BlueSky Users Laugh, Celebrate After Father Blocked From Stopping 9-Year-Old's Transition

A court has ruled that a Texas father cannot stop his wife from transitioning their 9-year-old boy, James, to "Luna"

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who cares about bluesky? it’s just the leftist truth social

Pediatrician Ann Georgulas has been attempting to transition her son to a female since he was as young as 5 years old.

“I lost all parental rights to my sons. Goodbye, boys. Perhaps, we will meet when you are adults. California Judge Juhas gave my ex-wife authority to castrate my son, James.” Younger wrote, referring to a treatment known as chemical castration.

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texas wants little gay boys castrated

progressive celebrate this happening

rightoids want gays to disappear from society

start fuming when they castrate themselves instead of having 7 kids in an off grid homestead in idaho

Erin is a deadbeat dad as well.

Hey bro you accidentally clicked on the tranny board instead of the brown fascists larping as white board

Based and dareisay redpilled

Ironically despite all the rhetoric, it's right wingers who can't handle dissent existing.

hahahaha based

Why can't you read? It was a Californian judge.
And I thought calling 9 year olds gay was a safeguarding red flag according to the LGB Alliance cofounder?

dumb nigger

trannies will post shit like this and then wonder why trump won

this story is so old

The true Irony is you believing this when the entire reason Bluesky has gotten a boost in users is because the left can't handle freedom of speech. I fear for the day when left wing retards finally have a majority control or 4chans mods and one of the last bastions of free speech on the internet dies.

9? are you fucking serious?


based. jail all conservative fathers

noooo, her body my choice! This cannot be allowed no no no

nah, bluesky got a boost when elon annonced his ia will be trained on people dm lol, got nothing to do with free speech

don't worry. you will always have xitter!

Elon’s Twitter isn’t free speech. He just promotes right wing garbage. If you’re allowed to say whatever you want but all anyone can see is right wing it’s not really free

If you’re allowed to say whatever

Literally what free speech is. BlueSky is just where the left has fled once people with different pinons were not auto banned anymore.

Do not sit here and say you are for free speech when you literally did the same shit the leftists did to you in 2016, honestly you people are a fucking joke and I am ashamed for siding with you for the last 8 years, it is absolutely embarrassing when I hear you people say MUH FREE SPEECH and then immediately silence others who do not agree with you... suck my mother fucking dick and tell your momma she raised a bitch or just support free speech even when it is things you do not support


this is not a win, this is just so sad.
this man is hurting and he's clearly hurting his kid too.
TDS lunacy has deprived him of his own daughter

Why do men join the left? They're clearly women supremacists and deeply matriarchal. They don't think fathers should have any rights at all. Is it all about simping?

Even if that's true, which I doubt, 99% of the media and social media sites does the same for the left. Youtube, facebook, etc. You're so full of it it's unreal.

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Could you explain why your free speech website bans the word cisgender?

It is wild seeing people on reedit claim that the media is in the pockets of the Republicans when only fox news is and almost every other big media corp is actively anit trump, Hollywood is anti trump, almost every celebrity and musician that is huge is anti trump and yet these left wing schizos still pretend mainstream media has not been against trump for 12 years.

it's not... you can still say it.

Then why is the left running away from X to avoid a dialogue? The truth is virtually every other platform is heavily censored and the left has become used to not having to contend with other views. Now that they are on a level playing field they've realized they can't succeed in the marketplace of ideas. When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

you don't actually need to make any of those arguments. elon doesn't let normal users post the word "cis", which is an obvious straightforward violation of free speech norms without needing to get into the more subtle stuff.

you can say whatever you want, but you can only say things I don’t like to Mr. Brickwall

Totally free speech

according to rightoids msm is both irrelevant and forgotten thanks to manosphere media like xitter and joe rogan but at the same drumpf is oppressed by these irrelevant people that no one listens to lol

if yt is leftist then why do i get right wing grift channels recommended to me?

uhh so am i supposed to clap for a 9 year getting their dick chopped off? is this supposed to be empowering? this just seems hysterically autistic at this point

fucking good, keep politicians out of doctor's offices, but why are you posting not-twitter screenshot threads?

but his point is that other sites ""suppress"" right wingers which isn't true. if it were none of these right wing e-celebs we have right now would exist in the first place


Trump will sway left to right on stage for an hour and then say we should kill all immigrants and his supporters will wonder why he gets bad publicity

When a celeb goes right wing they start to act schizo and isolate themselves from normal people and industries. Like that star wars bitch who went nutty and started working with Ben Shapiro

this is from the hearing

grifter buzzword

implies that no one is actuallu sincerey non-leftist

it's all about the money to rightwingers

What is this delusion? It's schizo tier.

"suppress"" right wingers which isn't true

There is absolutely zero pro-white content on youtube now. There used to dozens of popular dedicated accounts.

anti-white, pro-diversity

funds human trafficking groups that operate on the southern border

extremely woke

even an anti-trumper at some point

Ben shapiro is a leftist, comrade. He's one of yours. He even voted for hilldawg.

all zionists are by definition rightoids of the most reactionary kind

no the truth is that your average republican is borderline retarded and talking to them does not enrich your life. why should I waste my on a "dialogue" when half the "arguments" from the other side are easily disprovable lies and the other half are "you're gay"?
I don't owe you my time.

american jew


Almost impossible. I dislike the grifter buzzword, but he's actually one. He says something vaguely milquetoast rightwing on occassion and uses this to posture as conservative, but he's reallly just a jew-supemacist leftist.

they're retarded

The average white republican, according to studies, has a higher iq than the average ewhite democrat, though. If you compare leftoids whites to libertarian-minded republican whites, it's a total blowout.

allowed visits with supervision

"Just not going to see them for the rest of their childhoods then, fuck'em lol"

top bloke

easily disprovable lies

wtf I like open borders, dei and leftist authoritarianism now. thanks, comrade

blames him for not wanting to be humiliated by the government and the roastie

And you're not laying any blame on the mother? She's the one that seperated the father from his kids, you simp.

and like clockwork the conservatard replies with bullshit that can be disproven with one google search. more people with higher education vote democrat.

the father is a deadbeat who wants to abuse his kids, no way fag

Because iron sharpens iron; if you're not exposed to the ideas of your political opponents your ability to effectively counter their rhetoric will become dull. There will be another election in 4 years (or whenever, if you're not in the States) and you need to be prepared for it if you don't want to keep losing. Ghettoizing into your own separate safe spaces will also lead to both sides becoming more extreme because there will be no moderating voices countering them. Keep in mind that Twitter is still a much larger platform than Bluesky and will likely remain so because it has been around and popular for so long, everyone has accounts there already, and moving is a hassle that only the ideological leftists will bother with. So Twitter will just get more extreme and since it's way bigger it will radicalize more people than Bluesky will.

lol In the current year, only the most dysgenic and pathetic whites side with the left, given how obviously hostile your ideology is to freedom, whites and how destructive it is. Anon Babble calls this phenomena "biological leninism," which is fitting.

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White people without degrees are typically smarter than college-educated minorities.

It's proof he doesn't give a fuck about them and never did.
Do you know how many parents have to co-parent with abusive malevolent pieces of shit and still do whatever they can to keep some level of meaningful contact with their kids?
Probably not because you're using incel slang unironically.


Let me get this this straight. BOTH of his sons decided they were girls? That's grim,

imagine losing in TEXAS court. This most be the most deadbeat piece of shit alive to lose there

no, Girls refers to the daughters and Boys to the sons. the trans kid is named as one of the Boys.

No, it isn't, you cruel transbian. I can completely understand him not wanting to jump through hoops and degrade himself for 15 minutes a month of supervised time with his kids.

Reminds of the John Money case, where both boys killed themselves decades later. Children do not have the mental capacity to make decisions like this and it is just a slippery slope for predators to fuck children. Anyone who thinks a child can consent to transitioning also believes they can consent to having sex. So they are in fact pedophiles.

no you can't lmao.
"i, a childless chud who gets into arguments on Anon Babble, can understand having kids"

Leftoids and commies don't need the right wing to exist. Magats and other rightoids absolutely need everyone to their left to be there to abuse them because their entire rhetoric strategy is "lmao own the libs". That's why motherfuckers like OP come here to try and do some triggering, that's why incels and the fash go and have a shootout in a school or a yoga class. They're kids who need their momma to witness their fall to start crying.

Man republicans love stating their feelings as facts I love the vague “minorities” talk. You’re saying no college degree drooling yakubian are more intelligent than college educated Asians. It must be hard being so pathetic and stupid that pretending to be apart of a master race is all you got.

Weird you say this when one of the lefts main talking points for 4 decades has been the right to kill unborn children because whores can't stop taking cumshots deep inside their wombs from my 9 inch black cock. I've never had a white girl turn down my cum in her pussy but if they ever asked me to wear a wrap I'd be fine with it.


That man is the hero we need.

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their entire rhetoric strategy is "lmao own the libs". That's why motherfuckers like OP come here to try and do some triggering


I have a sneaking suspicion they're the highest iq but also the most real-life-retarded ones per iq point - think Damore when Google Damore'd him

seething this much

lmao Also, you really should look into what the word "typically" means and try again to parse what I wrote.

rightwingers don't have their own politics, agenda and goals besides hurting us

You're letting your narcissism shine through, transbian. Your low iq too.

libertarians are the smartest

And 90% of us vote for the republican party.

Your low iq too.


their entire rhetoric strategy

Which is notably different from:

politics, agenda and goals

It hurts itself in its confusion

A botched circumcision is not the same thing at all you bad faith tool,
John Money made both twins rehearse sexual actions with eachother, which he kept photos of. Also only one of them got transed, so shut the everliving fuck up you magat.

Yes, that was my point. Libertarians are the reason why studies show democrat and republican voters have about the same level of intelligence. They single-handedly bring up the numbers.

whatever you say child lover. I know why you want to desperately transition kids, it's just another step for people like you to justify child fucking. First it starts with

Kids are hecking smart enough to know what gender they want to be

then it's

Well kids are hecking smart enough to transition so of course they are smart enough to consent.

both sides can’t handle free speech retard including urs

part of me see this as horrid and the mother is a misandrist and probably gaslight her son but on the other hand it is better than growing as a man

most of these men are transbians or been abused by women when they used to be little boys

John money literally is proof you cannot forcibly change someone gender through experiment or coercion or other method. When you do, they get depressed and suicidal. The actual suicide rate of post transition trannies is sub 1%. The rate commonly quoted for attempts is WHOLE LIFE attempts which include the agony of living a lie before trooning.

Cope more chuddy, your bad faith arguments hold no water here.

Okay.. they're still Republicans.

twitter is a bunch of buts and discourse pushing algorithms that is owned by a vindictive and petty billionaire who lies about his relationships with his kids (he has no relationships with them because he's running 3 companies in the 12 figure range.