Do you think this 6’4 person would be raped as soon as they entered the men’s bathroom?

Do you think this 6’4 person would be raped as soon as they entered the men’s bathroom?

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Trans women are men.

I don’t think trans women should use the men’s bathroom and that even if they don’t pass they should use the women’s but why do trans women assume that if they walk into the men’s bathroom they will automatically assaulted/raped? It implies men are feral animals that can’t control the most basic impulses

terminally online omegahons like wu think being misandrist helps them pass

men beat and kill sissy faggots and trannies for fun wdym?

How do y'all manage to get raped in the bathroom? What are you doing?

if i don’t get to use the womens bathroom i will get raped, chud!

why are hons like this? like i don’t want a bathroom ban for trannies where i can’t use the womens but im not gonna get raped in the mens, and i’m willing to go as far as to go into the mens bathroom and use the urinal to proof my point. and like i stealth so im more likely to get raped than brickanna wu in general, but it’s still not gonna happen if i go into the mens. maybe ill get kicked out for being a woman, in which case i proof both hons and terfs wrong at the same time.

i use the mens room all the time and the most thats happened is ppl doing double takes on their way in or janitors trying to lead me to the other one. though ive been harassed before in public so while not rape i can still get why thatd be a concern
that said im going to throw brianna wu off a rooftop. hate that bitch so much

Haha what a pick me. Learning the hard way even the goodest of nazi lapdog jews were forced on the trains.

When we're in the camps I'm going to laugh in the faces of the pick mes and tokens

That's because they asked for it by hiding the fact they're trans during dates

i wish it was only that. in my early transition i had random niggers in minneapolis upset over my mere existence.

I mean, just by the numbers, I was living at home and hiding I was trans for about 3 years and someone took peep photographs (saw the strobe flash from the camera) of me once in while I was changing in a men's room before going home, and then in the decade of 100% using women's rooms I've never had an incident.
So, no, "men are feral animals" is not true. But just by the math it's less trouble on the course of years and decades, where one bad experience can be life-changing.

i am 5'6" but men don't rape me they try to protect me?

Part of autogynephilia is getting off on the helplessness. The fear of getting assaulted or sexualized makes them feel euphoric.

Considering that even military men will sometimes get raped when on the losing side of a battle... yeah. It is an act of hate. The most transphobic of my family members is also the one who inappropriately touched me (post-transition).

It implies men are feral animals that can’t control the most basic impulses

then why don't we put cis women in mens bathrooms as well?

Guys need a break sometimes you know

Do you think this 6’4 person would be raped

Not 6'4" but I got raped by a couple guys pre hrt and I'm 5'9". I even had a couple of women attempt to. It can happen to anyone.

as soon as they entered the men’s bathroom?

This is just silly and I think Wu is a narcissist. Im usually more terrified of being beaten to death than that happening

as a cis man, i know that men are feral animals. if passoids are in my bathroom, i will grope and film them. yw ladies, im an ally.


doesnt exist btw

dunce post babes it very obviously exists it just doesn't have the same societal power structure enforcing it on a widespread level like misogyny does it's still very much a real and irrational attitude to take either way xx

I'm a 5'2" passoid that uses the men's room to meme and I've never been raped.

irrational attitude

humor me, how is it irrational

random niggers

That's because they have incredibly low IQ.

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humor me

no xx

well thank you for the admission that you're just wrong
being weary of men is not at all the same as hating women

your post was about it not existing babes scroll up xx

yes, hatred of men does not exist
being careful around and weary of men is statistically the correct thing to do in every situation
misogyny is men saying they want to hurt, rape, and kill women, simply for being women
memsandry is women looking at the violent stats caused by misogyny and saying nah I'm good
testosterone is literally a poison, every man has it coursing through his veins, every man is therefore capable of great violence


oh ok neat
post a pic for proof

treat all AMaBs as monsters

they start to become monsters


hurt, rape, and kill women

Only happens to those who deserve it though

bro they've always been lmfao
this is why misandry is not at all like misogyny

lol xe deserves this for supporting transtition restrictions for ftms. I hope this ugly honster gets forcefully injected with testosterone

I can confirm that the men's restroom is just a constant gangrape
we can smell bottoms coming from down the hall and get ready to ambush them as they walk into the door
it doesn't matter how big you are, it doesn't matter how much training you have, there are too many of us
we throw tactical manlets to jump on your head and rape your face to throw you off balance
the floor is so slick with cum that any attempt at escape is futile
after we're done you are assimilated into the rapemind and you will join us forever

Correct. Misandry affects innocents, misogyny only hits those who deserve it.

benis bagina bafrooms

daily reminder that the solution is obvious
pic related - most new schools and many universities are already changing to gender neutral bathrooms.

the cissy obsession with pooping around people of the same sex is bizarre

they start to become monsters

lmaooo the cope
cause and effect reversed there bud

pls kill urself, thanks

this is what happens to people's brains on politics. people need to stop scrolling and touch grass sometimes

I'm part fo the toilet manlet gooner squadron and i concur


agree with and promote rhetoric that all males are violent rapists waiting to happen

act surprised when radfems start seeing all amabs, including trans women, that way

radfem tranners are funny