what's it like being trans in australia?
What's it like being trans in australia?
its pretty good nowadays, the past decade has seen a lot of legal progress on id/gender/youth transition laws. americans should move here
I’m a faggot and the young faggots and trannies are often annoying leftist
possibly the best place in the anglosphere to be trans
Absolute shit.
There's no way to DIY and there aren't anywhere near enough doctors for all the trannies.
And the few doctors there are are all comfy as fuck in the south eastern suburbs of melbourne charging a million dollarydoos an hour in a place nobody else can afford to live.
I have to bow and scrape to a GP just to get an appointment, and the beg even harder while saying all the right things to maybe eventually get a script for a drug that is over the counter in 108 countries.
FUCK doctors. FUCK being trans in Australia.
There's no way to DIY
huh for real? Why not?
everyone else should ignore this poster ritually but i self medded as a homeless teenager, im sure you can figure it out
i self medded as a homeless teenager
how long ago was that?
it’s not true, i have ordered diy vials with no issues
Because Australian customs know what they're doing.
Yeah back before 9/11 and the gumment didn't have computers watching everything we do.
if you don't like concentrated black licorice extract that is used in industrial epoxy surface hardening you will have a bad time.
like if you fill up your gas tank and go into the gender clinic a bunch of wild abos will syphon the tank of gas out of your car and you will have to turn tricks for enough gas money for the 8 hour ride back.
Why are Americans obsessed with blackfellas?
You know they're only 3% of the population right?
blacks are africans.
abos are not blacks
2 completely different species.
aboriginal australians are blackfellas
anglo/irish australians are whitefellas
people from anywhere else in europe are wogs
and people who come from elsewhere should fuck off back to where they came from.
Ava lives there so it must be good
you could literally by a vial of estradiol just off the aluminum scraps alone..
they do not care if you import hrt from an online pharmacy
Yeah. They do. Because they're cracking down on "steroids"
What they're actually trying to do is stop the pooners from importing anavar, but because it all comes under the heading of "HRT" and our American overlords decided to have a fucking freakout about trannies recently, a drug that should be over the counter is regulated like it's fucking fentanyl.
more than five years ago but even so. all the same enabling factors are there, customs is not seizing estrogen in large numbers, parcel lockers are ubiquitous. you just need to pay with bitcoin instead of money now.
so many of my friends who can access legal hrt dont even bother because self medding is cheaper than the copays from their local gp. i doubt emily has even tried and we can go back to ignoring them now
There's no way to DIY and there aren't anywhere near enough doctors for all the trannies.
ignore this person anon, there's plenty of ways to DIY i have multiple friends who diy
Give me the links.
Because I checked every fucking link in HRTgen and couldn't get anyone to send me estrogel. Some of them said they would but then sent me an email saying "we don't ship to Australia without a prescription any more".
All my friends do it, you don't know them tho, they go to a different school
Kinda crazy how nobody ITT is actually doing it tho huh?
hows everyone coping with the heatwave
Just had a storm.
Now comes the humidity.
I may die.
pretty good, sydney's a bitch but i've got a fan or two and it's whatever
If you live in Melbourne (our Seattle or Portland), it is pretty great (especially if you live around Brunswick). Outside of Melbourne, things range from kinda ok to life threatening.
The biggest single problem is that no gender affirming care options are covered either by our public system or by our private health insurance. So FFS costs a ton (and there are not all that many surgeons who do it in the country), appointments with HRT providers cost a bunch and you have to go to Thailand if you want SRS.
Canada is still ok, but after next year I expect things will get really shit there also.
So I have to agree. If you are trans, I think it makes a ton of sense to try emigrating to Australia.
there aren't anywhere near enough doctors for all the trannies
If you ask around, it is generally not that hard to get into a clinic. If all you are doing is calling them up, obviously you are near shit out of luck.
Testosterone is a controlled substance (this makes sense), but it is listed in such a way that inadvertently ALSO makes estrogen a controlled substance, despite it being the opposite of a performance enhancer.
This just makes estrogen harder to access then normal. But we have pretty good border checks (we are an island) so importing E is very risky and costly.
The cherry of top here is that there is a cultural hostility to injections. So it is almost impossible to get a doctor who will prescribe E vials and even if they did, that prescription would be very hard to fill.
If you ask around, it is generally not that hard to get into a clinic. If all you are doing is calling them up, obviously you are near shit out of luck.
But even then there's inevitably a long wait. I waited a month for the first one who turned out to be a psycho, and the one I'm finally getting into now who has an actual reputation is going to take two months waiting.
And the bowing and scraping hurts my soul. The fact these fucking ripoff merchants flaunting their rort in your face actually expect me to act like they're doing me a favor while they less than fucking helpful is aggravating as fuck.
Just give me the script, it's not a big deal. Side effects include adding ten years to my life expectancy.
I can vouch for otokonoko & dragon ordnance (or their sister website whatever its name is I don't remember)
How long ago?
under a year ago
Also links because I don't see them on the HRTgen pasta.
I found them on hrtcafe, check there
we have a distinct lack of chasers so it's hard to get boyrenoved, but otherwise pretty good
Australian guys are loose and will plough you esp when on the beers or nose beers but they won't actively seek you out
Dragon Ordnance only has oral
But Otokonoko labels their gel as phytoestrogen.
COOL! I finally have a source (just it time for me to finally get seen by a doctor who does informed consent and a psych who can give me an official diagnosis, because FML).
Thanks a lot anon. You are the first person who's actually managed to help me instead of just telling me how easy it is.
oh i so desperately need to meet people but sydney sucks
Skill issue.
Go on GayMatchMaker or AdultMatchMaker. Guaranteed you will find at least four dicks matching your preferred specifications within a week.
If only I wasn't broke until wednesday.
omg thank you so much!
yeah i've been wanting to get dicked down for ages but i'm surrounded by transians so i've had to act as our designated top
Also next question, how the fuck do I do bitcoin?
np, I'm not sure if I just got lucky or if it's that it is easy if you don't need gel? the otokonoko gel is a little rich for my blood, I just went with injections.
dash pct is the other site I've used, but it looks like it's down right now
wishing you luck anon, I hope it all works out for you, take care of yourself
I'm not anon sweety but thankyou.
oh yeah I hope you cope well with fiddly and stressful technical bullshit. if it helps at all, I found kraken + electrum wallet the easiest apps to use for it, but they're all scammy, so go slow and double check the money is going to the right place. you may need a compatible card or w/e
rather off myself than do a step by step guide but if I figured it out you can too, gl anon
I'm not sure if I just got lucky or if it's that it is easy if you don't need gel?
i really just need not-oral because blood clots (I'm old).
And I'd prefer not injections because I'm a massive cry-baby whimp little girl etc. (I'd do it if the gel wasn't there tho).
oh yeah I hope you cope well with fiddly and stressful technical bullshit.
I do not.
it's like dealing with paperwork and customer service, you only need to do it once every few months or years, just block out time to get it done and go slow
Thanks again nonny.
Is this US dollars or what?
Do I actually have to guess what a bitcoin will be worth when I make the transaction? Or do I just have to have a margin of error and cop the losses?
australia thread
ruined by some obnoxious trip