I'm wondering if I'm the only one this happened to:
be autistic straight male
can't approach women
cope with high sex drive by masturbating to pictures of women.
become completely starved for attention, touch, sex, and romance
finally break, decide to have sex with men to alleviate the crushing loneliness.
find out that having sex with men is ridiculously easy, begin to rack up body count.
begin taking estrogen to increase appeal to men.
get orchiectomy (castration)
body is so used to receiving male penetration that automatically think of men while aroused.
still attracted to women despite severe erectile dysfunction/castration.
have only had relationships with men.
mfw every time I see a hot woman I am reminded of the fact that I made myself into a bitch because I couldn't approach women.
feel like I've been totally dominated by women and forced to literally become one of them.
Am I the only one??