-awareness

is all of that accurate? if so, then imo you should seriously show a therapist, your social worker, or your new support group some of the posts you make on this board. I'm not being facetious here or trying to wreck you or anything like that, this is genuine concern. you seem to be ignoring or possibly unaware of how actually insane your posts itt are.
that's assuming you haven't just been projecting this entire time and are spending your saturday night triggering yourself and rageposting about combating tranny bullshit or whatever. I'll say again: get a fucking grip. what a loser.

Still just name calling and rage. You have no information. No thoughts. I bet your brain is just rushing emotion and bright pictures like a kids cartoon. And wow you are really struggling with the self awareness thing damn. We're are both aware of ourselves in different prioritized ways. You focus on what you look like so you can lie and get things out of people. I focus on what I'm doing so I can manage my responsibilities independently. You are aware of yourself, but you use that information to play mind games to make OTHER people unaware of who you are. You know who you are, deep down. That's why you try to hide it. Mostly behind aggression and name calling, what are you, 14? Also the genuine concern line LMAO if you're gonna be pretentious and manipulative at least get fresh material instead of cliche one liners no one takes seriously

why do you sin so unrepentantly? do you care not for your spirit?

My spirit is fueled and inspired by combating bad people so they have less influence on the future, if the truth is sinful for you, have fun playing pretend

lost track

long term housing programs

disabled youth program

2 doctor

one social worker

new group

not seriously mentally defective

would you believe I manage to be an adult with zero special doctors or therapists?

Congrats, some people have actual struggles in life beyond crying over gender fashion and have to work through them with medical care and dedication over time. Pretty much anyone can go to therapy even just for feeling tired, it doesn't make you bad or less capable such as weirdos dressing up as another sex and larping instead of recognizing what personal struggles they need to work on. Everyone has issues, not everyone solves theirs, if you think you're perfect you're probably unaware of what you could be working on or striving for and will have the same issues forever

what makes a tranny bad

and some people have serious mental problems that cause them to require help
why do you deny that you are one of them?

bad people

christ brought the chance for salvation to ALL

bad influences

so fight cruelty and perversion, leave normal ones and their medicine alone.


what truth, that i am innately disgusting for existing? sounds like a satanic lie to me

I dont deny my mental illness, but I alsobacknowledged the strength I have and the work I've done to deal with my mental health. It's not my fault trannies would rather cry and jerk off while wondering why they never get any better
The way they hurt themselves and other people because dressing the way they like isn't enough and they need special treatment at the cost of other people
Holy shit you believe in the magic man in the sky haha you're extra dumb, no wonder you have no sense of accountability, you think a magical creature will save you from the harsh laws of life as long as you follow easier manmade rules that dumb it (and you) down lololololol. Also yes you are disgusting, also annoying and a social burden

even doe following christ has literally proven time and time again to help people

you dont have to have faith in sky daddy, you can have faith in values, while my children will be reminiscient of an undersanding nurturing spirit and will learn that hate corrupts, your children will still be scrambling to collect your bong

you think a magical creature will save you from the harsh laws of life

you probably won't believe me on this but i am also an objectivist. i view objectivism and christianity as compatible and both lead towards transition as the solution to dysphoria.
i don't care if you think of me as a woman or a man whatsoever i just make objective judgements about how to live a good and prosperous and useful life

you are disgusting, also annoying and a social burden

what do you do for a living anon?

autism impacts people in many different ways

some good

can you explain what you think some of these good ways are? i can't think of any positive effects it's had on my life. i'm not even intelligent which is the usual cope that i don't really believe in

autistic hyperfocus is a powerful tool (especially if audhd), it is a burden that can be transformed into a superpower by learning to aim it.
as a "high functioning" autist that is the only thing keeping me productive ever

I do have faith in values, pretty shitty to assume people don't just because they don't support your sky daddy. I have faith in greater powers that connect us all, through the connections we make over time, and the greater powers we unknowingly interact with every time we do anything, consistently shaping our future on and potentially off this earth, if we happen to become something else upon death. People can nurture and love without manipulating and playing pretend, unlike people like you, if you need a fictional character to accomplish the task of honesty and love. Mindless hate would corrupt if you were sitting alone thinking angry thoughts like some weirdo praying the gay away, but active confrontation can bring joy and progress for future children as a whole even after brief struggle to get there, like actually speaking or doing things in the real world to make a difference. Your children can be reminiscent of you indulging yourself but left with only similar delusional emotional emptiness, mine would be supported in building their own happiness with actual skills and resources
Transition may help your dysphoria/feelings but that still boils down to you acting selfish and stupid to feel good no matter how it impacts others. It's clear you don't care, you're a very selfish ignorant type. I was a sales team leader for a local bakery, made schedules to donate leftovers to charities and schedules for myself and other staff to work day shifts, until my health got so bad I've been unemployed in and out of hospital. I still freelance stuff like art but that's not a real job, and my health isn't improving enough to return to a 40 hour work week, so I'm talking with social services about work from home jobs reserved for disabled people who WANT to work but can't always be physically able to get up and move around on specific days. No matter how I'm slowed down, I will always strive to move forward.

She needs another trans person (man or woman) to tell her to tone it down.

I see through a lot of social bullshit and am able to have very honest and sincere conversations with people who otherwise get very caught up in social queues and routines that I simply don't connect with. Also cliche stuff like hyper fixating on tasks so i can work passionately on things for long periods of time where other people get tired or pissed off. I'll write an essay for fun or just to get my head organized, no one else will even read it, but then they're all shocked and impressed by how organized and confident I am about that topic later, because I figured my shit out independently beforehand
Absolutely true, you need to transform it with self awareness and hard work, but it can be a blessing at times

if anything i'd say that's one of the worst things for me, i get so caught up in things that i neglect literally everything else in my life, including even the most basic of what most people consider basic hygiene

just learn to use it

i think i would literally need a retard minder, honestly

some people like me some dont.

Anon, do you really believe that it's normal to have a significant amount of people in your interpersonal relations dislike you?

it's fine by the way you gave your answers which is what i wanted i'm not badgering for advice too

I use alarms and notes a lot because I do the same. Also association and patterns helps things stick in my brain, routines help a lot, keeping things consistent while acknowledging what you still struggle with so you can organize external support to keep yourself on track. It's not "just" learning, learning is very hard, but also very worth it
I don't hang out with people who dislike me you idiot, I acknowledge the reality, treat them with respect, maybe improve myself if I did something shitty and they're justified being annoyed, then I go hang out with people i simply vibe better with after learning and growing from people i dont. You can dislike people without hiding your feelings or taking them out on people.

mister anon isnt transition good for yourself the same way taking care of yourself is?

No, just like how people who think self care is drinking their feelings away or spending their money impulse shopping for fun despite not being able to afford it. Some things seem ideal and make you feel good, maybe even solves a few issues, but is still harmful to yourself and other people in the long run. Taking care of yourself INCLUDES considering the future.

mister anon, isn't transitioning literally encompassing that though? including the fact you are literally thinking of the future?

Hasn't transitioning quite literally been proven to maintain mental states and help people through tough times otherwise difficult to fix?

You're just picking the parts you like and ignoring what you don't. Tranny logic. I'm sure there are some cases where playing pretend for the rest of your life WILL make you happier, but it'll also support a culture where 51% of the people aiming for that happiness will off themselves, and there are plenty of healthy ways for you to take responsibility for yourself without self destruction or potentially harming, or at the very least annoying, innocent people with your hyper focus on what makes YOU feel good. Planning for the future doesn't help if you plan to be a selfish moron, it'll make selfish morons feel good tho so it'll fix their issues at everyone elses expense I guess, hence why most people hate trannies

but it'll also support a culture where 51% of the people aiming for that happiness will off themselves

lol, misinformed and autistic, classic.

Most of what you said was practically filler, you didn't really say anything. Most of what I said was backed by reason and logic. Also, I need inform you that your statistic is based on suicidal ideation, and suicidal ideation by external factors or internal ones such as GD. But regardless, I'm not sure how transitioning supports a culture? It's for yourself after all. Again, it is not proven that taking care of GD the same way one should take care of Depression actually medically works. So again, your point lands in the water. Okay actually, sorry for being condescending, I can tell you have an ounce of humanity in you, but please tell me how taking care of yourself is being a selfish moron? There are plenty of places where people aren't transphobic, so people aren't really affected by that kind of stuff. People just have taboos, who gives a shit? Life is about giving out and taking bread, not doing what other people tell you to.

I'm not sure how engaging in a culture supports a culture

You're unintelligent and can't understand the bigger picture you're a part of and the way you impact others

talking about taking responsibility for yourself so you don't hurt others is so unimportant to you it's just "filler"

You're unkind and inconsiderate which is probably why you're so delusional and desperate to change yourself with some kind of miracle cure since you cant manage work or honesty (responsibility/accountability works better than larping as a woman fyi)

acktually the specific number of troons offing themselves is-

It was a joke pointing at how suicide is prevelant in your shithole community, if you're more focused on exact numbers you can bitch over than deaths of real people go fuck yourself

how am I a selfish moron???

Because you hurt others for personal gain and are too stupid to see it when it's pointed out for you

some people are nice to trannies!!

People are also nice to severely mentally handicapped people out of pity and kindness for suffering souls, or to get attention on social media, or they reasonably fear the real threat of tranny rage if they don't play along. Life is about giving and taking, and if you keep giving to mentally ill freaks who want to bleed everyone dry to fill the void in themselves, you're better off avoiding them and investing in better people

Anon, if it smells like shit everywhere, check your shoe.

continued to not say anything

How do trannies hurt others? Again, some people have taboos, who cares. You never explain anything all you do is cry and get mad when I can't piece together your diatribes. Just chill out bro it's not that deep... Maybe one day you can formulate a response that can hold up when you present it to normal people

also still didn't refute anything I said about transitioning actually working so lmfao I guess (without my mouth moving and just mild amusement)

At what point did I say I was a tranny either?

I've stated many shitty things trannies do, I keep explaining the same shit and it never sticks. You're incompetent. Trans people invade peoples spaces, make unreasonable demands, and hurt people when they don't get their way. Let alone bathroom/children concerns or women's sports. The list goes on even if you ignore it again. I keep my responses consistent because they connect with wise and hard working people while sensitive selfish and ignorant types shit their pants when they get called out or just bitch and whine because they're too stupid to understand. And yes, I already stated the specific benefits transitioning has vs the specific harm it can cause and why it's harmful to everyone overall, you're incapable of processing it I guess. I don't really care if you're a tranny, people always assume I'm a dude on here, we're anons your identity doesn't matter and people will make assumptions, get over yourself. I act manly i guess, and you act like a manipulative selfish idiot, so like a tranny. What matters is you keep ignoring shit and repeating the same garbage. I'm probably going to sleep soon I'm tired of repeating the same things over and over to a moron, re read the thread or die stupid I guess, if clear cut information on an issue, the cause of it and the impact it has on people is nothing to you, no one can help you

Okay you said atleast a sentence, I think you should realize that random disgusting reddit trannies is not a proper example of a sensible person. You are silly to talk to, I will go to sleep as well, but again, the pros of transitioning outweigh the cons really honestly due to again, helping the person, which is y'know, the whole point of taking care of your mind.

Going back swiftly, no, I dont agree with drag queens with children or womens sports or whatever, the bathroom thing is a whole other issue but it frankly doesnt matter, you just have this idea of trannies as giant hulking men or whatever, I could care less, until we start performing indepth analyzation to see how many trannies actually pass, it's dumb to convince someone who is in complete belief.

Blah blah blah, transitiong is actually LE good for you if you have the proper mental problems associated with it being treated, there is limited evidence to suggest that there is other available treatment for GD besides lithium carbonate maybe, and if you really care about impacting society, just transition in stealth and then when you pass, just refer to urself as a female. So like yeah, thats that I guess. Again, I don't like vocally annoying reddit trannies and do not support them very much, I just like to uplift cute troons.

You are still selfish and ignorant. What you "agree with" doesnt matter here, you still won't acknowledge the world outside your LARP bubble. Also youre clearly more focused on bullshit that you want to believe, not facts youve observed and considered realistically. All you have is emotional bullshit and distractions. You will always be a failure, and trannies will always be a burden to themsleves and others, even if you deny it. Sleep well, you'll be the same sad sack of shit tomorrow and trannies will be just as disgusting in the bigger picture you just can't wrap your head around. The circle of life continues

no sourceirinos so you lost, science wins. Bonus points to me as well because you got mad PLUS you gave up

I’m autistic and you sound fucking annoying and I hate you. Since I have a difficult time realizing when I’m being annoying and I don’t read the room well I actually prefer if people just straight up tell me to knock something off. It’s easier that way

Were arguing on Anon Babble why the fuck would I site sources or commit to talking to you? My words are mostly intended for OTHER people to read and learn, you STILL seem blissfully unaware of how things can impact people in the vicinity, including witnessing your stupidity from the sidelines and learning silently. You live up your own asshole and dont notice a lot, it seems. at the very least, youve taught me more about what issues your community has and what not to take seriously with you people. If your greatest joy in life is repeating yourself on Anon Babble until people give up on you have fun I guess, I prefer making statements to make change in myself and the world to improve things. Have fun doing the same shit forever while more people give up on you. Funny that's the best you can manage in life but you do you I guess

I have no reason to read and learn from a scholar whos words are provided from a sunken, dirtied website. If you want to get to know each other, I'll listen, but to think your words hold any meaning without evidence on an anonymous website, no, even in real life, is stupid. laugh, love, lmao.

also youre just plain mean, dont say "i can be mean whenever I want..." or anything gay along that lines, I don't care, I am pointing that out to you. . .

were arguing on Anon Babble why the fuck would I site sources or commit to talking to you?

you have been committed to talking me... for the like, last 2 hours... okay?

I'm going to baby proof this for you:

You are not the priority

I am not trying to communicate with you specifically

Evidence exists even if you ignore it

I had been enjoying the last 2 hours because I was expressing myself but hadn't yet reached the point of repeating things over and over

Now it's getting repetitive and I don't care anymore, you can just re read

Trannies are men and will never be accepted by people who aren't as willfully delusional as you are

Hopefully that was simple and to the point enough for you

Evidence exists even if you ignore it

the amount of evidence I have used is in a larger amount compared to yours, therefore I win because my claims are better backed.

Trannies are men and will never be accepted by people who aren't as willfully delusional as you are

I think passoids are more like women, but I can understand if you feel this way about hons.

I feel it was very simple enough to the point, it didn't have any silly filler either. Thank you, I saved atleast maybe 3 seconds on that and now I can go back to watching youtube while I timidly await your next response or fall asleep and then forget about this the next day.

Re read if you're still confused. Reply again because all you have in life is the last word in a Anon Babble thread. Have fun being unintelligent but dedicated.

re rea-ack

i've finally reduced you to saying absolutely nothing at all. Your words slide off my smoothbrained as you finally, concede, and realize the truth, the truth, provided by me. (which you still havent disproven btw just in case you were wondering)