>Democrats think the solution is to go further left

Can we just agree that it's going to be a rough 12 years for trans people lol

I havent heard one Democrat admit to any mistake such as immigration. Not one. Being trans will likely be illegal in 10 years

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ive been a powerful nazi my whole life and anything i did in life would garner national mass media coverage and demonization so around 2016 i began to move to the trans side of things as an experiment. and now knowing what i know i am doubling down on the trans thing were just the existence of trannies in less than 10 years from now will not only be a felony but a death sentence on sight.
i hope my fellow nsdap bros honor this noble sacrifice.

like there will still be rainbow flags and signs in people yards that say hate has no home here etc
but if a tranny walks in that neighbor that same person with the rainbow flag and the hate has no home here sign will literally be in the legal right to kill them on sight. and will.
and accuse the trans walking down the street of extremism, hate and violence. and the media will report the trans in the neighbor was stealing, doing felonys and harming children.
the rainbow flag person that killed the tranny will become a local hero.

The democrats are a right wing party, you’re a retard. They lost because they lost their progressive base chasing “moderate” voters who didn’t exist. They do need to run a far left economic campaign populist movement to win.

Can we just agree that it's going to be a rough 12 years for trans people lol

it will but not for the reasons you seem to think
the Democrats (the actual party not the randos on the street) think the solution is to capitulate to the right, but that is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place
listening to republicans is never the answer

they lost on cultural issues, inflation immigration and crime

the bernie wing would make all of that shit worse lmfao

The average voter is a retard who loves communism albeit

then why aren't far left commie retards winning ANY local races LITERALLY ANYWHERE?

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A new USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds that the 80-year-old senator from Vermont, who has two credible bids for the Democratic presidential nomination under his belt, has the highest overall favorability among nearly two dozen prospective 2024 contenders from both parties.

His 46% rating – not exactly stratospheric but better than the others – is thanks to his strength among Democratic voters (78%) paired with his crossover appeal. He is the highest-rated Democrat among independents (at 41%) and among the highest-rated Democrats among Republican voters (at 18%).


i think democrats need to get the shit beat out of them one more time, so they will lose in 2028, and after losing for like 20 years will they snap and realize they were the giant retard the whole time

because the commie retards won't talk about class issues, they just want to talk about palestine, abortions, not deporting people, etc.
people are struggling economically and want to hear about inflation and wage stagnation and jobs and housing initiatives, but the left would rather lose than talk to these people

is this before or after he lost the democratic primary to a literal dementia patient?

I mean the democratic party in america want to go further right so idk what the fuck you're talking about

you do know donald trump is further left today than obama was in 08 right?

wait who are the "commies" running lol

I mean the democratic party in the US today is way further right than Reagan so idk what to tell you man
Obama did a shitload of drone strikes but trump did more. Biden did more deportations than trump did.
There is no left in the US. By any measure the dems are right wing.

The US was always considered far-right by the world at large. The obsession with trying to hyper-focus on specific issues as left or right doesn't really make either party particularly left. Democrates are corporate-right and Republicans are Robber baron and evangelical-right.
Their attitudes and contributions to trans discourse and theories at large have been nothing but a trash fire, but that has nothing to do with left-right politics. As for immigration, Europe is mostly sealed off at the borders of EU countries, and illegal immigration is considered illegal. Even abortion is not possible up to very end, but is available for a normal time period. These aren't really considered very political issues, let alone left or right wing, except in the US.

I think it'd be funny if the government declared Democrats a terrorist organization

America is a terrorist organization so that tracks

Watching the reactions here and elsewhere is really funny, because the Democrats have fucked themselves to a point of low (no?) correction on multiple axes.

On the one hand, they can't successfully moderate to the right because they're establishment ghouls who "moderate" towards neoconservative ideology which most of the country has hated since the mid 2000s.

On the other hand, they also can't successfully distinguish themselves to the left, because (again) they're establishment ghouls and the only tune they know is divisive identity politics which inherently divide-and-conquer the working class by pitting themselves against each other over cultural flashpoints. Instead of actually prioritizing true populist positions like no forever wars, citizen worker protectionism, etc.

They're so fucked, and the only one who's even gotten close to touching on reality is Bernie.

bernie would never name seth rich and he knows.

Bernie became a cucked unreliable narrator when he caved in 2016 on the DNC platform and didn't threaten to run independent, and again in 2020 when he stepped down to let Biden take over despite being competitive.
But in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

bernie beat her. thats just facts.
but he stfu about it.
it was always supposed to be bernie/trump.

i dont trust bernie because of the seth rich thing.
and i dont trust trump because of the covid lies and backstabbing his loyal base thing.

he is the vicious snake of his poem and he is with the jewish mob.
simple as.

No argument from me

trannies deserve it for completely ruining all the progress made for lgb community (yes, you DONT belong in a group meant for gender preferences in partner, you mentally ill freaks)

most trannies are bi though
the vast majority of trannies are still lgb

im a tranny faggot and have never felt represented by or connected to the lgbt shit in my life, i liked hitler 100000x more.
finally a father figure that taught me some basics on truth and honor and people.
hitler was an upgrade to almost every american man in my life.
it is sad i am a balllless tranny faggot and i think i have bigger balls then most of these boomer american truckfags.
i was wearing maga shit in 2016 when it was like a nazi symbol.
and now thee fucks look at me like im a lefty or vote d. lmao
i dont even vote becuase i dont give consent to be governed by kikes.
american men have a god given duty to violently destroy all foreign invaders. and slay the kike bank. and the jew.

he didn't step down he got eviscerated in the primary lmao i remember all the bernie bros going on and on about how biden is just a worse hillary and how he's gonna be the guy that dethrones trump and then he couldn't win a single rust belt state against joe fucking biden LMAO.

do you understand why your post is a non-sequitur?

also lmao @ troons that worry about trump without ever stopping to think all the trumps do hormones and plastic surgery.

a big trooney jewy happy family.

good for you
now off yourself like your pathetic leader, tranny nazi freak

he didn't step down he got eviscerated in the primary lmao

He did step down, significantly before the primary resolved. Was he behind? Sure. Did he have a path to victory? Possibly. Will we find out what would have happened? No.

Another reason to play it out to the bloody end is that the final percentage points act as continued evidence to shift the party platform toward real populism. But if you fold your hand early, you don't get the real numbers, you lose your case and your opportunity to press.

It's funny you say

bernie bros LMAO

when the country demonstrated 2/3 times they strongly prefer a populist candidate over an establishment candidate, and the third time was a win by 10k votes helped along by a once-in-a-century pandemic. Democrats are losers, you'd better hope they unfuck themselves. LMAO right back to you.

do you have proof of that claim?
because the scientific evidence says the remains is a woman.

unlike my forensic remains that will be a man.

Pretty good post but based on his behavior since Bernie would've cucked on most issues had he won the primary, I don't think he could've won

Didnt he raise his hand to legalize border crossings in a 2020 debate?
the only reason biden won was because of the pandemic chaos and the economy literally crashing through the floor

Yes, he cucked hard. In 2016, he had the balls to state plainly that an open border only benefits the rich and exploitative by creating a shadow slave class. That open borders are incompatible with a real entitlement state. I listened to him say it live on stage.
By 2020 he'd completely bent the knee to idpol. I knew he was fucked the minute he shut up and cowed to a bunch of stonewalling BLM protesters way back in 2016 at one of his rallies.

It's the same thing that happened to OWS that youngshits don't remember, that it failed because of a sudden and conveneint appearance of racial, gendered, orientation based interest groups that fought each other. And then 5 years later we have JP Morgan Chase floats during Pride Parades bedazzled in rainbows and brown people.

all political issues beside culture ultimately boil down to economics
unfortunately for trannies, the democrats would rather lynch you than go against their corporate daddies to fix the economy.

also you will never know how hard i fought for a jewish kid named seth rich.
i literally ran that shit on voat
it turned out to be culturally significant and keep me monitored.

Can we just agree that it's going to be a rough 12 years for trans people lol

it's gonna be a rough 12 years unless you're already rich or figuring out how to get rich
i unironically can't wait for tariffs to fuck everyone over economically

all political issues beside culture

you're implying people are voting for reasons besides culture

shut up you fucking racist!
go back to eastern europe. shlong nose!

The Democratic party would rather never win an election than be even a little bit leftist. Living in Florida has given you brainrot.

okay so seriously if you all want some gravy.
how the left viewed nazis all this time.
that is going to be shifted to trannies. in a mega hatewave.
and the trannies and nazis are going to be bonded together for removal.

sorry to spill the beans.
good luck anon.

I'm mostly referring to the online reactions I've been seeing, that they would've won if only they were more pro left. It wouldn't have worked. They wouldn't have addressed crime, immigration, and social issues.

Now a party that had strict border control, strong police, and reasonable social policy, but a more leftist economic policy could work. And we all know that's not going to happen

I don't know if they would have won if they were more pro left because the US is a deeply conservative country by the rest of the world's standards, but there's kind of no point in them even existing if they're just also right wing.

most people vote for whoever they find more charismatic or who speaks to their one main issue. the majority of people are single issue voters.
my point is that things like immigration, housing, cost of living, welfare, the debt and inflation are all ultimately economics and will never be adressed properly because of donor interests.
lgbt rights is just one of many things the democrats pull out to make themselves look good to their liberal base, but it's all smoke and mirrors. they dont care, if public opinion swings the other way, the dems will just throw lgbts in the trash like they're doing with latinos already

Crime is down quit buying into idpol nonsense, “social issues” lol as if not liking trannies is a political stance

Immigration is only a problem bc we’re not taking care of our own, get vets off the street and let people afford housing and then we’ll see people stop being bitter and jealous about immigrant's getting shitty section 8 housing

Being trans will likely be illegal in 10 years

The new Republican Party won't do that.
Russia is more right wing and they don't give a shit. Ironically the new Reps are more diverse than ever.

The only reason you got kicked out of the military is because the military runs on insulting people to toughen them up. Men are called sissies and ladies all the time.

You trannies are fucking delusional. Nobody cares about getting rid of you. It's too much work.

Also the police are fucked up as hell and above the law, there’s literally videos of cops shooting little 5lb ankle biter dogs with zero consequence, the idea that the police are underfunded or persecuted is purely authoritarian propaganda

Cops in this country walk all over constitutional rights all the time, how about you try conserving something that actually matters like our constitutional rights you bootlicking faggot

The movement to defund the police is literally about sending social workers to do shit like wellness checks instead of cops who'll probably just shoot somebody.

you do know it is beyond sec 8 now right?
like entire hotel chains dont have signs on them anymore because they are illegal housing centers now?
all around this area hotels have no signs on them because they are converted to places for illegals. max capacity.
and white homeless/americans etc live in the woods behind them and grocery stores.

the only thing being built around here is train stations, bussing stations, multifamily 100+familys in 1 spot ghetto houses.
and storage units.

nothing else.

socially conservative maybe, but that differs by state. reality is most people dont understand the ins and outs of economics, but still care about their own financial situation the most. they vote for trump because he promises change. but trumps policies wouldnt fix the problem either, he just wants to turn back the clock to the gilded age. the neoliberal elite doesnt hate him for his policies, but because trump is their competition economically, he's not part of their club. he's dangerous, because theres a chance his policies lead to socialist movements as a counter (which they wouldnt be able to control)

Sending a social worker to do a wellness check is fucking retarded. They could be unstable or it could likely be a domestic violence situation. Libtard ideas are a joke.

the majority of people are single issue voters.

You leftards literally say this all the time. Have you not spoken to a single person ever? People tend to summarise their issues into as little words as possible.

Is "The Economy" a single issue to you? You think "Immigration" is one issue to you.

The Democratic party would rather never win an election than be even a little bit leftist

It's not a matter of left vs right. It's a matter of cultural vs economic group alignment, and the dems only understand how to do cultural alignment. This isn't a dems-only problem, economic group alignment has eroded all over the world as leftists start putting cultural groupings at the highest priorities.

there was 3 black kids in this town 20 years ago.
now there is close to 10,000.
all the white people are in their 50's+

just a bunch of young virile black hooligans and a bunch of deluded old white people.
the haves and the have nots..

its gonna be..


Nothing wrong with that. You can be both <3

90% of police are alright. You get the odd 10%.

If you're gonna judge police like that then Anon Babble is correct about niggers and jews too. Same shit different words.

Crime is down

Lol. Compared to what? The 90s? The worst period for crime since the industrial revolution?
This is as funny as the talking heads.

yes, I know expensive eggs are soo annoying, but how could you vote for that literal fascist!

what do you mean energy austerity means you can't afford a healthy indoor temperature during summers and winters? Suck it up and vote blue!

you can't possibly be worried about crime, progressive DAs have rehabilitated it away

You guys just can't stop yourselves. It's like you have tourrettes.

Someone hasn't been heard from in a while

Better send poorly trained armed lunatics to see how they are

I'm convinced.

Leftists want to dismantle capitalism. The identity politics bullshit is what liberals do. Leftists hate liberals as much as conservatives hate liberals.

You’re just politically illiterate, you can’t run a country like a business, trump is not going to fix the economy, shit got cheap because of the Covid lockdown

Leftists want to dismantle capitalism. The identity politics bullshit is what liberals do.

This is wordplay, akin to debates about trutrans. No true scotsman and all that.
Leftists are absolutely not immune to cultural wedge issues. And even the chosen byline of "dismantle capitalism" is a strong signal of that.

I havent heard one Democrat admit to any mistake such as immigration.

Not like conservatives ever admit any mistakes. At best they pretend that they believed the right thing all along (e.g. Iraq war).

How do you think this is an argument are you retarded or just baiting. The problem is that the 10% get away with it. You don’t understand how law or policy works.

you can’t run a country like a business

Singapore wants to have a word with you

you can’t run a country like a business, trump is not going to fix the economy, shit got cheap because of the Covid lockdown

For lurkers, here you can see the tic in action. I don't think Trump is going to fix the economy, nor do I think the country should run like a business, nor did I say anything about anyone except dems.

And yet your direction-brain instinctively and reflexively flinched from criticism and injected it like a script.

“I voted trump bc cheap eggs” retard

the left is going to lose cultural ground VERY hard for the next 2-3 years.

the left have been cauddled by shit like normiebook and normie media while an entire underground movement was building and is now getting ready to chimp out on all left cultural shit theyre tired of.

advocating for mass immigration when peoples main concern is the cost of groceries and housing is peak neoliberalism.
who does this help? they're a burden socially until they integrate properly, refugees even cost taxpayer money. they take jobs for low wages because thats still more than they would have in their homeland and on the side they increase demand for housing and goods, keeping prices high.
fact is immigration doesnt benefit the people at all, they're good for the government because they boost GDP and they're good for the companies employing them. not to mention the fact illegal immigrants have 0 rights, but people employign or renting to them face no repercussions.

to housing
biggest issues here is inflation and more importantly, the threat of inflation ( informed by the ever increasing federal deficits and debts)
simply, everyone who owns 2 braincells and has money will buy as many assets (like property) as they can to make themselves inflation-proof. fucks everyone else. just building more houses doesnt fix that, you need to adress the underlying problems, especially considering the population (demand) is growing.

America is designed in every way to profit corporations, the balance is stacked against the common folk. media will distract you by making you think it's trans rights / racism / police brutality / guns / abortion or whatever the current thing is and the people will believe it.

You fix crime by eliminating poverty, this has been proven time and again

Liberals are pro-establishment, they support the status quo and liberal politicians never offer any actual change because they're in the pockets of corporations. The best you get is Obama offering platitudes then just carrying on the same shit. They're centrists at best but in the US they're generally pretty right wing.
Leftists will condemn each other over the dumbest niche differences in ideology but they're all pretty consistently united in hating liberals.

Oh no leftists have always been fractured but what separates leftists and liberals/demlocrats is that they don't ignore class and demand structural economic change

Here it is again. Trump is a faux-populist, which means he doesn't get my vote, because he's probably incapable of actually fixing anything. If I'm wrong, I'll give him credit, but I doubt the R's are going to somehow become the universal party of labor.

But if there's something that's become very clear over the past few years, it's that the dems are not the party of labor, and when given the choice of being the party of labor vs the party of grievance, they choose the party of grievance.
Dems in their current form are incapable of eliminating poverty. So are the left-affiliated-but-not-actually-partisan-position candidates, like the aforementioned progressive DAs.

Oh no leftists have always been fractured

but what separates leftists and liberals/demlocrats is that they don't ignore class

If they're fractured over anything but class (they are), then they are in fact ignoring class.

Leftists will condemn each other over the dumbest niche differences in ideology

but they're all pretty consistently united in hating liberals.

Even if I cede the distinction (I don't), at best that makes leftists in their current form useful idiots for (you guessed it) liberals.

Yes 10% of anything gets away with anything. Do you honestly expect that 100% of cops to not get away with anything and not be corrupt? If you do then you're fucking delusional.

My point still stands. You're judging people based on the actions of a few. A majority of crimes are commited by niggers but if you compare it to the nigger population it's very little.

If you judge cops the same way you're no different from a Anon Babbletard.

i think both partys need a reform or both have to go. i dont consider either d/r or to be american.
they both seem like foreign interest.
and i think there is people among the people that can govern better than the establishment can.
and i think the fed bank is cooked and all that needs reform and we all know what happens historically when anyone touches that.

honestly it looks like asians are going to win this game at this point.
like that is the predetermined outcome.

in the long run i think only china will still be around.
but everyone else will be gone like 1-3k+ years out. but china will still be kicking somehow.

Read "Virtue Hoarders: The case againts the professional managerial class" by pirating the book off of Anna Archive to hate liberals even more than you already do

Not only do these fuckers serve billionaire overlords who make you poor but then they (liberals) double rob you off your dignity and self-worth by calling you stupid and bigoted

Plenty of liberals literally blame leftists for not wanting to support Kamala.

I’m not defending dems I hate both parties, I just think your point about cops was dumb. Cops are shit and have a serious problem with accountability.

They aren't. Leftists constantly talk about how the rich fuck us over and capitalism is fundamentally broken
If you think otherwise then I honestly don't know what to say to youbecause clearly we are not on the same planet

Yes, and?
I'm not that original anon.

Ok this has to be bait, cops are not a cultural group it’s a fucking job that you sign up for, if you don’t want to be lumped in with a group don’t wear a UNIFORM



It is the responsibility of good men to stop evil, standing by makes them responsible.

And I never said “gas all cops” I said hey maybe there’s a problem if a random cop can just shoot any person or animal at any time with zero legal consequences

We have a serious problem with the mentality of cops, you don’t treat a civil servant position like you’re in a fucking warzone

cops are not a cultural group it’s a fucking job

you truly are peak retard. Nobody cares about "cultural" bullshit. A uniform is no different from a skintone except you can take it off. It's just people at the end of the day.

They want to feed their families and themselves and everything else is secondary. Psychopaths and the mentally ill have always existed and group of people social or not.

The HRT must be logic receptors in your brain.

I havent heard one Democrat admit to any mistake such as immigration.

Lol dems veered right on immigration and it did them absolutely no good bc anyone who cares about immigration would of course vote for the guy who screams about the wall constantly


did absolutely NOTHING for their base.

and that is why usa is the great satan and so is israel.
and the entire fucking judeo-christian zionist evelngical thing is to support them at all costs for get this...

to usher in the anti-christ. so they can be saved in the rapture then the entire western world is destroyed. and then the jewish messiah returns

yes this is what your leaders believe in.
that is what america just voted for.

and you guys thought 72 virgins was crazy.

You're wasting your effort. Decades of conservatives calling anyone left of Reagan a socialist has poisoned any actual understanding.

thats how it works though. someone who lives paycheck to paycheck isnt gonna listen to what I have to say about social issues, because that doesnt help them. sure they'd appreciate if i aligned with them there too, but they'll overlook it if I speak to their main worries.
some people vote for economic interests, some want to focus on immigration or climate change or social justice, some because they hate a personality like trump.

and yes, the economy is one issue, massively complex, but things like inflation, wages and cost of living are all just different sides of the same coin.

Ok, let's walk through it.

Leftists constantly talk about how the rich fuck us over and capitalism is fundamentally broken

Talk is cheap and ineffective. What do leftists actually do? Maybe let's look at a recent example of establishment-hostile leftist organizing in the 21st century, like Occupy Wall Street.

start pressing for broad economic change after GFC

have lots of disaffected people across a wide range of usual cultural divides and pools due to high unemployment

sole priority is renegotiating the power between labor and capital, everything else can get fucked

big business and gov actually start sweating

suddenly, special interests begin forming

my niche group deserves more representation or redress than yours because [REASON]

my group has the higher moral cause and should lead because [PURITY TEST]

your group is worse and should follow and shut up and go home because [REASON]

the groupings? anything but actual class

the result? OWS disintegrates, bankers breathe big sigh of relief, business as usual.

The takeaway? Leftists when left to their own devices and their own organization choose not-class as their highest prioritization. They bitch and moan about capitalism because it's cheap but when it's go time they sacrifice on different altars.

slit your wrist, worthless nazi freak

if it was democratic we would be all filling out forms in the mail, on our phones, or online in a democratic consensus on every issue instead of years of government going by so you can vote on a few random things every few years.
you would be voting on things multiple times a day every day in a democracy.
americans are cattle.

because nobody believed them


actual leftists have been entirely sidelined in american politics and wont stage a comeback unless trump nukes the economy. they have no influence in the democratic party and those who "tried" like bernie fall in line with their neolib masters when it matters

Wow you are actually just really stupid. Why do you think you have the right to an opinion you need to just shut the fuck up frfr on god, also I bench more than you and my dicks bigger

Seriously I’m just saying hey maybe cops shouldn’t be allowed to get away with breaking the law constantly and repeatedly and your argument is “but what about the good ones uwu” like holy shit you are such a low T faggot, you just want daddy government to dominate you. Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch.

same for aoc

The only other intelligent independent man thinking non sheep itt

Unless I'm misreading, this is a non-response to the character of leftists I've demonstrated.

In 2009, without any need of help from democrats, or politicians, unfettered by conservatives, disaffected leftists organized on their own and for a brief moment actually caught the establishment by the balls, with actual stakes and leverage.
And then they themselves, unaided by democrats, politics, and unhindered by republicans, fucked it up. Not by some accident, or some inherent risk in their smart plays, but by their own core compulsion of sorting by anything but class in the end.

Reagan was a Neolib. he advocated for the "free market" just like every other western politician at the time simply because Coke and a few other conglomerates told them to do so.

The Neolibs are crafty fuckers. They took advantage of the OPEC induced crises to shill their ideology. The free market shit was tried for over 300 years and it lead to a collapsing market every decade or so like we have today.

Talk is cheap and ineffective. What do leftists actually do?

Nothing, besides running book clubs and sometimes helping spread the word of worker cooperatives. Why? Because left is incredibly disenfranchised in US (Red Scare) as designed by same rich fucks who destroyed and dismantled the New Deal and what is know as "the left" is further coopted by richfags funding cultural issue research like identity politics which conveniently does not talk about class (and you will get called a class reductionist if you try to steer the conversation in the right direction) and further divides the working class

The revolution will not happen in US the heart of Empire, it will have to emerge from the south

I’m just saying hey maybe cops shouldn’t be allowed to get away with breaking the law constantly and repeatedly

They aren't kek. You truly are retarded. If they were 90% of cops will be getting away with shit instead of 10%.

Fucking retard.


the media has more influence on lefties than the lefty leaders and divided them on cultural issues. people in 2009 didnt consider the media their enemy yet, at least not like they do today. just shows how weak the movement was and astill is, but it doesnt discredit their core ideas

democrats won't admit they need to stop shitting on white people, men, police. they won't commit to fighting illegal immigration. They're going to lose even worse in 2028 because they're afraid to piss off their friends

They all know what I'm saying is true but not one will say it because they are pack creatures and its hilarious

all real men know what they are supposed to do they can feel it in their heart and spirit and are tired of being restrained and severed from what they know they are supposed to do.
simple as.

every actualized man feels that.
and knows that.
we are like a fucking beehive or ant colony.
we all feel it.

the free market was doing fine until companies became publicly traded and economic power started properly centralizing

Free market is never free and I prefer brutal goverment beating corpo's balls over corpo's growing massive and puppeteering politicians all day any day

Basically I am saying that I prefer Chinese model over this shit

the free market always leads to this. Have you not played monopoly?

Confused, why dose everyone think liberal or democrat = communist?
Do you not have school or internet to research these things?

Also didn’t republicans have issues 1920-1928 that caused 1929 and happened another time in 1973?

Just asking because I see a lot of people choosing a side based off color. Also why would they want to take human rights away anyway? They got nothing better to do with our tax $’s?

i have, people trade cards to get in winning positions

and why would they??
1 party says they should kill every immigrant, and the other party says the immigrant is heckin valid but should go back.
Which party that anyone obsessed with decreasing immigration is would go with??

Because left is incredibly disenfranchised

This is an incoherent cop-out answer and misses the point. OWS didn't need to be a success for leftists to successfully demonstrate their character. They could have failed for external reasons (aka reasons not related to their own choices) but have shown ability to prioritize class. But what they showed was their willingness to do the opposite - to prioritize anything but class. This isn't an external "blame the history and environment" problem. This is a core problem of the left and the people in it.

the media has more influence on lefties than the lefty leaders

This is at least a coherent response, but also flawed. It doesn't remove agency from the left on their own choices. The media didn't organize OWS nor set its priorities. The left did. And even in current year where media hate is 10x what it was then, they've shown the exact same propensity to devalue class over characteristics and cultural wedges.

To circle back to the beginning, dems "moving to the left" doesn't save them, because the left (in both US and the world) is polluted to the point where they aren't coherently for the workers either in actual action. And they instinctually grab for the idpol.

why dose everyone think liberal or democrat = communist?

This is a conservative thing to say that anyone left of center in America ( a right winger anywhere else) is a communist. They benefit from the red scare to scream at people who are already primed to say that anyone they scream at = commie = evil.
American politics.

no i agree with you, idpol is poison to a discussion about real change. left< idealists sabotage themselves because they want to "fix" everything at once.

but thats exactly what the neolibs want, they're the ones actively pushing for the identity politics discussion because it fractures their opposition

You conveniently left out the back stabbing, bribing, shady unions, bankruptcy and the fact that there's 1 winner at the end of the day...you know just like what's happening now.

Monopoly is also a slow burner too. By the time you realise your mistakes it's too fucking late.

oh neat a schizo thread

What is your point? I know what left is weak and fractured, I said so myself

To circle back to the beginning, dems "moving to the left" doesn't save them, because the left (in both US and the world) is polluted to the point where they aren't coherently for the workers either in actual action. And they instinctually grab for the idpol.

This is wrong because despite how weak the left is people love leftists FDR style economic policies. Which again goes back to Bernie

The more outlandish and impossible the idea the more certain type of lefty will like it. For example:
1. We should try to aim for incremental and practically achievable change like getting free healthcare
2. No, I will not support anything but complete abolition of the state

People like 2 deserve to boil in excrement

I think most lefties are fine with option 1 tbf

Wow you found a video of the same woman 30 years apart

it's also fun, wanna play?

It's also, demonstrably, what leftists want, until such time as they decide to act differently.

This is wrong because despite how weak the left is people love leftists FDR style economic policies.

My point is that this conclusion doesn't follow, because moving towards leftists in their current form will result in poor policy given their own actions and current wants, not good policy like they give lip service to.

I'd be perfectly happy with 1 but the Democrats are by design never going to deliver any meaningful change that might bother their corporate masters. That's why so many people go for 2.

The leftists I keep in touch with hate and blame liberals who try to explain away the election by insisting Kamala lost because of racism or sexism or whatever

Why do you say these two groups are one and the same?

An economical left party but hellbent on kicking the mexicrements and other third world undersirables out would win every election

nta but conservatives can't understand that democrats and leftists are different groups with different philosophies and goals.
Like it actually confuses the hell out of them.

Leftists aren't represented in American politics and so they're just outside the window of anything most Americans can understand.

won't happen. the party is run by intellectuals who don't have to deal with immigration at all. they live in gated communities with guards that have maybe 1 nonwhite family in 1000 houses

and they use instacart for groceries

why the hell would they give a fuck lol

Then they'll forever be losers

Sucks that republican scum will remain in power but unless the democrats tackle the third world invasion they will never win another election

that was hilarious when the plane of hatians arrived at marthas vineyard and they quickly deported them out of mv to like brockton and rhode island..

like the national guard was deployed on marthas vineyard cause some haitians showed up and they were like "no here. you go brockton." lmao


The party

Imagine being this mentally cucked by two party politics, anon never said democrats

I'm not conservative.

The leftists I keep in touch with hate and blame liberals who try to explain away the election by insisting Kamala lost because of racism or sexism or whatever

That's great, but anecdote isn't data, and small anecdotes are subsumed by larger anecdote. The left has a wide-scale problem with this. Revisit OWS for why.

Why do you say these two groups are one and the same?

I don't, because claiming identity isn't necessary to my point. But when it comes down to priorities, neither of them prioritizes class.
Are they distinguishable otherwise? Of course.
Dems/liberals are a group that both speaks for and knowingly choose idpol.
Leftists are currently a group that speaks against yet unknowingly or reflexively choose idpol.