/mmg/ - manmoder general

twilight edition
do you like twilight? team edward or jacob?

twilight.jpg - 1000x1482, 145.75K


uh actually i like Narnia which is a far superior tale

I was the only person in my friend group growing up that didn't like or watch twilight
I'm a malebrained moid 100%

one day i will be a post ffs post srs manmoder

Nope. i was more into the pretty little liars series at that age (12-13)

god, this is such a retarded concept. why would you "manmode" what the fuck. just detransition?? youre the ones making us look all crazy. fuck you.

your side profile is very aerodynamic

"YoUr SidEpRofiLe Is VerY AeRoDynAmiC" youre so pathetic you literally write like a 40yo autistic neuroscientist. no one will ever read you as female in any way, not even online.

it’s better than honmoding desu

People already have though:)

you have a recessed chin

Somebody post this bitches chin

he's just an ugly dude

how about you suck my dick about it? have you considered that, for some people here, (You) are the one making "us" look crazy? lol

so? its cute. its not big, broad and rectangle shaped like yours bro
i make us look crazy? why? because people see a a white, blue eyed, blonde-haired petite white woman when they look at me? you know what they see when they look at you? a disgusting freak who makes women feel uncomfortable

people who gendered you female only did it so because of kindness, not because theyve instinctively assumed you as a woman. dont be delusional

recessed chins are never cute, they are a developmental disorder, you are the physical equivalent of a mental retard

this place is for men on estrogen, you can seethe about that in your little containment safespace

your parents are ashamed of you and it shows
aww did reality hit a little too hard?

this can't be real

what are you trying to imply?


And I thought Larry and meth schizo were annoying….

tripfags love to raid this general from time to time, as well as other spammers like marie

twilight was my life when i was like 8 lol. i hate it’s cultural impact because it kinda changed urban fantasy fiction for the worse (and that’s like my favourite genre) but the books and movies still hold a special place in my heart. whenever i hear a track of the soundtrack i still get kinda emotional lol especially paramore - decode and that iron and wine song from the first movie

team edward or jacob?

i was staunchly pro edward when i was younger but i’ve recently started to like jacob a lot more

FUCK no, I hate them both even though edward is kind of pretty

you literally sound like a faggot from the bronx. enjoy your section 8 housing

okay fattie youre getting out of breath. sit down and wait 2hours so your blood can stop raping your arteries okay?

you sound like a really sad person. i hope you get the help you need.

bragging about getting gendered female in the manmoder general

you're not "defending" anyone or owning the tourist, hon

i've never been gendered female and some ugly tourist telling me i won't ever be doesn't make me more depressed

ignore it, it's new and it will go away


Not bragging, and i am defending myself. seethe if you want, doesn’t affect me at all

Not bragging

yeah, you are, it's the only reason you're here and it's REALLY funny watching you get all defensive when someone else comes to your hunting ground

The reason i am here is because i try to present as a guy despite being on girl hormones, and this is the only place on the internet where i wont get called transphobic for doing so

hunting ground


you're just a displaced /mtfg/ detrooner who still abuses prescriptive standards to apply to others while propping yourself up, that's fine, but don't pretend it's not just literal normal typical run of the mill male to female tranny bullshit

you'll never be a manmoder

real manmoders don't fucking brag about malefailing more than others while insulting their browbones lmao that's /bmg/ shit

I dont post in mtfg unless i want to talk to laf

never be a manmoder

I get gendered male as soon as i use my deep voice and i use he him pronouns and go by the masculine form of my name
Maybe i am closer to a pooner than a manmoder but that’s okay- if anything its affirming

i get gendered female all the time and i started at 26. are you mad at me >.<

And real women don’t come to a space for men on estrogen and shit on them because they dont pass
Don’t come for me based on how i choose to defend myself- only one of us has a backbone.

it's nice that you're at least admitting it, now fuck off fakemoder

LOL I'm not the one who took the tourist's bait, but the fact that (You) did AND still had to take the opportunity to jerk yourself off while putting others down exemplifies everything I'm saying - you don't have a backbone or you wouldn't have flunked out of being a mtf

you don't have a backbone or you wouldn't have flunked out of being a mtf

At least i had the courage to try.

honestly, it's really refreshing for you to admit that you're literally only here because you think your transition failed

I fucking despise you and deeply resent that you continue to post here and use the same label I do

not that anon, my transition failed and that's why i'm a manmoder, i have nowhere else to go and no one else to be

having different motivations or perspectives on what "manmode" comprises is one thing, acting like a catty /mtfg/ refugee and putting others down while acting superior AND having a history of telling others that real things aren't happening and to simply not have compassion or care about what happens to others both because you don't personally experience it is another entirely

it's disgusting

My transition didnt fail, i am the happiest i have been in literal years haha
Can you say the same?

that's true i guess

oh you have no idea, I've got an awfully low bar and I'm happy to exist in a body that feels like my own and to not be living on someone's couch barely making enough for rent - I don't need to punch down and try to make others feel worse to sustain that, unlike you

Punch down at….. who? the person who came here to shit on everyone? punch down at…. YOU? lmao.

at literally whoever is convenient for you at the time, you drooling fucking moron, it's the most repulsive normie behavior and it sickens me that you dare to feign an affect of sincere engagement or mindfulness while doing that shit

you're not a manmoder and you're a shitty, mean person to those less fortunate than you, and that pisses me off

you're a shitty, mean person to those less fortunate than you

Where bitch, give an example or stfu

nah I'm good, we've established you don't like facts or details and actual quotes even when I dig through the archives and show you what you said word for word


You are overreacting bud. i am a very kind person- don’t need a chuds approval to confirm this either.

what do you care about a few posts on tee tee tee tee, then, "bud?"

trailercore manmoding

i don't look like a tranny
how do i explain myself to a doctor why i don't despite over 1 year of hrt

tell him to suck your dick

what if i need to be friendly with him and respectful

You don’t. he doesnt care

ask him, nicely, to please suck your dick

i need to be diagnosed with trannyism


god, what question are you even trying to answer in this hypothetical? what has the doctor said, and what are you trying to express? what the fuck are you even brainworming about?

How is some nigga in a lab coat supposed to “diagnose” you? lol
Just go and say you want an hrt prescription, its called informed consent

informed consent doesn't exist in my country
i need a diagnosis for other reasons, i'm DIYing anyway
how do i not appear faketrans if i don't pass

Oh. what country? surely there is an lgbt centre or lgbt friendly doctor, no?

how do i not appear faketrans if i don't pass

what does that mean
what the fuck are you talking about
why didn't you answer my question

you are not explaining yourself, which is why you get answers like this: suck his dick

nothing like that exists here

you are the physical embodiment of

let them eat cake

you're so stupid it hurts more than any of the ways you deliberately try to act mean to others

ignore him, he doesn't believe in others' hardship, but you're not giving a complete explanation of the context or even explaining what your question actually is so it's impossible to answer

are you saying that you don't know to tell this doctor that you have been DIYing, or are you expecting some kind of challenge that you must defend against while claiming to be trans? if the latter, then what would that challenge possibly be or look like? if you're asking for real advice ask a real question

sorry, i meant that because i look like a man, i don't think the doctor is as likely to think i'm actually trans and not just confused/delusional
not sure if i should mention that i've been DIYing but i probably will

i meant that because i look like a man, i don't think the doctor is as likely to think i'm actually trans and not just confused/delusional

what doctors diagnose you with gender dysphoria based on your appearance? I really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about lol it's like you're not understanding what I'm asking you

i have no idea what you're not understanding, yes, i do think they diagnose you based on how you appear to them, that's the entire point

i do think they diagnose you based on how you appear to them, that's the entire point

since when and literally where? are there any examples or paperwork or diagnostic criteria you're reading that says this, or are you just making it up and assuming it must be true because you're scared?

you're still not explaining necessary things to understand and answer your question, so maybe go look up what a diagnosis for gender dysphoria is and find examples of people getting access to hormones that way in your country or something

I've gained back 7 pounds since I started smoking weed again lol

why do you find it necessary to lecture me?

why do you find it necessary to ask vague questions that are actually just disguised declarative statements?

that's just your opinion, i genuinely have no idea what's wrong with you and how you tend to misinterpret people here

I didn't state an opinion and what, specifically, did I misinterpret?

ignore him, he doesn't believe in others' hardship

Get off my dick faggot you are OBSESSED with me fuck off
That sucks, which country

we're on some kind of different level here, because i don't think i was speaking vaguely at all and i was not declaring anything

Ignore him, he is literally autistic and / or drunk.

i don't think i was speaking vaguely at all

you asked a broad question lacking context that I wanted to help you answer but you didn't answer my related questions and you didn't specify the things you didn't explain that I asked you to

i was not declaring anything

with your initial question baselessly asserting that a diagnosis for gender dysphoria is based strictly on your appearance, yes, you literally did


Murphy and chuddy kissing and cuddling naked 4k

i'm not going to bother with you, interacting with you is always painful because you're always pissed off or lecturing someone

you can stop replying any time, you're the one who asked the question

My new dream threesome is Murphy and chuddy, cause the hate fucking would be phenomenal.

the autism is a constant you are wayyyy too inattentive to try and be claiming to know what the nature of chemical alterations to my mental state might be at any given time

I don't want to get arrested for fucking something that can't consent

I have a girlfriend.

Idc. Plans are already in motion.

Try to rape me nigga, i used to walk around with an exposed blade whenever shit got too real- i will guy you without hesitation.

ooh so edgy lmao, big talk for a future curb-biting pickme



Haha pre laser i looked so crazy. thank god for hrt desuu

Eww who said anything about grape?! This is a long game. You two will fall in love:) it will be magical.
Pre hrt pictures scare me. They should be outlawed. Cool knife though.


Lol hopefully things work out with the girl i am dating

Rolling, for the enby though

a few days since i haven't shaved (for electrolysis session) and i feel like shit because i can't shave it just yet because of the follicles turning into red dots (which faded away the last time)

Wdym? i would never date a person with they them pronouns

truth nuke
but this place is like 3-4 retarded mentally ill terminally online neverpassers coping spammers that keep it alive, sadly they share the same delusions and congregate here keeping the manmoder word alive, they are no different than reppers but they need a special label to feel better abt themselves

thanks for the clarification larry, maybe i shouldnt let these nutjobs trigger me like this

no different than reppers

I have d cup tits and a cute ass...

I've been. Not you lol

now kiss

You the real Kelly cardigan? You were semi based for like 1 month earlier this year when you tried returning to the left.

literally why are you here

plenty of men also have gyno, i see dudes with mellons on the street all the time..

nah manmoders don't have the same delusions as reppers, one way or another if you end up manmoding you've at least acknowledged that you have dysphoria and taken steps to do something about it, whether that's you holding back on doing more with your transition or living as yourself (or if this was a fallback from a social transition) or where you wanted to be in the first place

You will never pass for female. maybe you should be posting here desu...

I reached tanner stage 5 this fall lol, my boobs are too formed to pass off as gyno

because you fucking disgusting manly crossdressers keep insulting me on twitter. i didnt even know what Anon Babble was before i realised where all the hate came from! thats why im here. im sick of making an ass out of myself on twitter by fighting you horrible disgusting creatures back. thats why im here. stay mad
why did you tag me when youre talking about yourself dude?

ignore larry posts

hide larry posts

report larry posts

are you kidding
we don't wear female clothing, that's the entire point of manmoding
manmoders are an invisible minority

disgusting manly crossdressers

Why did you tag me when youre talking about yourself dude?

i dont care which part you are in you dense faggot

Newfag doesn't know what manmoders are. Lmao don't you have money? Get your brow bone fixed hon. Throw in a nose job and some jaw work while you're at it.

i literally was able to buy a house with money from my onlyfans. guess i make a pretty hot dude then, eh?

calm down bro

surely you mean hon-ting ground?
only hons go here to brag

you fucking disgusting manly crossdressers

we are literally AMABs on HRT who do NOT crossdress or socially transition

I'm trying to be a little nicer about attacking people's appearances since I bitch about others doing it so much

bruh, if you can never pass and you are aware of it, manmoding is retarded, when it comes to dyshporia is either you pass or not in order to alleviate it, if you don t pass you are just as dysphoric, look at all the suicidal twinkhons on the board, passing 75% or passing 2% is the same in terms of misery, so repping is the same as manmoding when it comes to dysphoria, but manmoding makes you a freak

but hrt and manmoding helped my dysphoria

cope and placebo and delusions, that is what made you feel better, the dysphoria is the same, you are just delusional and the delusions make you feel better
you are a delusional pussy scared of someone fighting your delusions

I also was a prostitute! what i found is that guys only hire you if you don't pass- they like clocky trannies. if they wanted a passing woman they wouldnt pay you.

guess i make a pretty hot dude then, eh?

Idk post ass baby


wait are you that twitter pick me who keep asking cis men of they want to fuck your axe wound?

omg why would you go on fucking hrt without wanting to socially transition? what the fuck???

i'd want to beat the shit out of kelly but i think my punch would just ricochet off her browbone, nose or chin

nooo you're not actually feeling better, you just feel like you are!


I've got a way bigger and more obviously neanderthal brow, I could knock this little ape over easy

Quit punching down, HOn!!! REEEEE
You are an ASSHOLE go back to mtfg REEEEE

you're a man, your opinion is worthless larroid

suck my giant throbbing feminine penis, shitlord

stop falling for bait lmao

im scared wheres vampy

Unless you pass pre hrt you wont pass after hrt. but the dysphoria is still there- the hrt helps alleviate it

My gf is uncut, mogged

larping as murph or not that's an accurately shit take from that retard lol


is that an open invite

yes, not dissimilarly to your mother, though by contrast my invitation is rhetorical

Show me one example of someone passing for female from hrt, i will wait- i know it doesnt exist!

thats really rude :(


whatever, bitch

engage in my epic nebulously defined debate where I'll ignore what both you and I say and constantly shift the goalposts

I'm good


sexist slurs

he wasnt being misandrist to you so what do u mean


not real plus I'm not a man

I never ignore what you say, in fact i usually address every point that you make- because i insinuate meaning from context and that makes you sperg out, does NOT mean that i dont read what you have to say.

I am not doing this with you lol you literally tried to say that you didn't say things you did or that I was saying things I wasn't, I really mean it when I say you are a shining example of communication problems I see all around me between others and represent a very ugly issue I can't imagine a real solution to

does Murph really has a girlfriend? Cis women do be fucking anything nowdays eh

I can't imagine a real solution to

Yes because YOU are the problem
Maybe it isnt every one else who can't communicate- maybe, just MAYBE, your brain works atypically; that is okay, but don't act like i can't communicate properly
Just because i say something and you your interpretation is incorrect does not mean i have communication issues
Even after i clarify your misunderstandings you hold me to your own understanding of my words, as if you know what i meant better than i do- you dont.

no matter what people might want to believe, we're all just animals purpose-built to hook up and fuck, and things like not being a shitty person or having more than one braincell to rub together have never been particularly meaningful factors there

see? you just did it again, you literally skipped over a key part of what I said and began refuting a misunderstood point that I never made

being a shitty person or having more than one braincell to rub together

Then how do you have a girlfriend then. Like I said they do be fucking anything

and no, you never clarified "my" misunderstandings lol, I still have several unresolved threads of questioning that you drove the conservation away from repeatedly and which I've done my best to put out of my mind because "people" like you are literally not worth the physical occupation of my limited mental capacity

skipped over a key part of what I said


or that I was saying things I wasn't

You do this to me all the time, fuck off and stop being such a hypocrite

you fuck off back to mtfg, hon

Every time i am right you refuse to address it and go straight to the insults, its very pathetic
Your ego is so high and it's embarrassing

Post body or face or get out of my dms ugly person

omg what could you possibly think you're "right" about? what point did you even make? lol you literally did not read the words in my post, and you're acting like you know better than me what I meant while accusing me of doing the same thing to you

failed tranny

I'm not murph, and I was saying that those things obviously don't matter much for getting a girlfriend

what could you possibly think you're "right" about

The fact that you are hypocritical. you insinuate meaning from what i say all the time, and when i tell you it's not what i meant you INSIST it is as if you know better than i do

you literally did not read the words in my post

Yes i did

failed tranny

Whatever old wrinkly man, remember to drink some water so you dont wake up hungover.

yes I'm a hypocrite and I regularly say that ITT, that has nothing to do with anything now learn to read and fuck off to hon

I got writings 1997-2003 :3


why are you so awful

looks are like 95% when it comes to dating
no one gives a fuck abt your personality, people are just monkeys that just wanna fuck the best looking thing they can get, love is not real but lust is

that has nothing to do with anything

Yes it does- stop telling people bad things about me when i have gone on record saying it's not how i feel
It bothers me and i guess that's why you do it but still


You literally paint your nails and wear skinny jeans....

okay, Blurph the Racist Blanchoid

looks dont really matter youre coping because youre a retarded incel

Why did that person say ""women will fuck anything" in reference to me ? why are people allowed to be mean to me but i cant be rude back? why???


does Murph really has a girlfriend? Cis women do be fucking anything nowdays eh

Post body or face or get out of my dms ugly person

why are you so awful


have you tried being mean to yourself and being nice to yourself and starting an argument


People are rude to me all the time but as soon as i defend myself i get in trouble
My mom said its because i always one-up the opponent in rudeness so it feels less defensive and more like an attack.... but in that it negates the fact that people say hurtful shit to me as if i am supposed to just accept it with my tail between my legs
I spent my whole life being bullied, so if people want to fight with me i will stand up for myself
Doesnt make me awful.


all you guys talk here 24/7 is looks and the first you want to know abt a person is their looks and the first insult you use is calling them ugly, and if looks weren t everything then people here on the board wouldn t have been so obsessed abt being pretty to the point of being suicidal or killing themselves over it

Idk i am not the mmg doormat... if you are rude to me i will be rude back
Like that hon kelly who came here to shit on everyone, i defended myself and got accused of punching DOWN on a person with FFS....
Like wtf kind of double standard is that
Or chudette calling me a hon and failed tranny and then accusing me of hondunking.....?????????????????

post knifes instead of bitching

I will bitch all i want, i have an hour until the guests start arriving my cousins 15th birthday

eva last 2 epispdes are very boring


yeah it was kind of a clusterfuck when it released, end of evangelion was like an apology/do-over

Chudette can't handle the truth and it makes him seethe
I remember once he made a post stating that (paraphrasing so don't sperg out loser) even when he is wrong and knows it he will pretend he isnt just because he cant swallow his pride
Sounds like my autistic mother and it pisses me off

stop calling chuddy him it's so mean


just wanted to see knifes ;__;


yay! hope there will be a really tasty cake!

Doesn't matter if i see him as a woman in my head, he himself has asked everyone to use male pronouns so i respect it.

also that's literally so wrong lmao, I never said anything CLOSE to that and I challenge you to find the post you think you are remembering - you are literally proving my point over and over for me and giving me a good laugh in the process

oh wait you literally won't ever find the post because you don't remember words, you remember vibes, whereas I'm able to find things in the archives to autistically shove in your face and be like LOOK SEE? SEE? because I actually read the fuckin words people use

You said that even if you know you are wrong you won't let the other person know
Idk what words to even search in order to find it
Unless you can search by general? idk how

I actually read the fuckin words people use

Yeah i know and while its cute it isn't how most humans communicate- words mean things in context

lmao no, you stupid fucking hon, I never said anything like that - I remember damn well what I said I do and I'm doing it right now like I said I would

words mean things in context

and, as I've literally said many times before to you, you throw out BOTH with the way you "read"

age of mythology? is that a console port?

you throw out BOTH with the way you "read"

No i... DONT
I remember what people say- i dont have a clue what specific vocabulary was used or the order in which it was used, because it DOES . NOT . MATTER

wahhh wahhh wahhh I don't want to put in the mental effort to read or actually back up all my bullshit

ok, hon


You wear skinny jeans and walk like a duck
Do you even own a bra

i am so so ugly and hideous :'(

you shut the fuck up about my walk and yes I own several pit-stained stretched-out sports bras and a single amazon basics wire bra that actually fits

girl i know you've misinterpreted shit i've posted a number of times
i mean ik ik i'm genuinely retarded and like esl and all that... but still, sometimes i think you might benefit asking for clarification. like first a friend taught me that might be good, and then therapy reinforced that...
but i mean you been going at it for a while so it applies less dunno

yes, also retarded
want to be retard frens?

sometimes i think you might benefit asking for clarification

I do this, often, and am ridiculed for it (especially in this thread)

Yeah xbox, it's so fun. I had it as a kid, but our computer was so shitty it was basically unplayable. Been playing a lot these past couple days.

yeah ik you do but sometimes... eh forget it
i've never ridiculed anyone for it ever, and nobody should
there have been fucking wars started from simple misunderstandings lol

while i've been expecting it... a wisdom tooth cracked so need to spend cash for it :C
and here i thought this would be a ffs savings increase + booze month... now it'll be a noodle month T_T

Have you ever been to a victoria secret? have better styles than amazon desu
I like aubade the best but its super expensive

ffs and hrt barely do anything, you will look the same after them

I think I know what you want to say and you're probably right, but as I said I'm a hypocrite and

there have been fucking wars started from simple misunderstandings lol

is exactly why I'm so fucking nit-picky and demand of others who interact with me some degree of attentiveness toward what is said - as I got promoted at my last job it eventually turned into spending most of my day conveying information between people and helping facilitate exchanges where misunderstandings were occurring between other people

not in many years tbdesu, I would spend hours in victoria's secret and other clothing and lingerie stores with my ex though... I buy stuff like that for myself based on practicality and affordability, not style

just curious what cosmetic(?) surgery/dental would you want, money being no problem...
to be honest idk for myself

my dentist said I need to get my wisdom teeth taken out or I'll have more cavities and other problems like months ago, not excited about that

yeah :(
i kinda hope mine can be saved (is cheaper) but probably not

anything to fix my teeth, i already know the jaw can t be fixed but because of the jaw i can t get braces either so fck

why can't your jaw get fixed`?
like doesn't seem so fucked to me

idk exactly why but it probably can t be fixed, it doesnt matter, i won t be a chad no matter what i do so it is kinda the same shit

chin implant will fix you right up
lefort can do a lot of shit

chin implants needs to keep being replaced and it won t improve it probably that much to be worth bothering and make a difference and lefort and other surgeries are expensive
i will never have like 50k maybe even more to just drop on surgeries and even if i did it will be after a lot of work and i will be old anyway and i would be better off investing it or buying smth more useful, especially now since it keeps getting harder and harder, inequality is bigger and bigger and wages smaller and smaller, it is just tough out there and everyone should be frugal and waste as little money as possible and only on things that generate more money but that was always the case more or less
the cheapest solution would be minoxidil and pray i can grow a decent beard to hide that part of my face + smth cheap for my front teeth if it exists, i just got scammed on fake minoxidil so eh
if i were you and i was planning to keep on going, i would like gather money or smth and live in a rural area with a garden and maybe trees to make your own alcohol..

i guess moving over there would help monetary
should start a tranny farm with weed, apples, and veggies lmao
maybe some llamas :P

i come from a remote village in the mountains, the land is not that expensive and romania is still wild and just natural and it is very quiet but you still have shops and some restaurants nearby and you can always go to the city anyway, idk if you can get land like that for cheap in sweden since it is more or less concrete and cold asf so more wood in the winter
getting the disability from sweden should let you live comfortably, and you can always like grow your own stuff and have like a cow, chicken, whatever, you are basically retired since you can t work anyway, probably for like 50k you should be able to build a cabin/small house, insulate it well and buy the land for it i think
you will probably get more happiness from that than having a jaw that looks slightly different but you can barely notice unless you look hard at it

any fat, creepy, old manmoders in this thread want to molest a young, skinny, innocent manmoder? you give me food, drugs, and clothes. i give you bussy

chickens would be nice, i'm too soft to kill them though so will have thousands in a few years ;_;
hmm... tempting

not socially transitioning is to avoid getting called an ugly crossdesser by assholes like you while still using HRT is to manage dysphoria from twinkdeath and aging as a male
are you one of them fat lesbian-feminists straight out a subaru?

life is so weird
i often wonder if the world has changed or i am the one that has changed but the world seems the same so the way i see stuff is different

I'm not fat, don't call myself lesbian and my "feminist" opinions basically boils down to how much I hate men. also I don't like cars

do ssris help with depression
i can't rawdog life anymore

It’s over

Yes, team Jacob

It really depends, they’ll probs have you try a few till you find the right one

i just can't do it anymore

No sense to not try and find the right one then

im 4 months in and dont remotely resemble a woman
its time to pull the plug, right?



I'll be able to one day, but I could be very old by then.

both true and ffs barely does anything anyway
time for ACKKKKKK

kill yourself rodent

after you do it
someone needs to stay alive until the end to make prayers for your souls and i will make that sacrifice even though no one will do for mine

I wish I could just stop thinking about my gender bs for a day and live life but no
Oh well I’m still fundamentally the same person I always was I just have to have this shit attached to my brain for some reason.

misgender myself

deadname myself

mostly male inside my brain

masculine behavior and looks

100% male

Like what’s the point of keeping this charade up? Smh

shitty edgy yuri picrel

pointless retarded reply

makes sense

wait i'm actually so cooked. it's over for me. i think i'm actually going to dedicate myself to losing weight and detransitioning. i would be such a hot short twunkish guy and i'm wasting it

human life is worthless and it is not really valuable at all

what about the dysphoria?

it isn't real dysphoria because rogd/agp/tds/some other cope

ok, tranny

larrold we agree on something help me end all life forever

I just don’t feel dysphoric easy
Like what even is that? Exactly

from what I understand it doesn't go away no matter what, even if you pass and all that, but if the manmode thing isn't working for you then find something else that does work

I give up it’s just over
Even Larry is better than meat he is sure if himself and his derangement

Like what even is that? Exactly

huh, I guess it's a mystery, I mean what even is a word right? what do things even mean? is anything real or true? not like there are standards, definitions, or associations built around these things you could look up

it's so fucked up that i'm so retarded that i actually LIKE having disgusting man boobs and a ruined body more than looking cis male what happened to my brain? i'm just autistic and hurting myself. i'm detransitioning now

I’ll just detrans slowly and live as a man away from ttanny shit
My proximity to trannies caused this insanity clearly
Nofap plus isolation from tranny bs will heal me. I am non dysphoric tranny anyway rn so I will have to fight it.

inb4 this is repper

Nope reppers know they have dysphoria or that something is dying I’m 100% non dysphoric like it’s very obvious.
What I do lack is authentic human connections. alas that will have to wait.


Dw I also love touching my tits and penis I would look hot af if I wasn’t skinnyfat

i don't mean it in an agp way

I’m not agp

why would i do that? why do you care abt ending all life? it is all pointless anyway and it won t bring any satisfaction since it doesn t reallly matter if you end life or not, you feel strong emotions so i assume that is way you want to end life but to me, it is whatever
i am not mentally ill

100% confirmed I’m not trans
I’m free
I’ll be a shitty low value male for life who will never be manly or have kids but that’s ok I didn’t really care anyway. Sucks I lasered my face beards are kinda cool. Oh well. Just have to figure how to slowly detrans now.

none of that applies to you???

being a gay male bottom is okay. just be fit and happy and be a good person and find a husband

just conform to my arbitrary standards

no, fuck you eat shit die suck my dick and do a barrel roll faggot

I don’t know

Haha faggot

I need to be killed cause I can’t do it myself

Please kill me

I tried
Goodbye see ya tmr

O.M.G., I am *literally* a weak-ass, bitch-ass cocksucker!!1

I don't call myself lesbian

there's no need to be shy about it

and my "feminist" opinions basically boils down to how much I hate men. also I don't like cars

i'll take that as a yes (lol)

hates men


will my dysphoria ever go away
i wonder if psychos are dysphoric cause if even they are then i am fucked

Hating men is based. Cis men that is.

i need to be normal. need to detrans and wash my brain on a diet of cod and zyns

what are zyns

Lari, your dysphoria will never go away. This is what people have told you for a year now. You need to start hormones again asap. Repping is not a cure for Dysphoria.
Shut up. That's retarded.

actually it isnt being a malebrained gym rat twink will be based

It is based af. You're right, if you were a cis man with no dysphoria.

can i suck your titties vampy
are they big?

im not being shy, I think sexuality labels are stupid and even if I liked sexuality labels, I still think it's not a label does not belong to me as calling yourself lesbian when youre a tranny is absolutely embarrassing
you should hate men too

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i can be a cis man with dysphoria. i just want to be a theymab gay man with exclusively mtf friends

look guys
we have a TERF trapped in a male body
*cuckles* i can only try to imagine the twisted psychology of this fascinating specimen

if you think hating men = terf you need to be lobotomized. trans women are literally the only people i care about

larry would not be the first cannibalized on a plane crash scenario i think. hed be definitely the first to die but everyone would be too disgusted to even try eating him

I ain't picky

Larry has dysphoria and doesn’t transition

I don’t and am now a manmoder on hrt

Life is cruel ain’t it

he doesnt, larry is just a very bitter man mad he doesn't get pussy. so he posts here for attention

okay you're one of them bæddels or whatever twitter/tumblr shit but you had me w/

calling yourself lesbian when youre a tranny is absolutely embarrassing

come on bro, i taste like chicken i bet
you are trans and have dysphoria
nice theory

Ah unlucky
Incels are gross as always

i am just trans ok
just stop with the weird theories

I don’t and am not

Take hrt

to be baeddel you need to be a feminist, i honest to god just hate men and everything related to them.
also thats just an uncomfy brainworm, ignore it please :3

you are trans and that is no proof at all

Incels are gross as always

you are female brained just for saying that, no man says that besides beta cuck liberals
my dysphoria will go away

If I had a trans gf to brutally beat me up abd force me to transition it would have been so easy. It would t matter what I am then. Gross I know idc. I’m a guy I’m allowed to be a disgusting pervert a little bit.

I do not have dysphoria it’s all fake.
Take hrt even if it does
You are an incel and so am i

dude I just wish I was a cis man

My manenis is hard again

no you don't that's a lie

Some cis men are ok ig

hold up, there are multiple people coping that they are not trans and have no dysphoria here at the same time??
also btw, i did the same when i stopped hrt for the first few weeks off it so i get, i thought that i am a cis man dysphoria free for a bit then but i just realized later that it was just copes

No it’s all me
Fishing for you sis hard

hate men

Why would i hate an entire sex? women suck too? how simple is your brain?

damn bro i slept through the whole thread. men be yapping.

you are just like a cute female brained puppy
you must be under a lot amount of pain and stress if you are so desperate to cope like that, i can relate and understand cause i also felt extreme pain and desperation like that, i feel kinda bad for you

yes I do
thank you queen

I’m gonna fucking murder you
I’m not a woman
I’m not cute or w/e the fuck your sick sexual fetish is
Fuck you loroid
I’m cis male on hrt and I will be detransing soon
Fuck you gross incel

fuck how did i even mess my post up that badly?

how to be the safe weird sexually neutral autistic guy that always hangs around a tranny social circle as a nonsafe weird asexual but perverted autistic malewithtits that doesn’t like other trannies

he measures his body

Not a real manmoder

how to get called an egg irl by irl redditors irl

asexuality isn't real

I’m male so it’s king to you

t. woman

you really talk like one desu

Fuck you gross incel

what man says that????

Just be normal and authentic wth is wrong with you

kill yourself, gatekeeper
it's a little something called gender dysphoria

I am a self hating incel on hrt I castrated myself for fun and recreation I’m not a woman never was never will be I’m 100% male.
Can do so e else give me (you)s this is dragging on

Ok you can now proceed with your manmode madam

i just saw your developments last couple of weeks and this mental illness is interesting to me

I’m 100% male.

then leave now, you don t belong here anymore

getting cucked by vampy....

I will leave soon

you will just come back, you are dysphoric and weak, do you have any money left? maybe you could give them to me before you rope, not like you will need them anyway

I’m not dysphoric but I will admit I’m weak af
I have nothing

this thread is AIDS, somebody make a new one.

see ya tomorrow luv
ok, i will make a new one


Why do people treat me like this do weird fuvking faggots

erm, is this yours?

Sorry my stds made me do this
No it’s my dead cat’s

bc you are a sweetie

Idk why you think that’s the case from my posts
Fuvking Larry what an incel to trans beacon of mental illness

the internet is the main reason i have """"""dysphoria""""""

Literally this

i had dysphoria before i had the internet

Trutrans queen…..

i’m not trans either

based and definitely not trans pilled

I need to enter the cuddle pole but im a disgusting moid

it's normal for men to hate themselves for turning into ugly, stinky, hairy, greasy, horny, balding rapebeasts post-puberty. that's normal and men have always dealt eith with it by focusing on other things. you're supposed to get dropped out in gold chains and build wealth and strength to show off to mates and rivals, not beauty for your own enjoyment and self-satisfaction
vanity is a sin for men. you are what you accomplish. your clothing and body are meant to be utilitarian.
of course you find yourself ugly and women beautiful. we didn't evolve in a world where social media or even modern mirrors existed. you'd only ever see yourself faintly reflected in a rippling pool

New thread

autoheterosexuality is a life-ruining curse that the internet forced upon us

muh gender dysphoria isn't real cope

you're supposed to leave that SHIT back in repgen