i feel Iike no one will ever love me. i am a detranny and ive had ffs and im balding and the scar is starting to show ugh
now im just a hairy muscular faggot who looks like he has had brain surgery
kill me
what addons do i need besides dbm bagnon and auctioneer for classic i forgot (gay related i am playing with a gay)
Why did you go through all that just to detrans?
Can i kiss u instead
what are you doing for Thanksgiving gaygen?
i went to my first psych at 8. basically was told from ages 8 to 18 that i can be a woman once i hit 18. i was never looked at crazy or made to question. i never passed so i dropped out of school to make money for FFS, lived as a tranny until 25 and then it hit me that i keep getting worse gender dysphoria (shoulders broader than hips, long torso) also my lasered hair came back somehow because i went on the smallest amount of testosterone.. i was also at the point of getting SRS (which insurance would pay) but ive had a close friend of mine kill herself because she experienced problems post-op
youd be disgusted if you saw me anon, im not fishing for compliments/hugboxing. i get hugboxed IRL
Which app is the best for making friends (including benefits), not just one-off hookups?
Sorry, I thought you were someone else. He's an angel
my dysphoria kept getting worse
so I detransed to make it even worse
You sound crazy desu
you sound uneducated
I'm really sorry that sounds traumatic and I understand why that could make you uneasy about your transition. I hope you find happiness in this life anon
I am going off your words.
random goal but I want to put up my christmas tree this year while it's still november. I'm tired of being the white trash who sets it up days before christmas
I think I'll get some other new decorations too
thank you anon, i hope i will too. gender dysphoria is a bitch but transitioning doesnt seem to be an option for me :(
Is that jenkem?
thanks for proving my point
I don't get gender dysphoria
Who cares if you don't adhere to the stereotypical cultural expectations of a gender? Why is that traumatic? Just be an effeminate guy
it's a fetish. the dysphoria shit was all a lie
lmao kill yourself
Fruity niggers are genuinely so terrifying
imagine being this mentally ill.. just daym bro/sis? brosissy kek
Dont pity the unattractive. He will sit here and whine on Anon Babble, but you know what they wont do? They wont work out, they wont diet, they wont see a dentist or orthodontist or treat their skin. They wont spend five minutes thinking about what hair style fits them instead of trying to copy something from a picture. They wont learn how to dress because they never go out and when they do, are so afraid of rejection that they never get feedback. They wont bathe, they have no standards and just whine instead of taking some initiative.
Larry is a prime example. They are ruled by sloth, gluttony, cowardice and willful stupidity. If society didnt have a dozen other problems to contend with, he would be rightfully chased out of the sight of humans by mobs with dogs and torches, and driven back to a more fitting habitat down in the sewer underground with the rats and worms. If something doesnt look, act or sound fit to live, it isnt an ironic coincidence. God gave him a perfectly functional body and mind and he just uses it to lounge about complaining. Serves him right. People born with disfigurements at least try. He deserves his fate to dwell with the roaches and vermin.
is that a copypasta lol??
you will never be a real man or woman. become nonbinary kek you probably already look the part with your mutilated head
homosexual raw gay fUCking
That person was preyed upon and used by the trans industry. Don't be a dick to them
Not like anything exciting is happening here anyway.
acquaintance changed his Grindr profile name to "visiting" even though he still lives here
Is this horny desperation or a weird kink?
A/B testing
Look, you guys have to understand something about women and fags. The smart ones want to be treated like shit. It resonates with them, confirms their reality. They know they cant make it alone and need someone to protect and provide. Dumb ones will do the independent thing and they never do as well as if they had just accepted their limitations and found someone to sponsor their existence in exchange for being as useful as they can. They want men who arent afraid of risk, and if a guy is afraid of risking their feelings, they lose respect because they know that guy has a weakness of the mind, effectively, sympathy.
So dont feel bad for them. They are playing a game. Its why women claim they want a responsible loving guy but run off with the asshole bad boy. If they dont feel threatened, they know you cant keep them safe. Its just the way it is.
trannies are so mentally ill desu
imagine thinking you are "born in the wrong body"
literal retards kek
Wandered in from a straight board to tell us that, thanks
why is it that /gaygen/ and /cislesgen/ and /lesgen/ and literally every single thread on this board ALWAYS talking about trannies
Social contagion
because trannies need everything to be about them so they come in here even when we explicitly ask them not to
just look at the drama in america where trannies are screeching because they won't be able to use the ladies' restrooms anymore
you'd kiss a guy too if you loved man goo
No one wants to put my weiner in their butt tonight :((((
i want to keep being friends with my ex but it's awkward knowing he's a grindr slut now
somehow it's even weirder that we were monogamous for years and he was a bottom, and now he's topping guys every week. I think hookups are gross desu
I think hookups are gross desu
just use prep and wear a condom
It's not that, I'm a romantic
I hooked up once when I was 18 and I didn't even learn the guy's name, i cant even comprehend still doing that childish shit in my mid 20's
Is it gender dysphoria if I see str8 acting couples on grindr and feel overwhelming pangs of envy?
ur asexual honey
I declare this to be an aroace general
idk i used to cum in him 7 times in a row
Right now i do feel a little nonsexual though, but ive never been into hookups
youth transition is evil desu
ur pozzed honey
wretched faggots
who will be the queequeg to my ishmael
think i might be trans lads
fucking to the bad seeds
what's the difference between cinnamon and cumin?
having sex is the least of my priorities lol.
what i really want, is to experience true love.
lol literal retard who fell for the dysmorphia meme
i just want the horrible thoughts to go away. id trade being an asexual monk with a clear mind for my current state
Everyone wants that.
Please die before the new years starts sis.
i cant cinnamon your ass
captcha: KAWK
ya ya whatever
sensible chuckly
nick cave is a wanker
But there are barriers and impediments to achieving it. It's rare in the straight world too not just here.
holy shit this was me at 19 i went through shrink death
dude. where's the shrinkage
ah i meant twink death i just used to be so cute
twunk maybe, definitely not a twink
anons, how many kids do you have?
are they grown up now?
do you know how they feel about having gay dads or parents?
gay sex crimes
RFK Jr. with his 18yo twink bf :)
none but i fucked a couple guys who have them. makes me feel powerful, plowing someone's dad.
i have 2 kids, I don't share my sex life with them anon.
you mean one of those men who are clearly over 30 but still put 18 or 21 on their grindr profile?
Haaland is kinda handsome
he's a sexy aussie punk pioneer
was i too fat?
What do you look like today?
You weren't fat, you just didn't have a twinks body. Twinks are unique and rare, not athletic looking with thick musculature. To were too muscular
who wants to come to my place and take turns playing sonic 06 on the ps3 while naked and cuddling
How do you achieve this body fat percentage?
By being a twink. You're born a twink or you're not. You can't will yourself into being one. You've seen enough for tonight *closes the kiosk window*
You're born a twink
Twink body is like 100% diet and genetics
and genetics
and genetics
and genetics
in order to live on a twinks diet and not wither and die, you must have the genetics for it. You must be born a twink of ancient twink stock.
what if you can achieve the twink body but don't have a pretty face
This happens to everyone with FAS.
twinks don't have boobs, they're male
When you use a stall because the urinal watcher has bad vibes ON CAP
Finally something I can look at. Notice she is hiding her clit. I like that.
I'd bet bishit uses the stall so he can pee sitting down
You can pee sitting down on the urinal if you're not scared.
Don't use tranny/chaser cope words here. That's a boy
What’s happening in here?
That's a boy
Not when Im finished with her.
I always use the stall but piss standing because I value my privacy
Waiting for someone cute to post
Go back dad
Do you think Bishit would eat chocolate covered crickets for love?
a fellow intellectual I see
My armpits smell bad
describe the scent?
Thoughts on laser hair removal? I don't like my chest hair, I always shave it but that means I'm in a cycle of having stubble and then waiting for it to grow long enough to easily shave again
Musky, sweet, some cherry notes.
hot, sexy dubs
I think think of a half dozen reasons not to do it and not one to do it. I mean, I get it. In your mind, right now, you prefer a smooth aesthetic. But I dont think you should ever feel bad about your immutable characteristics. As a human, you deserve more respect than to feel like your natural form is somehow flawed just because it doesnt comport to some trend or image. Second, maybe its nice to have a 'pretty' day when youre finished shaving. Third, its just more natural, even if stubbly, which shows you make an effort without being manic about it. Plus, it shows you *can* grow chest hair. Additionally, many people like to see that versatility. And of course, you might change your mind some day.
I am generally against any permanent vanity procedure for a number of reasons. I distrust the casualness people have for them, a trust in medicine that often is misplaced.
I want you to feel good about how you look, and I understand maintenance can be a chore. But much more than that, I dont want you to feel demoralized by something so superficial, and feel good about your natural form, not driven to hide it like its something bad or wrong. Even when people wax, you can tell and it looks self abasing.
So you can have your pretty days, but you can be comfortable in your own skin too. You always have options to keep open. You dont have to go through whacky procedures to mutilate your poor body for something as superficial as an image that will honestly leave it subtley crippled for life. Instead, you can enjoy having it shaved and have some pride that you can grow it also. You enjoy an option some people wish for and dont have.
he's here isn't he, the chaser who never leaves this board
what a wrek
center of the shaft is thicker than the head
is this a good thing or a bad thing?
im not into dick idk. i just like boy with the blonde hair
cocks can come in all sorts o fdelightful shapes and sizes
i need a twink
but does a twink need you?
lalala i’m a cute bottom uwu!
why do you hate me? why are you fucking leaving me here?
yes ...i just want to hold someone;_:
igh it hirts it hurts it hurts it hurts it gyrs it gryd itbyhd hugcthbvedb
Leave the bottoms alone.
but he FUCKING hates me and wants me to suffer and die? why doesnt he let me love him?
ive made too many mistakes, im sorry. god kill me so i don't hurt others anymore
let me love you, baby
Because bottoms are afraid of your emotional instability and they don’t want to be murdered by an mentally ill faggot such as yourself.
id only hurt you. it's better i never hurt anyone again, this is why I'm alone
im actually a really sensible and caring guy. i just have a little imp on my shoulder that brings forth such black bile. i cant help it, sorry, i guess. maybe i should just shut up and die?
i can take it, love. it will be like teardrops in the rain..
If you dont look like this bottom, I dont even really consider you gay, just a malfunctioning male. I dont see you at all, tbph
Just because you want to be gay doesnt mean you qualify. You need to meditate on that.
alright lets go over it again:
Over 23?
Gay dead.
Over 170cm?
Gay dead.
Over 60kg?
Gay dead.
Under 7/10?
Gay dead.
Gay dead?
Gay dead.
Thinning hair?
.... Yes, gay dead.
i had a fabtasy i could love someone and be good for them, but in the end they hate me because I'm no good. Ty for post this anon but it's over for me. I hurt an angel who never did anything wrong.. I hate myself for that. i punchwd myself many times for it. I want to cry
twink body is 10% diet and 90% genetics
t. twink who can eat whatever the fuck and not gain weight
Girl you can’t be a twink with high sugar diet
i mean it's not like i'm going through tubs of ice cream per day.
if anything, i eat a ton of carbs.
still only weigh 105 lbs :3
Carbs are sugar
carbs are... LE BAD!
stay mad fattie. munch munch.
tfw just turned 29 but people still ask me what I'm studying at university
Discord groomer post
im supposed to fill out a schema therapy eval sheet but it annoys me
like some of these questions seem so whiney and BPD
for much of my life, i havent felt that i am special to someone
i need other people so much that i worry about losing them
like oy, get over yourself
i am in dire need of a good stretching out...
I put on a bra and some panties and I got erect.
real bottoms wear shorts...
Hey sis, you may be lost! >>>/Anon Babblemtfg is over there
i know it is winter but i might wear shorts because they are sexy :3
pink lacey ones with no back
This didn’t age well
my friends went to troye sivans house once
why are you doing schema therapy
idk im fucked up and have some resistant negative thought pattersn. i must combat my avoidance and fear of living or being seen or reprimanded
Why cant gays just be gay. If you are gay, thats all you are. You are a cock technician. You relieve balls. Nothing else you do matters.
Its as bad as women who want jobs. Stick to your natural abilities and you will be happier and stop trying to be people.
I was talking about perfume genius and his 15 years old relationship with a bisexual dude, they aren’t pervs
im listening to vogue by madonna and im a straight passing fag. yes, we exist
Did they fuck?
no, they just went to have a look outside. theyre too fem to be his type i reckon. it was quite parasocial actually
charm - 0
cringe - 100
Cuteness - 98 tho
Gaygen is my parasocial harem and you are all my concubines.
Its a secret Ive been keeping from you all for years. I just assumed you would figure it out by now.
cause troye sivan went on to make songs about being a cock-sucking ass-fucking whore
He makes songs about his rosebud and sex lifestyle
just for the record, i have no problem with cock-sucking ass-fucking whores. im just sayin
I do. I fucking hate whores.
uh oh. did a whore break your heart, anon?
How hygienic is your top, gaygen?
i hate niggers
troye sivan having hot straight 20 year old jocks hitting on his twinkdead 30 year old ass in his videos is still hilarious
i was gonna reply something but you summed it up for me, anon. tanks
its a perennial gay fantasy
Gaygen needs to learn to be more tolerant towards tops of color (ToC)
fuck off nigger lover
its more the age thing and him refusing to grow up, it's sad
relationship with a bisexual
Disgusting. Might as well be a paraphilia.
so cold
i hate this POC designation because it pits latinos, meds, nafris and even balkans together with blacks, asians, indians and aborigines. this is just wrong. one is not like the other
I wonder why he hasn't gotten naked for anything yet
Yes. Fucking whores.
Can't stop thinking about cute men
And by cute men, I mean men in general because they're all cute
Femboy butts.. :3 A smooth twinks chest >~<
I wanna buy edgelord pants
elton john, george michael, boy george, freddie mercury, luther vandross, lead singer of judas priest, none of them had to resort to overtly sexual stuffs
and today we got troye sivan and lil nas x who are full on whores in their songs and videos. meanwhile sam smith started off so gentleman like and then he turned into a cartoon
Worst Silent Hill game?
Thoughts on Holland?
overproduced modern pop shit garbage slop
my ex broke up with me due to his schizo delusions that i was cheating on him. 2 weeks later he begged for forgiveness and threatened to kill himself if i didn’t take him back. he started taking his meds again but by then the damage was already done and i didn’t want to see him ever again.
Lil nas X and Troye Sivan are based and should release a video of sloppily making out and rubbing their bulges together
i am sleeping
wow he could be a silent hill game's protagonist and you, his pyramid head
Isn't he more like mary in this case?
Someone who he pushed away but ultimately now wants again.
We need a gay Silent Hill
Or fuck a gay visual novel which is NOT furryshit
rest in piss TSR :(
It's about a twink having a closeted relationship with a popular jock. The DL trade monster could look wicked.
The theme would be self respect.
I got a letter... the name on the envelope said... Deltoid... my wife's name
im talking about sh in general, not sh 2 specifically. he's the protag who wronged his lover and is now guilt-ridden trying to make amends as he traverses through silent hill fighting with his own psyche and nightmares and running away from the pyramid head. but the twist here is that the pyramid head is the manifestation of his lover himself
Coming Out on Top
lead singer of judas priest
none of them had to resort to overtly sexual stuffs
in this version, the pillow smothering is replaced with deltoid's rapecock choking, yes?
that game is not horror -_-
there is homosexuality in Book of Hours: House of Light
im turning 20 tomorrow, is that gay death?
gaydeath is when femboys turn 19 (too old for bipedos) and start trooning out to stay relevant
it's a gay visual novel that is NOT furryshit
Harrison, you have been doing this for eight months.
ok but its more a dating sim than a visuaru noveru. i played it back in 2016 its alright. i have yet to play uncle neighbor
I love you Liggza Sminelli
Time to man the fuck up
he was the one tormenting me, instead of trying to get better and treat me with mutual respect. i gave him the benefit of the doubt, i never stopped loving him or made him feel less than due to his condition. i am not the one punishing him. it's his guilt and regret that are tormenting him, instead of letting go and start anew.
how can i do that?
he thinks going to the gym makes you a man
where to find asexual homoromantic guys for a serious monogamous relationship?
Red flag
yes, he thinks at first that you are haunting him but then he finally realizes that he was running away from his own guilt and then hits you up on grindr with a final apology. the fog starts lifting, his account goes blank and no longer in the radar and piano theme begins playing in the background as you turn off your phone screen and head out of your apartment to a new beginning. credits roll. the end. owo
need abusive bf who will abuse me and then cuddle me to make up uwu
ibs bottoms were made for ed (either of them) tops
Why? I'm a homoromantic bisexual
who wants to see my gock
didnt answer the question
literal retard
social media and everyone working in an office environment has completely warped my mind
no idea what an average body is supposed to look like
fat belly+chest with some arms+legs seems to be
at least how it was a couple of decades ago
is footballer/swimming/tennis type bodies truly the "average" or least a good baseline?
My nips are clear.
imagine throwing your life away for this ugly person of color
or giving it any time of day at all
things will get better one day anon, don't listen to these douches
what are the red things?
i think they are poppers
hardest drug ive taken is nicotine
picrel is a good baseline for me
by fat belly i meant flat
haribo have you done poppers?
i wanna try meth at least once in my life. very little dose though. like very very little. just wanna experience what the fuzz is about. everyone whos done it talks about unbelievable euphoria and intense 5 or 10 minutes long orgasm and shit and ive become curious to say the least :3
chemsex with haribo
no shallo i never did poppers and i dont think i ever want to how about you
i don't think meth is necessarily euphoric, it just makes you want to do crazy shit
the rush is the most euphoric part, which is really just a function of how quickly it gets into your system
if you put him in a headlock his hole secretes something similar to dolphin jelly
Is ukraine a good country?
ur running out of time
have you done it before? and id never inject or swallow. smoke only which is apparently the safest method to do it in comparison. im not desparate tho. just a passing thought
do your pinkpilling someplace else, wanker
The true bluepill: being effeminate is ugly but being ultra-masculine is also lame. Gay men should just start acting like sensible straight guys do (not "brutal" but also tending more to the masculine side than the feminine one).
its telling that u assumed i was talking about that and not just posting a vague comment to be spooky
also transition
I looked into this case and don't buy it. I feel as if things like this could easily be made up after the other party is dead. The police haven't released any of their text messages or anything indicating there was a sexual relationship between the two. It's all just stuff Robert and his family are claiming to the media. Black people lie to protect their own. Robert claims Josh was threatening to leak his nude photos as if any open gay man would care but he got mad and shot him two times. Robert wasn't even a closet-case and everyone in his family knew he was gay so his story doesn't make much sense that he feared his nudes being leaked. Robert was also involved in a separate shooting at a bus station where he tried to shoot a different man but the man was able to flee. Good black men don't carry guns or try to shoot people. They aren't that stupid. Anyway this Robert guy is a liar and so is his family. Victims are always innocent until proven guilty otherwise.
my feminine side is that i mostly listen to female artists, i dont know how to drive and i love to cook and take care of others :3
because its easy to assume something that youre known for in here
that would only work on someone as ingenuous as a bigen reject
idc what he does desu. i'm already talking to someone else and have blocked my ex on all social media. he's not going to take control of my life again.
dawg will hunt...
i've used other stims but not meth
it usually kills my sex drive and makes me want to write compulsively
i have not and idk anyone who has i dont think
if you ever smelled gasoline or sniffed a sharpie you basically did poppers
this is such meth behaviour.
You can be moderate masculine with all these features.
i've used other stims
like what?
what even is thi
he wasn't a twink in the first place
yeah i found it hard to believe on the black alone
my reputation is misunderstood
bigen is easily the most accommodating general on this board, which is why it get one post an hour
thats what i was getting at. that i am a very generic 'masc' guy. not a limp-wristed squealing effeminate guy but not some fire-breathing meat-head either
Georgian tradition
Pyramid Head suffocating James between his tits
my reputation is misunderstood
oh its well understood by now. you cant hide your sinister ways behind those puppy eyes forever
Do you have a pet and what do you love most about them?
i had a pet fly once but he got murdered by a spider :(
I would treat farm chickens like pets
the silent hill that we deserve desu
i think tex has fetal alcohol syndrome
I would
think i might be trans lads
It’s bishit, stop fell for the bait
i have become... goyslop
More lgbt bad news coming from russia
more like bad t news. lgb has got nothing to do with that shitfest
Anyone going to have Thanksgiving with their family?
so tired of them being lumped in with us tbqh
blaming random people for something that affects the whole community
pick me gays like you suck
not everyone is american. quit looking at the world and talking to everyone on Anon Babble like they are yanks