So if in 2025 trump outlaws all transition an gives you the option to detransition or be imprisoned/displaced...

So if in 2025 trump outlaws all transition an gives you the option to detransition or be imprisoned/displaced, what do you intend on doing?

Violence against the state only serves to have reprisals and further measures used against you, keep in mind before you go on about your malebrained desire to kill federal agents.

Violence against the state

this! :D

Go to tranny jail and get raped doggystyle with my hand held behind my back

Malebrained because you only make it worse for others in the aftermath of your death (inevitable).

lol ok if you say but I don't agree and I don't care, if the state attempts to inflict violence on me I'm not letting it happen

Legit scheduled FFS consult because of how fucky things might get soon. If this happened i would just chill in my sanctuary city / state. If things got really fucky then I would stockpile E and retreat to mountains with guns.

Leave America befoe it gets that bad kek.

I wish I could go back in time 20 years and ask people to explain everything in this image

the state isnt real
its just a bunch of monkeys wearing suits who collectively decide to oppress other monkeys
I am looking out for myself and myaelf only, there is no real reason for me to give away my plans in amy case

20 years ago 9/11 and iraq were still fresh in everyone's minds
some people were unironically worried about a draft for the iraq war and it potentially escalating

How are you gonna get ffs when he does the whole "ban federal funds to any entity that gives treatment to trannies" bit he said he was gonna do?
That's like 90% of insurance companies, clinics, and health systems.

no trump will allow only straight mtfs to transition

All mtfs are predators in the eyes of conservative women, and gay men in the eyes of liberal women.

Why do you think the right wants to ban trannies in public and private places, and liberals all love rupaul. youre either an enemy or a piece of amusement.

not american but if i was i'd choose violence against the state
might go to right wing events and kill a bunch of randoms while im on it

Do you understand the concept of reprisals? Not only will the state and its actors gladly partake in them, youre liable to instigate conflicts with your neighbors and your local populations as well.

In almost every major conflict in the world where the US was involved they found more than willing people that would rat out their own cultural and religious members to others for money and protection.

You dont win and you actually make it worse for the others.

we take conservative men from their women then
all joking aside they don't see as predators but as slaves who don't know their place

i dont give a shit nigga if its bad for me then i'll drag everyone else to hell with me

Dude, im just a butch dyke and i get shit from people because of ticktockers! I didnt Do anything! Im just gay.

I think its more this.

In almost every major conflict in the world where the US was involved

consider, for example, what happened every major conflict in the world where the US was involved since Vietnam. US won, right?

It's not gonna happen and there's no point in humoring it. I'd rather deal with realistic problems than to scream about what it's.

What ifs*

stupid take. the US loses.

So if dr. schnoozman jinglefart from the planet poopsmear-666D arrives with his fleet of spaceships, takes over the earth and makes posesssing/posting/looking at photos and drawings (excluding oil paintings by Nicaraguan female painters that are older than 60 specifically) of clowns or people in clown makeup, what do you intend on doing?

Violence against the poopsmearian empire and governor jinglefart only serves to have reprisals and further measures used against you, keep in mind before you go on about your silly desire to post clown makeup tutorials on PoopsmearTube

we need to collectivize and rebel before it is too late

Hell no! im a girl, men wait for me to be vulnerable. Nope! im going to stay in my tower thank you very much. Its safe here. You youngens go duke it out.

the problem is men going to discard you when women tell them to do so

sure but some are more women than others at least to cissies

you are implying that most troons in the us aren't transitioning via diy hrt and then perma boymoding

which is false

DIY isn't some viel of secrecy. The govt can purchase your internet history for cents and the major package delivery services will be forced to comply with any new regulations involving increased scruitiny around pharmaceuticals. Once they catch you doing it once, even if it isn't "illegal" to the point of prosecution, they just add you to a growing list of people who are more heavily scrutinized, like they do in the UK, Scandinavian countries, and more.

Yeah, idk if I would consider the US government the losers when they stack a quarter million trannies in prison camps where youre abused and defiled. It doesnt matter if you survive, you're still fucked up mentally and physically for the rest of your life and have basically nothing to go back to. Look how bad the internship in ww2 fucked up the japanese communities? It took decades for some to get back their property and some never did.

i would simply pay my taxes, vote democrat, watch as everyone i love is displaced or killed by local enforcement or ICE, and wait my turn. what the fuck do you think we’ll do? try to change our circumstances? choose hopeful suffering over hopeless suffering? nobody in history ever did that before, we’re cooked.

Nope! There will be no "discarding" i literally dont fuck with men. Like i'll talk to them, but im safe. (for now) i did everything for me just in case the shit that went down would ever go down. Im good, thanks.
You know all that shit trumptards be talking about, "women hate being single, living on their own with no kids"? welp, im actually really happy not having to worry about men. All women should set themselves up to be in a safe place, and learn to be alone. Its vital to their survival. I dont see society being able to get away from trump until ALL men see how much they paid for trumptardedness.

moving to taiwan or thailand to establish some sort of trans network in east and southeast asia

Hypothetically, I would choose to be displaced since detrooning is a crueler fate than death
Realistically, I’m not not poor or retarded enough to get filtered by le law

You really dont have any anonymity left on this interwebs. Any entity that wants to stalk you or find your browser history literally can do it because even TOR and shit arn't safe against govts.

Your webdata is sold to anyone who wants it and your HRT packages go through entities subject to federal regulations.

If they want they can do whatever they want, they have the govt power and the supreme court only hears cases by those with money and resources to actually get a case past state and federal appeal courts, aka 5 years down the line and 2 million dollars later.

There’s literally a regular r9k thread where people openly talk about buying heroin

implying that the common diy sites are the only other way to get hrt

Yeah and unless they openly talk about their locations, their dealers names and addresses/numbers, and other identifying information, theres almost no risk in admitting to buying heroin online.

Think before you speak.

Go away! Save your lives!

Fuck, don't make me laugh. This shit doesn't work! I've already checked.

*Russian trans migrant*

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i am going to leap through the screen and strangle the next person who repeats this completely backwards take. it's so stupid and convenient it HAS to be a psyop of some kind.

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You can move to Europe. Many countries have normal legislation regarding transgender people.

All southern countries, like Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece.

All northern countries, like Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden.

Only one country is doing badly to trans people - Belgium. Because Orban, Putin's boot licker, is there.

if they wants my pills they can come try and take them

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le smug self contradiction

people buy hard drugs and all kinds of illegal shit on the internet man, hrt is the least of the government's worries

Anon, half of the issue with drugs was planned by the federal govt. Theres a reason why they dont put street level dealers in prison for 50 years, because they dont give a shit and they want the ability to persecute niggers and poor people with impunity.

Thats the point of the war on drugs, the patriot act, and more, to give more power to the govt to do what they want to who they want, when they want to.

"i will just ignore the very real statements the president elect made about trans people and their access to healthcare"

Big think.

several of those countries require years of psychiatry before a formal diagnosis.

Remember the warsaw uprising, remember the mi lai massacre, tiananmen square, etc?

Resistance comes at a very heavy cost, and often times that cost is never recouped.

Massacres of (mostly) unarmed civilians are not exemplary of your point.